fibers - ACS Publications

(112) Neklutin, V. C., Westerhoff, C. B., and Howland, L. H., IND. (113) Nielsen, L. E., Buchdahl, Rolf, and Claver, G. C., Zbid., 43,. ENO. CHEM., 43...
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October 1951

(112) Neklutin, V. C., Westerhoff, C. B., and Howland, L. H., IND. ENO.CHEM.,43, 1246-52 (1951). (113) Nielsen, L. E., Buchdahl, Rolf, and Claver, G. C., Zbid., 43, 341-5 (1951). (114) Oberto, Stefano, Zbid., 43, 393-8 (1951). (115) Oda. Ryohei. and Shimisu. Hiroshi, Chem. Hiuh Polymers, 4, 23-30 (1947). (116) Perkins, W. F., and Gray, Harold, India Rubber World, 122, 419-20 (1950). (117) Pickles, S. S., Trans. Znst. Rubber Znd., 27, 148-65 (1951). (118) Pinassi, C., Rev. gdn. caoutchouc, 27,725-30 (1950). (119) Pittman, G. A., and Thornley, E. R., Trans. Inst. Rubber Znd., 25, 116-29 (1949); Rubber Chem. and Technol., 23, 931-32 (1950). (120) Rivett, F. A., Trans. Inst. Engr. Shipbuilders Scot., 92, 33142 342-5 (1949). (121) Rossem, A. van, Proc. and Rubber Technol, Congr. (London), 1948, 345-50; Rubber Chem. and Technol., 23, 332-7 (1950). (122) Rossem, A. van, Trans. Znst. Rubber I d . , 26, 118-30 (1950). (123) Sarx, H. F., Das Leder, 1,65-9 (1950). (124) Schade, J. W., India Rubber World, 123, 311-14 (1950). (125) Schallamach, .4., Trans. Inst. Rubber Ind., 2 7 , 4 0 4 (1951). (126) Schlesinger, Walter, and Leeper, H. M., IND.ENG. CHEM., 43,398-403 (1951). (127) Schmidt, Ernst, Ibid., 43, 679-83 (1951). (128) Sell, H. S., and McCutcheon, R. J., Zbid., 43, 1234-43 (1951). (129) Shaw, R. F., India Rubber World, 122,421-5,427 (1950). (130) Shelton, J. R., and Cox, W. L., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,456-63 (1951). (131) Sibley, R. L., Rubber Chem. and Technol., 24, 211-23 (1951). (132) Slobodin, Ya. M., and RachinskiK, F. Yu., Dokkzdy Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R.,58,69-71 (1947). (133) Smith, G. E. P., Jr. (to Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.), U. 5. Patent 2,514,199 (July 4, 1950). (134) Smith, H. S., Werner, H. G . , Westerhoff, C. B., and Howland, L. H., IND.ENG.CHEM.,43, 212-16 (1951). (135) Sperberg, L. R., Harbison, Lynn, and Svetlik, J. F., Zndia Rubber World, 122,536-9 (1950). (136) Sperberg, L. R., Popp, G. E., and Baird, C . C., Rubber Age, (N. Y e ) 67, , 561-4 (1951).


(137) Stearns, R. S., and Johnson, B. L., IND.ENQ. CHEM.,43, 146-54 (1951). (138) Stechert, D. G., and Bolt, T. D., India Rubber World, 123, 578 (1951). (139) Stevens, H. P., Zndia Rubber J., 119, 52 (1950). (140) Storey, E. B., and Williams, H. L., Rubber Age ( N . Y . ) , 68, 571-7 (1951). (141) Straka, L. E., India Rubber World, 123,442-9 (1951). (142) Svetlik, J. F., and Sperberg, L. R., Ibid., 124, 182-7 (1951). (143) Swart, G. H., Pfau, E. S., and Weinstock, K. V., Zbid., 124, 309-19 (1951). (144) Throdahl, M. C., and Harman, M. W., IND.ENG.CHEM., 43, 421-9 (1951). (145) Throdahl, M. C., Zerbe, R. O., and Beaver, D. J., Ibid., 43, 92&-30 (1951). (146) Tolle, Hubert, Rev. gdn. caoutchouc, 27, 5 7 2 4 (1950). (147) Treloar, L. R. G., Trans. Faradau Soc., 46, 783-9 (1950). (148) Veersen, G. J. van, Rec. trav. chim., 69, No. 2, 175-91 (1950); Rubber Chem. and Technol., 24, 169-81 (1951). (149) Veersen, G. J. van, and Boonstra, B. B. S. T., Rubber Age (N. Y.), 68, 57-9 (1950). (150) Verhaar, G., Arch. Rubbercultuur, 26,307-10 (1949). (151) Vila, G. R., India Rubber World, 124,446 (1951). (152) Villain, Henry, Rev. g6n. caoutchouc, 26, 740-4 (1949); R.~bBe7* Chem. and Technol., 23, 352-61 (1950). (153) Villars, D. S., J. Applied Phya., 21, 565-73 (1950); Rubber Chem. and Technol., 24, 144-60 (1951). (154) Waring, J. R. S., Trans. Znst. RubberInd., 27,16-37 (1951). (155) Warner, W. C., and Shelton, J. R., IND. ENG.CHEM.,43,11604 (1951). (156) Weir, C. E., Leser, W. H., and Wood, L. A., J . Research Natl, Bur. Standards, 44,367-72 (1950). (157) Werkenthin, T . A,, Rubber A g e ( N . Y . ) ,68,435-42 (1951). (158) Wolf, R. F., and Gage, F. W., India Rubber World, 123, 665-9 (1951). (159) Wolstenholm, W.E., and Mooney, M., Ibid., 123, 581 (1951). (160) Woods, D. E., J . SOC.Chcm. I d . , 68, 343-8 (1949); Rubber Chem. and Technol., 24, 184-94 (1951). (161) Zapp, R. L., and Guth, Eugene, IND.ENG.CHEM.,43, 430-8 (1951). RECEIVED July 23, 1951.


__ C. S. GROVE, JR. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .

JOSEPH L. VODONIK, E. I . d u Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Buffalo,N . Y .

ROBERT S. CASEY W . A. Sheufler Pen Co., Fort Madison, Iowa Mobilization for possible war has somewhat disrupted the fiber economy by increasing the demand and partially curtailing production with various shortages. Part of the increased demand has been taken u p by the increasing penetration of the man-made fibers into the total over-all fiber consumption. New and expanded plants and new fibers are expected to alleviate some of the shortages as new production begins. Modified fibers for special uses are becoming important factors i n conserving the fiber supply. As for the future, Rayon Organon (13) expresses the picture succinctly. “The 1950 and current 1951 use of all fibers has been swollen by a ‘war-type’ demand, of course. But looking forward to say 1954, there can be little question that the capacity of the man-made fiber producing industry will be in excess of 2,000,000,000 pounds per year. Such a figure would be one third greater than actual 1950 consumption of these fibers at 1,496,000,000 pounds.”

R E C E N T study on “Textile Inter-Fiber Competition” has been reported (IS) which compares the years of 1937 and 1949. The total fiber consumption increased from 4,715,000,000 pounds in 1937 to 5,739,000,000pounds in 1949. The outstanding development of this period waa the penetration of all major divisions of the textile industry by the man-made fibers. This study indicated that total end-use fiber consumption increased

1,024,000,000 pounds in the 13-year period, or by 22%. However, 743,000,000 pounds or 7301, of this increase was in the man-made fibers. Synthetic fibers, in this study, included rayon (viscose, cuprammonium, and acetate), glass fiber (Fiberglas and Vitron), polyacrylic fiber (Orlon), polyamide fiber (nylon), polyethylene fiber (Avisco and Reevon), polyvinyl acetate and acrylic fiber (Vinyon and Dynel), polyvinylidene chloride fiber (saran). and Drotein fiber (Vicara). “The grand total mill consumption of the listed fibers increased 22% from 1937 t o 1949, but the individual fibers showed notable differences from this average. Thus cotton consumption was up 5%, wool increased 27%, silk declined 92%, linen was off 46%, and the man-made fibers were up 237% or were nearly 31/2 times aa large in 1949 as they were in 1937.” During the period from 1937 to 1949, the over-all increase in1





Twisting Rayon Yarn-Necessary Operation i n Making Tire Cord

fiber consumption in the industrial and miscellaneous uses was from 1,556,000,000 pounds up to 1,592,200,000 pounds. This is only a 2y0 increase. “There were substantial differences in the various fibers, however, as is shown by the following percentage changes: cotton, - 19%: wool, +3%; and theman-made fibers, +929y0 (over 10 times as large in 1949 as in 1937). This latter striking increase was mainly due, of course, to the penetration of the tire cord and fabric industry by high tenacity viscose rayon yarn.” In 1950, Rayon Organon (19) stated that rayon production in the United States was 1,260,000,000 pounds. Of this amount, 954,000,000 pounds m r e textile yarn, divided as follom: 317,000,000 pounds of cuprammonium and viscose; 327,000,000 pounds of acetate; and 310,000,000 pounds of high tenacity viscose. The pioduction of staple and tow fiber was 306,000,000 pounds, of which 189,000,000 pounds were viscose and 117,000,000 pounds were acetate. Du Pont ( 6 3 ) has expanded the pioduction of high tenacity viscose rayon (Cordura) 1100% since 1940, and of nylon 2700% in the same period. Other iefercnces ( 2 , 6,39) show the general penetration of the natural fiber markets by synthetic fibers, especially ae replacements for wool. I t is stated that the anticipated rate of pioduction of Ardil, the Biitish peanut protein fiber, is 20,000,000pounds per yeay by the end of 1951. AVAILABILITY AhD PLAIYT EXP4NSIOh

Morahan (48) has given an excellent analysis on “The Outlook for Synthetics in the Year Ahead.” He states that it “appears certain: (1) The industry faces serious shortages of important basic raw materials such as wood pulp, cotton linters, and some key chemicals, particularly sulfui derivatives and possibly benzene. (2) These shortages might possibly force some cutback in production from present ievels, especially in viscose rayons and to a lesser degree in acetate. (3) The yarn producers face the prospect of having to raise their prices because of the soaring cost of basic raw materials. . . .(4)The induptry also faces the prospectunder a war economy or even a sharply stepped up defense mobilization economy-of a highly increased rate of labor turnover, loss of some of its skilled workers to the armed forces and higher paying defense plants. This prospect, if it materializes, would

Vol. 43, No, 10

mean a lowered rate of efficiency as it did in World War 11.” While he i R somewhat pessimistic as to the production picture for viscose and acetate synthetics, he is optimistic on the “distinct possibilities of great expansion in a comparatively short time, provided machines and equipment can be obtained” of the newer synthetics, such as Orlon, Fiberglaa, Dynel, and Vicara. Raw materials for all synthetics are of great concern and may be in shorter supply. Information indicates that the availability of fibers is dependent on the availability of raw materials and on plant expansion. Du Pont (68) reports that their Orlon acrylic fiber yarn plant was completed in South Carolina and put into commercial production in 1950 An Orlon acrylic staple plant has been started. A new nylon intermediates plant a t Victoria, Tex., is expected to be put into early operation. The Dacron polyester fiber plant is noFv under construction a t Kinston, N. C. Rutledge (64)gives more details on the availability of the fivc Du Pont synthetic fibers: viscose and acetate rayon, nylon, Orlon acrylic fiber, and Dacron polyester fiber. “We are in commercial production with the first four of these fibers and Dacron is being produced on a pilot plant scale with commercial production scheduled in early 1953 Viscose rayon is produced by us in plants a t Buffalo, IT. Y., Old Hickory, T e n n , and Richmond, Va. We make acetate iayon at \Taynesboro, Va Nylon is produced by us at Seaford, Del., hlartinsville, Va., and Chattanooga, Tenn. While we have never discussed production figures publicly, our output of nylon in 1950 was approximately 27 timcs greater than it was in 1940, our first full year of production. . .Our present commercial production of Orlon acrylic fiber is of continuous filament yarn. The plant a t Camden, S. C., has a rated capacity of 6,500,000 pounds a year. A unit is being built at Camden to produce Orlon staple a t the rate of approximately 25,000,000 pounds a year. We hope that this unit will be in operation in the first quarter of 1952. Piesent output of Orlon staple is from a pilot plant a t Waynesboro.” It is reported (6, 36) that the Chemistrand Corp. expects to produce 50,000,000 pounds per year of nylon, under licende agreements with Du Pont. By early 1953, the combined annual production of Du Pont and Chemistrand is estimated to reach a figure of 240,000,000 pounds. The new plant facilities for the commercial production of Dynel, Union Carbide and Carbon’s acrylonitrile-vinyl chloride staple fiber, were put into operation in 1950 (66). The orders for this soft, wool-like fiber are already outstripping the current annual output of 2,000,000 pounds ( 3 ) . “Today, Carbide i i doubling capacity a t Charleston, W.Va., and within 6 months will be producing 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 pounds. And if that isn’t enough, Carbide stands ready to build a huge plant that could make as much as 40,000,000 pounds a year.” The production of glass fibers is also being expanded to mect increasing demands. Glass Fibers, Inc. ( S 4 ) , reports that their glass yarns (Vitron) for electrical insulation and glass-plastic materials are in heavy demand. Two new plants at Defiance, Ohio, and Waterville, Ohio, are expected to be ready to double their 1950 production by early 1952. Bowler (20) of the OwensCorning Fiberglas Corp. states ‘‘ . .availability of the fiber in the year ahead can be answered by saying that during recent months demand has exceeded supply, and it appears that this situation will continue during the immediate future. However, the opeiiing of a new plant in Anderson, C., in July 1951, will, no doubt, help to bring supply more nearly into balance with demand. One of the principal reasons for the heavy current demand is the fact that military applications have drawn heavily on the supply ot Fiberglas.” Morahan ( 4 8 ) gives a “brief survey of the position and plans of some of the major producers as they enter the new year.” He covers the following producers of rayon and synthetic fibers: Celanese Corp. of America; E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.; American Viscose Corp.; American Enka Corp.; Indus-


October 1951



trial Rayon Corp.; Tennessee Eastman Corp.; Beaunit Mills, Inc.; Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corp.; Delaware Rayon Co.; Hartford Rayon Corp. ; Firestone Plastics Co. ; Lus-Trus Extruded Plastics, Inc.; New Bedford Rayon Corp.; and Eastern Rayon Mills, Inc. MAN-MADE FIBERS

The special properties of both the new and the old man-made fibers have caused an increasing demand for these fibers as replacements for the natural fibers and as materials of important new uses, Moncrieff (45)has offered a thorough coverage of the synthetic fibers. The first group of fibers, which he considers, are regenerated cellulosic and alginic fibers. These include viscose, cuprammonium, cellulose acetate, high-tenacity cellulose fibers (Tenasco, Durafil, Fortipan) and alginate fibers. Regenerated protein fibers are then discussed. This group includes casein fibers (Lanital, Aralac), Ardil, soybean fibers and zein fibers. Nyloh, Perlon, Terylene, Vinyon, Vilon, Permdon, Orlon, polythene, and Plexon are the synthetic fibers which are individually treated. Evans (29) has reviewed the development of viscose rayon from the historical sense. The future of synthetic fibers has been discussed by Evans (28), and also by Bendigo (16). Press (53) has collected and reported on the literature of the wool-like properties of wool, casein, silk, acetate, viscose, strong viscose, cotton, nylon and Orlon fibers. Terylene, the polyester fiber, has been described and its properties listed by Jentgen (39). A Japanese terylene has been prepared by Okamura el al. (50) from the dimethyl ester of terephthalic acid condensed with ethylene glycol in the presence of various catalysts. These fibers, however, were rather brittle. Dacron is the new polyester fiber which is being produced by Du Pont (26) experimentally. Two of its most outstanding characteristics are its wrinkle resistance, wet as well as dry, and high stretch resistance or good shape retention. It has good resistance to weak acid and weak alkali a t room temperature but poor resistance as the temperature is increased. Dacron has remarkable heat resistance, showing little discoloration or degradation a t high (300' F.) temperature. It is physiologically inert and has a low moisture absorption. It appears to have a good potential in the following markets: apparel, furnishings, sporting goods, industrial (electrical insulation, ropes, filters, tapes and webbing, plastic laminates), and rubber industry (conveyor belts, inflatable fabrics, tires). Orlon is a polyacrylonitrile fiber manufactured by Du Pont. Its chemistry and properties have been discussed by Houtz (38) and by Dohle (26). Dohle has also considered some of the manufacturing problems and applications of Orlon. It has also been considered for possible industrial applications (8). Orlon fiber (62)has exceptionally high bulk combined with light weight. It resists insects and is a light, strong, and warm fiber. For a full Marine uniform, only 3l/%pounds of Orlon are required compared to 5 pounds of wool. Nylon ( 2 7 )textile fibers have many uses in industry. Some of the representative fields are: aviation, filtration, fishing and maritime, rubber, upholstery, laundry, uniforms, and carpets. Voight and Newman (68) have described methods for handling nylon yarn to obtain fabric properties for particular uses. Grilon (7) is a new Swiss fiber which is claimed to possess propIt is a lactam derived from phenol and erties similar to nylon. is soon to go into production on a commercial scale. A similar commercial polyamide fiber is made in Germany under the name of Perlon. I t s properties have been described by Hentgen ( 3 5 ) and by Bohringer and Schuller (19). Emphasis has been laid on the importance of Dynel, the new synthetic fiber produced by Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Division, Union Carbide and Carbon Corp. It is spun from an acrylonitrile-vinyl chloride copolymer resin ( 1 ) . Some of its

Fiberglas Yarn Filaments Produced to within 11 times the fineness of human hair, Fiberglas yarn filaments appear as thin glass rods under microscopic view

properties and applications are discussed by Stowell (64) and by Gaines and Stowell (33). A series of papers on Dynel have been presented: textile fiber development ( d l ); fiber characteristics and behavior (59); spinning Dynel yarns ( 3 2 ) ; dyeing and finishing Dynel (32 ); industrial and woven applications of Dynel ( 6 6 ) ; and Dynel knit goods (61). Stutz (67) reported that immersion of Dynel fabrics in various chemicals a t specified temperatures and times has shown its excellent chemical resistance. Several other references (23, 69) also emphasize the important characteristics and uses of Dynel. Salquain (66) has reviewed the literature on casein fibers, denaturation of globular proteins and fibers from maize, arachid, soya, and other proteins. Karrh ( 4 0 ) has described the properties and uses of Vicara, a fiber developed by the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp. from corn protein. Oku and Hosokawa (61)have reported on the production of fibers from peanut and soybean proteins. They obtained fibers averaging 1.32 to 1.6 grams per denier strength. Koch (42) and Satlow (58) discussed the manufacture, properties, and applications of glass fibers as textile raw materials. The properties depend on the manufacturing processes. Shan (60) has considered asbestos textiles with respect to historical development, sources of asbestos, fiber classification, and types ot fabrics made. A new synthetic fiber has been developed by the Shell Chemical Co. (4). It is made from natural rubber and sulfur dioxide, has strength comparable to viscose rayon, is cheap, and is outstandingly resistant to water and solvents. Three new fibers have been described (14); Algil, a polystyrene fiber developed by Polymers, Inc.; Ramaton, a yarn produced from ramie by Ramie Products Corp. and San-Knit-Ary Textile Mills; and Plastylon, a new yarn developed in Austria from glass wool and miscellaneous waste fibers. Sasaki and Miyauchi (67) have reported on a new synthetic polyamide fiber made from 2-aminoethanol and varioub dibasic acids. Only the polymers from sebacic acid gave good properties. MODIFICATIONS FOR SPECIAL USES

Fibers and fabrics have been modified by additions to change their properties and to improve their usefulness. There have



been many such treatments reported. Some of these are reported here. Best-Gordon ( 2 7 ) has discussed variationp in methods of obtaining crease resistance in fabrics. It is reported by Prax (66) that ultramicroscopic particles of silica, precipitated and retained in the interior of fibers, incremes the tensile strength from 5 to 20% and materially improves wear resistance. The appearance of the material is improved; cotton becomes less rough; rayon becomes less bright arid resembles natural silk. Fain (50) and Clarke (24)have reviewed the various types of flameproofing agents and have explained how they work with the requirements of these products for textiles and wood. Nylon flammability, which has been increased by processing, can be greatly reduced by treatment with a new thiourea-formaldehyde treatment (16). Rlumenthal (28) has surveyed the literature dealing with the use of zirconium compounds for treating various types of fabrics for water repellency, etc. Titanium compounds for breating fabrics to obtain waterproofing effect’s have been reviewed by Moncrieff (47). The advantages and disadvantages of copper, lead, or silver pentachlorophenates for mildew prevention have also been presented by Moncrieff (46). Maas (45)subjected cotton sheeting to three forms of weather exposure and reported his results. A method of checking and controlling the operation of an abrasion tester for rayon fabrics was presented by Zook (7’0). HofTpauir and Guthrie (87’)reported lhat chemically modified cotton fabrics exhibited ion exchange characteristics. Phosphorylated cotton fabric behaved like a dibasic acid. Partially sulfethoxylated cellulose was a strongly acidic cation exchanger, whereas carboxyinethylated cellulose was a weakly acidic cation exchanger. Aminoethylceilulose arid diethylaminoethylcellulose acted as weakly basic anion exchangers. illahler (44) hag giveii tips 011 handling, washing, wcaving, filling, winding, and packaging of glass yarns to improve their quality. Morahan ( 4 9 )discussed the carpet market situation and the increasing use of synthetic fibers a8 carpct materials. It is reported ( 9 ) that nylon cloth imports durability to abrasive wheels. Carnpbell ( 2 2 ) has described the range of industrial applications for felt and the factors which should be considered in selecting the proper felt for any specific use. Nonwoven fabrics and t,lieir industrial applications have been listed and discussed (10). Ryan (6,5)has described a new type of nonwoven fabric cont,aining no bonding agent and with no interfiber fusion. The material has a relatively large degree of extensibility and conformnbility, coupled with high porosity and low density, making it particularly suitable 11s a base for coating and impregnating. Kent ( 4 2 ) has defined coating as the operation of applying a film of compound to a fabric. Other operations are described and the necessary equipment listed. Aerocor is reported by the Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. (21) to be the newest addition to their insulation family. The Fiberglas fibers are lightly bonded, with a thermosetting resin, into blankets, which form a light, efficient barrier to heat and sound. LITERATURE CITED (1) Anon., Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 39, No. 26, 927 (1950). (2) Anon., Brit. Rayon and Silk J . , 27, No. 322, 49 (1950). (3) Anon., Chem. Eng., 58, KO.1, 180 (1951). (4) Anon., Chem. Inds., 66, No. 6, 817 (1950). (5) Anon., Chem. Inds. Week, 68, No. 1, 15 (1951). (6) Ibid., No. 14, 18 (1951). (7) Anon., Chem. Trade J., 126, No. 3287, 1303 (1950). (8) Anon., Materials and Methods, 32, No. 3. 59 (1950). (9) Anon.. Mod. Ind.. 19. No. 3. 106 11950). ~. (i0j Ibid., 20,KO.6, 68, 71 (1950). (11) Anon., Modern Plastics, 27, No. 11, 164 (1950). (12) Anon., Rayon Organon, 22, No. 2, 18 (1951). (13) Zbid.. No. 5 (supplement), 81 (1951). (14) Anon., Teztile World, 101,No. 1, 238 (1951).

VOl. 43, No. 10

Axtrriann, R. C., and Sweet. A. T., Ibid., 101, No. 3, I :IO, 216 (19 j1). Bendigo, C. W., Ibid., 100,KO.9, 92 (1950). Best-Gordon, H. W., Terfile A ffr., 77, No. 917, 252 (1951). Blumenthal, W. B., Rayon a7td Synthetic Textiles, 31, No. 12, 81 (1950); 32, No. 1, 85 (1951). Bohringer, H., and Schuller, E, Kwistscide u. Zellwolle, 28, Xo. 4, 113 (1950). Howler, W, R., Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Cleveland. Ohio, private communication (.June 1, 1951). Burin, H. S., Papers Am. Assoc. Trrt. Technol., 5, No. 5, 231) (1950). Campbell, J. B., Materials and Methodu, 32, S o . 10, 72 (19503. Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Div., Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., S e w York, S. 1’. “Dynel Fiber,” Tech. B d . , 1950. Ciarke, S. G., Chem. TradeJ., 126, S o . 3239, 1408, 1410 (1950). Dohle, TI’., Texlil-Praxis, 5, S o . 7 , 426 (1950). Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. & Co., Wilmington, Del., ‘611)acrunPolyester Fiber,” Multigraphed Bull., 1951. Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. 6: Co., \Vilmington, Del., “Nylon Textile Fibers in Industry,” Tech. Ru11. A-777 (1951). Evans, J. G., Chemistry & Industry, 1951, No. 4, 74. Evans, Mary Ellen, Du Pont Mag., 45,KO.3, 24 (1951). Fain, J. M., Chem. Inds., 66, No. 3, 369, 463 (1950). Field, T. A, Jr., Papers Ant. ilssor. Tezt. Tecknul., 5, No. 5, 23k (1950). Gaines, R. W., Ibid., 5, No. 5, 2YH (1950). Gaines, R. W.,and Stoweli, E., Rayon and Synthetic Teztilea, 31, S o . 6, 61 (1950). Glass Fibers, Inc., Toledo, Ohio, “Sixth Annual Report, 1950.” Hentgen, H., Kunstseide U . Zellwolle, 28, KO.11, 442 (1950). Hochwalt, C. A., Rayon. and Syiilhetic Tezliles, 31, No. 11. 66 (1950). Hoffpauir, C. L., and Guthiie, J . I>.* Textile Reeearch, .J., 20, No. 9, 617 (19-& Sons, Inc., 1950. Moncrieff, R . W., Skinner’s Silk 82 Rayon Record, 25, No. 1. I ] % . 121, 125 (1951). Moncrieff, R. W’.,Textile Mfi.., 76, No. 908, 394 (1950). blorahan, J. M., Rayon and Synthetic Teztiles, 32,No. I, 52, Mi, 64, 69 (1961). Ibid., S o . 2, 32, 45 (1951). Okamura, I., et al., Bull. Research Inat. Teikokii Jinzo Kenshi Kaisha, Ltd., 2, No. 1, 48 (1950). Oku, M., and Hosokawa, Y . , J . Agr. Chem. Soc. Jnpan. 18, 217 26 (1942). Prax, Y . ,Chemistry R. Industqi, 1951, No. 13, 247. Press, J. J., Rayon and Synthetic Textiles. 31, No. 8 , 39 (1950). Rutledge, C. H., Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. 6: Co., Wilminatoii, Del., pi,ivate communication June 4 , 1951. Ryan, J. F., Am. Dyestuf Replr., 40,No. 8 . 262 (1951). Salquain, J., Reu. prod. chim., 53,No. 17-18, 165 (1950). Sasaki, S., and bliyauohi, M., J. AQT.Chem. SOC.Japam, 18, 54-8 (1942). Satlow. G.. Testil-Pram’s. 4. No. 12.594 11949). Setterstrom, C. A , , Papers A m . Ass’oc. Te‘xt. Technul., 5, No. 5, 232 (1950). Shaw, M. C., Ibid., 5 , KO.5, 253 (1950). Snyder, A. L., Ibid., 5, No. 5, 244 (1950). Staff Report, Better Liuing, 5 , No. 4, 8 (1951). Staff Report, Du Pod M a g . , 45, No. 2, 2 (1951). Atowell, E., India Rubber World, 122, Xo. 3, 315 (1950). Stowcl!, E., Papers Ana. Assoe. Text. Technol., 5, SO.5 , 2.1-0 (1950). Stowell, E., et al., Rayon and ~Slpilhctic Tertiles, 31, No. 7 , 35 (1950). Stuta. R. L.. Better Fabrics and ‘resting Bureau. Ino.. N e i r York, “Effect of Specified Cheinimls o n b y t i e l Fabric,” Repi. 43164 (May 11, 1951). Voight, R. L., and Newman, -1. t . , 7’eztile World, 101,No.3, 140 (1951). Women’s Wear D i i l y , New 101 k, S . I-. “Advertisement 011 Dynel,” Dec. 13, 1950. Zook, RI. H., A m . Dymtuf R ~ p t r . 39, . No. 21, 679 (1950) ,

RECEIVED August 1, 1953