Fiber-optic ammonia sensor for measuring synaptic glutamate and

Optical Ammonia Sensor Based on Upconverting Luminescent Nanoparticles ... Direct Immobilization of Glutamate Dehydrogenase on Optical Fiber Probes fo...
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Fiber-optic Ammonia Sensor for Measuring Synaptic Glutamate and Extracellular Ammonia Satyajit Kar and Mark A. Arnold'

Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242

A fiber-optic ammonia gas sensor designed for neurochemical applicationsIs presented. Parametersevaluatedinterms of effect on the steadydate and dynamk response of this sensor include the indicator dye, concentrationsof indkator and total ammonia nitrogen In the internalsolution, volume of the internalsolution, structureof the gas-permeabkmcwnkane, and temperature. The final ammonia sensor responds over the concentration range from 7 to 3000 nM with a limit of detection of 7 nM and response times ranging from 2 to 5 min. Glutamate oxidase le knm0blllz.d at the tip of thk ammonia sensor to provide a glutamate biosensor with a detection limit of 0.1 FM when operated at pH 7.8. I n addition, this ammonia sensor is used to measure extracellular ammonla levoh in perfused retinal and eyecup t k r w preparations. These measurements indicate a caiclum-dependent, potasslumevoked release of ammonla during these depolarization conditions.

INTRODUCTION We are interested in developing biosensors for the primary amino acidergic neurotransmitter glutamate.l-4 One strategy is based on the immobilization of glutamate oxidase at the tip of an ammonia gas sensing probe. This enzyme selectively catalyzes the oxidative deamination of glutamate according to the following reaction: glutamate + 0,


a-ketoglutarate + H,O,

+ NH3

The steady-state production of ammonia at the probe tip is detected and related to the amount of glutamate in the sample solution. Others have recently reported the general analytical properties of glutamate biosensom based on immobilized glutamate oxidase in combination with the detection of either oxygen or hydrogen peroxide." Guilbault and co-workers have discussed the potential of a glutamate biosensor based on the amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide for neurochemical experiments.1° They concluded that interference by easily oxidizable endogeneow species such as ascorbate and tyrosine is the major limitation of this approach. (1) Wang, A. J.; Arnold, M. A. Anal. Chem. 1992,64,1051-1055. (2) Kaltenbach, M.S.; Arnold, M. A. Mikrochim. Acta, in press. (3)h o l d , M. A. In Immunochemical Assays and Biosensor Technology for the 1990s; Nakamura, R. M., Kasahara, Y., Rechnitz, G. A., Eds.;American Society for Microbiology: Washington, DC, 1992;Chapter 16. (4)h o l d , M. A. R o c . SPZE-Int. SOC.Opt. Eng. 1988,906,128-133. (5)Chen, C. Y.;Su, Y. C. Anal. Chim. Acta 1991,243,9-15. (6)Dremel, B.A. A.; Schmid, R.D.; Wolfleis, 0. S. Anal. Chim. Acta 1991,248,351-359. (7)Wollenberger, U.;Scheller, F.; Pawlowa, M.; Muller, H. G.; Risinger, L.; Gorton, L. In GBF Monograph; Schmid, R. D., Scheller, F., Eds.; VCH Publishers: New York, 1989; Vol. 13,pp 33-36. (8) Hale, P. D.; Lee, H. S.; Okamoto, Y.:Skotheim, T. A. Anal. Lett. 1991,24,345-356. (9)Yau, T.;Yamamoto, H.; Wasa T. Anal. Chim. Acta 1990,236,437440. (10)Villarta,R. L.; Cunningham,D. D.; Guilbault, G. G. Talanta 1991, 38.49-55. 0003-2700/92/0364-2438$03.00/0

The limit of detection for glutamate at neurochemically relevant pH values is the critical issue for our approach based on the detection of ammonia. In this regard, the detection limit of the internal sensing element for ammonia is the key parameter. Extracellular glutamate concentrations range from 1to 10r M during typical neurochemical experimenta.11 At phyaiological pH, only a small fraction of the totalammonia nitrogen generated from the glutamate oxidase catalyzed reaction will be in the detectable form of ammonia. For example, the physiological pH for the photoreceptor cells within the toad retina is 7.8.12 Only 3.4% ! of the total ammonia nitrogen is ammonia at pH 7.8, where as nearly 97 9% is in the form of the undetectable ammonium ion. Under ideal circumstances where glutamate is quantitatively converted to ammonia at the sensor tip, 1 r M glutamate requires the ability to measure 34 nM ammonia Such low detaction limita are not possible with conventional gas-sensing technology. We report here our success in developing a fiber-optic ammonia sensor (FOAS) with nanomolar detection limita. This sensor is constructed by trapping a thin layer of an internal indicator solution between a microporoua Teflon membrane and a fiber-optic probe. Ammoniafrom the sample solution diffuses across this membrane, enters the internal solution and reads with the indicator dye in the following manner: NH,

+ HIn



+ In-

The nonprotonated form of the indicator is detected by a fluorescence measurement through the fiber-optic probe. Nanomolar detection limits are possible with this sensor design because of the inherent sensitivity of fluorescence measurements and because ammonia is trapped by the indicator dye. During operation, ammonia continuesto enter the indicator solution until the ammonia partial preesure ia equivalent on both sides of the gas-permeablemembrane. A majority of the ammonia that enters the indicator solution is converted to ammonium ions which results in an accumulation of the detected nonprotonated indicator species and an enhancement in the detection limit. The extent of this enhancement is governed by the pKa and concentration of the indicator dye.13 The analytical properties are reported for our FOAS and the corresponding glutamate bioaensor. The ammonia sensor possesaeea detection limit of 7 nM with response times ranging from 2 to 5 min. The detection limit for the corresponding glutamate biosensor is 0.1 ctM when operated at pH 7.8. The FOAS has been used to measure extracellular ammonia levels in eye-cup and retinal tissue preparations. Extracellular ammonia has been measured to establish the feasibility of monitoring glutamate superimposed on a basal level of ammonia. We expected to find low background ammonia (11)Shank, R. P.; Campbell, G. L. In Handbook of Neurochemistry; Lajtha, A., Ed.; Plenum Press: New York, 1983; Vol. 3,Chapter 14. (12)Miller, R. F.; Slaughter, M. M. In Retinal Transmitters and Modulators: Model for the Brain; Morgan, W., Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1985;Vol. 11. (13)Rhines, T.D.; Arnold, M. A. A n d . Chem. 1988,60,76-80. 0 1992 Amerlcan Chemical Society


levels that did not vary during the experiment.14Js Surprisingly, we measured a calcium-dependent, potassium-evoked release of ammonia from both the isolated retinal tissue and the intact eye-cup. The ramifications of this fiiding are discussed with an emphasis on the potential analytical utility of this FOAS for neurochemical investigations. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Apparatusand Reagents. Fluorescencemeasurements were made with a fiber-optic spectrometer. The light source consisted of a 100-Wtungsten-halogen lamp maintained in an OrielModel 66184 illuminator housing and powered by an Oriel Model 6393 transformer. Light from the source fist passed through an IRblocking filter and then a 490-nm interference fiter before being focused into a bundle of quartz optical fibers by an Oriel Model 77800 fiber-optic input assembly. The fiber bundle directed the light into a home-built light-tight box that contained the sensor, chopper, and detector optics. Light exiting the bundle was collimated before passing through an EG&G PAR Model 197 mechanical chopper which was operated at a frequency of 1.995 kHz. The chopped radiation was focused into a set of plastic optical fibers. This set of plastic fibers directed the excitation radiation to the internal solution at the tip of the gas sensor. A second set of plastic optical fibers collected a portion of the luminescence from the internal solution and directed this light to the detector optics. Light from the sensor tip was first collimated and then passed through a 540-nm interference filter to isolate the fluorescence radiation. Finally, the filtered light was focused onto the face of a photomultiplier tube (PMT)which was operated at 650 V. An EG&G PAR Model 5209 lock-in amplifier was used to measure the PMT current. Data were stored on an 8088-based II3M personal computer with a National Instruments Model GPIB IEEE interface between the lock-in amplifier and the computer. 5-Carboxy-4/,5’-dimethylfluorescein (CDMF) and 2,7-bis(2carboxyethyl)-5-carboxyfluorescein(BCECF) were used as received from Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR. All other solutions were made with reagent grade chemicals that were obtained from common commercial suppliers. All solutions were made with distilled-deionizedwater that was prepared immediately before use by passing the house-distilled water through a Milli-Q threehouse water purification unit. Toads of the type Bufo marinus (5.5-6.0 in.) and Bufo americanus (2.0-2.5 in.) were purchased from Charles D. Sullivan Co., Nashville, TN. Procedures. Sensor Construction. Ammonia sensors were constructed by trapping a small volume of the internal solution between a gas-permeable membrane and a fiber-optic probe. The fiber-opticprobe was fabricated by inserting 17individual plastic optical fibers into a custom made glass tube and securing these fibers with an adhesive sealant. The glass tube was prepared by grinding the closed end of a common glass capillary tube to a thin, flat surface and then polishing this surface to a smooth, optically transparent finish. The plastic optical fibers were type Super ESKA Ek-10 from Mitsubishi Rayon America, Inc., with a numerical aperture of 0.47 and an outer diameter of 250 pm. The fiber-optic probe was inserted into a conical-shaped plastic tube and held in place by an adhesive sealant. A small reservoir was created at the tip by slightly recessing the fiber-optic probe relative to the outer edge of the tube. The outer diameter of the resulting sensor tip was 2 mm and the volume of the reservoir was less than 1 pL. The internal solution and gas-permeable membrane were added by inverting the sensor body, applying approximately 1pL of solution to the reservoir,stretching a small square of membrane over the solution and holding the membrane in place with a plastic O-ring. The internal solution contained 0.115 M sodium chloride, 0.100 mM ammonium chloride, and 50 pM CDMF,unless stated otherwise. Gas-permeable membranes were microporous Teflon membranes from Gore and Associates, Elkton, MD. Unless stated otherwise, all membranes had an average pore size of 1.0 pm. Glutamatebiosensorswere constructed by immobilizing a thin layer of glutamate oxidase on the outer surface of the Teflon ~~


(14) Cooper, A. J.; Plum, F. Physiol. Rev. 1987,67,440-514. (15) Benjamin, A. M. In Handbook of Neurochemistry; Lajtha, A.; Ed.; Plenum Press: New York, 1982; Vol. 1, Chapter 4.


membrane of the FOAS. Glutamate oxidase was immobilized by physically entrapping approximately 0.02 mg (0.04 unite) of enzyme with a cellulose diacetate dialysis membrane. Sensor Characterization and Ammonia Calibration Curves. Unless stated otherwise, measurements were made in thermostated glass jacketed cells and the temperature was maintained at 25 OC with a Fisher Model 80 water bath. Two procedures were used to collectdata for sensor calibration curves. In the first procedure, the sensor tip was initially immersed in a 10.00-mL aliquot of the working buffer to which ammonium chloride had been added to give a total ammonia nitrogen concentration of 2 pM. The working buffer was composed of 10.0 mM Trizma base, 100 mM sodium chloride, 5 mM glucose, and 0.005% 5-fluorouracil (added as an antimicrobial agent) adjusted to pH 7.8 with 6 M hydrochloric acid. Various ammonia concentrations were then generated by adjusting the pH of this solution with either acid or base. The solution pH was measured continuously with a Ross-type combination pH electrode (Orion No. 810200) in conjunction with a Beckman Model 71 pH.mV-1 meter. In the second procedure, the sensor tip was immersed in a 10.00-mL aliquot of a 0.01 M sodium hydroxide solution that contained 0.105 M sodium chloride. Various ammonia concentrations were obtained by making microliter additions of an ammonium ion standard. In both cases, the sensor response was collected as a function of time until a steady-state value was identified. Calibration curves were constructed by plotting the steady-state response as a function of ammonia concentration. Response times were measured as the time required to achieve 95% of the overall change in response. Extracellular Ammonia Measurements. Extracellular ammonia concentrations were measured in perfusion buffers in contact with either retinal tissue from B. marinw or complete eye-cups from B. americanus. In both cases eyes were removed from toads that were first anesthetized by submersion in ice for 1h. Eye-cup preparations were prepared by dissecting the eye and removing the lens. Freshly prepared eye-cups were perfused with generous portions of a pH 7.8 Ringer’s buffer solution. After removing the lens from the eyes of the B. marinus toads, the retinal tissue was isolated by touching and then lifting a square of absorbant paper to the vitreal surface of the eye-cup preparation. The retinal tissue adhered to the paper and was removed as a single-layer sheet from the underlying pigment epithelium. The retinal tissue was maintained in the pH 7.8 Ringer’s buffer throughout. The time required to isolate the retinal tissue was approximately 45 min. Depolarization experiments were carried out with either half of a retinal tissue or a complete eye-cup. In both cases, the preparation was incubated in a series of buffer solutions at room temperature in the dark. The buffer volume was 1.5 and 1.0 mL for the retinal tissue and eye-cup preparations, respectively,and the incubation time was 15 min throughout. Initially, preparations were incubated in a normal Ringer’s buffer (2.5 mM potassium). Next, the cells were depolarized with a highpotassium Ringer’s buffer (56.0 mM potassium). Calcium-dependent release processes were then blocked with a cobaltcontaining, normal potassium Ringer’s buffer (4.0 mM cobalt and 2.5 m M potassium). Finally,the preparations were incubated with a cobalt-containing,high-potassium Ringer’s buffer (4.0 mM cobalt and 56.0 mM potassium). After incubation, each sample was carefully removed by aspiration and stored frozen at -25 OC until it could be analyzed. Preparations were rinsed with the next buffer between steps. Ammonia concentrations were determined by either a calibration curve or standard addition procedure. In the f i s t case, an ammonia calibration curve was constructed over the 50-300 nM concentration range in a 0.5-mL aliquot of the corresponding working buffer. The sensor was then immersed in a fresh 0.5-mL aliquot of thia buffer in order to reestablish the baseline condition. A small volume of the sample was then added and the sensor response was monitored. If the detected ammonia concentration was less than 50 or greater than 300 nM, then the volume of sample added was adjusted and the measurement repeated. The required sample volumes ranged from 25 to 200 pL. In the standard addition procedure, the sensor was initially immersed in a fresh 0.5-mL aliquot of the working buffer to establish the baseline response. Two standard additions of a 10 pM ammonia solution were added sequentially and the corre-



spondingsensor responses were recorded. An appropriatevolume of the sample was then added, and the sensor response was again recorded. The volumes of standard and sample were adjusted such that the final concentration of ammonia from all additions did not exceed 300 nM. All measurements were made at 25 "C. In addition, each measurement was made by using a working buffer that matched the buffer used to collect that particular sample.





h h

-2 0






Responses of fiber-optic gas sensors depend on several nonspectroscopic parameters which include pKa, stability, and concentration of the indicator dye, concentration of ammonium chloride in the internal solution, volume of the indicator solution, properties of the gas-permeable membrane, and temperature. We have systematically examined these parameters with the goal of nanomolar detection of ammonia. Sensor Parameters. CDMF was selected as the indicator for this sensor because of its acid-base properties and stability compared to other fluorescein derivatives. Initially, a pKa of 7.0 was identified by our previously reported simplex optimization routine13 as the ideal indicator pKa for a sample ammonia concentration range from 2 to 200 nM. Of the fluorescein derivatives commercially available, BCECF and CDMF were selected as potential indicator dyes because their pKa values are reported to be 7.0.16 Stability tests revealed that BCECF was less stable both thermally and photochemically compared to CDMF. A second factor in favor of CDMF is its larger Stokes shift. Finally, BCECF is significantly more expensive. Spectroscopically, CDMF is characterized by a molar absorptivity of 6.23 (k0.03) X lo4M-' cm-l, a high quantum efficiency and wavelengths of maximum excitation and emission of 505 and 538 nm, respectively. The effective pKa for CDMF was measured by titratingthe indicator in a solution with an ionic strength of 0.115 M a t 25 "C. These are the same conditions used in the internal indicator solution. The titration was monitored by measuring the fluorescence of the nonprotonated form of the indicator. The pKa was 6.95 f 0.01 under these conditions which corresponds to an effective equilibrium constant of 159.3 f 3.7 for the reaction with ammonia based on a value of 9.1522 f 0.0006 for the pKa of ammonium ions a t 25 OC and an ionic strength of 0.11 M.17 The total dye concentration has a dramatic effect on both the steady-state and dynamic response properties of the sensor. These effects were examined by monitoring the sensor response to an ammonia concentration step from zero to 200 nM for a series of sensors with CDMF concentrations ranging from 10 to 70 pM. The results from this experiment are plotted in Figure 1. As the concentration of the indicator dye increases, more ammonia must enter the internal indicator solution in order to establish the steady-state condition. As such, larger amounts of dye provide higher signals, which propagates into greater sensitivity and lower detection limits. The response begins to level-off at high dye concentrations because of self-absorption by the indicator. In terms of the dynamic response, high dye concentrations have an adverse effect on response times. The need for more ammoniarequires more time to establish the steady-state condition. In this case, response times become insensitive to the amount of indicator when the concentration of CDMF drops below 20 pM. The ideal indicator concentration can be identified by plotting the ratio of the response magnitude and the response time as a function of dye concentration. The inset in Figure (16) Hauglaud, R. P. Molecular Probes: Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals; Molecular Probes, Inc.: Eugene, OR, 1989; pp 86-94. (17)Bates, R.G.;Pinching, G. D. J.Am. Chem. SOC.1950, 72,13931396.





a, ln C 0


4.5 'F

0.100 a,

e, ln C

L11 L

0 Lo




a (0






3_ .5


0.050 0





- - - .-







\ r . /

- ' )

Flgure 1. Effect in indicator concentration on the (0)magnitude of response and )(. response time. The inset shows the ratio of the magnitude of response and response time as a functlon of indicator concentration. 0.15












" . V U

T/ 0.03 -

/ V . V V








Ammonia C n n c





Flgure 2. Ammonia response curves with total ammonia nitrogen concentrations in the internal solution of 0.04 mM and (0)4 mM.


1shows this plot from which 50 pM is clearly identified as the optimum concentration of CDMF. The total ammonia nitrogen concentration in the internal solution (CNHJalso has a major impact on the sensor response. The effect of C N Hon ~ the steady-state response is illustrated in Figure 2 where responses for sensors with 4 and 0.04 mM C N Hare ~ presented. A high C N Hresults ~ in an increase in








6 co





C 0

a v) cu











: 0

4 e:










e: 40

a, W-J

0.75 20






Time, (min) Flgure 3. Timedependent responses for sensors with total ammonia nitrogen concentrations In the internal solution of 0.04 and 0.1 mM.

Internal S o h Vol, ( p L ) Figure 4. Effect of internal solution volume on the (0)magnitude of response and (A)response time. The inset showsthe ratlo of magnitude of response and response tlme as a function of internal solutbn volume.

linearity over the entire concentration range with a corresponding decrease in both sensitivity and limit of detection. A low CNH~, on the other hand, provides superior sensitivity at low concentrations but levels off rapidly to provide limited sensitivity at high concentrations. Such responses are predictable.l3 The C N Halso ~ has an effect on the stability of the steadystate signal. Figure 3 shows typical intensity-time profiles for sensors with levels of 0.04 and 0.1 mM. This figure shows that the steady-state signal slowly degrades with time at higher sample ammonia concentrations. This degradation in signal is faster with lower CNH~ and it can be essentially eliminated by decreasing the intensity of the incident radiation. These results are consistent with photobleaching of the nonprotonated form of the indicator being responsible. With lower CNH~, larger amounts of the nonprotonated form of the indicator are generated, thereby increasing the photobleaching process. The volume of the indicator solution affects both the magnitude of response and response times. Responses to ammonia concentration steps from 0 to 200 nM were monitored for a series of sensors with different volumes of internal solutions. Volumes were varied by altering the depth of the reservior into which the internal solution was placed. With our sensor geometry, an increase in solution volume also results in an increase in the optical path length. Figure 4summarizesthe effect of solution volume on both the steadystate and dynamic properties of the sensor. As expected, increasing the optical path length provides larger signals up to the point where the path length no longer increases as the depth of the reservoir is increased. The sensor response is independent of sample volume above 0.5 pL, which corresponds to a 0.1-mm-thick solution, thereby indicating that our fluorescence measurements are only capable of sensing the first 0.1 mm of the internal solution. In regards to the dynamic response, sensor response times increased with respect to solution volume, as more ammonia is needed to equilibrate larger volumes. These results indicate that mass transport within the internal solution is rate limiting under these conditions. Extrapolation to zero volume gives the

minimum response time possible based on sensor components other than the internal solution, such as type, porosity, and thickness of the gas-permeable membrane. The effect of the gas-permeable membrane on the fluorescence measurement has been evaluated by comparing fluorescence signals measured with and without the Teflon membrane in place. In this experiment, the tip of a sensor without a membrane was immersed in a 0.13 M phosphate buffer that contained 50 pM CDMF. The concentration of the nonprotonated form of the indicator was controlled by adjusting the pH of this solution. These measurements were repeated with the same sensor and optics, but with the membrane in place. In this latter case, the indicator solution reservoir was filled with the pH-adjusted 50 pM CDMF solution and the fluorescence intensity was measured after immersing the sensor tip into a solution that was identical to this internal solution. Overall, the membrane provided a 1.5fold enhancement in the sensitivity of the measurement. Diffuse reflectance off the membrane surface enhances both the intensity of the excitation radiation and the amount of emitted radiation captured by the collection fibers. Sensors constructed with different gas-permeable membranes were evaluated in order to identify gross effects caused by membrane parameters. In all cases, microporous Teflon membranes were used; however, a complete series of membranes was not available, thereby making it impossible to perform a systematicstudy of these parameters. Nevertheless, sufficient membrane types were available to demonstrate that the sensor response is relatively insensitive to membrane parameters in comparison to parameters involvingthe internal indicator solution. The examined membranes were composed of either plain microporous Teflon or microporous Teflon with a laminated layer of polyethylene. Table I summarizes the results in terms of the relative magnitude of response and response times obtained from sensors responding to a 0-200 nM ammonia concentration step. Plain and laminated membranes with average pore sizes of 1.0 pm resulted in similar responsetimes. The magnitude of response, however, was significantly larger with the plain membrane. The plain membrane is more



Table I. Responses from Sensors with Different Membranes.


membrane plainb laminatedc average pore response response time re1 time size % re1 (min) response (min) (rm) porosity response 91 100.0f 6.2 4.0 f 0.3 51.0 f 7.3 5.1 & 0.8 1.0 0.2 78 89.6 f 13.0 7.0 f 0.4 0.02 50 79.9 & 11.9 10.1 k 1.6



a Mean f 1 standard deviation for four replicate measurements. Microporous Teflon. Microporous Teflon with polyethylene lamination.

flexible compared to the laminated membrane which causes it to bow under the weight of the indicator solution. Larger indicator solution volumes with the corresponding longer optical path lengths account for the higher sensitivity. Apparently, the layer of polyethylene slows the rate of ammonia mass transport across the membrane, thereby counteracting the expected advantage of a smaller volume of internal solution in terms of the response time. In fact, response times were slightly longer with the laminated membrane. When the pore size of the laminated membrane was decreased from 1.0 to 0.2 pm, both the magnitude of the response and the response time increased. Presumably, the decrease in porosity lowers the flux across the membrane and increases the response time. The increase in magnitude of response is caused by a significant difference in the texture of these two laminated membranes. The 0.2-pm membrane was shinier than the 1.0-Nm membrane which provided higher incident intensity of the excitation radiation due to enhanced reflectance off the membrane surface. Although both membranes were laminated with polyethylene, the structures of these laminated films differ, which accounta for the difference in reflectivity. Decreasing the pore size of the plain membranes from 1.0 to 0.02 pm resulted in longer response times and a lower magnitude of response. Once again, the smaller flux across the membrane as the porosity decreases explains the slower rate of response. In this case, however, the difference in magnitude of response is caused by a difference in rigidity of the membranes. The 0.02-pm membrane is considerably stronger and bows much less than the 1.0-pm membrane which correspondsto a shorter optical path length and smaller responses. Similar results were found when plain membranes were compared for use in ammonia gas sensing electrodes.'* The final parameter investigated is temperature. For the most part, the application dictates the temperature of the measurement. Nonetheless, the temperature profile is important because the temperature sensitivity of the sensor dictates the extent to which the temperature must be controlled. Temperature profiles for our FOAS are presented in Figure 5 for both the magnitude of response and the response times. In this experiment, sensor responses were monitored for a 0-200 nM concentrationstep in a background solution of 0.01 M sodium hydroxide. Both the magnitude of response and response times decrease with increasing temperature over the range from 5 to 45 O C . The highest response to response time ratio is obtained at 20 O C (see Figure 5 inset). The decrease in magnitude of response is consistent with a decrease in the equilibrium constant at elevated temperatures. Shorter response times are provided by faster mass transport processes at the elevated temperatures. The shape of these profiles reveals a large temperature sensitivity which necessitates rigid temperature control duringoperation. Response Curves. Ammonia calibration curves are presented in Figure 6 for a FOAS constructed by using a plain (18) Arnold, M. A. Anal. Chim. Acta 1983, 154, 33-39.

















Temoerature. " C Flgw 5. Effect of temperature on the (0)magnltude of response and (A)response time. The Inset show the ratio of magnitude of response and response time as a function of temperature. 0.250





F: v







e: I ,





0.050 I







0.015 CODE..

, 0.080

I 0.0











Ammonia Conc., (nM) Figure 6. Calibration curve for the fiberoptlc ammonla gas sen801 showhgreeponsegobta~wlththe(O)pHad)ustmentand(O)stenderd addltkn methods. The Inset shows a double reciprocal plot of the data collected with the standard addition method.

microporous Teflon membrane with an average pore size of 1.0 wm and an internal indicator solution composed of 0.115 M sodium chloride, 0.100 mM ammonium chloride, and 60 NMCDMF. Respectively, the open squares and open circles show the responses obtained by using the standard addition and pH adjustment methods described in the Experimental Section. Raw signals from these sensors were normalized in order to account for slight differences in the geometries of







0.4 n

-4 d


6 0.3

: e 0 Q)

ffi k






Flgure 8. Concentrations of ammonia found in various extracellular fluids during the potassium-evoked depolarization of retinal and eyecup preparations.

'cI12 0.1



0.0 0






0.5 10

Solution pH







Glutamate Cone., (pM) Flgure 7. Glutamate calibration curve for the glutamate biosensor based on ammonia detection. The inset shows the pH profile for this biosensor.

individual sensor bodies. After adjustment, the signals overlapthroughout the ammonia concentration ranges tested which were from 50 to 300 nM for the standard addition method and from 5 to 294 nM for the pH adjustment method. The solid line was generated by fitting these data to the previously described response function.13 This curve shows the expected nonlinear response with a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 7 nM. Precision at 50 nM ammonia was found to be 5.8%. Response times ranged from 2 to 5 min with faster responses at higher ammonia concentrations. In terms of sensorstability,photodegradation limited the utility of agiven sensor to 1 day. Sensor calibration was accurate throughout this time period with no appreciable drift in the baseline signal. In additionto the nonlinear response,the response function predicts a linear relationship for a double reciprocal plot of the data IF vs l/[NH3]). The inset in Figure 6 shows such a plot for this sensor. The transformed data can be modeled by a linear functionwith a slope of 721 f 15 M-A-l,y-intercept of (2.0 f 0.8) X lo9A-l, and a correlation coeffic,ientof 0.9983. The detection limit for ammonia is below that needed for making glutamate measurements in the 1-10 pM concentration range at pH 7.8. A glutamate biosensor was then fabricated to verify the utility of the FOAS for such an application. Figure 7 shows the resulting glutamate calibration curve which was obtained in a pH 7.8 Ringer's buffer. The expected nonlinear response was observed over this concentration range. The detection limit for glutamate was 0.100 f 0.003 pM. Response times ranged from 8 to 19 min and recovery times were even longer, ranging from 25 to 30 min. The pH profile is shown as the Figure 7 inset. Because the maximum enzyme activity is obtained over the pH range from 7.0 to 8.0,19 greater sensor responses with increasingpH is caused by the increased sensitivity to ammonia. Endogenous Ammonia in Retinal and Eye-CupPreparations. Before the glutamate biosensor can be used for (19) Kusakabe, H.; Midorikawa, Y.; Fujishima, T.; Kuninaka, A.;

Yoshino, H. Agric. Biol. Chem. 1983,47, 1323-8.

monitoring the synaptic modulation of glutamate in perfusates, endogenous ammonia levels must be established. We expected the ammonia level to be low and constant under our ~0nditions.l~ Ammonia levels detected during potassiumevoked depolarization of cells in our tissue preparations, however, revealed that endogenousammonia is not constant. Figure 8 summarizes the results obtained. Overall, higher levels of ammonia were measured in the eye-cup preparations because of the larger number and variety of cells present. Potassium-evoked depolarization results in a significant increase in the level of ammonia in the perfusion buffer. The addition of cobalt, which blocks calcium-dependent synaptic events, resulted in less ammonia released during depolarization with elevated potassium. This effect is particularly evident for the retinal tissue preparation where the elevation of ammonia is only 20% of that measured in the absence of cobalt. This result suggests a significant calcium-dependent release of ammonia during potassium-evoked depolarization. After exposure to cobalt, cells associated with the eye-cup no longer responded to depolarizationconditionswhich indicates cellular damage caused by the toxicity of cobalt. Overall, modulation of ammonia by potassium-evoked depolarization precludes the use of this FOAS as the internal sensingelement for a biosensor to measure synaptic glutamate during depolarization experiments. Although a second ammonia sensor could be used to account for extracellular ammonia variations, such an arrangement would be cumbersome and subjectto systematicerrors based on nonuniform ammonia distribution within the tissue matrix. The important discovery, however, is the apparent modulation of ammonia concentrationsduring synaptic processes. Of course many more experiments are needed to better define the potantial neurochemical role of ammonia, but our results suggest that ammonia is a neurochemically active compound. The low detection limit of our FOAS makes it ideally suited to investigate this exciting phenomenon.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM-35487) and the National Science Foundation (BNS-8716768). We thank Hitoshi Kusakabe and the Yamasa Shoyu Co. for the generous donation of glutamate oxidase.

RECEIVED for review April 3, 1992. Accepted June 29, 1992. Registry No. NH3, 7664-41-7; glutamic acid, 56-86-0; glutamate oxidase, 39346-34-4; calcium, 7440-70-2; potassium, 7440-09-7.