Femtosecond CARS of Binary Liquid Mixtures ... - ACS Publications

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J. Phys. Chem. A 1999, 103, 5655-5660


Femtosecond CARS of Binary Liquid Mixtures: Dephasing via Concentration Fluctuations in the Intermediate Regime F. Lindenberger, R. Sto1 ckl, B. P. Asthana,† and A. Laubereau* Physik-Department E11, Technische UniVersita¨ t Mu¨ nchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany ReceiVed: April 14, 1999

The symmetric CH3-stretching mode ν1 of CH3I is investigated in a solution of CDCl3 in the concentration range 7-100% and temperature interval 242-374 K using time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) with 250 fs pulses and magic polarization geometries. Striking deviations from simple exponential relaxation dynamics are reported for mixtures with mole fractions around 0.5. Analysis of the concentration dependence allows to distinguish the dephasing contribution of concentration fluctuations with correlation time >1 ps, indicating the intermediate case for this relaxation mechanism. The results are well described by the Knapp-Fischer model for concentration fluctuations, yielding a molecular residence time in the solvation layer of 1.1-3.2 ps in the temperature range 242-374 K in accordance with theoretical estimates.

1. Introduction The rapid molecular motion in liquids at ambient temperatures in general leads to small deviations of the observed spectral band shape for a vibrational transition from a simple Lorentzian equivalent to exponential dephasing in time domain.1 The corresponding values of the vibrational correlation time τc characterizing the time scale of the (dominant) relaxation mechanism2 are well in the subpicosecond time domain, suggesting dephasing close to the homogeneous case in the neat liquid.3 In liquid mixtures, the situation may be different, although previous investigations of spontaneous Raman spectroscopy could not unambiguously unravel the details of the relaxation dynamics.4 The time-resolved techniques have considerably advanced in recent years, introducing three-color fs-CARS.5 A polarization technique was invented to separate the purely vibrational dynamics6 and investigate dephasing mechanisms in several cases.3,7 Echo techniques were developed and applied to a few number of systems, e.g. Raman echo measurements of molecular vibrations of several liquids.8,9 For selected systems with particularly long dephasing times, infrared photon echo measurements could also be demonstrated.10 In this report, we demonstrate that the time domain CARS technique is well suited to study details of the relaxation process and observe deviations from the simple exponential case. The binary mixture CH3I:CDCl3 is investigated and shown to represent the intermediate relaxation case for concentrations around 50% with average correlation times τc up to 1 ps. Measurements of the concentration dependence allow to uniquely separate the dephasing contribution by concentration fluctuations, the time scale of which is determined to be 3.2-1.1 ps in the temperature range 242-374 K. The system CH3I:CDCl3 was studied by IR spectroscopy more than two decades ago.11,12 Do¨ge et al.4 carried out the first Raman study on the band shapes of ν1 vibration of CH3I in the neat liquid as well as in mixtures with CDCl3. The line width of the ν1 band displayed a peculiar concentration dependence * Corresponding author. † On leave from Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India.

with a maximum at a mole fraction of x ) 0.5, in both the IR and Raman studies. Bondarev and Mardaeva11 explained this dependence in terms of additional line broadening via slow concentration fluctuations assuming a stationary concentration distribution of Gaussian shape in a microscopic volume around the reference molecule. This assumption based on Anderson and Kubo theory2,13 leads to a symmetric line-width dependence around x ) 0.5 not observed for some examples. Knapp and Fischer14,15 included the dynamical aspect into the theory, i.e., concentration fluctuations due to diffusion, in order to explain a more general type of concentration dependence and line broadening. The available spectroscopic data, however, did not allow to determine the time scale of the dephasing mechanism unambiguously. Muller et al.8 reported recently evidence for spectral diffusion in Raman echo observations of the 50% mixture. From a comparison with CARS and conventional Raman data, an inhomogeneous broadening contribution was deduced with a lifetime of 4-7 ps at room temperature and assigned to concentration fluctuations. 2. Experimental Section The basic features of the experimental setup were discussed in detail previously6,7 and are only briefly described here. The main component is a pulsed, hybrid mode-locked dye laser, synchronously pumped by an amplified and frequency-doubled Nd:YLF laser16 with repetition rate 50 Hz. After multipass dye amplification of a single pulse, part of the laser radiation is directed to a quartz plate for continuum generation. Out of the produced spectral broadening, two frequency bands are selected by pairs of interference filters and amplified in two additional dye amplifiers for the generation of Stokes-shifted and probing pulses with adjustable frequencies. Together with the second part of the laser pulse, three different input pulses of approximately 250 fs duration and 50-70 cm-1 width are accomplished for femtosecond CARS experiments. Using λ/2 plates and Glan polarizers, parallel polarization of the input laser and Stokes pulses is adjusted, while the polarization plane of the probe pulse is inclined by 60°. The coherent Raman scattering of the 2 mm sample cell is measured behind an analyzing polarizer in a small acceptance angle in phase-

10.1021/jp991228f CCC: $18.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society Published on Web 06/26/1999

5656 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 103, No. 29, 1999

Lindenberger et al.

matching direction and at the proper anti-Stokes frequency position, using dielectric filters with a bandwidth of 80 cm-1, adjustable neutral filters, and a photomultiplier. The mentioned polarization geometry allows to adjust magic angles θ for the orientation of the analyzer of the CARS signal.6,7 The instrumental response function, determined by a measurement of the nonresonant scattering in carbon tetrachloride (see below, eq 3) decays exponentially over an accessible dynamic range of 106 with a slope of 1/60 fs-1, the latter value indicating the available experimental time resolution. 3. “Magic” Three-Color CARS The polarization interference in femtosecond CARS was demonstrated recently.6 It was shown that the third-order nonlinear polarization responsible for coherent Raman scattering consists of three parts showing different time and polarization behavior:

Piso(t) ) FisoEP(t-tD) Paniso(t) ) FanisoEP(t-tD)

∫-∞t φvib(t-t′) EL(t′) ES(t′)* dt′


∫-∞t φvib(t-t′) φor(t-t′) EL(t′) ES(t′)* dt′ (2)

Pnr(t) ) FnrEP(t-tD) EL(t) ES(t)*


The subscripts iso, aniso, and nr, respectively, label the isotropic, anisotropic, and nonresonant parts of the nonlinear polarization P that generates the CARS signal. EP, EL, and ES denote the electric field amplitudes of the three input pulses (probe, laser, and Stokes) with corresponding frequency positions ωP, ωL, and ωS. φvib and φor, respectively, represent the vibrational and orientational autocorrelation functions of individual molecules; a collective (delocalized) character of the vibrational modes is not included in the theoretical treatment that also assumes statistical independence of vibrational and reorientational relaxation. tD is the delay time of the probe pulse relative to the coincident excitation pulses, laser and Stokes. Equations 1 and 2 refer to the resonant case, ωL - ωS ) ω0, where the latter quantity denotes the vibrational transition frequency. The polarization geometry enters into eqs 1-3 via the prefactors F that are explicitly known.6 The F’s are also governed by different coupling constants: the isotropic and anisotropic components of the Raman scattering tensor and the nonresonant part of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility enter alternatively eqs 1-3. The experimental CARS signal is proportional to the convolution integral of the intensity of the probing pulse ∝ EP(t-tD)2 with the absolute value squared of the total third-order polarization, |P|2. It was shown recently6,7 that for three polarization situations (analyzer orientations θ) one of the three prefactors on the rhs of eqs 1-3 alternatively vanishes. The corresponding angles are the magic values θ ) 49.1°, -30°, and -60°. The resulting CARS signal contains only the remaining two contributions and represents more specific information. Measurements with the three magic angles allow to determine the three scattering components with different time dependencies uniquely. It was also demonstrated that the proper deconvolution of the isotropic scattering component related to Piso (see eq 1) from CARS data is crucial for a measurement of the correlation time τc of the vibrational relaxation process.3 4. Theoretical Models for Dephasing As a consequence of linear response theory, the time evolution of a molecular vibration excited by two coherent optical fields,

EL and ES (see eqs 1 and 2), is described by the vibrational autocorrelation function φvib, where

φvib(t) ) 〈q(0) q(t)〉


Here the brackets 〈 〉 represent an ensemble average over the molecules in the excitation volume and q(t) is the quantummechanical expectation value of the vibrational amplitude generated by the pump fields. Neglecting pair correlation effects, the same expression governs the spectral bandshape in spontaneous Raman spectroscopy.1 Using the Anderson-Kubo theory,2,13 an explicit expression can be derived for this function (t g 0)17

φvib(t) ) exp{-τc/T2[exp(-t/τc) - 1] - t/T2}


where two parameters, T2 and τc, are introduced. The oscillatory part of φvib is omitted here. Equation 5 dwells on the assumption that the variations of the transition frequency of a molecule due to interaction with its environment follow a Gaussian distribution about a central frequency ω0 with width ∆ω. The correlation time τc represents a (model-specific) measure of the time scale of the frequency fluctuations, the rms amplitude of which is given by Γ. The asymptotic exponential decay predicted by eq 5 is determined by the dephasing time T2 and expected for very general arguments. T2 is related to the other parameters by

T2 ) (Γ2τc)-1


In the general case, more than one relaxation mechanism contributes notably to the dephasing of a vibrational transition. Assuming the relaxation processes to be statistically independent, the total autocorrelation function φeff results from a simple superposition of the individual mechanisms i with autocorrelation functions φvib,i according to m

φeff(t) )

∏i φvib,i(t)


where m is the number of relaxation channels. The φvib,i are governed by their individual parameter sets T2,i, τc,i, and Γi. The asymptotic relaxation behavior predicted by eqs 5 and 7 is again exponential with effective dephasing rate 1/T2 ) ∑1/T2,i, i.e., additive individual rates. In the following we will confine ourselves to the explicit discussion of two relaxation processes, only, for a molecule A (in the following, CH3I) in the binary mixture with solvent B (e.g. CDCl3), yielding φeff ) φaφb from eq 7; the subscript vib is omitted in the following. The first relaxation channel (a) represents the effect of concentration fluctuations of neighboring molecules A and B in the solvation layer around the probed molecule and will be discussed below in more detail. The second mechanism (b) accounts for the dephasing in the neat liquid A that may originate from the repulsive part of the intermolecular interaction including energy relaxation.18 A third mechanism (c), accounting for the corresponding dephasing interaction of the sample molecule A with solvent molecules B, will be assumed to numerically equal to mechanism (b) within experimental accuracy and thus incorporated in φb. Knapp and Fischer14,15 developed a theoretical model for the vibrational dephasing of binary liquid mixtures that is analytically tractable due to certain model assumptions. According to this approach, the probed molecule A in a mixture A + B is influenced by a certain number N of nearest neighbors (N e 8). The nearest neighbor can be a type A or a type B molecule,

Femtosecond CARS of Binary Liquid Mixtures

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depending on concentration, and influences the probed molecule independently and irrespective of whether another neighbor is of type A or B. Now, the vibrational frequency and line width of A is found in general to be concentration dependent; as a consequence, the exchange of a type A by a type B molecule in the solvation layer is assumed to cause a frequency shift ∆ω and a change in bandwidth ∆γ. Interaction with non-nearest neighbors is neglected. With respect to the experimental situation, we restrict the following discussion of the theoretical model to the special case ∆γ ) 0. The vibrational frequency of reference molecule A is given by

ω ) ω0 - (N/2 - nB)∆ω


where nB is the momentary number of molecules B in the solvation layer (0 e nB e N). Equation 8 leads to a binomial frequency distribution ω replacing the Gaussian distribution mentioned above in context with eq 5. nB varies in the liquid because of diffusion. For rapid changes in the solvation shell, the frequency jumps ∆ω are smeared out and motional narrowing occurs similar to the Anderson-Kubo theory. Introducing a constant exchange rate R for the molecules in the solvation shell (same value for molecules A and B) and assuming that the replacement of a molecule in the shell does not involve a phase change of the vibrating sample molecule A, the Knapp-Fischer model arrives at the autocorrelation function (t g 0):

φ1(t) ) {exp(-st)[cosh(rt) + s/r sinh(rt)]}N


Here the complex quantities s, r are introduced that depend on concentration; for our special case ∆γ ) 0, they read

s ) R/2 - i(x - 1/2)∆ω



r ) {[(R2 - ∆ω2)2 + 4(2x - 1)2∆ω2R2]1/2 + R2 ∆ω2}1/2/23/2 - i∆ω{[(R2 - ∆ω2)2 + 4(2x 1)2∆ω2R2]1/2 - R2 + ∆ω2}1/2/|23/2∆ω| (11) The concentration, i.e., mole fraction of A is denoted by x. In the following the model is used for comparison with experimental data only in the case R > |∆ω|, where its discrete frequency distribution is smeared out by motional narrowing. Equation 9 supplemented by eqs 10 and 11, may be considered as a special formulation of φa mentioned above, with an explicit prediction of the concentration dependence. For short t, φ1 decays nonexponentially in qualitative agreement with eq 5. For large t, φ1 recovers the expected exponential decay representing the Markovian limit with decay rate

1/T2,a ) NR/2 - N{[(R2 - ∆ω2)2 + 4(2x - 1)2∆ω2R2]1/2 + R2 - ∆ω2}1/2/23/2} (12) In the limit of very fast motional narrowing, R . ∆ω, eqs 9-11 predict simple exponential decay, as required for dephasing in the homogeneous limit, with 1/T2,a ) ∆ω2[1 + (2x - 1)2]N/ (4R). The additional relaxation mechanisms (b) and (c) besides concentration fluctuations in the solvation shell, mentioned above, are expressed in the model by simple exponentials, i.e., assuming τc,i = 0 for the corresponding processes (i ) 2, 3; see eq 5). The corresponding dephasing rates can be condensed into a single constant 1/T2,b, so that we simply have (t g 0):

φ2(t) ) exp(-t/T2,b)


Rewriting eqs 7, we arrive at the total autocorrelation function (t g 0):

φKF(t) ) φ1(t) φ2(t)


The Knapp-Fischer theory contains only two important parameters, R and N, while the other phenomenological quantities are readily determined from spontaneous Raman spectroscopy and/or CARS measurements. ω0 and ∆ω are obtained from the frequency position of the Raman line in the neat liquid and the line shift ∆Ω upon infinite dilution, ∆ω ) ∆Ω/N. Measurements of the dephasing rate 1/T2(x)1) and 1/T2(xf0) or corresponding Raman line widths deliver the value of T2,b ) T2(x)1) and also allow to verify the special case ∆γ ) [1/T2(xf0) - 1/T2(x)1)]/N = 0 as assumed for the present discussion. The validity of the approximations τc2, τc3 = 0 entering eq 13 may be also checked by an analysis of data for the two concentration limits. 5. Time-Resolved Measurements Using Three-Color CARS We have investigated the symmetric CH3-stretching mode ν1 of CH3I in the neat liquid and 11 different mixtures with deuterated chloroform with mole fractions of the reference molecule in the range x ) 0.076-0.958. The system was investigated previously by spontaneous Raman spectroscopy, but the details of the relaxation processes, e.g. the dynamics of the concentration fluctuations, could not be clearly determined.4,15 The ν1 frequency is ω0/2πc ) 2950 cm-1 in the neat liquid and varies approximately linearly with dilution. The line width (isotropic scattering component) in the neat liquid is 4.8 cm-1 with approximately the same value for infinite dilution, suggesting ∆γ = 0. For the 1:1 mixture (x ) 0.5), the considerably larger line width of =8.6 cm-1 suggests a pronounced effect of concentration fluctuations.4 Some examples of our time-resolved CARS data are presented in Figure 1a-c for 298 K and concentrations of x ) 0.076, 0.47, and 0.916, respectively. The data refer to the magic angle θ ) 49.1° suppressing, the anisotropic scattering contribution that would perturb the determination of the τc’s. As a consequence, only the isotropic scattering component providing the information on the vibrational dynamics (see eq 1) and the nonresonant part contribute to the signal transients. The latter produces the signal overshoot around zero delay and rises with increasing solvent concentration (1 - x). The nonresonant scattering allows to check the instrumental response function (dotted lines) and provides in situ information on the zero-delay setting that is important for a proper determination of τc. For larger delay, tD > 2 ps, the signal curve approaches an exponential decay with slope 2/T2 and finally reaches a constant background amplitude, indicating the limit of detectability of the coherent scattering. It is interesting to see the pronounced deviation from the exponential slope in Figure 1b for short delay time, 0.5 < tD < 2 ps (x ) 0.47), indicating a rather large correlation time around 1 ps, or correspondingly, a relatively small exchange rate R. The logarithmic ordinate scales in Figure 1a-c should be noted. In the same experimental runs we have also measured the signal transients for the other magic angles, θ ) -30° and -60°, providing supplementary information on the dephasing dynamics (data not shown). In another set of measurements, the binary mixture CH3I: CDCl3 was studied at fixed concentration x ) 0.515 as a

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Figure 1. Coherent probe scattering signal of the symmetric stretching vibration ν1 of CH3I in the mixture with CDCl3 vs delay time for the magic angle θ ) 49.1° and three mole fractions of CH3I: x ) 0.076 (a), 0.47 (b), and 0.916 (c); experimental points (298 K); calculated curves: isotropic scattering component (dashed), nonresonant part (dotted), and total CARS signal (solid line).

function of temperature in the range 242-374 K. Since the mixture has a boiling point of =325 K at ambient pressure, a minor pressure increase up to 5 × 105 Pa of the sample was used. The small increase of several bars is expected to have a negligible effect on the dephasing dynamics only.19 The CARS signals for two temperature values, 271 and 374 K, are presented in Figure 2 (θ ) 49.1°). The different curvatures and asymptotic slopes of the signal curves directly indicate significant changes of the dephasing mechanism. 6. Data Analysis and Discussion The experimental results are interpreted using three different models: (i) A single Rothschild function, eq 5, is fitted to the signal transients, yielding an average correlation time τc and an effective dephasing time T2 of the involved dephasing processes in the various mixtures. (ii) An effective autocorrelation function consisting out of two Rothschild functions, φeff ) φaφb, is used for the data analysis (eqs 5 and 7). The first factor φa represents the effect of concentration fluctuations with parameter values τc,a and T2,a depending on concentration. In the limiting cases x ) 0, 1, the mechanism (a) disappears and only the second factor φb, again of the form of eq 5, remains. The latter combines the effect of energy relaxation and additional pure dephasing processes, e.g. via the repulsive part of the intermolecular interaction. Because of the equal values of the dephasing time (and line width) measured for x ) 1 and x f 0, T2,b is taken to be concentration independent. With respect to the large experimental error of short correlation times, we make the simplifying assumption that also τc,b is concentration independent and given by the value measured for the neat liquid CH3I (150 ( 150 fs). (iii) The time-resolved scattering data are analyzed in terms of the Knapp-Fischer model with the functions φ1 and φ2 making up the total autocorrelation function (eqs 9, 13, 14). For the simple case ∆γ = 0, φ2 is concentration independent. Comparing with case (ii), we note that φ2 corresponds to φb with the simplification τc,2 f 0; the latter assumption is numerically insignificant in the following for the determination of a molecular residence time 1/R of a few picoseconds in the solvation layer. The effect of resonant intermolecular coupling will be neglected in our data analysis of the symmetric stretching mode ν1. Oehme et al. carried out a detailed study of such effects for CH3I and its isotopic derivatives in various solvents.20 For the ν1 mode, only small effects were reported. Isotopic dilution of methyl iodide, for example, does not change the ν1 linewidth

Figure 2. Same as Figure 1, but for x ) 0.515 and two temperature values: 271 K (a) and 374 K (b).

within the measuring accuracy of approximately 2%, while the line is slightly blue-shifted by =1.5 cm-1 in the low-concentration limit.21 (a) Concentration Dependence. The solid curves in Figures 1 and 2 represent the computed results of the fitting procedure for case (i) to reproduce the experimental points. For the two other situations the agreement between calculated and measured data is even better. The results for the dephasing parameters of the approaches (i) and (ii) are presented in Table 1. The effective dephasing times T2 and average correlation time τc referring to analysis (i) are listed in columns 2 and 3. The same data are depicted also in Figure 3. It is interesting to notice the shortening of the dephasing time with decreasing concentration from the neat liquid, x ) 1, to x = 0.5 by a factor of =2 and the subsequent rise again with further dilution. The average correlation time simultaneously increases from a value around 0.1 to =1 ps and drops again. The changes indicate a strong contribution

Femtosecond CARS of Binary Liquid Mixtures

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 103, No. 29, 1999 5659 TABLE 2: Dephasing Data of the ν1 Mode of CH3I in the Mixture with CDCl3 (x ) 0.515) for the Temperature Range 242-374 K

Figure 3. Measured effective dephasing time T2 (open squares) and average correlation time τc (full points) of the ν1 mode of CH3I vs molar fraction x of CH3I in the mixture with CDCl3 (298 K); a single Rothschild function was fitted to the experimental data; curves are drawn as guides for the eye.

TABLE 1: Concentration Dependence of Dephasing Parameters of CH3I:CDCl3 at 298 K Derived from Three-Color Femtosecond CARS and Three Theoretical Models (Molar Fraction x) x

T2 (ps)

τc (ps)

T2,a (ps)

τc,a (ps)

1/R (ps)

1.000 0.958 0.916 0.912 0.750 0.515 0.500 0.470 0.260 0.154 0.076

2.28 ( 0.02 1.99 ( 0.05 1.94 ( 0.05 1.87 ( 0.05 1.33 ( 0.05 1.14 ( 0.10 1.24 ( 0.10 1.13 ( 0.05 1.37 ( 0.10 1.74 ( 0.10 1.87 ( 0.10

0.15 ( 0.15 0.43 ( 0.2 0.3 ( 0.2 0.57 ( 0.2 0.86 ( 0.2 1.06 ( 0.4 0.84 ( 0.3 1.08 ( 0.2 0.87 ( 0.3 0.69 ( 0.4 0.3 ( 0.3

16 ( 3 13 ( 2 10 ( 2 3.2 ( 0.3 2.3 ( 0.4 2.7 ( 0.5 2.2 ( 0.2 3.4 ( 0.6 7.3 ( 2 10 ( 3

1.3 ( 0.8 0.8 ( 0.7 1.6 ( 0.8 1.5 ( 0.5 1.8 ( 0.7 1.4 ( 0.4 1.8 ( 0.4 1.6 ( 0.7 1.7 ( 1