Fibers - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Publication Date: October 1953. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 1953, 45, 10, 2199-2204. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the artic...
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C. S . GROVE, JR. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y.

JOSEPH L. VODONIK Industrial Rayon Corp., Cleveland, Ohio

ROBERT S. CASEY W. A . Sheafler Pen Co., Fort Madison, Zowa

., I

Expansion of existing facilities and construction of new production units for manufacturing synthetid fibers highlight the activities of 1953. Continued recognition of the importance of blends of natural and synthetic fibers, which must be studied further in order to develop industrial fabrics of desired properties, has improved the potential market demand for all types of fibers.




H E picture of planned increases in production of the old synthetic fibers and of construction of new plants for the newer synthetic fibers leads one t o wonder where these fibers will find eventual uses in industrial consumption. Some authorities seem t o believe that to be successful a new fiber must replace a fiber already on the market. Others have pointed out that the increased population is not sufficient t o consume the new fibers as rapidly as they are being produced in new plants. The longer life and better w e a resistance of the newer synthetics is also said t o be a factor in curtailing potential demands. The solution t o this problem of potential oversupply seems t o be usage of the fiber for the purpose for which i t is best suited. Hotte (79) states that during the last few years, the press has reported numerous discussions concerning the relative values of various fibers, and invariably, a t least in the nontextile press, references have been made t o the “battle of the fibers.” Actually there has not been m battle raging among the fibers. Peace has always existed among the fibers. This idea does not imply that there will not be competition among the fibers-there will always be-but it will be maintained on a supply and economic level and will largely be guided by the technologists and manufacturers. The use of man-made fibers, or natural fibers, or combinations thereof, will be dependent upon the quality values and price values that these fibers possess. The desire t o have an ideal4ber has been foremost in the minds of many, but this fiber has been and will probably always remain an idle dream. Each fiber has a personality of its own, and the problem of the technologists, the manufacturers, and the finishers is t o know these personalities and t o employ a combination of these personalities to obtain a desired end result. All fibers have certain outstanding characteristics; some meritorious, some unsatisfactory. Of the natural fibers, ootton is outstanding for durability, flexibility, and wide adaptability; wool for feltability, shrinkability, and resilience; silk for strength and luster; flax for strength and stiffness; and jute and sisal for strength and hardness. More recently Dillon (56) has given an unbiased evaluation of the major synthetic fibers. He says that in reality, there is no battle; only those who are marketing synthetic fibers are involved in wars of words. Any self-respecting fiber knows that it must meet three basio requirements if it is t o survive-availability, reasonable price, and superior properties for a t least one important application. He further emphasizes that there are three big hurdles for synthetics:

1. There is only a flimsy relationship between the properties of the high polymer molecular fiber and those of the finished fabric. 2. Any synthetic fiber must be processable with existing textile machinery that has been developed over a period of centuries for use with the natural fibers.

3. The old fibers have some amazgood proprties that hard to achieve in a synthetic fiber a t a reasonable cost.

To utilize fully the new synthetic fibers it is well t o recognize not only their advantages but also their weaknesses. Manufacturers of industrial fabrics, such as tire cord, filtration fabrics, and felts are cognizant of this fact. It is estimated ( 4 7 ) that 32% of all synthetics produced go into industrial fabrics, while only 28% of cotton, 19% of linen, 9% of wool, and 9% of silk are utilized in such industrial fabrics. Shook (134) estimates that the combined output of Dacron, Vicara, and the acrylic! fibers in 1953 will be about 160,000,000, which represents a tenfold increase over the 1951 level. Within the same period rayon and acetate capacity, chiefly for fiber and high tenacity yarn, will be increased by almost 300,0OO,C00 pounds, and nylon capacity by about 80,000,000 pounds. Gains for many of the other man-made fibers-glass fibers, polyethylene, and those produced from vinyl resins-will also be substantial. He has emphasized that the performance characteristics of the new man-made fibers, as well as changing price differentials, will produce major changes in the textile economy. The public’s desire for easier and less expensive upkeep, B higher degree of daylong freshness, greater durability, relieffrom shrinking, stretching, or sagging, and better resistance t o destructive factors such as moths, mildew, sunlight, and perspiration have important implications for finishers as well as for mills and fibers producers. According to Moisson (io$),there are many forces working t o advance the development, use, and acceptance of synthetics in textile and industrial applications. The technology of man-made fiber manufacturing and h i s h i n g is one of the fastest growing and most highly specialized fields in industry today. Factors that affect the future of man-made fibers are basic material cost; initial investment in fiber-producing plants (which seems inordinately high in these days of inflation); the need to amortize the investment; increasing customer demand; the growth of population and higher living standards; military and industrial uses; and the stability of prices. Though some factors are negative, the total of these forces is tending t o promote and force the acceptance of synthetics by consumers and mills. Bunn (19) believes that many complicated and interrelated factors will determine the success or failure of the newer synthetic fibers. Critical are the cost and availability of the raw materials. If the newer fibers are t o attain real maturity and fulfill their early promise, they must combine solid performance with ready availability a t low cost. Introduction of new fibers and expansions in nylon and rayon production are creating new markets for many basic chemicals. The eventual results of larger production of versatile raw materials should be a lowerhg of cost and a more general availability of interesting chemicals for plastics, surface coatings, and other products far afield from textiles. Grew (67) compares the newer synthetic fibers t o cotton n i t h respect t o their importance in industrid textile applications.




One inherent advantage of q n t h e t i c fibers is t h a t they can be produced with precise uniformity. According t o a review of industrial applications of these fibers, the rubber industry seems t o stand out in great importance because of its exacting fabric requirements for tires, mechanical hose and belting, and a variety of coated products. Another significant use for synthetic fibers is in the reinforcement of various types of plastic laminates. Chemical and allied industries also use the new fabrics for filter media, anode bags, and electrolytic cell diaphragms. The varying conditions and requirements found in these industrial applications are discussed. I n these and other fields, it is the task of the textile technologist t o use his knowledge oi the fundamental properties and characteristics of all available fibers t o make the correct selection for each specific end use. Von Bergen ( I f ) discusses the impact on wool of the new synthetic fibers. Wool fabrics have enjoyed long years of deserved popularity because of their comfort, good wear, and excellent appearance. These are the properties that make the use of wool important and necessary, especially for outerwear. These functional properties are due t o wool’s peculiar physical and chemical structure. The main attributes of wool are its high moisture absorbtion, high resilience in its dry and wet state, resistance t o wicking of water, its ability t o felt, its good dyeability, and its resistance t o free flaming. It is the culmination of all these properties t h a t makes wool so outstanding, versatile, and healthful. No other natural or synthetic fiber has yet been found or produced with such qualities. Fitzgerald ( 5 9 ) has also discussed the influence of synthetic fibers on the utilization of cotton in the textile field. T h e desirability of the properties contributed t o cotton by some of the newer synthetic fibers is not debatable, but whether or not these combinations will prove commercially feasible is yet t o be determined and will not be determined until sufficient time has lapsed t o permit thorough consumer tests. Since a current trend in the textile markets is toward lower priced fabrics, i t is expected t h a t

Vol. 45, No. 10

marized some of the contributions that the synthetic fibers, wool, and rayon make in fabrics containing blends of these fibers. Much textile research on blending is in progress t o confirm and elaborate the results so far reported. Blending the synthetic fibers with woo1 and rayon appears t o increase strength, resistance t o abrasion, dimensional stability, recovery from wrinkling, and retention of press. Wool and rayon may be employed with the synthetic fibers t o modify pilling and burning by embers. The blending of wool with some of the synthetic fibers t o augment crease recovery is also indicated. The contribution of the synthetic fibers t o rayon and wool and vice versa indicate t h a t the tR-0 groups of fibers are complementary t o each other, and fabrics possessing maximum functionality can be produced from blends of fibers from these diverse groups. I n order t o compete with the synthetics many research men throughout the world are studying the complexities of wool, cotton, and silk. They are looking for a better product a t lower cost. Wool Industries Research Association (30) has just completed a $500,000 addition t o its research facilities a t Torridon, Leeds, England. Some of the problems under study there on wool are chemical modifications of wool fiber t o get mothproofing; wool growth and the ways in which the growth of wool is influenced; fiber structure and the composition of the wool protein, keratin; and dye penetration with the aid of radioactive isotopes. The blending of fibers in order to achieve the best properties in the final fabrics for industrial uses may be considered t o be similar t o the alloying of various metals in a finished steel to give the desired metallurgical properties. Shook (135) has stated that merchandising of the fibers should be based upon three dimensions-price, appearance, and performance. The public is influenced by what it reads and hears, and it has heard a lot about the new fibers and their performance. Since this performance is quite dramatic, the public may have momentarily forgotten about the good performance it can get in some of the older synthetics such as rayon, acetate, and rayon-acetate blends. The public has had no opportunity t o evaluate performance com-

pletely on the basis of dollar of initial cost, and industry has not been as helpful as it could be in providing such valuations. Technical research plus merchandising research must answer these questions for the industry. For each end product, the different motives that influence purchase must be rated, and the performance of each fiber and blend of fibers must be considered in terms of these motives. PLANT EXPANSION AND PRODUCTION

As of July 1952, Moisson (103) quoted the following prices for synthetics:


Fiber Viscose Acetate Nylon Orlon Dacron Dyne1 Vicara Vinyon Acrilan

Denier 150 150 15 75 70

Filament Yarn, Price/Lb. $0.78 0.70 1.60 3.75 2.35



... ... ...

.... .... ....

Denier 1.5 3 and 5 15



.... .... .... ....

Staple Fiber, Price/Lb. $0.41 0.44 1.75 1.90 1.80 1.28 1.00 0.90 1.85

Increased use of synthetic fibers in the United States is predicated on the following figures: Average Use, Lb./Person 1.03 2.9 9.22 9.71 6.30 (estd.) 11.25 (estd.)

Year 1930 1940 1950 1951 1952 1960

Production, Millions of Pounds 127 390 1405 1504 1000 2000

Fiber consumption for 1952 breaks down as follows: Cotton Synthetics






October 1953

20,000,000 pounds of fiber per year under a process developed by the company; initial plant cost is estimated a t $23,200,000. A Chemstrand Corp. plant (43) now under construction a t Pensacola, Fla., is expected to reach initial production during the first quarter of 1954. It is designed to reach full capacity about 8 months after the initial start-up a t a rate of 50,000,000 pounds annually. According t o spokesmen for the corporation, this nylon plant will comprise the country’s first wholly integrated nylon production facilities. The company also has in the completion state its Acrilan (acrylic fiber) manufacturing facilities near Decatur, Ala. Union Carbide and Carbon Co. ( 4 6 ) has announced that a new $30,000,000 dyne1 fiber plant will start a t the end of the year. It is estimated that it will take a t least 18 months t o complete the building once work is started. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. (12) is now producing continuous filament glass yarn a t a Shelbyville, Ind., plant. Life (100) has ehown pictorially and with a flow sheet how air and gas are combined, purified, and converted into spun, crimped, Acrilan fiber. This fiber is manufactured in the new $j30,000,000 plant in Decatur, Ala., by the Chemstrand Corp., a company jointly owned by Monsanto Chemical and American Viscose. Acrilan is warm, washable, nonshrinking, moth- and mildewproof, and will hold permanent pleats. It is reported to take dye more readily than Orlon. The chemical industry is manufacturing synthetic woollike fibers in very large amounts, accounting altogether for more than a quarter of the industry’s total 1952 sales. Of considerable interest t o research workers on new synthetic fibers is the discussion of Mercer (101) on biosynthesis of fibers. He explains his theory on the growth of fibrous materials of biological origin (carbohydrate and protein). He postulates that the first step in the formation of fibrous structures is the synthesis of the nonfibrous precursor of the protofibril (primary synthesis). This precursor is next transformed into the protofibril (fibrillation); and the resulting fine fibrils are then organized into the higher forms.

Per Cent 73 20


The cost and availability of raw materials may be an important factor in the utilization and production of synthetic fibers. Teztile Organon (143) has estimated that the 1952 United States production of man-made fibers was 7% below that of 1951. However, the noncellulosic fiber output in 1952 was increased by 24% over that of 1951. According t o the Textile Economics Bureau (4)the output of noncellulosic synthetic fibers was 75,200,000 pounds in the first quarter of 1953,2% more than for the preceding quarter and 20% more than for the first quarter of that the new plant at Kingston, 1952. It is also reported (39,60) N. C., will be in full production by late 1954 a t a rate of 35,000,000 pounds per year of Dacron. This fiber under the name of Terylene will be produced a t a rate of 11,000,000 pounds per year by Imperial Chemicals in England. A new plant is also being built in Canada by the Canadian Industries, Ltd., a t Millhaven, Ont. This plant will be devoted entirely to the production of Terylene. While interest in this polyester fiber has been largely centered around its use in clothes, the industrial potential of this fiber should not be overlooked. It has been made into rope, belts, and insulating materials. Because of its acid resistance, it seems to be a natural for filter cloths, anode bags, and electroplating. There have been several announcements during the year of the increased production of nylon. The American Enka Corp. ( 4 2 ) a t Enka, N. C., has been licensed by D u Pont t o make nylon staple at a new plant with an output of 2,000,000 pounds annually using a caprolactam base. Production is expected t o be started in 1954. Allied Chemical and Dye Corp. (98) recently announced its intention t o erect a nylon-type plant in the Hopewell, Va., area. It is estimated that this plant will produce around


E. I . DV



Orlon Acrylic Fiber Does a Tough Job Where It Serves as a Filter in a Giant Filter Press



Vol. 45, No. 10



Sabine River Works Near Orange, Tex., Where Du Poiit Produces Alathon Polyethylene Resin, Chemical Intermediates for Nylon, and Methanol Preceding the construction of production units for new sj-nthetics are the steps necessary t o prove the value of the new fibers. Chemical Week (34) states t h a t a chemical fiber is not necessarily a textile fiber. Before a fiber manufacturer breaks ground for a new plant, he must be mighty sure of the answers t o many questions. How does cost of the fiber shape up? JVhich fabric markets can the fiber best serve? Which should it aim t o serve first? How does the fiber behave on existing textile machinery. How many other fibers blend with the new fiber? Which blend best? I n what proportions should the new fiber be blended for different applications? T o get preliminary answers, fiber evaluation programs are necessary in industrial mills and laboratories and in Institutions. The final test of a new synthetic fiber, of course, comes in the open market, where it must compete against natural fibers and related and unrelated synthrtics. Sales of the new synthetics must justify the huge chpansions of chemical companies into fibcr Gelds. With markets dependent on the unpredictable whims of the buying public, the sales appeal of the new synthetics fibers becomes quite important. I n recognition of this, D u Pont (31) is spending heapilyin 1953 advertising its six-fiber synthetic team, emphasizing at first clothing blends of Orlon and wool. Bley (15) indicates that the European man-made textile industry is beginning t o come out of the doldrums with a rush. This is especially true in Germany, which exported in a &month period for the first haIf of 1952 over 5000 metric tons of rayon with a n estimated value of almost $20,000,000. At the same time, Perlon exports t o the United States rose from 2,000,000 pounds in 1951 t o a n estimated 3,000,000 pounds in 1952 and are expected to rise even further in 1953. Perlon is selling in t h e U. S. for $2.00 per pound against a nylon price of 81.70 per pound. Research on Perlon indicates t h a t fabrics for dresses and men’s suitings will be commercially available in considerable quantities for export.

Alexander, P. J., and Sturley, C. H., J. T a t & Inst., 43, No. 1, P1-18 (1952). Twist and breaking strength in nylon yarns. Ambelarig, ,J. C., Shotten, J. A., Cxottschalk, C . W., Stevens, H. P., and Smith, G. E. P., Jr., IN]).ENO.CHEM.,45, 205-10 (1953). Wet-twisting cotton tire cord rmnrlitioned by alkarylsulfonates. A m . Teztile Reptr., 67, K O . 12, 34 (1963). The United States Department of Agriculture announced itu development of a process, “THPC,” for flameproofing cotton fabrics. Ihid., 67, KO. 21, 33 (1953). Statistics from the Textile Economic Bureau. Ancel, Ren8, Ind. Te.rtil*, 69, 135-8 (1952). Some oharacteristicv of Perlon. Arthur, .J. (’., Jr., and Many, H. G., Am. D u m t v f f R r p t y . , 41, No. 13, 385--6(1952). 3’10%~characteristim of peanut protein fibers. Azuma, S.,et d . , J . Suc. 1’e.ctile Cellulose I n d . ( J a p a n ) ,7, 61518, 618-19 (1951). Wool processed with rubber. Backer, Stanley, ‘feztile Resrarch J . , 22, No. 10, 668--81 (1952). Bent yarn mechanics. Barnard, Kenneth IT., Eauon und SgrnLhetLelic TmttP’le.9,33, No. 3 . G4 (1952). Flame retardant treatment. Hayley, C. H., Can. Teztile J . , 69, 59 (April 25, 1952). Literature review on effects of microorganisms and weathering on cotton textiles. Bergen, FVerner von, IND.ENG.CHEM.,44, 2157 (1952). E ~ o nomic impact of synthetic fibers on W J O ~ . Berliner, Saul S.,Daily A’ews Record, 31 (Feb. 13, 1953). Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. starts production of glass fiber. Berry, J. K., Rubber Age and Suntketks, 33, No. 3, 153---ti (1.952). The use of rayon i n the tire industry Bhattacharjee, H. P., and Callow, H. J., J. Teztile Inst., 43, N o 2, T53-9 (1952). Action oE dilute caustic soda solution o n jute fiber-hydrolysis of ester linkages. Bley, Louis, Modern Testiles Illagazinc, 33, No. 12, 39 (1953). European Report on Perlon. Bradbury, E., and Reicher, A , , J. Textilr, I?&., 43, No. 7, T350-3 (1952). High frict’ion of ext.racted continuous filament yarns on clean glass surfaces. B r i t . Plastics, 25, Yo. 274, 82-5 (1952). lnsolea of vinylidene. Brit. Ragon & Silk J., 28, No. 334, 48 (1952). Properties of Ardil. Bunn, Howard, IND. Exo. CWEX.,44,2128 (1952). Cost, and availability of raw materials for synthetic fibers. Busiiaess W e e k , KO.1202, 134 (Sept. 13, 1952). Flameproof drape]y materials. Busse, Warren IT., Teriile Research J . , 23, No. 2, 77-84 (1953). High compression stresses applied to text,ile fibers. Campbell, Jerome, M o d e m Textiles, 34, No. 2, 31 (1953). Nonwoven Fabrics. Chakravarty, A. C., Indian Textile J., 63, No. 2, 314---15, 318 (1953). Young’s modulus of some bast filaments. Chem. Eng., 59, No. 5,234 (1952). Fire retardant. Chem. Erzg. News, 30, 400 (1952). The Dutch Fiber Co.. NYMA, will begin manufacture of a polyacrylonitrile fiber. Chem. Processing, 15, X o . 8, 118 (1952). Celluliner is a highly resilient cotton fiber insulating material. Chenz. W e e k , 70, No. 14, 12 (1952). Production figures for synthetic fibers. Ibid., 71, No. 6, 15 (1952). Allied Chemical and Dye Corp. announced its intention to erect a nylon-type plant in t.he Hopewell, Va., area, 20,000,000 pounds of Eber per year, plant cost estimated $23,200,000. Ibid., 71, S o . 7, 37 (1952). Properties and uses of the Carborundum Co.’s ceramic fiber Fiberfrax. Ibid., 72, Xo, 11, 32 (1953). Research on Wool. Ibid., p. 44. Advertising on Orlon. Ibid., 72, No, 18, 44 (1953). Dacron production. Ibid., 72, No. 20, 71 (1953). U.S.D.A.’a Southern Regional Research Laboratory reported chemically treated cotton has ion exchange properties. Tbid., 72, No. 21, 38 (1953). Proving ground for synthetics. Coke, C. E., Can. Teztile J., 69,53 (April 25, 1952). Literature review of effects of microorganisms and weathering of synthetic fibers. Conrad, C. C., Dinwiddie, S. W., and Levin, P. M., presented as part of the Symposium on the Literature of Textile Chemistry before the Divisions of Chemical Literature and Cellulose Chemistry a t the 122nd Meeting, AMERICAN CHEimcXL SOCIETY, Atlantic City, N. J., 1952. Coppa-Zuccari, G., Rayon Sunthetic Textiles, 33, No. 5, 44,63 (1952). Cuojesco fibers are obtained from the subcutaneous adipose layer of hides subjected to tanning.

October 1953


Couillaud, E., Compt. rend., 234, No. 26, 2578-80 (1952) (in French). Mechanical resistance of nylon sutures under the conditions and range of temperatures of surgical use. Cresswell, A., Peiker, A. L., Textile A g e , 16, No. 4, 76, 80-1; No. 5, 42-5 (1952). X-51 acrylic fiber. Daily News Record, p. 34 (May 9, 1952). The flammability standards, TS-5131, of the Commerce Department’s Commodity Standards Division has been endorsed by the National Cotton Council. Ibid., p. 29 (Jan. 29, 1953). Use of high vacuum in metal coating of fabrics. Ibid., p. 1 (Feb. 10, 1953). Enka to make nylon. Ibid., p. 54 (Feb. 11, 1953). The Chemstrand nylon unit will start in early 1954 a t Pensacola, Fla. Ibid., p. 36 (Feb. 13, 1953). Cravenette offers reflective finish. Ibid., p. 1 (Feb. 17, 1953). New compounds for flame proofing cotton. Ibid., p. 27 (March 5, 1953). Announcement of Union Carbide and Carbon Co. Dyne1 plant. Ibid., p. 18 (March 13, 1953). Statistics on industrial textiles. Ibid., p. 28 (March 17, 1953). Courtaulds tests new fabrics made of polyethylene. Ibid., (March 26, 1953). Fabrics for tires. Ibid., p. 1, (April 1, 1953). IC1 Terylene plant to be built in Canada a t Millhaven, Ont. Ibid., p. 40 (May 1, 1953). Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. introduced a “breathable” vinyl film. Ibid., p. 2 (May 15, 1953). The Navy Bureau of Ships reported clothing made of dyne1 and Orlon may withstand acid conditions fifty times longer than cotton or wool. (53) Danielson, Arthur C. (to United States Rubber Co.), U. S. 2,616,822 (Nov. 4 , 1952). Protection of cellulose fiber against heat aging with guanidine salts. (54) Das, D. B., Mitra, M. K., and Wareham, J. F., J . Sci. I d . Research ( I n d i a ) , 11B, No. 12, 541-3 (1952). Fiber from Canna Orientalis as a jute substitute. Das, D. B., Mitra, M. K., and Wareham, J. F., J. Textile Inst., 43, No, 8, T449-53 [1952), Action of hydrogen peroxide on jute. Dillon, John T., Teztile World, 103, No. 3, 98 (1953). Evaluation of the major synthetic fibdrs. Edelstein, Sidney M., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 41, P518-24 (Aug. 18, 1952). Static electricity in textiles. Farrar, J., and Neale, S. M., J . Colloid Sci., 7, No. 4, 186-95 (1952). Distribution of ions between cellulose and solutions of electrolyte. Fitzgerald, L. K., IND.ENG. CHEM.,44, 2164 (1952). Economic impact of synthetic fibers on cotton. Foulon, A., Melliand Textilber., 33, No. 5, 407-8 (1952). Rhovyl and Ardil. Frederick, E. R., Textile Research J., 23, No. 1, 45-53 (1953). Use of corrugated fibrous webs as insulation fillers. Gantz, George M., Am, Dyestuff Reptr., 41, P100-4, P116 (Feb. 18, 1952). General discussion of synthetic fibers. Glass, Katherine, presented as part of the Symposium on the Literature of Textile Chemistry before the Divisionsof Chemical Literature and Cellulose Chemistry at the 122nd Meeting, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,Atlantic City, N. J., 1952.

Goldstein, Klaus R., Melliand Textilber., 32, No. 12, 900-6 (1951). Classification of synthetic fibers. Grabe, F., Chem-Ztg., 76, No. 18, 436-8 (1952). Synthetic fibers are reviewed and some of their mechanical and physical properties are listed, Grant, James N., Morlier, Ora W., and Scott, John M., Textile Research J., 22, No. 10, 682-7 (1952). Effects of mechanical processing of cotton on physical properties of fibers, Grew, Henry S., Jr., IND.ENG.CHEM.,44, 2140 (1952). Industrial applications of the newer synthetic fibers. Guthrie, J. C., and Oliver, P. H., J. Textile Inst., 43, NO.12, T579-94 (1952). Interfiber friction of viscose rayon. Hamburger, Walter J., Platt, Milton M., and Morgan, Henry M., Textile Research J., 22, No. 11, 695-729 (1952). Mechanics of elastic performance of textile materials: some aspects of elastic behavior a t low strains. Harris, Milton, and Mark, H. (Editors) “Natural and Synthetic Fibers; Literature and Patent Digest.” New York, Interscience Publishers, Inc. Hearle, J. W. S., J . Textile Inst., 43, No. 4 , P19PP223 (1952). Electrical resistance of textiles. Henk, Hans-Joachim, Melliand Teztilber., 23, No. 6 , 488-91 (1952). Light deterioration of textile fibers. Hermanne, L., and Quintelier, G., Textile Research J., 22, No. 2,


No. 2, 95-7 (1952). Fatigue of tire cords as function of twist. (74) Hersh, S. P., and Montgomery, D. J., Ibid., 22, No. 12, 805-18 (1952). Electrical resistance measurements on fibers and fiber assemblies. (75) Hill, R., J. Soc. Dyers Colourists. 68, No. 5. 158-68 (1952). Review of synthetic fibers. (76) Hirsch, Phil, Daily News Record, p. 16 (March 26, 1953). Fabric-covered refrigerator doors found to be getting strong response. (77) Hoerner, S. F., Textile Research J . , 22, No. 4, 274-80 (1952). Aerodynamic properties of screens and fabrics. (78) Holmes, D. F., Textile World, 102, No. 4, 126-8, 274, 276 (1952). Properties of Orlon acrylic staple. (79) Hotte, Geo. H., Ibid., No. 3, 138 (1952). Discussion of textile fibers. (80) Howell, H. G., and Mazur, J., J . Teztile Inst., 44, No. 2 (1953). Amontons’ law and fiber friction. (81) Hunlich, R., Rayon Zellwolle, 30, No. 3, 122-32 (1952). Properties of nylons. (82) Ikoma, I., et al., J. Soc. Textile Cellulose I n d . ( J a p a n ) ,6, 19-21, 85-7, 377-9, 440-1, 4 4 2 4 (1950). Cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol fibers. (83) Illingworth, J. W., Textile Recorder, 69, No. 827, 79-82 (1952). Textiles for the rubber industry, table shows various physical properties. (84) I n d i a n Textile J., 63, 388 (1953). The bast fiber of Helicteres isora is being used in India as a substitute for jute. (85j Jefferis, Harry, and Marks, Stephen S., Daily News Record, p. 1 (June 16,1953). Du Pont has produced a small quantity of industrial fabrics made from Teflon for field tests, principally for filtration cloths, gaskets, and pump packing. (86) Jellinck, M. H., Modern Plastics, 30, No. 11, 150-4 (1952). Vinyl silicone resin treatment of glass fibers. (87) Johnstone,, Edwin P., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 42, P96-8 (Feb. 16, 1953). Flammability of textiles. (88) Karrholm, E. Marianne, and Schroder, Bengt, Teztile Research J., 23, No. 4 , 207-24 (1953). Bending modulus of fibers measured with the resonance frequency method. (89) Kaswell, Ernest R., “Textile Fibers, Yarns and Fabrics,” New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1953. (90) Kilborne, Wm. S., IND.ENG.CHEM.,44, 2166 (1952). Economic impact of synthetic fibers on silk. (91) Klare, H., Technilc, D i l , 7, No. 4, 175-9 (1952). Review and statistics on synthetic fibers. (92) Klatt, R., Chemie (Prague), 4, 914-7, 219-23 (1948). Progress in synthetic fibers. (93) Koch, Paul-August, Textil-Rundschau., 7 , No. 12, 559-85 (1952). Properties of synthetic fibers. (94) Kolb, J. J., Stanley, H. E., Busse, W. F., and Billmeyer, F. W., Jr., Textile Research J . , 23, No. 2, 84-90 (1953). High compression stresses on textile fibers. (95) Kubu, E. T., Ibid., 22, No, 12,765-77 (1952). Stress relaxation of fibrous materials; instrumentation and preliminary results. (96) Lake, G. K., Ibid., 22, No. 2, 1 3 8 4 3 (1952). Properties of fabrics made from several synthetic fibers and their impact on textile industry. (97) Larose, P., Ibid., 23, No. 2, 91-8 (1953). Sorption of hydrogen chloride by wool. (98) Lasater, J. A,. Nimer. E. L., and Eyring, H., Ibid. No. 4, 237-42 (1953). Mechanical properties of cotton fibers; relaxation in air and water. (99) Leineweber, W. F., Jr., Reyon, Zellwolleu Chemie-fasern, 30, No. 2, 91-2 (1952). Properties of fabric composed of mixed fibers are discussed. (100) L i j e , 34, No. 1, 34 (1953). Pictorial presentation of Acrilan production. (101) iMercer, E. H., Sci. Monthly, 75, No. 5, 280 (1952). Outlines methods of growth into fibers of biological origin. (102) Meredith, R., J . Textile Inst., 43, No. 10, P785-92 (1952). Torsional properties of fibers. (103) Moisson, G. M., Textile World, 102, No. 9, 71, 300 (1952). The future of synthetic fabrics is discussed and comparative prices, production figures, and properties are given. (104) Ibid., 103, No. 4 , 76 (1953). New Aquex resins for rayon give abrasion resistance. (105) Moore, W. R., Textile Recorder, 70, No. 1, 66-8 (19531.. Moisture regain of textile fibers. (106) Munch, W., Melliand Teztilber., 32, No. 10, 742-6; No. 11, 820-5 (1951). Discussion of certain advantages of nylon and Perlon polyamide fibers. (107) Nagai, S., and Hanawa, T., J. Ceram. Assoc. J a p a n , 58, 16-20 (1950). Waterproofing of glass fibers by immersion in solutions of ZnSiFe or MgSiFa.



(108) N e w Y o ~ kTimes, p. 33 (July 23, 1952). Blends of dyne1 feather fiber. (109) Newell, William A , presented as part of the Symposium on the Literature of Textile Chemistry before the Divisions of Chemical Literature and Cellulose Chemistry at the 122nd Meeting, AMERICAK CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Atlantic City, N. J., 1952. (110) Noll, W., and Kirchner, H., Natur1L'issenschaften, 39, No. 7, 158-9 (1952). h communication on the morphology of chrysotile asbestos fiber. (111) O'Donnell, I. J., and Swan, J. &I,, Nature, 171, 571 (March 28, 1953). Degradation of wool by diaaomethane solutions. (112) P a c k w i n g Parade, 20, No. 229, 39 (1952). A new Tallpaper brush with brush fibers made of Bakelite styrene monofilaments. (113) Painter, E. V., Textile Research J . , 22, No. 3, 153-69 (1952). Mechanics of elastic performance of textile materials; graphical analysis of fabrio geometry. (114) Perrin, Eugene E., Rayon and Sunthetic Teztiles, 33, No. 4, 78 (1952). Textile preservative, copper 3-phenylsalicylatc. (115) Platt, RI. SI., Klein, W.G., and Hamburger, W. J., Textile Research J . , 22, No. 10, 641-67 (1952). Mechanics of elastic performance of textile materials; factors affecting the translation of cert.ain mechanical properties of cordage fibers into cordage yarns. (116) Postle, L. J., and Ingham, J.,J . Teztile Inst., 43, No. 3, T77-86 (1952). Measurement of interfiber friction in slivers. (117) Preston, J. AT., and Gundavda, J . SOC.Dyers Colourists, 6 8 , No. 12, 511 (1952). Effect of heat on rayon and silk. (118) Quip, J. B., and Dennison, R. w., IXD.ENG.CHEhI., 44, 2176 (1952). Functional properties of synthetics. (119) Ray, L. G., Jr., Textile Research J . , 22, No. 2, 144-51 (1952). Role of synthetic fibers in textile industry of the future; tables and charts of properties. (120) Rayon Synthetic Textiles, 33, K O ,5, 35, 48 (1952). Physical, chemical, and working properties of American Cyanamid's X-51 acrylic fiber. (121) Ridge, B. P., J . Teztilelnst., 44, KO.2, P48-65 (1953). Properties of synthetic fibers. (122) Ripa, O., and Speakman, J. B., Ibid., 43,KO.9, T517-18 (1952). Influence of stress on swelling of animal fibers. (123) Roy, M. M., Ibid., 44, KO.1, T44-52 (1953). Mechanical properties of jute. (124) Ibid., 44, No. 3, T90-4 (1953). Air flow method of measuring specific surface of jute. (125) Roy, AI. M., and Illukherjee, R. R., Ibid., 44, KO,1, 1'36-43 (1953). Mechanical properties of jute. (126) Roy, M. M., and Sen, M. K., Ibid., 43, No. 8, T396-401 (1952). Transverse swelling of jute fiber in water. (127) Salomon, G., Engineering, 173, No. 4493, 310-12 (1952). Morphological aspects of synthetic and natural textile fibers. (128) Saxena, A. P., I n d i a n Textile J., 63, No. 1, 234-7 (1953). Theory and testing of fabric wottability. (129) Schwara, Herbert R., Teztile Age, 16, No. 3, 26 (1953). Discusses industrial applications of various fibers, fiber strength, woven and nonwoven fabiics, and fibers for plastic reinforcement. (130) Science News Letter, 62, No, 10, 149 (1952). New nylon tires; racing type construction and compounds for military airplanes. (131) Secrist, Horace A. (to The Kendall Co.), U.S. 2,625,733 (Jan. 20, 1953). Unwoven fabric. (132) Shearer, Howard E., Am. Dyestuff Repti., 41, P429-31 (July 7, 1952). Nonwoven fabrics. (133) Ibid., P874-9 (Dec. 22, 1952). Methods of producing bondedfiber fabrics; table of properties. (134) Shook, Robert C., Modern Textiles Magazine, 33, No. 9, 38A (1952). Estimated output of synthetic fibers. (135) Ibid., 34, No. 1,30 (1953). Merchandising synthetic fibers.

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(136) Slayter, Games (to Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.), U. S. Patent 2,604,688 (July 29, 1952). Water-repellent glass fiber fabric. (137) Rmucker, Clayton A. (to Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.),Ibid., 2,607,714 (Aug. 19, 1952). Mats of glass fibers interbonded with readily removable binder, (138) Steele, R., and Messler, C., Textile Research J . , 22, S o . 5, 293377 (1952). Extensive revieir-. (139) Steinman, Robert, and Courtright, Harry C. (to Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.), U. S. Patent 2,610,957 (Sept. 16, 1952). Interbonded fibrous glass. (140) Stiegler, Harold W., presented as part of the Symposium on the Literature of Textile Chemistry before the Divisions of Chemical Literature and Cellulose Chemistry a t the 122nd Meeting, A~\IERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Atlantic City, N. J., 1952. (141) Teztile Age, 16, KO. 7, 14 (1952). W'ater-repellent finish for fabrics. (142) TeztiEe M a n u f . , 78, No. 931, 340-7 (1952). Fiber blending. (143) Textile Organon., 24, No. 2, 17 (1953). Production and statistics for man-made fiber. (144) Textile World, 102, No. 4, 172 (1952). Soraset is a new hydrophobic monomer resin for textile finishing. (145) Ibid., 102, No. 9, 99, 275, 276, 268 (1952). Fiber blends. (146) Ibid., p. 132. Antistatic agents (for fabrics). (147) Ibid., 103, No. 2, 125 (1953). Ardil protein fiber blends with wool. (148) Ibid., p. 292. Hess, Goldsmith and Co. announced a glass fabric that stretches up to 70% elongation, while the yarns remain uninjured. (149) Traill, D., and Thompson, R. H. K., Skinner's Silk & Rayon Record, 26, No. 6, 717-18 (1952). Processing and properties of Ardil fiber. (150) Ulrich, H., MeEliand Textilber., 33, S o . 4,281-2 (1952). Occurrence, preparation, uses, and testing of textile asbestos. (151) Vries, H. de, A p p l . Sei. Research, A3, No. 2, 111-24 (1951). Dynamic modulus of elasticity of regenerated cellulose fibers in relation to large deformation. (152) Wakelin, J. H., Tertile Research J . , 20, 605-12 (1950). Application of punched-card techniques to data on physical properties of single fibers. (153) Wall, Frederick T., and Snoboda, Thomas J., J . Phus. Chem., 56, KO. 1, 50-6 (1952). Reactions of aqueous alkali with nylon fibers. (154) Wegener, Walther, Melliand Tertilber., 33, No. 4, 338-42 (1952). Cyclic and static loading of Perlon yarn. (155) Wegener, Walther, and Geuthe, Karl, Ibid., 33, No. 2, 1304; No. 3, 234-7 (1952). Impact and static strength of yarns. (156) Weir, C. E., J . Research Natl. B u r . Standards, 49, No. 9, 138-9 (1952). Effect of moisture on compressibility of cotton, wool, silk, and leather. (157) Wesson, Sheldon C., DaiZu News Recoid, p. 26 (Feb. 5, 1953). Japanese making acetylated viscose staple. (158) Williams, Simon, Rayon and Sunthetic TextiEes, 33, KO.6, 31, 58, 61-2 (1952). Evaluation of a new fiber. (159) Withers, J. C., Aslib. Proc., 4, No. 2, 95-100 (1952). Textile terms and definitions. (160) Wood, C., J . Textile Inst., 43, KO. 7, T338-49 (1952). Dynamic friction of viscose fibers. (161) Worner, Ruby K., presented as part of the Symposium on the Literature of Textile Chemistry before the Divisions of Chemical Literature and Cellulose Chemistry a t the 122nd Neeting, AMERICANCHEMICALSOCIETY,iltlantic City. N. J., 1952. (162) Wrieth, J., Textil-Rundschau, 7, X o . 7, 323-6 (1952). Review of method of production, types, physical and chemical woperties, bleaching, and dyeing of Perlon fibers. (163) Wrotonomski, A. C., Textile Research J., 22, No. 7, 480-6 (1952). Properties of thermoplastic fiber-bonded fabrics.