Orion, the Vinyons, glass fibers, and the monofilaments of Saran and polyethylene.” Scott {114) lists some interesting and informative figures on th...
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__ C. S. GROVE, JR. Syracuse University, East Syracuse, N. Y .

JOSEPH L. VODONIK, E. 1. d u Pont de Nemours & Company, Znc., Buflalo, N. Y .

ROBERT S. CASEY, W.A. Sheafler Pen Company, Fort Madison, Iowa


HE relative importance of cotton in supplying fiber demand has changed little during the past year. However, synthetic fibers of varied uses have continued to invade the fiber market. Undoubtedly, this has been due to the ability of manmade fibers to satisfy new or unusual demands. Bendigo ($6) states that: “In the foreseeable future, the dominant synthetic fibers will continue to be viscose and acetate rayon (viscose and estron, if you prefer that terminology). Viscose, in particular, will be found increasingly in commercial uses, as will nylon, Orlon, the Vinyons, glass fibers, and the monofilaments of Saran and polyethylene.” Scott (114)lists some interesting and informative figures on the production and consumpt?ionof both natural and synthetic fibers for 1950 (estimated) in the United States. The consumption, including imports, is estimated to be: cotton, 4,300,000,000 pounds; wool, 625,000,000pounds; rayon, 1,100,000,000pounds; other synthetics, lOqO00,000pounds; and silk, 5,000,000pounds. It is estimated t h a t the United States production of rayon for 1950 will be 1,050,000,000pounds out of a total potential capacity of 1,254,000,000pounds. The production has increased from a figure of 10,100,OOOpounds in 1920, over one hundredfold a t the present time. The total world production of rayon in 1950 will reach over 2,500,000,000pounds. New synthetic fibers are beginning to appear in, at least, “pilot plant” quantities. Nylon, which has been in heavy demand for some years, appears to be entering new fields and to be expanding its use in older fields, such as tire cords. Orlon (47), Du Pont’s polyacrylonitrile fiber, is being produced in limited quantities a t the Waynesboro, Va., acetate plant. However, a new large-scale plant is under construction a t Camden, s. C. Many references to the properties and possible applications of Orlon are noted ( 3 , 5 ,38, 64,77,83,103-105, 108). Perlon is a capralactam nylon type of yarn produced in Germany. I t s properties and uses are discussed in various articles (60, 93, llf, 118, 118). Ardil (69) is described as a new synthetic wool. It is a peanut protein fiber. Polyethylene (43) is being used in textile materials in the form of monofilaments. Dyne1 (19,37,75)is a newer sythetic fiber spun from a copolymer of acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride. This fiber has also been c h e d Vinyon N (17,53, 48) which continues to receive considerable attention because of its excellent chemical resistance. It is reported (86)that Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corporation are planning to go into an initial production of 1t o 2 million pounds of Vinyon N per year. The protein fibers, Azlons, have been stated (25) to have lost ground, especially the casein-protein type, A4ralac. A zein-protein fiber, Vicara, is being produced by the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation. A condensation product of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid is being extensively studied. I n Great Britain, this product is known as Terylene (4,35, 68, 76). It is reported to be in some respects superior to nylon and rayon and is very resistant to hydrolytic attack, mold bacteria, and heat degradation up to 200’ C. Dry cleaning solvents, dilute mineral acids and bleaching agents do not attack it. It has a high wet strength and low water

absorption. Fabrics made of Terylene are stated to have “a warm feel.” Treatment of both natural and synthetic fibers to improve their physical properties’ has been frequently noted during the past year. The main lines of treatment are for three purposes:

1. Flameproofing or fire retarding 2. Mildew or rotproofing 3. Water repellency There have also been references to other treatments, such as shrinkproofing of wool, etc. Monsanto Chemical Corporation (96) discusses fire retardants. It is stated t h a t ammonium phosphate has been known since 1786 as a fire-retardant chemical for wood and wood products. However, i t did not prove suitable for cellulosic fabrics. T o meet textile requirements, “a flame retardant must have, in addition, certain other properties: 1. It must not reduce the tensile strcngth of the cloth appreciably. 2. It must not change the appearance and hand characteristics of the fabric. 3. It must be easy to a p ly. 4. It must be economica! 5. I t must be nontoxic.” Much has been written on the use of fire-protective agents for fibers (14, 84, 38, 39, 41, 49, 61, 61, 67, 85-87). Many of these treatments consist of nitrogen-containing compounds combined with phosphates, such as guanidine phosphate (6). Others use nitrogen-containing compounds combined with heavy halogenated hydrocarbons (36,56). In many cases, formaldehyde is used to form a condensation product on the fibers which will aid in preventing its removal during laundering (100). Fire-retardant coatings for fabric-covered aircraft are discussed by Weissberg et al. (129). Other references contain more details on fire retardants (44,88,89, 107,183,151, 133). Many treatments have been devised to prevent mildew, fungus, or rot on fibers. These may consist of bitumen coatings or of various types of phenolic-containing compounds. More complete and full details are covered in a series of articles (23,86, 30,40, 42,63,64,78,90-98, 96, 98, 117, 121). Water repellency of fibers and fabrics has long been of great interest to consumers of textile materials. Some of these make use of heavy metal compounds such as zirconium (82,185, 186) or of tungsten combined with a long-chain fatty acid. Silicone materials have also been suggested (46, 46). Others contain a thermally decomposable quaternary ammonium salt, with a wax and a solvent, which makes the mixture of compounds mutually soluble in water (74) for application. Other phases of water repellency are discussed (34,101,113). Nonwoven or unwoven fabrics have received increased attention for the past few years. Their value seems to arise from the almost completely random distribution of fibers which gives equal




strength in all horizontal directions (180). Use M laminating material in plastics has been indicated (II, IS,fS4). One method of manufacture (1$2) has been patented, which involves removal of carded fibers directly from the supply by positive and direct air currents. Seymour (116) discusses “The Bonded Fabric Industry” with a list of 62 references. Continued research on manmade or natural fibers for engineering materials should fall, in the authors’ opinion, into two classes:

1. Development of new fibers to fill existing needs or demands. 2. Development of new uses for existing fibers. Emphasis should also be placed on studies of trecLtments which will aid the consumption of fibers in engineering applications. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGltAPHY

(1) Alibert, M. J., I d . plastiques modernes, 1, 27 (1949). A desoription of the decorative and industrial applications of fabrics made of polyvinyl chloride fibers. (2) Anon., C h a . Eng., 56, No. 3, pp. 160, and 162. Nylon filter cloths can be used on rotary filters or filter presses. (3)Zbid., No. 8, 150 (1949). Filter fabrics of Orlon, the new chemical and bacteria-resistant acrylonitrile fiber. (4) Anon., Chem. Znd., 60,No. 5,764 (1947). A comparison of the properties of Terylene with nylon and rayon. (5)Zbid., 65,No. 1, 94 (1949). New filter fabrics of Orlon, acrylonitrile fibers. (6) Zbid., 66, N o . 1, 16 (1950). A discussion of the use of guanidine phosphate-based, fire-resistant finishes for textiles. (7) Ibid., No. 4,558 (1950). A report on a rubberized fabric, made by B. F. Goodrich Co., effective a t temperatures below -85’ F. (8) Zbid., 678 (1950). A report on the use of Gra-Lite fabric because of its chemical impermeability. (9) Anon., Znd. Equipment News, 16,No. 4, 22 (1948). A fabric woven of glass yarn and coated with Koroseal has excellent chemical redstance and is nonflammable. (IO) Zbid., 17,No. 6,20 (1949). A note on the use of nylon bags for electroplating. (11) Anon., Mod. Ind., 19,No. 1, 108 (1950). A use of nonwoven fabric as a backing for vinyl plastics. (12) Anon., Moden. Plmtics, 26,No. 9,70 (1949). A discussion of the use of Lantuck, a nonwoven fabric, for plastic laminates. (13) Zbid., 27, No. 3, 69-75 (1949). A discussion of the various uses of vinylidene chloride, polyethylene, nylon, polystyrene, vinyl, and casein monofilaments. (14) Anon., Paint, Oil Drug Reptr., 155,47 (1949). Fabric coated with Moneanto’s Rezgard A, a phosphate type, has acoeptable flame retarding properties. (15) Anon., Plating, 35, 480 (1948). A deaoription of the use of nylon cloths as anode and filter bags. (16) Anon., Products Finishing,14,No. 6,110(1950). A new fabric, known as Gra-Lite fabric, resistant to chemical hazards, including anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. (17) Anon., R a g a and Synthetic Textiles, 30, 93 (1949). New developments and uses of Vinyon B yarns and fibers. (18)Zbid., pp. 94-43. Brief discussions of the use of nylon in clothes brushes, bristles for carpet sweepers, and uniforms. (19) Zbid., 31, No. 1, 63 (1950). A description of the properties of Dynel, a copolymer of acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride. (20)Ibid,, No. 6,p. 91. A discussion of the chemical resistance of nylon yarna. (21)Anon., Teztile World, 100,No. 3,260(1960). A description of a nylon-pile fur suit for arctic clothing. (22) Ariente, P. J., and Allen, H. C. (to Sayles Finishing Planta, Inc.), U. 8.Patent 2,455,886(Dec. 7, 1948). Durable water repellency achieved on textiles by impregnation with 5irobnium formate, followed by drying a t 280-300O F. (23)Atkina, W . G., et al., J . SOC.Chem. I d . , 69,No. 2,61 (1950). A textile rotproofing agent consisting of pretreatment with ouprsmmonium followed by saturation with bitumen. (24) Barnard, K.If.,IND.ENQ.CHEM.,42,430(1950). A discussion of fire-retardant textiles from the consumer viewpoint. (26)Bendigo, C. W..Textile World, 99,No. 9,111 (1949). A discus eion of newer synthetic fibers, including tabulations of properties and sources. (26)Benignus, P. G. (to Monsanto Chemical Co.), U. S. Patent 2,476,235 (July 12, 1949). A fungusproofing composition for textiles, consisting of a copper salt of &hydroxyquinoline, a long oil alkyd resin, and a chlorinated biphenyl mixture.

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(27) Bennett, D. C., J. Teztile Znst., 40, 483-8 (1949). Fourteen uses for nylon yarns mentioned. (28)Berry, J. K., Ibid., pp. 662-73. A discueaion of the performance of rayons in engineering applications, such as tires, belts, rubber hose, and the like. (29)Berry, J. K.,Textile Mfr., 75,79-80 (1949). An abstract of a paper dealing with developments in the industrial uses of rayon. (30)Block, S.S.,IND.EN@. CHEM.,41,1783 (1949). A report on the weathering resistance of fungicide-treated cotton fabric. (31) Bowne, C. E.,Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, 30, No. 9, 107 (1949). A brief description of the use of various synthetic fibers as industrial threads. (32) Buck, G. S., Jr., IND. ENG.CHEM.,42,428 (1950). A report on statutory requirements for flame resistance in textiles. (33) Bunn, H. S.,Rayon Teztile Monthly, 29,No. 7, 63 (1948). A discussion of some of the properties and poasible uses of Vinyon yarns. (34) Burdin, S. F., Susman, M. N., and Samsonova, 0. A., Textil. Prom., 7, No. 9,28 (1948). A description of various paraffin emulsions and metallic maps for water-resistant coatings on fibers. (35) Cady, W. H.,Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 37,699 (1948). A descrip tion of the preparation and properties of Terylene fiber, a condensation product of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. (36) Campbell, K.S.,and Sands, J. E. (to United States of America), U. S. Patent 2,462,803(Feb. 22, 1949). A preparation for flameproofing textiles from chlorinated paraffins, antimony oxide, and a water-soluble urea-formaldehyde condensate. (37) Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., New York, N. Y., Tech. Bull. F-7427 (November 1949). A report on the properties and applications of Dynel staple fiber. (38) Carpenter, A. S., J. SOC.Dyers Colourists, 65,469 (1949). A review of recent developments in Terylene, polyurethanes, Vinyon N, Orlon, vinylidene copolymers, polyethylene, polystyrene, protein, and rubber fibers. (39) Church, J. M., et al., IND. ENQ. CHEM.,42,418 (1950). A discussion on the evaluation of flame-resistant fabrics. (40) Cook, E. W., and Moss, P. H. (to American Cyanamid Co.). U.S.Patent 2,471,261(May 24, 1949). Impregnating permeable organic materials with a sulfurized parahalogenated phewl, followed by a copper salt, to render the materiale mildewproof. (41) Coppick, 3.,et al., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,42,415 (1950). A study of the thermal behavior of fabrics a t flaming temperature. (42)Cotton, R. T., Textile I d . , 113,94,264(1949). A method for insectproofing cotton bags. (43) Crawley, W. P., Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, 30, No. 9, 91 (1949). A digcussion of some of the properties and uses of textile materials made from polyethylene monofilament yarn. (44)Davis, F. V., Findlay, J., and Rogers, E., J. Textile I m t , , 40, T839-54 (1949). A report on the urea-phosphoric acid method of flameproofing textiles. (45) Dennett, F. L.,Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 39,No. 2,63 (1950). A discussion of some of the uses of silicones as a water-repellent treatment for textiles. (46) Dennett, F. L., TezLcle World, 100, No. 2, 155, 157 (1960). An announcement from Dow Corning Corp. of the development of “De Cetex 104” as a silicone water repellent for nylon, acetate rayon, and Orlon acrylic fiber. (47) Du Pont de Nemours, E. I. & Co., Wilmington, Del., “Orlon Acrylic Fiber,” Multigraphed bulletin, January 1950. Properties and applications of Orlon acrylic fibers. (48)Eckert, P., Kunslseide u. Zellwolle, 27,93 (1949). Preparation and properties of Vinyon N. (49) Esselen, G. J., IND.ENG,CHEM.,42,414 (1950). An introdubtory discussion on the flame retarding of textiles. (60) Fabel, K., Melliand Textilber., 31, 110 (1950). A detailed description of synthetic fibers, such as Vinyon N, Terylene, and others. (51) Fain, J. M.,Chem.Inde., 66,No.3,360 (1950). A discussion of the new flameproofing agents which are more durable and efficient. (52)Finlayson, D., and Jackson, T., India Rubber World, 119,NO. 5, 589,603 (1949). Physical properties of high tenacity rayon and other synthetic fibers in belting, tire cords, and fabrics. (53) Fisher, E., Fibres, Fabrics & Cordage, 15,331 (1948). PreFrvation of hard fibers in the rope and cordage industry by rmpregnation with acyl derivatives of pentachlorophenol. (54) Fisher, F., Textile J. Australia, 24, 144,146 (1949). Preservation of hard fibers against mold and fungoid growth. (55) Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, New York, Columbia University Preas, 1949. A world fiber re-

October 1950



view covering production, consumption, and uses of natural and synthetic fibers. (56) Ford, F. M., and Hall, W. P. (to Joseph Bancroft and Sons Co.), U. S. Patents 2,482,755and 2,482,766(Sept. 27, 1949). The flameproofing of fibrous materials by impregnating them with a complex of acid and nitrogen. (57) Fromandi, G., Kautachuk u. Gummi, 2, No. 4, 113-19 (1949). A presentation of the properties of strong viscose rayons in . . tire cords. (58) Gallagher, M., Goslin, H. H., and Seymour, R. B., Modern Plastics, 27, 111 (1950). A study of physical properties of fabric-reinforced polyester laminates. (59) Gapp, K.,Kunstseide u. Zellwolle, 27,91 (1949). A general review of the preparation and properties of the peanut protein fiber. (60) Goldberg, J. B.,Rayon Teztile Monthly, 29, No, 8, 58 (1948). A discussion of textile research and its practical application to industry. (61) Gulledge, H. C.,and Seidel, G. R., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,42, 440 (1950). A description of durably flame-retarding cellulose materials. (62) Gupta, R. S.,Indian Teztile J., 59, 163, 246 (1948). A review covering Velon, glass, casein, soybean, globulin, and animalized fibers. (03) Hall, A. J., Brit. Rayon & Silk J., 26, No. 303, 55 (1949). Properties of rayon and synthetic fibers in relation to moisture absorption. (64)Ibid., No. 304,71,85 (1949). An outline of the principal applications of acrylonitrile in textile fiber synthesis, with especial reference to Orlon and Vinyon N. (65) Ibid., No. 305, 55, 179 (1949). A review of recent developments in manmade fibers and the possibilities for the future. (66) Hall, A. J., Silk & Rayon, 23, 1218,1220,1222,1225(1949). A discussion of the evolution of polyamidea for new synthetic fibers and the possibility of the development of new superior polyamides. (67)Happoldt, W.B. (to E. I. du Pont de Nemours I% Co., Inc.), U. S. Patent 2,480,298(Aug. 30, 1949). Flame-retardant polythene compositions made by combining antimony trioxide and a solid chlorinated hydrocarbon with polythene. (68) Hardy, D. V. N., Chemistry & Industry, 1948, 59. Terylene and its early development. (69) Hardy, D. V. N., J . SOC. Chem. Id., 67,426 (1948). Terylene (polyethylene terephthalate) and its early development. (70) Haux, E. H. (to Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.), U. 8. Patent 2,488,865 (1949). Production of brushes by assembly of synthetic bristles of partially soluble organic plastics, such as nylon, Saran, etc. (71)Herbarth. J.. Kunsteeide u. Zellwolle, 26, 14 (1948). A review and discussion of the development and properties of glass fibers and fabrics. (72) Higgins, E. B. (to Tewin Industries, Inc.), U. 9. Patent 2,483,008 (Sept. 27,1949). Proofing of proteinaceous fibers against biological attack. (73) Hoffman, G. H., Teztile Mfr., 76,No.904, 172,193 (1950). A discussion of the properties, uses, and processing of ramie fibers. (74) Hopley. M., Jackson, J. R. F., and Imperial Chemical Indue tries, Ltd., Brit. Patent 612,915 (Nov. 19, 1948). New water-repellent compositions suitable for the treatment of fabrics. (75)Horst, W.P.. Chem. Ids., 66,No. 4,521 (1950). A tabulation of the properties of synthetic and semisynthetic fibers, with special notes on Terylene and Dynel. (76) Howlett, F.,J. Textile Inat., 40, 241 (1949). An elementary review of how molecules build up to form flexible or rigid plastics. Structure of textile fibers. (77) I b X , 41, 124 (19.50). The structure of textile fibers: Vinyon, Orlon, acrylic, nylon, Terylene, Saran, and polyethylene fibers. (78) Illingsworth, J. W.,Trans. Inst. Rubber Znd., 24, No. 2, 59 (1948). A discussion of the use of rayon, glass, and nylon fibers in tire casings. (79) Johnson, A., J. Textile Inst., 39, No. 11, 561 (1948). Asbestoswool flame-resistant fabrics. (80) Johnson, A., Tezlile Mfr., 75, 555, 558 (1949). Recent developments in textile materials, fabric manufacturing, etc. reviewed. Brief mention of nonwoven or bonded fabrics. (81) Koide, T., et al., J . Soc. Rubber Znd. Japan, 21,68 (1948). Use of latex-polyvinyl alcohol adhesive for tire cords. (82) Komuro, T., and Asakura, M., Rept. Tokyo Imp. I d . Research Inat. Lab., 37,251,261,267,278,284,300 (1942). Studies on making artificial wool by utilizing soybean protein. (83) Larson, W.E.. et al., Sci. Monthly, 69,414 (1949). A discussion of the properties, suggested markets, and future developments of Orlon acrylic fiber.


(84) Leasby, G.,Textile-Praxis, 1, 5,39 (1946). The chemical constitution, mechanical and physical properties, and resistanoe to bacterial attack of nylon. (85) Leatherman, Martin, U. 8. Patent 2,472,112(June 7, 1949). A fireproofing coating containing a chlorinated paraffin wax, an N-chloro compound, and a dechlorinating catalyst such as zinc oxide. (86) Ibid., 2,463,982(March 8, 1949). A fireproofing composition for textiles. (87) Little, R. W.,et al., IND. ENQ.CHEM.,42,432 (1950). Commercial applications of flame-resistant finishes. (88) McLean, A,, and Marrian, S. F. (to Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.), U. 8. Patent 2,470,042(May 10,1949). Process for flameproofing combustible cellulosic material by impregnation with polyethyleneimine and dipentaerythritol hexaorthophosphate. (89)Ibid., 2,472,335(June 7, 1949). Method of flameproofing combustible cellulosic material. (90) Marsh, P. B.,Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 38,436,451(1949). Fabric mildew-resistance testa with organisms tolerant toward copper and mercury. (91) Marsh, P. B.,et al., Textile Research J., 19, 462 (1949). A study of fungus deterioration of cellulose. (92) Mehta, P. M., Indian TexlileJ., 59,798(1949). A report on the of effectiveness of various antiseptics in inhibiting- the growth mildew on cotton cloth. (93) Moncrieff, R. W.,Textile Mfr.. 75, 285 (1949). A general discussion of the historical development of nylon; Terylene. Perlon, Vinyon, and Saran fibers. (94)Ibid., 587 (1949). A discussion of the application of rubber to wool to prevent fiber slippage in small-twist yarns. (95) Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., Tech. Bull. P-28 (March 1950). A description of the requirements of fiber retardants for textiles, with emphasis on Monsanto Fire-Retardant B. (96) Nopitach, N., Melliand TestiOer., 31, 182 (1950). A discussion of. the causes and effects of damage to fibers aiid fabrics by microorganisms. (97) Park, I. K.,Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 39, No. 2,59 (1950). A discussion of the properties and uses of Fiberglas. (98) Partridge, H. W.,and Key, G. E., J. Textile Inat., 40, 1077 (1949). Rotproofing of textiles by use of a phenolic compound and a quaternary ammonium compound. (99) Patton, W.G.,Iron Age, 165,40 (1950). Use of nylon cord in ‘tire tubes. (100) Pingree, R. A., and Ackerman, R. C. (to Sun Chemical Corp.), U. S. Patent 2,488,034(Nov. 15,1949). Fabrics are rendered flame resistant by impregnation with a condensation product of guanyl urea phosphate and formaldehyde. (101) Pollock, M., and Zenner, E. (to Sun Chemical Corp.), Ibid., 2,493,360(Jan. 3, 1950). Materials for imparting water repellency to textile materials and processes for producing and using the same. (102) Potter, H. V,, Chemislru & Industry. 1949. 879. A historical survey of the development of synthetic fibrous materials; carbon electria-lamp filaments; use of collodion; spinning viscoee; cellulose acetate rayon; protein fibers; and synthetic organic fibers. (103) Quig, J. B., Can. Textile J., 66,No. 1, 42,46 (1949). A review of historical developments, investigations of vinyls, spinning of polyacrylonitrile, physical and chemical properties, finishing, dyeability, and applications. (104)Quig, J. B., Rayon and Synthetic Tertilea, 30,No. 2,79: No. 3, 67; No. 4,91 (1949). Development and properties of Orlon, polyacrylonitrile fiber. (105)I b X , 31,No. 1, 64 (1950). A discussion of the use of Orlon in canvas goods. (106)Ramsdell, R. A., Ibid., No. 5 , p. 90. Consumption and produotion of nylon. (107) Reid, D. J., and Mazreno, L. W., Jr., IND.ENO.CHEM.,41, 2828 (1949). Preparation and properties of cellulose phoaphates, flameproofed by phosphorylation. (108) Rein, H., Angew. Chem., 61,241 (1949). A discussion of the properties of polyacrylonitrile fibers. (109) Riedel, L., Z.Vev. deut. Ing., 91, No. 10,227 (1949). A description of the manufacture of glass fibers, their properties, and their industrial applications. (110) Rusta, G. G.,Rayonne, 24,No. 2,35 (1949). A review of the new fibers, emphasis being placed on nylon, and their textile applications. (111) Schulhof, L., Kunetseide u. Zellwolle, 27, 287 (1949). A short review and discussion of developments in the manufacture and application of Perlon. (112)Schulze, A., Ibid., p. 56. A general deqcription of the methods of working with Perlon, the polyurethane fiber.



(113) Schuyten, H. A., JVeaver, J. W., and Reid, J. U., Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 38, 364, 365 (1949). A method of measuring waterrepellency of textiles which is independent of the type of cloth and dependent only on surface effect. (114) Scott, R. C., Testile World, 99, No. 9, 128 (1949). A tabulation of synthetic yarn consumption in 1949. (115) Seymour, R. B., Am. DyertuJReptr., 38, 453 (1949). A discussion of the development of the bonded fabric indust,ry. 62 references. (116) Seymour, R. B., and Schroder, G. M., Paper Trade J . , 128, No. 13, 16 (1949). Wool, asbestos, cotton, viscose rayon, and like fibers used in bonded fabrics which are united by thermoplastic fibers. Manufacture and uses. 42 references. (117) Siu, R. G. H., Darby, R. T., Burkholder, P. R., and Sarghoorn, E. S., Textile Research J., 19, 484 (1949). A study of mildew resistance of substituted cellulose compounds. (118) Smith, L. H., “Report of Synthetic Fibers, Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee,” New York, Textile Reserch Institute, Inc., 1946. A review of &hedevelopment in Germany of Perlon, a capralactam-type nylon. (119) Staudinger, H., Teztile-Rundschau, 4, 3 (1949). A review of the structure of natural and synthetic fibers. 57 references. (120) Stewart, J. R., Can. Textile J . , 65, No. 22, 41, 44 (1949). A discussion of the tests and wear resistance of manmade fibers. (121) Stewart, W.D., and Standen, J. H. (to B. F.Goodrich Co.), U. S. Patent 2,485,330 (Oct. 18, 1949). The use of thiothiazyl esters as fungicidal composition for textiles. (122) Taber, C., Rayon and Synthetic Testilea, 31, No. 5, 87 (1950). A report on nylon fabric development, with special emphasis on its abrasion resistance. (123) Truhlar, J., and Pantsios, A. A. (to Rudolf F. Hlavaty), U. S. Patent 2,450,790 (Aug. 30, 1949). Flameproofing of textile fibers by treatment with an organic phosphite with added chlorinated wax and chlorinated naphthalene. (124) Van Boskirk, R. L., Modern Plastics, 27, 178 (1950). Use of a nonwoven fabric as a reinforcement for plastic laminates.

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(125) Van Mater, H. L. (to National Lead Co.), U. S. Patent 2,437. 853 (Jan. 4, 1949). Water repellent textiles prepared by impregnation with a solution of a soluble double carbonate of zirconium and a soluble soap in amounts to react to form a zirconyl mono fatty acid compound. (126) Ibid., 2,482,816 (Sept. 27, 1949). Zirconium compounds used to impregnate textile fabrics for rendering them water resistant. (127) Weaver, J. M.,“Asbestos Textiles and Textile Products,” Manheim, Pa., Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., 1949. A booklet of information concerning asbestos and asbestos products. (128) Webb, P. W., Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, 31, No. 2, 39; So. 3, 62 (1950). A comparison of the properties of various fibers. (129) Weissberg, S. G., Kline, G. M., and Hansberry, H. L., IND. ENO.CHEM.,41, 1742 (1949). Fire-retardant coatings foi, fabric-covered aircraft. (130) Wellington, Sears and Co., Modern Plastics, 26, No. 9,70 (1949). A description of Lantuck resin-bonded fabrics and their properties. (131) Wesson, A. J., and Olpin, H. C. (to Celanese Corporation of America), U. 9. Patent 2,464,360 (March 15, 1949). Fireresistant organic fibrous materials containing ethylenediamine dihydrobromide. (132) Wilson, C. C., Cudd, H. H., and Probasco, D. V. (to West Point Mfg. Co.), U. S. Patent 2,477,675 (Aug. 2, 1949). A description of a method for making nonwoven fabric, utilizing positive and direct air currents. (133) Woodruff. J. A. (to American Viscose Corp.), U. S. Patent 2,454,245 (Nov. 16, 1948). A patent on the development of R substantially wash-fast flameproofing treatment for cellulosic materials by formation on the material of a water-insoluble complex of a cyanamide-formaldehyde resin with tungsten. (134) Zart, A., Chem. I n d . Tech., 21, 305 (1949). A discussion of the most important developments in the past ten years in thc field of rayon and synthetic fibers. RECEIVRD July 31. 1950.

Iron, Mild Steels, and Low-Alloy Steels c. P.




Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa.


H I S paper summarizes information published since the previous articles were written (22, 84, 86). IRONS

I n a previous paper ( 2 2 ) , attention was called t o the developcast iron. Since ment of a new type cast iron-spheroidal the development was first announced a t the 1948 meeting of the American Foundryman’s Society, more information has been published regarding the properties and characteristics of this material. Fifty-one companies have been licensed for its production. I n a summary prepared b y Gagnebin et al. (10) i t is stated that, chemically, this material differs from ordinary cast iron by the presence of a small amount of magnesium or of some other element which produces the same effect on the form and disposition of the carbon. Physically, however, there is a large difference between spheroidal and ordinary cast iron. Addition of a small b u t critical amount of magnesium produces a partial conversion of graphite t o the spheroidal form, and the remaining graphite takes on a compact form. A larger addition ensures t h a t all the graphite is converted t o the spheroidal form; as the amount of spheroidal graphite is increased in the iron, the strength is also increased from the base level t o a value several times t h a t of the untreated product. Considerable data are given on mechanical properties as de-

veloped by various heat treatments.

According t o Gagnebin

et aE.,i t is now possible, with the elimination of harmful flakes, t o

make available a low cost foundry iron which is easily produced, has excellent casting qualities, and has physical properties which hitherto have only been obtainable with cast steels. Depending upon the heat treatment employed, tensile strengths vary from 63,000 t o 166,000 pounds per square inch; yield strengths vary from 46,000 t o 116,08Q pounds per square inch, and elongations vary from 0.5 t o 21.5%. Some of the probkms in the commercial production of ductile cast iron are described by-Kwiansky (20). Troubles for both producer and consumer are foreseen if sufficient engineering and testing work are not done before production of sections thicker than pipe is undertaken. Eagan and James (9) discuss the possible use of ductile cast iron for compressor parts which are difficult t o cast with steel. Although the new material shows promise, more work must be done before it can be adopted for these parts. Using special hydraulic pumps and gages, the bursting pressure of vessels of ductile iron was found t o be twice t h a t of Class 40 gray iron and nearly equal t o that of cast steel. Although magnesium additions are used almost exclusively in this country t o bring about the ductile properties, other elements will produce the same effect. Patents have been issued to