Fibers - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1948, 40 (10), pp 1793–1798. DOI: 10.1021/ie50466a013. Publication Date: October 1948. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abs...
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FIBERS ROBERT S. CASEY, V.A . S h e a f l e r P e n Co., F o r t M a d i s o n , Iowa


C. S. GROVE, JR. U n i v e r s i t y , S y r u c u s e , N. Y .


(5) Anon., Chemurgic Digest, 4, 137,139-45 (April 30,1945). Pos-

H I S review is mainly an annotated bibliography, in which the authors have attempted to include only those references containing information valuable to engineers interested in the use of fibers in industrial applications. There are listed recent reference9 giving physical and chemical properties of fibers and engineering and industrial applications. Not included are references on methods of testing, manufacturing, and processing textiles, or composition, molecular structure, and dyeinp of fibers. Engineering and industrial applications of fibers depcnd on t h e combination of physical properties of the aggregate of fibers, which is a complicated function of the properties of the individual fibers as well as on the lack of deterioration of the physical properties in t h e given chemical and physical environment. The prohlem is further complicated by the variation in mechanical properties of individual fibers with the environment. T h e chemical resistance of fibers is measured b y degree of deterioration of mechanical properties rather t h a n in “inches penetration pc’r year.’’ Many references give physical properties of individual fibers. There are fewer references on evaluating the properties of the fabric from the properties of the fibers (82, lo%,103,196). Among t h e most fundamental is the series of papers on meehanicd properties of tcxtiles by Eyring, Halsey, and others (70-72, 99-101, 114, 126,127, 199, ZOO, 232). There are numerous reviews (10, 33, 46, 49, 81, 95-97, 119, 199, 176, 187, 193, 223, 263, 264, 972). Vulcanized fiber (1, 2, 90, 178) and leather (%6,27, 46,47, 92, 113, 122, 161, 257, 269-172, 261) have many industrial uses but there are not sufficient quantitative d a t a t o include them in the tabulation of materials. Average estimated quantities of fibers made available for use by ultimate consumers in 1946 (68) were (million pounds): cotton 4470,wool 743,silk 16, flax 31, rayon 830,other synthetic fibers (nylons, Aralnc, saran, Vinyon, and Fiberglas) 53, jute 749, hard fibers (abaca, sisal, henequen, istle, phormium, and cantala) 419, hemp 5 . Information on the quantities of fibers going into industrial use is not available. It is estimated t h a t 40% of all cotton is used for industrial purposes (67). Karrer (123) presented a new system of fiber nomenclature and classification. The Quartermaster Corps’ wartime developments on fiber8 and fabrics are not yet available for publication (64). T h e generic word “estron” to deeignate cellulose ester yarn and staple fibers has been recommended b y a committee of the A.S.T.M. and has been adopted by one manufacturer (941).

sibilities of ramie. (6) Anon., Silk J . & Rayon World, 20,No. 243,48,50,62 (August 1944). Modern knowledge of textile fibers, Summarizes important physical properties of common textile fibers. (7) Anon., Textile Bull., 66,60 (May 15, 1944). Velon, textile applications. (8) Aralac, Inc., Taftville, Conn., “Aralac and Spun Rayon Fabrics” 19451. Physical, chemical, and processing characteristics of Aralac. (9) Ashby, W.L.,Teztile Weekly, 40, 604,606,608. 644. 646. 648 (1947). Bemberg rayon, manufacture and properties. (10) Astbury, W. T., Endeavour, 3, 98-103 (1944). Types of manmade fibers. (11) Atkins, W. G.,Chemistry & I n d u s t r y , 1946, 58-61. Jute and chemical industry. (12) Badollet, M. S., “Asbestos,” Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 2,pp. 134-42, New York, Interscience Encyclopedia, 1948 (in press). Comprehensive review. (13) Baer, F.L.,Cord Age, 41,8, 10,12,34 (June 1944). Testimony a t hearings of Senate Subcommittee.studying fiber situation. Report on tests made a t National Bureau of Standards. Comparison of hemp and sisal ropes. (14) Ballou, J. W.,and Silverman, S., Testile Research, 14, 282-92 (September 1944). Sound velocity measurements. Acoustic-electronic method of measuring Young’s modulus, with data on numerous fibers. (15) Barnhill, M. T., et al., Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 35, 29-37 (1946). HONdifferent types of dyestuffs affect rate of deterioration of cloth exposed t o weathering. (16) Barr, T., and Speakman, J. B., J . Teztile Inst., 35,T77-88 (July 1944). Action of phenol on wool. (17) Barr, T., and Speakman, J. B., J . SOC. Dyers Colourists, 60,23845 (September 1944). Action of ethylene sulfide on WOOL (18) Beaulieu-Marconnay, A. v., Reichsber. Chern., 1, No. 2 (PrufNr. 015) ( P B 2025),204-6 (1944). Transparent and translucent quarts fiber. (19) Berkley, E.E.,Textile Research J., 18,71-88 (1948). Cotton, a versatile fiber. (20) Blackburn, S., and Phillips, H., J . SOC.Dyers Cotourists, 61 100-3 (April 1945). Action of iodine on wool. (21) Blair, G. W. S., J . Sci. Instrumenta, 21, 80-4 (May 1944). Analytical and integrative aspects of stress-strain-time problem, (22) Bogatyrev, P. M., and Vinogradov, K . V., Teentral. Nauch.Issledovatel. I n s t Lab. Glavtekhnotkani, Sbornik Nauch.Issledovatel. Rabol, No. 3, 89-95 (1939): K h i m . Referat. Zhur., 1940,No. 5,113. Filter fabrics for aluminum-produoing plants. (23) Bohringer, Hans, Melliand Textilber., 24, 117-20 (March 1943). Mechanical properties as well as water absorption of staple rayon and wool. (24) Bonnet, F., Can. Testtile J., 61, 38 (May 5, 1944). Improvements in Vinyon yarns. (25) Bonnet, F., Textile Bull., 70, No. 3, 11-12, 14, 16; R a y o n Textile Monthly, 27, No. 6,58-9 (236-7), No. 6, 51-2 (289-90) (1946). Chemurgy and modern textiles. Nylon, Vinyon, Velon, Saran, Permalon, and ramie. (26) Bowes, J. H.,Ann. Repts. SOC.Chem. I n d . Progress Applied Chem., 27,357-66(1942). Leather review. (27) Zbid., 28,321-35 (1943). Leather review. (28) Bremond, P.,Chirnie & indztstrie, 53,366-78(1945). Structure of filtering materials. Hot and cold filtration of gases New filtering materials. (29) Broihan, F.,W d r m e , 65,266-7 (1942); trans. in Brit. Plastics, 15,426-8 (December 1943). Synthetic bristles and electrostatic excitability. To ascertain whether use of synthetic bristles in brooms and brushes endangers safety in rooms in which explosions are likely t o occur. I


(1) Albert, G. A., Modern Plastics, 22,No. 7. 124,125,202 (1945).

Forming vulcanized fiber. (2) Albert, G.A., “Vulcanized Fibre and Its Fabrication,” Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, New York, Plastics Catalogue Corp., p. 642,1947. (3) Am. Assoc. Textile Chem. Colorists, Northern New England Section, A m , Dyestuff Reptr., 34, 146-56 (April 9, 1945). Effect of wet finishing and of time and temperature of immersion on certain physical properties of nylon. (4) Am. Assoc. Textile Chem. Colorists, Southeastern Section, Zbid., 36,705-10 (Dec. 1, 1947). Weather protective treatments for cotton duck.





Nylon Filter Cloth (30) Brookes, A , Enyiriewiny, 159, 263-4, 281-3 (April 7 and 14, 1944). Substitutes for silk insulation of fine !vires. Suitability of fibers for electrical insulation on fine wires. (31) Brown, A . E., and Harris, Milton, IND.EKG.CHEM.,40, 316 (1948). Chemical modification of wool. Replacement of disulfide groups by more stable linkages. (32) Burleigh, E. G., and Wakeham, Helmut, Textile Research J . , 17, 245-55 (1947). Stress rehxation of cotton and rayon cords at constant length. (33) Byerley, W. G., Textile J . Australia, 21, 691-5 (1946). Introduction to textiles for students, consumers, retailers, and wholesalers. Discussion of classification and world production of textile fibers and of necessary and desirable fiber properties. (34) Campbell, K. S., and Fynn, P. J., Textile Research J., 16, 450-8 (September 1946). Cellulose behavior with filtered light from carbon arc source. Degrading effect of various wavelength regions in spectrum on cotton cellulose. (35) Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp., “Vinyon Yarn, Type N,” Technical Sheets F-6821 (March 1947). Technical information. (36) Carlene P. W., J. Textile Inst., 38, T38-42 (February 1947). Measurement of bending modulus of monofilm. (37) Carmichael, D. G., Am. Dyestuff Re?;&., 34, 171-6 (April 23, 1945). History, manufacture, general properties, and uses of Aralac are bricfly discussed. (38) Cassie, A. B. D., Trans. Faraday SOC.,41,458-64 (August-September 1945). Absorption of water by wool. (39) Centola, Germano, Ann. chim. applicata, 36, 82-8 (1946) : cf. C.A., 40, 3268. Relations between structure and properties of textile fibers. Relative wet strength of textile fibers in water and acetic acid. (40) Chem. Eng. News, 25, 1123 (1947). Chemurgists’ meeting stresses plant fibers. (41) “Chemitex,” Silk J . & Rayon World, 21, 35-37. 42 (July 1945). Moisture relations of textile fibers. Hygroscopic nature of textile fibers in relation t o manufacturing processes and performance tests. Tables and charts. (42) Chevenard, Pierre, and Champetier, Georges, Bull. SOC. chim. France (5), 13,464-74 (1946). Elastic properties of textile fibers.

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(43) Chevenard, Pierre, and Champotier, Georges, Compt. rend., 222, 954-7 (1946). Elastic properties of textile fibers. (44) Chirkin, V. S., Khim. Prom., 1945, No. 2, 20. Acid-resistant packing made of polyvinyl chloride. (46) Cody, W. H., Am. Dyestu5 Reptr., 37,283-4, 286, 289 (1948). Textiles from seaweed. A review, chiefly about calcium alginate fibers. (46) Conabere, G. O., and Hall, R. W.,J. Intern. SOC.Leather Trades C h a . , 30, 214-27 (1946). Physical properties of individual leather fibers. Evaluation of Young’s modulus of elastic extension and percentage permanent set of leather fibers. (47) Conabere. G . O., Lloyd, D. J., and Merry, E. W., Ibid., 29, 246-56 (1945). Relations of lasting properties, heat resistance, microstructure, and chemical composition of chrome calf. (48) Conrad, C. M., Lyons, W. J., and Tripp, W. V., Testile RBsearch J . , 16, 324-8 (July 1946). Chemical degradation of cellulose in cotton tire cords as B result of road service and wheel testing carried to failure. (49) Cook, J. G., School Sei. Reu., 28, 297-303 (1947). Man-made fibers. (60) Cook, J . G.. Silk J . , 23, NO. 270, 28-30 (1946). Terylene, all. British 6ber, a superpolyester formed as a condensation product of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol Cohesion and melting point approach thoae of nylon. (51) Corbiere, J., Atomes, No. 15, 201-4,209 (1947). Oriented continuous filament (Rhofil) or staple fiber (Rhofibre) yarns formedfrom polyvinyl chloride by dryspinning fromsolution. (52) Croston, C. B., Evans, C. D., and Smith, A. K., IND. ENG. CHEM.,37, 1194-8 (1945). Preparation of zein fibers by wet8 spinning. (63) Darling, R. C., and Belding, H. S., Ibid., 38, 624-9 (1946). Moisture absorption of textile yarns a t low temperatures. (64) Daumas, Maurice, Chimie & industrie, 52, 10-15 (1944). Old and new filter fabrics. (56) Dean, J. D., and Worner, R. K., Am. Dvestuff Reptr., 36,4061 0 , 4 2 3 4 (July 28,1947). Degradation of untreated cotton fabrics exposed to weather in a subtropical climate. (56) Dean, J. D., et al., A m . Duestwff Reptr., 36, Proc. d m . Assoc. Testile Chem. Colorists, 705-10 (1947). Weather protective treatments for cotton duck. (57) Dewey, G. I., and Whitlock, W. P., 111, J. Am. SOC.NnvaE Engrs., 58,39-48 (1946). Cordage, rescarch and use. (58) Dillon, J. H., Texttzle Research . I . , 17, 207-13 (April 1947). Resilience of fibers and fahrirs. (59) Dorn, C. W., et al., A m . Dyestuf Reptr., 35, 20-9 (1946) Evaluation of iabrics as to flammabilit3.. (60) Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., 1947?. Saran screen. Insect window screening woven from extruded saran monofilaments. (61) Du Pont de Nemours Q Co., E. I., Nylon Division, Wilmington, Del., “Physical-Chemical Properties and Processing of Nylon Textiles,” 1946-47. Technical data and charts. (62) Du Pont de Nemours Q Co., E. I., Sales Section, Rayon Tsstile Monthlv, 25, 51-3 (April 1944). Physical-chemical properties of textile nylon yarns. Numerous charts and tables. (63) Du Pont de Nemours Q Co., E. I., Sales Section, Nylon Division, Ibid., 25, 221-3 (May 1944). Silk, linen, glass yarn, viscose process rayon, cotton, wool, acetate rayon. Physicalchemical properties of textile nylon yarns. (64) Eaelman, N. B., Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot, private communication, July 16, 1948. ENG.CHEM.,35, 712-16 (65) Errera, Jacques, and Sack, H. S., IND. (1943). Dielectric properties of animal fibers. (66) Etchells, A. W., et al., Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 35, 38-42 (1946). Effects of dry heat on properties of nylon fabrjcs. (67) Evans, R. B., Southern Regional Research Laboratory, New Orlettns, private communication, July 1948. (68) Evans, R. R.,and Meadows, Barkley, “Trends in the Consumption of Fibers in the United States 1892-1946,” U. S. Dept. Agr., Southern Regional Research Lab., ACE-93, rev. preliminary ed., June 1948. (69) Eyring, Henry, Rayon Teztile Monthly, 26, 519-21 (October 1945). Value of fundamental research t o textile technologist. Explains some mechanical properties of textile fibers on the basis of known properties of molecules. (70) Eyring, Henry, and Halsey, George, Textile Research J., 16, 13 (January 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles. (71) Ibid., 16, 124 (March 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles. Three-element model under any experimental condition. (72) Zbid., 16, 336 (July 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles Stress-strain relationship of a plush fabric.

October 1948


(73) Feild, T.A., Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., New York, inultigraphed bulletin, charts, and tables, Feb. 25, 1948. Types and properties of Vinyon N yarns. (74) Ibid., general background information on Vinyon N yarns. Designations of Vinyon N yarns. Technical data. (75) Feild, T. A., and Michalko, B., Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., New York. Feb. 25,1948. Outline of demonstrations of properties of Vinyon N yarns. (76) Filter Media Corp., Chicago, “Cotton Filter Cloth,” printed sheet, 19471. Chemical resistance and other technical data. {77) Ibid., “Saran Filter Cloth,” 1947?. Chemical resistance and other technical data. (78) Zbid., “Vinyon Filter Cloth,” 19471. Chemical resistance and other technical data. {79) Zbid., “Woven Glass Filter Cloth,” 19471. Chemical resistance and other technical data. (80) Filter Media Corp.. Hamden, Conn., multigraphed sheet, 19479. Nylon filter cloth. Lists some chemical and physical properties of nylon. (81) Finch, J. M.,Contrib. Chemist to Insulation Research, 1945-46, 110-14. Insulating paper. A review. (82) Finch, R. B.,Teztile Research J . , 18,165-77 (1948). Compressional behavior of textile materials. Measurement a t constant rate of deformation. (83) Finlayson, D., J . Teztile Inst., 38, T50-53 (February 1947). Shear strength of filaments and fibers. (84) Fletcher, H. M.,Rayon Textile Monthly, 27,88-91 (July 1946). Physical properties of knitted fabrics made of natural and synthetic fibers. 1.85)Fourt, Lyman, and Harris, Milton, Textile Research J.,17,25663 (1947). Diffusion of water vapor through textiles. (86) Franz, E.,Die Chemie, 56,113-20,132-6 (May 1 and 15,1943). Physical and chemical properties of natural and synthetic fibers. (87) Freeman, K.,and Preston, J. M., J . Teztile Inst.. 34,Tl9-28 (May 1943). A fiber refractometer. Refractive indices of fibers. Cuprammonium rayon and four viscose rayons. {XS) Gibson, A. J., Bull. Am. SOC.Hosp. Pharm., 2, 68, 98 (1945). Cotton versus filter paper as a filtering agent. (89) Glucklich, Emil, Teztil-Ring, 1, 29-33 (September 1943). Effect of heat on fibers and yarns. (90) Goldsmid, P., Papeterie, 70, 17-20 (1948). Vulcanized fiber. (91) Gralfm, NJs, Medd. Svensko Teztilforskningsinst. Gliteborg, No. 4 (1947). Attack of microorganisms on flax and hemp yarns. i92) Grassmann, W., Reichsamt Wirtacha~tsausbau, C h m . Ber., Pruf-Nr. OIS(PB 52,017),697-728 (1942). Rawhide as a scientific and econoniic problem. (93) Greathouse, G. A., and Ames. L. M., Teztile Research J., 15, 223-6 (June 1945). Fabric deterioration by thirteen described and three new species of Chaetomium. (94) Greenwood, R. S.,J. TextzEeInst.. 37, 181-9 (discussion p 189) (1946). Developments in rayon and spun rayon fabrics, nylon, alginates, plastic fibers, and glass fibers. (95) Hall, A. J., Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 34, 385-8 (1945). Current textile progress. (96) Hall, A. J., Silk J . & Ruyon World, 23, No. 272, 30-2 (1947). Rayon and rayon processing during 1946. (97) Hall, A. J., Silk J., 23, No. 273, 28-31 (1947). Rayon and rayon processing during 1946. (98) Halls, E.E.,Znd. Chemist, 24,No.276,37-45 (1948). Waterproofing of fibrous materials. (99) Halsey, George, and Eyring, Henry, Teztile Research J., 15, 451 (December 1945). Mechanical properties of textiles. General theory of elasticity with application to partially rubberlike substances. (100) Ibid.. 16,329 (July 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles. Viscoelastic properties of a wool fiber. (101) Halsey, George, White, H. J., Jr., and Eyring, Henry, Zbid., 15, 295 (September 1945). Mechanical properties of textiles. (102) Hamburger, W. J., Zbid., 15,169-77 (May 1945). Mechanics of abrasion of textile materials. (103) Zbid., 18, 102-13 (1948). Mechanics of elastic performance of textile materials. Development of an elastic performance coefficient in tension. (104) Hardy. Eric, Can. Teztile J., 65, No. 6, 54. 66 (1948). Microscopy of flax and related fibers. Physioal properties of flax discussed in relation t o microscopy. (105) Harris, M., and Brown, A. E., SOC.Dyers Colourists, “Symposium on Fibrous Proteins.” pp. 203-6, 1946. Natural and synthetic protein fibers. Structure of wool and silk and dependence of some mechanical properties of fibers on structures are analyzed. (106) Heiss, E., Reichsber. Chem., 1, No. 2 (Pruf-Nr. 015), (PI3


52,025),207-15 (1944). Quartz glass wool. Loose quartz wool can be used as a filter, as a sound muffler, and as a catalyst carrier. (107) Hermans, P. H., Hermans. J. J., and Vermaas, D., J . Polgmer Sci., 1, 156-61 (May 1946). Density of cellulose fibers. Density and refractivity of model filaments. (108) Ibid., 1, 162-71 (May 1946). Density of cellulose fibers. Denslty and refractivity of natural fibers and rayon. (109) Hermans, P. H.,Hermans, J. J., and Verrnaas, D., KolloidZ., 109, 9-16 (1944). Density and refractivity of cellulose fibers. (110) Heuser, E.,and Chamberlin. G. N., J . A m . Chem. SOC.,68,7983 (1946). Action of ultraviolet light on cellulose and cellulose triacetate. (111) Hills, P. N., Paper Trade J . , 120, 33-4 (June 28, 1945). Fibrous building materials. (112) Hindman, H., and Fox, K. R., Rayon Textile Monthly, 24,2356 , 287-9 (May-June 1943). Effect of relative humidity on load-elongation properties of certain fibers. (113) Hobbs, R.B., J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 41,573-90 (1946). Study of specifications for chrome-tanned hydraulic packing leather. (114) Holland, H. D., Halsey, George, and Eyring, Henry, Textzle Research J., 16, 201 (May 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles. Study of creep of fibers. (115) Honold, Edith, and Wakeham, Helmut, IND.ENG.CHEM, 40, 131-4 (1948). Hysteresis, elastic modulus, and growth of tire cords under comparable loads. (116) Hudson, R. E., Jr., and Waddle, H. hl., Textile Research J . , 18, 232-6 (April 1948). Sulfuric acid steep a t elevated temperatures for gray cotton fabrics. Degrading effects of a dilute acid treatment on cellulose. (117) Illingworth, J. W., Textile Recordrr, 61,No. 57-61 (September 1944). Density of textile fibers. Study of densities of fibers in dry state and in liquid media. (118) Jacobs, F. F., Can. Texlile J . , 64, No. 14, 41-2, 44 (1947). Modern trends in screen printing. (119) Jacobs, J. S., “Textile Industry,” International Industrial Yearbook, Chap. XXVII, p. 387. New York, KristenBrowne Publishing CO.,1948. Review, 228 referenres. (120) Jones, C.S.,Indian Textile J . , 56, 741-6 (1946). Textile fibers from seaweed and ramie grass. (121) Jones, C. S., Textile Age, 9, No. 10, 44, 48, 60, 52 (1945). Chemical properties of textile fibers. (122) Jones, F. L., J.Intern. SOC.Leather Trades’ Chem., 31,395-402 (1947). Physical properties of chrome calf upper leather, (123) Karrer, E., Rayon Textile Monthly, 26, 66-7 (January 1945). Nomenclature and classification of textile fibers. New system of fiber nomenclature and classification. (124) Karrer, Enoch. Grant, J. N., and Orr, R. S., Textile Research J . , 17,314-22 (June 1947). Endurance of cotton tire cords‘and fibers under static tensioning. (125) Karslo, Joseph, Chcm. Eng., 54, No. 5, 156-7 (1947). Cement repairs vinyon filter cloths. (126) Katz, Sidney, Halsey, George, and Eyring, Henry, Textile Research J.,16,378-81(June 1946). Diacussion of published papers. Supplementary data for mechanical properties of textiles. (127) Zbid., 16,378 (August 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles. System showing a distribution of non-Newtonian viscous elements. (128) Kennedy, S. J., Ibid., 15,413 (November 1945). Am. Dgestuff Reptr., 34,511-15,519(1945). Problems for future quartermaster textile research. Improvements in water-resistance, webbing, sleeping equipment, shelter in field, wool shrinkageresistance, abrasion resistance, seams, use of new materials, etc. (129) Knight, W., Ann. Rep?.ProgressRubber Technol., 9,664(1945); of. C.A., 40,6262(1946). A review of fibers and textiles. (130) Korabel’skii, P.N., Farmutsiya, 9,No. 1, 23-6 (1946). Studies in filtering and percolating solutions of potassium permanganate and silver nitrate. (131) Kuhn. Werner, Helu. Chim. Acta, 30,487-93 (1947); cf. C . A . , 41,4944 (1947). Relaxation-time spectrum of systems with any large number of elastic and frictional cohesion mechanisms acting partly in series and partly in parallel. (132) LaFleur, K. S., Am. Dyestug Reptr., 34, 443-7, 452 (Nov. 5, 1945). Data on wool-acid-water relationships. Absorption of hydrochloric, sulfuric, oxalic, and phosphoric acids by wool. (133) Lauer, K.,Kolloid-Z., 107,93-103 (May 1944). Effect of organic liquids and of freezing on tensile strength and elongation of a number of fibers. (134) Lehmberg, W. H.,Mech. Eng., 67,93-99,135 (February 1945). Mechanical properties and uses of wool felt.



(136) Lemin, D. R., andvickerstaff, T., SOC.Dyers Colourists, ‘*Symposium onFibrousProteins,” pp. 129-41,1946, Somephystcocheniical properties of damaged wools. (136) Lev, E., and Rogovin, Z., Tekstil. Prom., 1945, No. 11-12, 456 [Textile Industry U.S.S.R., No. 11-12, 45-46 (1945)l. Relationship between water resistance and water-repellent properties of viscose fiber. (137) Lewis, W. S., Teztile Research J., 17, 431-7 (August 1947). Effect of alternate heating and cooling on breaking strength and elongation of cotton and rayon tire cords. (138) Lindgren, D. L., Gearhart, P. D., and Vincent, L. E., Calif. Citrograph, 32, 142; Citrus Leaves, 27, No. 2, 8-9 (1947); of. C.A., 40, 6744. Nylon fumigating tents. (139) Liu, Toh, J . Chinese Chem. floc., 11, 142-54 (1944). Utilisation of asbestos as a filter aid in sugar refining. (140) Lloyd, A. O . , Nature, 157, 735-6 (June 1, 1946). Effect of heat on wool, cotton, and nylon. (141) Loasby. G., Rayon Teztile: Monthly, 24,637-9 (December 1943) Nylon yarn and its possibilities. (142) Ibid., 25, 55-7 (February 1944). Nylon yarn and its possibilities. Charts and tables giving elastic properties of nylon yarn, silk, viscose, acetate, cuprammonium, Tenasco, cotton. (143) Ibid., 25, 66-8 (January 1944). Nylon yarn and its possibilities. Load-clongation characteristics of nylon yarn including strctch and recovery cycles. Charts for silk, viscose, and acetate. (144) Loasby, Geoffrey, and Jackson, D. L. C., BritishPatent 563,725 (Aug. 28, 1944). Improvements in or relating t o ueatment of threads, filaments, and the like to reduce electrostatic charges. (145) Loasby G., and Puls, H. Q., J . Teztile Tnst.. 38, 30-40 (January 1947). Effect of moistui e on nylon yarns and fabrics. (146) Lynn, J. E., Am. Dyeslug Reptr.. 33, 554-9 (1944). Shrinkage and felting control of wool with Lanaset. (147) Lyons, W. J., J. Applied Phys., 17, 472-82 (June 1946). General relations for flow in solids and their application t o plastic behavior of tire cords. (148) Lyons, W. J., and Prettyman, I. B., Ibid., 18, 586-7 (June 1947). Measurement of dynamic stretch-modulus and hysteresis of tire cords. (149) Macmillan, W. G., Mukherjee, R. R., and Sen, M. K., J . Textile Inst., 37, T13-24 (1946). Moisture relationships of jute. Adsorption isotherm and heat of wetting. (150) Makinson, K. R., Australian J . Sci., 9, 199-203 (1947). Physical properties of wool. (151) Manoklin, I. G., and Chunikhina, E. N., T r u d y Moskov. Tekhnol. Inst. Legkoi Prom. im. L. M . Kaganoaicha, 1941, No. 3, 57-93. Determination of heat conductance of leather materials and their combinations. (152) Mansch, W,, and Laucr, K., J . & f 5 ? w O ? n O l . Chem., 1, 106-12 (August 1943). Fundamental concepts on stress-strain curves, a new form of presenting stress-strain data. (153) Mark, H. F., Am. DyestufReptr., 36, No. 12, Proc. Ant. Assoc. Tcztile Chem. Colorists, 323-7 (1947). Principles of structure of synthetic fibers. Main factors influencing ultimate behavior of polymeric materials, (154) Mark, H., Tertile Research J , , 16, 361-8 (1946). Resilience of textile materials. (155) Marsh, P. B., Ibid.,17,597-615 (1947). Mildew- and rot-resistance of textiles. (156) Marsh, P. B., Greathouse, G. A, Bollenbacher, K., and Butler, EXG.CHEW,36, 176-81 (1944). Copper soaps M. L., IND. as rot-proofing agents on fabrics. (187) Marshall, F. F., and Williams, Dean, J . Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 41, 6-19 (1946). Permeability of leather t o water vapor. (158) Martin. A. J. P., and Mittelmann, R., J. TeztiZe Inst., 37, T26980 (l>cc:ember 1946). Measurements of friction of wool and niol lair. (159) Matagrin, Am., Papeterie, 67, 65-70 (1945). Pa,pers a5 dielectric insulating materials. (160) Mercer, E. H., and Makinson, K. R., J. TeztiZeInst., 38, T22740 (May 1917). Frictional properties of wool and other textile fibers. (161) Meredith, Reginald, Ibid., 36, T107-130 (May 1945). T e n d e behavior of raw cotton and otiicr textile fibers. (162) Ibid., 37, 469-80 (1946). Elastic properties of textile fibers. (163) Ibid., 38, T15-19 (1947); cf. C.A., 41,867i (1947). Determination of tensile properties and torsional rigidity of fibers (164) Merrifield, A. L., and Pomes, A. F., Textile Research J . , 16, 369 (August 1946). Fiber from peanut protein. Production and properties of Sarelon. (165) Miklowita, Julius. J . C’olZoid Sci., 2, 193-215 (February 1947). Initiation and propagation of plastic zone along a tension specimen of nylon,

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(166) Zbid., 2, 217-22 (February 1947). Stress-strain relationship of nylon under biaxial stress conditions. (167) Miskelly, R. E., Modern Plastics, 24, 121 (August 1947). Nylon rope head3 for new markets. (168) Miukelly, R. E., “Nylon and Other Synthetic Fiber Ropes,” address presented a t Fire Department Instructors Conference, Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 9, 1947; Plymouth Cordago Co., Plymouth, Mass., 1947. Properties and uses of various kinds of nylon ropes. Tables of strength, weight, elongation, and elastic recovery of nylon and Manila ropes. (169) Mitton, tt. G., J . Intern. SOC.Leather Trades’ Chem., 29, 169-94 (1945). Mechanical properties of leather fibers. (170) hid., 29, 269-77 (1945). Some physical properties and their variability in hide belly leather and goatshins. (171) Mitton, R. G., and Lewis, T. R. G., Zbid., 30, 74-94 (1948), Abrasion of leather. (172) Zbid., 30, 231-43 (1946). Abrasion of leather. (173) Miaell. L. R., and Harris, Milton, J . Research Natl. Bur. Standurds, 30, 47-53 (1943). Nature of reaction of wool with idkali. (174) Moncrieff. R. W., Synthetics and By-Products, 8, 224-8 (1946;. Hexaniethylenediamine-basesynthetic of rayon. Applications of nylon during war. (175) Morehead. F. F., Teztile Research J., 17, 96-8 (February 1947; Comparat,ive data on crosa-sectional swolling of textile fibers. (176) Morel. hmcdee, I n d . plastipues, 2, 324-31 (1946). Nylon, tho superpnlyamides. A review. (177) Morrill, C. E., Am. DyestuffReptr., 33, 320-1 (July 17, 1944). Study of effect of acid on breaking strength of warp and filling threads in sheeting. (178) National Vulcanized Fiber Co., Wilmington, Del., “National Vulcanized Fiber Handbook,” 1947. General properties, gradeu; dimensions; aaplicntions; forming and machining methods. (179) Navarra, Vincenzo, Materie plastiche, 13, 9-12 (1947). E:I&R*L~o properties of nylon 66. (180) Nekrasov, B. V,, and Nagatkin, I . G . , Tekstil.Prom., 1945, No. 10, 22-5 [Textile Industry U.S.S.R., No. 10, 22-25 (1945) 1. Chemistry of oxidation by hypochlorites. Action on ccllulose. (18%) Newman. 8. B., and Curtiss, J. H., J . Research Natl. Bur. Standurds, 39, 651 (1947); Research Paper 1847. Statistical analysis of some mechanical propertioi! of manila rope. (182) Nutting, G . C., Halwer, M., Copley, M . J., and Senti, F. R., Textile Research J . , 96, 599-808 (December 1946). Relationship between molccular configuration and tensile properties of protein fibers. (183) O’Kelly, J . F., Miwhippi Agr. Expt. Sla., Inform. Sheet 35U (1945). Ramie, a possible aourceof bast fiber. (184) O’Shauphnessy, M. T., Phus. Rev., 70, 803 (1946). Creep behavior of textile fibers. (185) Owen, W. W-.,India Rubber World, 114, 615-20 (July 1946). Some technical aspects of use of high-tenacity viscose process rayon in tires. (186) Perot, J. J., Jr., Paper Trade J., 124, No. 25. 54-62 (1947)Study of factors affecting filtration of smoke by fibrous materials. (187) Perruche, Lucien, L a Nature, 1945, 122-4. Synthetic and artificial textiles. (188) Phillipp. H . J., and Conrad, C. M., J.Applied Phus., 16, 32-40 (January 1945). Control of elongation in highly stretched cotton tire cord. (189) Plymouth Product eo., Plymouth Product Sheet, 41 (Dec. 19, 1946). Properties and uses, and table of data on saran rope. (190) Powers, D . €I., Chem. Bng. News, 26, 1442-3 (1948). Applied research in textile industry. (191) Pratten, A . S., Quart. Inst, Fibre Engrs., 8, No. 1, 1-19 (1948), Jute, flax, and hemp. Special haaarcls and fire problems associated with industry. (192) Pritchard, W.. Cordage, Canvas & Jute W o d d , 26, 27-32 (May 1945) Twenty years’ research t o find best canvas for railway wagon covers. Wear tests on canvas railway wagon covers. (193) Punnoose, T. V., Indian Textile J . , 55, 929-30 (1945). Random review of textile progress. (194) Quig, J . R , , Teskile Research, 8, No. 3, 8-12 (January 1943). Properties of Bubblfil. Rauber, E. L., Monthlu Rev. Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta, 30, 57-62 (Junc 19-15), Ramie, a new economic opportunity. Ray, L. G., Jr., Testile Research J . , 17, 1-6 (1947). Tensile and torsional properties of textile fibers Attempt to rcrrelate fiber properties with behavior of textile fabrics. Redmond, J. R., Am. Duestuff Reptr., 36, PTOC.Am. Assoe, Tcztile Chern. Colorists, 103, 121 (1947). Fire resistance in aircraft textiles.

October 1948


(198) Rees, W. H., J . Testilelnsl., 37, T121-39 (May 1946). Over-all specific volume of kapok. (199) Reichardt, C. H., and Eyring. Henry, Textile Research J . , 16, 635 (December 1946). Mochanical properties of textiles. Application of the theory of three-element model to stressstrain experiments on cellulose acetate filaments. (200) Reichardt, C. H., Halsey, George, and Eyring, Henry, Ibid., 16, 382 (August 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles. Analysis of Steinbcrger’s data on creep of cellulose acetate filaments. (201) Reichert, J. S., and Pete, R. H., Chem. Eng., 54, No. 4, 213-14, 216,218,220, 222, 224, 226, 228 (1947). Hydrogen peroxide. Structural materials, manufacture, and uses. White asbestos impregnated with paraffin or silicone stopcock grease for valve and pump-packing material. (202) Reid, J. D., Mazaeno, L. W., Jr., and Ward, Kyle, Jr., Teztile Research J., 16, 26-31 (January 1946). Decreasing acid degradation of cotton sewing thread. A mildly alkaline humectant such as triethanolamine gives good protection in both accelerated and practical sborage tests. (203) Robertson, A. M., Chemistry & Industry, 1946, 138-9, 146-7. Filtration, electrical insulation, heat and sound insulation in air filters, and as packing for chemical equipment. Manufacture and uses of fiber glass. (204) Roehrich, Olivier, and Bhi-Xuln-NhuQn, Agron. Trop. (Nogent-sur-Marne), 1, 261-89 (1946) : Bhi-Xuh-NhuLn, and Lavollay, Jean, Ministkre colonies, r6publique franpais, Trav. sect. agr. trop. Bull. 3 (1945). Ramie fiber, properties and textile qualities. (205) Rogers, R. E., and Hays, Margaret, Textile Research, 13, 20-35 (April 1943). Effect of storage on fabrics. Data on cotton, linen, wool. (206) Rogovin, A. A., TBlcstil. Prom., 1945, No. 10, 16-21. [Textile Industry, U.S.S.R., No. 10,16-21 (1945) 1. Influence of elongation stresses on mechanical properties of viscose rayon (207) Rohrs, W., Kunststoffe,36, 10-12 (1946). Fillers for synthetic materials. (208) Rose, L., J . SOC.Dyers Colourists, 61, 113-17 (,May 1945). High tenaeity viscose rayons. Physical properties. Charts, (209) Rossie, Adolph, MelEiand Textilber., 25, 190-2 (June 1944). Way in which composition and unequal tension affect strength of fibsr bundles. (210) Schaposchnikow, W. G., Ibid., 24, 120-1 (March 1943). Correlates moisture contents of cotton, flax, silk, and wool with temperature and relative humidity of air. (21 1) Bchappi, Witfried, Textil-Rundschau, 2,363-70 (1947). Changes in rayon on exposure t o light. (212) Schiefer, H. F., J . Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 33, 315-39 (October 1944). Machines and methods for testing cordage fibera. Breaking strength and elongation, dry and wet; flcxural endurance for abaca, sisal, jute, henequen, pita floja, ixtle, sansevieria, palmetto, hemp, roselle, manzanita, yucca, malvita. (213) Schiefer, H. F.. and Boyland, P. M.. Ibid., 29, 69 (Julv 1942): R P 1485. Note on flexural fatigue of textiles. (214) Scholes, A., J . TextileInst.,35, F 99-113 (Octobor 1944). Tire cords, cotton and rayon. (215) Schor, Morton, City Coll. Vector (iV. Y.), 9, 3s-9, 52 (1946). Review of chemistry and properties of nylon. (216) Schroter, G.-A., Kolloid-Z., 105, 223-5 (Ikcember 1943). Fe(C0)sis retained by alkali cellulose. Carbonsls accelerate aging of cellulose, in accordance with experience that metals, especiallv We, exert such action. (217) Sharapov, 6. A,, Khim. Prom., 1944, No. 8, 18-19. New type of gland packing. Glass-fiber waste. (218) Ibid., No. 2,21. Gland packing. (219) Shearer, I€. E., Rayon Textile Monthly, 25, 09-70 (September 1944). Vinyon as a plastic fiber. (220) Szlk J . & Rayon World, 20, No. 244, 36-9 (September 1944). Modern knowledge of textile fibers. Elastic properties of . fibers. Charts and tables. (221) Ibid., 20, No. 246,46,48 (November 1944). Modern knowledge of textile fibers. Optical properties. Tables of refractive indices. (222) Smith, C . , Endeaveur, 5, 110-15 (1946). Molds and tropical warfare. Chemicals used for protection of fabrics, papers, leathers. (223) Smith, Leonard, and Ruck, G. S.,Jr., Textile Colorist and Converter, 69, No. 11,41, 62-4 (1947). Discovering cotton. (224) Soper, F. G., J . New Zealand Inst. Chem., 11, 67-83 (1947). Chemistry of wool. (225) Speakman, J. B., J . TeztiZeInst., 38, T102-21 (February 1947). Mechanochemical methods for use with animal fibers. (226) Speakman, J. B., Tids. Teztilteknik, 6, 21-7 (1948). Practical applirations of recent wool researoh.


Speakman, J. B., Trans. Faraday SOC.,40,6-10 (January 1944). Analysis of water adsorption isotherm of wool. Spoon, W., PollJtech. Weekblad, 38, 50-1 (1944) : Chem. Zentr., 2, 785 (1944). Insulation with kapok. Srinagabhushana, Indian Teztile J., 57, 997-1001 (August 1,947). Some physical characteristics of parachute silk fabrics. Ibid., 58, 31-2 (October 1947). Some physical properties of Mysore raw silk. Stang, A. H., Greenspan, Martin, and Newman, S. B., J . Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 36, 411-19 (April 1946). Dynamic tensile tests of parachute webbing. Stein, Richard, Halsey, George, and Eyring, Henry, Textile Research J., 16, 53 (February 1946). Mechanical properties of textiles. Steinhardt, Jacinto, Fugitt, C. H., and Harris, Milton, J . Research Null. Bur. Standards, 30, 123-8 (February 1943). Combination of wool protein with weak acids. Stenerson, Harry, Chem. Eng. News, 23, 1838-9 (1945). Du Pont exhibits war uses of synthetic fibers and plastics. Stillings, R. A., and Van Nostrand, R. J., J . A m . Chem. SOC., 66, 753-60 (1944). Action of ultraviolet light upon cellulose. Irradiation and postirradiation effects. Stoll, R., Mell.2 and Teztilber., 25, 344-6 (October 1944). Causes and types of wear occurring in textiles. Stoves, J. L.,Soc. Dyers Colourists, “Symposium on Fibrous Proteins,” pp. 58-66, 1946. Chemistry of animal hair. Straughn, W. D. R., Textile Bull., 70, No. 2, 120, 122 (1946). Place of rayon in tires. Taylor, E. W., and Whiskin, L. C., Water and Sewage, 84, No. 8 , 25-6, 49-54 (1946); cf. Water and Water Eng., 48, 703-27 (19-15). Pollution of water mains by use of jute yarn joints. Teakle, L. J. H., and Hill, H. E., J . Roy. SOC.W . Australia, 30, 1-13 (1943-1944) (pub. 1946). Deterioration of jute materials in contact ’with superphosphate and mixtures containing superphosphate. Tennessee Eastman Corp., news release (July 8, 1948). I n accordance with revised terminology recommended by Committee D13 of A.S.T.M., Tennessee Eastman Co. will employ generic word “estron” to designate cellulose ester yarn and staple fibers. Teuton, F. L., Mjrs. Record, 115, No. 2, 4-9, 58 (1946). Better tires from cotton. Thomson, R. H. K., and Traill, David, J . Textile Inst., 38, T43-8 (February 1947). Bending fracture of fibers. Tinsley, J. S., J . Chem. Education, 25, 94 (1948). Summary of recent developments in cellulose and cellulose derivatives. Toh Liu, Intern. Sugar J . , 48, 262-4 (1946). Asbestos as filteraid. Traill, David, Chemistry & Industry. 1945, 58-63. Vegetable proteins and synthetic f i b m . (247) Traill, David, Textile Mfr., 71, 71-3 (February 1945). Ardil, a protein synthetic fiber from peanuts. (248) Tripp, Francis, Textile Bull., 74, No. 3, 78, 80, 82 (1948). Trends in treating cottons and rayons. (249) Turner, K., Teztile Recorder, 64, No. 765, 36-7 (1946). Terylene, new synthetio fiber. (250) Ibid., 65, No. 770,53-4,57 (1947). Flax utilization. (251) van Roey, G., RuZI. assoc. anciens BEud. brass., tmiv. Louuain, 42, 13-20 (1946). Determination of adsorbent capacity of filtering mass. (252) van Wyk, C. M., J . TeztiloInst., 37, T285-92 (December 1946). Compressibility of wool. (253) Vreedenberg, H. A., J . Polymer Sci., 1, 329-39 (1946). Elastic properties of textile yarns, represented with aid of meohanical model. (254) Wakehan, Helmut and Honold, Edith, J . Applied Phys., 17, 698-711 (August 1946). Hysteresis and related elastic properties of tire cords. (255) Waller, R . C., Bass, K. C., and Roseveare, W. E., IND. ENQ. CHKV.,40, 138-43 (1948). Degradation of rayon tire yarn at elevated temperatures. (256) Waller, R. C., and Roseveare, W. E., J. Applied Phys., 17,48291 (June 1946). Fatigue failure of rayon tire cord. (257) Warner, A. J., Elec. Commun., 23, 63-9 (1947). Jacketing materials for high-frequency transmission lines. (258) Weatherburn, M. W , and Bayley, C. H., Can. J . Research, 26F, 24-35 (1948). Resistance t o weathering of cotton duck treated with certain compounds of iron. chromium, and copper. (259) Webb, R. W., and Richardson, H. B., Cotton, 109, 111-14 (May 1945). Relationship of fiber properties t o strength of carded yarns. (260) Webb, R. W., and Richardson, H. B., Textile World, 95, No. 8, 121 (August 1945). Six fiber properties determine tire-cord strength.



(261) Weir, C. E., Carter, J., Newman, S. B., and Kanagy, J. R., J.

Am. Leather Chem. Assoc., 43, 69-95 (1948); cf. Maeser, Ibid., 42,390 (1947). Penetration of leather by water under dynamic conditions. ( 2 6 2 ) Wellington Sears Co., New York, '6\7inyoi~ Fabrics for Chemical Filtration and Other Industrial Applications," rnultigraphed bulletin, May 29,1947. (263) Whewell, C. S., Ann. Repts. SOC.Chem. I n d . Progress Applied Chem., 27, 106-20 (1942). Protein fibers. (264) Ibid., 28,88-101 (1943). Prot,ein fibers. (265) White, W. L.,and Siu, R. G . H.. ISD,ESG.CHEM., 39,1628-30 (1947). Resistance of resin-impregnated cotton fabriw to microorganisms. ( 2 6 6 ) Whitwell, J. C., and Toner, R. K., Teztile Research J., 17,99108 (February 1947). Predicting equilibrium moisture relations, with particular reference to textile fibers. (267) Wieschhaus, L. J., Southern Power and Ind., 66, No. 4 , 72-4,76 (1948); cf. C.A., 41,6778g. Application and rnaintcnance of filter-type dust collectors. Various types of clot,h filter fahrim.

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(268) Williams, D.R.."Saran," Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Fvlich.. multigraphed, April 21, 1947. Exposition on Saran B-118. including physical and chemical properties. (269) Williams, G. C.,Akell, R. B.,and TaIbott, C. P., Chem. Eng. P r O Q T e s S , 43,No. 11, Trans. Am. Inat. Chem. Engrs., 685 -96 (1947). Fiberglas packing in gas-adsorbing systems. (270) Wilsdon, B.H., T i m e s TradePng..G, vi (October 1939). Coinpetitors of wool. Technical comparisons. Table of mechanicat properties of fibers. (271) Work, R. W.,Thorne, A. M., axid Livingston, M. R., Phye. Rev., 70,803(1946). Investigation of load-deformation characteristics of Celanese and wool with partioular reference !a use in carpet pile. (272) Wright, R.E.,and Harris, Milton, Chem. Eng. News, 26, 2:-E (1948). Textile fiber developments, review for 1947. (273) Wuhrmann, K.,Schweia. Arch; angew. Wiss. Tech., 11, 138-44 (1945). Structure snd technological properties of fiboik $1: Italian broom. REPEXVED August 113,1948.

R. B. RlEARS AKD S . C . SNYDER C a r n e g i s - Z l l i n o i s S t e e l Corporation, P i t t s b u r g h , P a .

HIS paper on low alloy a i d carbon steels summarizes recently published information which is believed t o be of interest t o chemical engineers. It supplements the article (16) written by the same authors last year. CARBOY S l E E L S

I n a paper by Kinzel ( I S ) t h e Factors influencing t h e ductility of welded steel structures are discussed. This paper is of importance to chemical engineers because welded steel vessels and structures are used under a wide variety of conditions in chemical plants. Kinael concludes that several metallurgical factors contribute t o t h e behavior of welded steel structures when they are exposed to impact. Among these factors is t h e composition of the steels. Generally speaking, other factors being the same, increasing the csxbon content of t h e steel raises the temperature at which embrittlement under impact occurs. I n contrast to this, certain alloy additions lower t h e temperature at Tvliich embrittlement occurs. T h e rewlts of corrosion tests on a series of metals and alloys exposed to sulfuric acid of various concentrations were discussed by Wilkinson (19). H e concludes t h a t carbon steel is very resistant to 88 t o 98% sulfuric acid a t low velocities and a t a temperature of 35" F. H e also points out t h a t hydrocarbon emulsion streams containing concentrated sulfuric acid are not corrosive t o carbon steel except a t points wliere the stream moves at high velocity relative to the steel surface. T h e materisls of construction used in the furfural extractive distillation process for the separation a n d purification of Cd hydrocarbons a r e discussed in a paper by Buell and Boatright (6). They find that carbon steel is entirely satisfactory for niany uses; such as for solvent transfer lines, solvent heat exchanger heads (but not for heat exchanger tubes), walls, trays, and chimneys of the butylene extractive distillation tom-er (but not for bubble caps), and for the first evaporator in the furfural repurification unit. Brown, DeLong, and Auld (5) give the results of corrosion tests on a number of metals and alloys in d r y chlorine a n d dry hydrogen chloride a t elevated temperatures. They suggest t h a t

carbon steel is satisfactory for continuouti service in dry chluiiue or dry hydrogen chloride a t temperatures u p to 400" F. Thsy found t h a t in t h e temperature range from 450' to 500 'F., carbon steel would ignite in contact with dry chlorine. T h e resistance to corrosion of' wrought carbon steel was compared to t h a t of cast iron in a series of tests by White ( d 7 ) . T e s k included exposures to water vapor, salt spray, sulfur dioxide fumes, mixed acid fumes, and t h e weatherometer. White concluded t h a t carbon steel was about 15yomore resistant to cormsion t h a n cast iron when both were exposed in the unprotectud condition. Similarly, organic coatings proved to be more pr0tective on carbon steel t h a n on cast iron. For many types of service t h e metallurgical structure of carbon steel has been found t o have negligible effect on its corrosion resistance. I n a recent paper, however, Manuel (14) points out t h a t under some oil ell conditions the metallurgical structure of the carbon steel greatly affects its corrosion resistance. hlicrostructures consisting of well formed pearlite with lamellae which are long, straight, and continuous appear t o be more resistant tc. attack t h a n those containing pearlite which is less we!l formed 01 which is spheroidized. I n a recent article (B),it is noted t h a t carbon steel has pesformed well in t h e thermal catalytic cracking unit at the Alma, Mich., refinery of Leonard Refineries, Inc., which uses crudes containing 0.9% by weight of sulfur. Carbon steel in t h e reactor and in the catalyst kiln suffered litlle damage. Severe corrosion was found only in t h e heater transfer lines and t a r separator bottom lines. These lines were replaced with 4 to 6% chromium steel pipe. Phipps (12)points out t h a t dehydration of petroleum products is a n effective method of preventing corrosion on t h e intoriors of carbon steel pipe lines. I t may prove less expensive than going GO alloy steels or to other more costly materisls. NICKEL STEELS

It is concluded by Armstrong anid Brophy ( 4 ) after examinations of steels containing up to 13% nickel, t h a t t h e 8.5% nickel steel is a promising ferritic constructional material for equipment