Fellowships available in solid-state chemistry - C&EN Global Enterprise

May 4, 1992 - Abstract. First Page Image. Corporate Research Laboratories of Exxon Research & Engineering Co. is continuing its sponsorship of a $7000...
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some employers are attempting to ease the way: Younger men have begun to take extended leave for child care, paternity leave has surfaced, and a number of men are relocating for the sake of their spouse's career. A full report on the "1991 Survey of Domestic Status, Employment, and Attitudes of Men & Women ACS Members" will be issued by the ACS Office of Professional Services this summer. •

CAS cuts prices further for on-line database use Chemical Abstracts Service will take another step in its shift away from time-based charging for use of its online databases on June 1. At that time, connect-hour charges for all CAS files on STN International, except learning files, will be lowered to $29. Connecthour charges for the affected files currently are as high as $72. CAS lowered the connect-hour charge for the learning files to $15 earlier this year. CAS began a shift away from timebased charging in 1988, placing greater emphasis on charges for the number of terms used in a search statement and answers displayed. In the June 1 price shift, search-term and time charges will be adjusted so that, allowing for the effect of system and file enhancements, the same searching patterns in CAS files on STN will yield about the same revenue to CAS. The new search-term charges will range from 45 cents in the CApreviews file to $2.85 in the Registry file. Charges for answer displays are not being changed. Along with the price shift, CAS will introduce changes in its Registry file that will improve searching efficiency and searching speed for chemical names, classes of substances, and ring systems. Response time for all CAS files on STN International has been improved over the past six months and will be improved more in June. As a result of the system and pricing changes, the cost of any given search is likely to change—upward or downward. James V. Seals Jr., director of marketing and corporate development for CAS, says CAS believes the price of an on-line search should reflect the value of the search to the user, not the length of time the user is connected to the host computer, which can vary greatly according

to the speed of the user's equipment, the particular on-line service accessed, the particular database searched, and the time of day the search is made. "Our price shift is meant to place the charges where the value is—on the content, quality, and organization of the database, which are the result of the database producer's editorial processes," Seals says. Largely because of connect-time pricing of on-line searches, Seals points out, many techniques and much technology have evolved to minimize the time a searcher is connected to a database to conduct a search. The response of most on-line service operators and database producers to these developments has been to increase connect-hour charges to compensate for the decreasing time the searcher is connected to the database. Seals says the very high connect-time charges that have resulted place the highest charges on a parameter that has no relationship at all to the value of the on-line search and discourage users from making full use of the interactive capabilities of on-line searching by pressuring them to minimize the time they are connected to a database. "We believe that the lower connecthour charges will enable searchers to browse in files, test their queries, review potential answers, and reformulate their search strategies at a thoughtful pace," Seals says. "We believe that by doing so, they will realize a much greater value for their on-line searching dollar." •


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Fellowships available in solid-state chemistry Corporate Research Laboratories of Exxon Research & Engineering Co. is continuing its sponsorship of a $7000 fellowship in solid-state chemistry. Selection of the fellowship recipient is administered by the Solid-State Subdivision of the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry. The fellowship will be presented at the 1992 fall ACS national meeting, and includes up to $500 to assist with the recipient's travel expenses. The recipient of the fellowship must hold a tenure-track faculty position at an American university and not be more than six years beyond the Ph.D. degree at the closing date for nominations. The purpose of the grant is to support solid-state chemistry as a recognized discipline and to encourage

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MAY 4,1992 C&EN 51



greater participation in this branch of chemistry. Nominations must contain three copies of the following: a onepage summary of current research in­ terests; a publications list; copies of not more than three recent publications; a

I&EC advisory board 1992 advisory board members for Industnal & Engineenng Chemistry Research were omitted in the March 30 issue of C&EN. New members: Michael J. Antal Jr., Gilbert F. Froment, Louis Hegedus, Joji Oka, D. T. Wu. Continuing to serve: Gary E. Blau, James R. Fair, Aage Fredenslund, Carlos E. Garcia, Fred­ erick J. Karol, Charles L. Liotta, William H. Manogue, Thomas J. McAvoy, Richard D. Noble, Robert C. Reid, Peter R. Sperry, William J. Ward III, Ralph T. Yang. Terms ex­ pired: D. R. Bauer, Cornelius F. Ivory, Klavs F. Jensen, Norman N. Li, J. F. Roth, D. M. Ruthven, Wal­ lace W. Schulz.

brief vitae; and three supporting letters (including that of the nominator). The deadline for nominations is June 26. All nomination materials and in­ quiries should be addressed to Bruce Scott, Chairman, ACS Solid-State Chemistry Subdivision, IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598, phone (914) 945-1802. Π

Call for nominations for student fellowships The ACS Division of Organic Chemis­ try is awarding 12 fellowships for the 1992-93 academic year to Ph.D. stu­ dents during their third or fourth year of study. The sponsors of the fellow­ ships are American Cyanamid, Dow Chemical Co. Foundation, Glaxo Re­ search Laboratories, ICI Americas Inc., Lilly Research Laboratories, Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories, Monsanto, Pfizer Inc., Proctor & Gam­

ble, R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Re­ search Institute, Rohm & Haas, and SmithKline Beecham. Nominations should be submitted by the candidate's Ph.D. adviser and consist of a résumé prepared by the candidate and two letters of reference—all in triplicate. The résumé should give personal data, education, professional experience, honors and awards, and a list of publications (reprints are not necessary, but preprints of unpublished papers should be included). Letters of reference should comment on the academic record, productivity, and career potential of the applicant. Evidence of research accomplishment will be an important factor in the selection of the award recipients. Applicants should be U.S. citizens or permanent resident visa holders. All application materials must be received by Dennis Liotta, Chairman, ACS Organic Division Fellowship Selection Committee, Department of Chemistry, Emory University, 1515 Pierce Dr., Atlanta, Ga. 30322, by June 1. Π

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MAY 4, 1992 C&EN

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