Federal Pacific Electric Company

Wasserman, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray. Hill, N. J. ... 4:00—Kinetic Studies of Excited Triplets in Enzyme Co- factors by ... AsCIs-KO...
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2:00 Isotope Effects in Electron Spin Resonance Spectra. George K. Fraenkel, Columbia University, Dept. of Chem­ istry, 866 Chandler, New York, Ν. Υ. 10027. 2:30 Application of ESR Spectroscopy of Problems of Structure and Conformation. Aliphatic Semidiones. Glen A. Russell, Iowa State University, Dept. of Chemistry, Ames, Iowa. 50010. 3:00 Some Studies of Triplet States by ESR. Edel Wasserman, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, N. J. 07971. 3:30 Selective Formation of Radicals in Organic Solids. Hanan C. Heller, Ford Scientific Laboratory, Chemistry Dept, P. O. Box 2053, Dearborn, Mich. 48121. 4:00—Kinetic Studies of Excited Triplets in Enzyme Cofactors by ESR. Lawrence H. Piette, University of Hawaii., Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1801 University Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. 96822. 4:30 ESR Studies of Radiolytically Generated Radicals. Richard W. Fessenden, Mellon Institute, 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213.

Roller Smith Precision Balances offer outstanding quality with unique versatility.

ELECTRON PROBE SYMPOSIUM Monday Evening—Ball Room R. M. Fisher, Presiding

8:00 Microprobe Accessories for Expanded Analytical Capability. V. G. Macres, O. Preston, Materials Analysis Co., 8 1 Encina Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94301. 8:20 X-Ray Spectrometer Performance as a Function of Electron Probe Geometry. R. A. Abelmann, R. E. Jones, Applied Research Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 1710, Glendale, Calif. 91209. 8:40 Analysis with the AMR/4 Probescope. R. E. Ogilvie, Advanced Metals Research Corp. Burlington, Mass. 01804. 9:00 Micron Size Intermetallic Phase Identification in Thermocompression Bonds on Integrated Circuits. C. C. Nealey, K. t . Kamber, C. W. Laakso, Autonetics, Division of North American Aviation, Inc. 3370 Miraloma Ave., Anaheim, Calif. 92803. 9:20 Electron Probe Determination of Cr Doping Levels in Al203. G. W. Bruno, S. H. Moll, Advanced Metals Research Corp., Burlington, Mass. 01804. 9:40 Electron Probe Analysis of the Carbon Κ Spectrum from Nonstoichiometric Titanium Carbides. S. H. Moll, D. M. Koffman, Advanced Metals Research Corp., Burling­ ton, Mass. 01804. 10:00 The Analysis of Plant Tissue with the Microprobe. A. L. Kenworthy, Michigan State University, Dept of Horticulture, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, Michi­ gan, H. T. Dryer, Applied Research Laboratories, Inc. 20220 W. Outer Drive, Dearborn, Mich. 48124. NMR AND ESR SPECTROSCOPY

Roller Smith Precision Balances combine quality construc­ tion with great versatility. Each balance may be tared to increase its basic range by a factor of three with constant sensitivity and accuracy. All models are easily portable and require no special environment. And repetitive weighings can be performed with utmost speed by means of a conven­ ient beam lock and release. Each Roller Smith balance has a rugged, light weight, die cast aluminum case and a modern design that's func­ tionally suited for ease of operation. Extremely fine senitivity with precise accuracy is maintained for decades because of their durable construction. The LH series, which is compensated for temperature and humidity changes has an accuracy of Vio of 1%. The LG series balances provide a wide variety of models calibrated in milligrams, grams and grains with an accuracy of Vs of 1%. All models are economically priced making the Roller Smith Balances ideal for use in education, research and quality control, or a second balance for all labs. The most recent addition to the Roller Smith heritage, is the Rosano Surface Tensiometer. Employing the Wilhelmy principle, measurement of surface tensions and pressures may be obtained with greater accuracy and ease than is cus­ tomarily realized with prior instrumentation. Model





Basic Range




98 dyne/cm

Tared Capacity




294 dyne/cm

One Scale D i \ .




.382 dyne/cm





.04 dyne/cm


1 mg.



.19 dyne/cm





Monday Evening—Pittsburgh Room C. E. Griffin, Presiding

8:00 The NMR Spectro of Alkyl Pyridines. F. R. Mc­ Donald, G. L. Cook, Laramie Petroleum Research Center, U. S. Bureau of Mines, P. O. Box 3395, University Sta­ tion, Wyo. 82071. 8:20 A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Nitrimino-Nitramino Equilibria. J. U. Lowe, Jr., A. S. Tompa, R. D. Barefoot, R. Evans, U. S. Naval Propellant Plant, Indian Head, Md. 20640. 8:40 NMR Study of the Reaction of α-Cellulose in SbClsAsCls-KOH Systems. H. A. Szymanski, R. E. Yelin, Canisius College, Buffalo, Ν. Υ. 14208. 9:00—ESR Studies of Triplet States in Triphenylene and THF. H. Hasegawa, T. Maruyama, Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd., Nakagami-cho 1418, Akishima, Tokyo, Japan. 9:20 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Coals during


These and other Roller Smith Precision Balances are available through your laboratory supply house. For more information, send for our 16 page, full line catalog. Write to F e d e r a l Pacific E l e c t r i c Company, 50 P a r i s S t r e e t , Newark 1, New Jersey.


Federal Pacific Electric Company Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card V O L . 3 8 , N O . 2 , FEBRUARY