Field Design and Quality Control Considerations for Turfgrass Runoff

registration. A well-designed protocol serves as an invaluable reference throughout a study, as most plot construction and study activities build one ...
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Chapter 8

Field Design and Quality Control Considerations for Turfgrass Runoff Studies Conducted for Modeling Purposes Joseph H. Massey1, Peter A. Y. Ampim1, Barry R. Stewart1, Mark J. Carroll2, and M. Cade Smith1 1

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762 2 Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

This paper presents quality control considerations for plot- and field-scale turfgrass runoff studies conducted for modeling calibration and verification. Items addressed include plot construction and maintenance, pesticide application verification, simulated rainfall rate verification, use of conservative tracers to track water movement, soil, thatch layer and weather data collection, and sample handling and storage.

Surface runoff is one of the largest loss mechanisms for pesticides applied to turfgrasses (1, 2). Owing to the importance of turfgrass to urban environments and the need to protect water quality, there exists an on-going need to perform turf runoff experiments to (a) assess the behaviors of new chemicals or products, (b) refine best management practices, and (c) calibrate/validate runoff prediction models for turfgrass. Field studies indicate that surface runoff from creeping bentgrass (3) and bermudagrass (4) is ‘scalable’ across a range of plot areas. Thus, there is scientific justification for using plot-scale experiments to study the surface runoff of turf chemicals. Conceptually, conducting a turf runoff experiment is simple: A chemical(s) is applied to grass, subjected to simulated and/or natural rainfall, and runoff collected and analyzed for the test chemical(s). In practice, a runoff study © 2009 American Chemical Society


In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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112 involves a number of steps that must be carefully performed to ensure that scientifically valid, representative data are produced. Small oversights in study design or conduct may compromise data from a scientific or regulatory perspective. The goal of this paper is to assist researchers, and perhaps those charged with evaluating and interpreting runoff study designs and results, by highlighting certain quality control considerations important to the conduct of a plot- or field-scale runoff experiment. This paper is not comprehensive, but presents approaches to quality control that have proven helpful in studies we have conducted over the past four years. For more comprehensive reviews of runoff studies, the reader is directed to Wauchope et al. (5) and Nett and Hendley (6). The specific aspects addressed here are plot construction and maintenance, pesticide application verification, simulated rainfall rate verification, use of conservative tracers to track water movement, soil, thatch and weather data collection, and sample handling and storage.

Study Planning A detailed protocol that addresses all aspects of study conduct is critical to the success of studies of this size and complexity. Moreover, an approved protocol is generally required for a study to be submitted to support pesticide registration. A well-designed protocol serves as an invaluable reference throughout a study, as most plot construction and study activities build one upon another. A thorough literature review is an appropriate place to begin any study of this scale. Unfortunately, quality control programs are not always well defined or explicitly reported in published works. Consultation with chemical manufacturers, experienced researchers, and end-users of the information generated by the study can help in addressing important aspects of study design. There are certain study details that should not be left to chance, nor addressed as an afterthought once the study is underway. Particular attention should be paid to the methods used to control and account for water movement within the test plots, and those used to account for pesticide application and fate in the turf system. Some pesticides present special considerations, such as those with a propensity to strongly adsorb to surfaces (water solubility ≤ 1 mg/L at 25oC), rapidly degraded (soil T1/2 ≤ 2 days), or those that are relatively volatile (vapor pressure > 10-4 mm Hg at 25oC). Thus, the researcher must take into account the properties and environmental behavior of the pesticide during protocol development. Sample handling and storage practices are also critical and may be compound dependent. Ultimately, a guiding practice in study design and conduct is to strive to account for as much as possible of the applied rainwater and chemical(s).

Turf Plot Construction and Maintenance The runoff plot must be constructed so as to capture no more and no less than the actual runoff occurring from the treated plot. Water external to the plot

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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113 borders should not be allowed to run onto the treated plot, just as the runoff collection apparatus must capture all surface runoff and not leak. If water external to the treated plot is allowed to run onto the plot, chemical concentrations in runoff will be diluted below their actual values. Runoff that completely bypasses or leaks from the runoff collection apparatus before measurement will reduce the total runoff volume and chemical load(s) measured. Neither of these scenarios will accurately reflect the maxium concentration and/or total load of chemical transported in the runoff that occurred. To prevent extraneous water from entering the plot, the plot must be isolated from the surrounding areas using metal dykes (7), landscape timbers (1, 8), or flexible plastic discharge hoses filled with masonary sand (9). However when installing multiple, permanent plots, turf-covered soil berms may be the simplest to maintain as they can be easily mowed when less than 5-cm in height. Plot spacing is also important and dependent on the overall experimental design and configuration of spray equipment and rainfall simulator (if any) to be used. Wide plot spacing prevents overspray during pesticide application and rainfall simulation, and allows movement of equipment between multiple plots. Knowledge of the distance of throw of the rainfall simulator is also needed to determine appropriate plot spacing. One of the most important aspects of plot construction and maintenance is the interface that exists between the down-slope edge of the plot and the runoff collection apparatus. This interface between the runoff diverter and turf is critical because it represents a potential point of loss for surface runoff. Wauchope et al. (5) note that construction of the diverter-turf interface requires creativity and skill. Several approaches may be used, but in each case the system must ensure against runoff bypass and potential leaks. In Mississippi, the transition between the sod and diverter was minimized by keeping the diverter thin. Our diverter, a piece of 20-gauge aluminum metal bent at a 135o angle, was designed so that it extended into the plot by ~5-cm and extended into the runoff collection trough by ~8-cm. The soil underneath the diverter was sieved, tamped, and carefully leveled so that no air pockets were present under the diverter. The diverter was next attached to a wooden box lining the collection trench using silicone sealant and screws with rubber grommets. Prior to installing the diverter, sod close to the interface was removed using a sod cutter. Once the diverter was installed, the original sod was overlapped onto the diverter by about 3-cm. The diverter-sod interface was allowed to heal for six to eight weeks before leak testing the remaining portion of the runoff collection system using a water-soluble dye. Maintainence of this interface, at least for bermudagrass and zoysiagrass, consisted of frequent visual inspection and clipping with hand shears as needed to keep the sod edge in good form. Line trimmers are not recommend as they can easily damage the grass-runoff divertor interface.

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


Weather Data Requirements

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Weather data necessary for modeling purposes are generally those used to estimate evapotranspiration (ETo), namely solar radiation, air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and precipitation. These data must be representative of conditions at the runoff site at the time of study conduct. Thus, the weather station should be sited at, or in close proximity to, the runoff site. The guidance provided by the U.S. EPA (10) on siting weather stations should be closely followed to ensure the data are properly collected and suitable for modeling purposes.

Soil and Thatch Data Requirements Input parameters needed to model turf chemical runoff vary with the intended use and capability of the model. Models that examine only runoff and rely on the curve number method to estimate this typically have few input requirements. The TurfPQ model for example, requires only inputs of chemical sorption, chemical decay and organic carbon content once a curve number has been selected for a site (11). Process-based models that simulate both leaching and runoff have more intensive data requirements. These models require characterization of the bulk density and moisture retention properties of thatch and soil to adequately simulate water movement in mature turf. They also require delineation of the horizons present in the soil profile, and input of the surface infiltration properties of the soil (12, 13). Characterization of thatch requires that care be used in identifying and separating this medium from the underlying soil. Thatch collected for the determination of pesticide sorption coefficients and organic carbon content is best obtained using a Soil Profile Sampler or equivalent (Turf Tech International©, Tallahassee, FL). The relatively wide flat faced sample obtained with this device is superior to a cylindrical core sample for identifying and separating thatch from the underlying soil. A sharp knife can to be used to quickly separate thatch from soil when using this device. Extracting intact (ie., undisturbed) thatch cores from the field for the purpose of determining the physical properties of this medium is more difficult than extracting soil cores. Difficulties encountered with extracting intact thatch cores from the field include the relatively unpredictable thinness or thickness of thatch found in most turf situations, the massive presence of roots at the thatchsoil interface and the highly elastic nature of the medium itself. These difficulties can be overcome by stacking a series of thin (ie., 0.5 cm) machined half circle rings above and below an uncut ring that is placed within the barrel of a core sampler. Usually, an uncut ring having a thickness 1 to 2 cm is sufficient for determining the physical properties of thatch at most turf sites. When a core sample is extracted from the field, the half circle rings are disassembled until the thatch soil interface is clearly visible. Correct placement of the uncut ring within the barrel of the sampler is obtained by observing the location of the thatch soil interface after performing a number of core extraction

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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115 trials. Ultimately, correct ring placement is dependent on how deep a core is driven into the ground. When a core is driven to the correct depth, the thatch-soil interface is observed just below the base of the solid ring. After the half rings have been disassembled, a sharp hacksaw blade is used to section the thatch from the underlying soil. Thatch or foliage residing above the top of the ring is removed using scissors. Use of a knife or dull blade to cut through the mass of roots present at the thatch soil interface causes the thatch to pull away from the sides of the core, compromising the physical integrity of the sample. Conversely, use of a fine bladed sharp hacksaw blade facilitates a clean cut through the mass of roots and results in a core that is flush with the bottom of the ring. Relatively few measurements of the bulk density and moisture retention properties of thatch appear in the published literature (14, 15). Our experience with obtaining these measurements suggest that more thatch cores need to be collected from a site than soil cores, to achieve comparable coefficients of variation for the two media (Table I). The greater coefficient of variation associated with thatch measurements is due to the lower bulk density and field capacity soil moisture retention levels found in thatch compared with soil, and because thatch core depths are generally more shallow than soil cores depths. Table I. Physical Properties of Thatch (1 cm) and Soil Surface Cores (0 to 6 cm) Collected from Three Similarly Managed Creeping Bentgrass Plots Moisture Retentiona (cm3/cm3 x 100) Media Thatch (N = 30) Soil (N = 24)

Bulk Densityb (g/cm3) 0.103 ± 0.02 1.59 ± 0.06

33.3 kPa 24.3 ± 2.35 31.5 ± 1.38

1,500 kPa 16.0 ± 1.89 11.6 ± 0.84c

Available Water 8.30 ± 1.30 19.9


Intact thatch cores (1cm x 5.4 cm dia.) were used to measure thatch moisture retention at 33.3 and 1500kPa, while intact soil cores (6 cm x 5.4 cm dia.) were used to determine soil surace moisture at 33.3 kPa. Disturbed sample material (N= 12) was used to determine the surface soil moisture retention at 1,500 kPa. b Arithmetic mean ± one standard deviation. c N = 12

Verification of Rainfall Application Rate If rainfall is to be simulated, the delivery rate and uniformity of the rainfall simulator must be verified under field conditions. Rainfall application rates significantly less or greater than the target rate and/or lacking in uniformity may cause non-representative and/or highly variable results that greatly complicate data interpretation. Performance testing of a rainfall simulator is accomplished using a formal audit procedure (5). Carroll (3) used wide mouth plastic cups spaced on ~30-cm centers. Coefficients of uniformity should be ≥ 85% to minimize experimental error. The operating pressure of the simulator should be noted during performance audits, and checked periodically during study conduct, to ensure the system is operating properly.

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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Plastic tarps placed over the entire plot area (Figure 1) are useful in determining total rainfall delivery. This approach provides a non-quantitative, visual assessment of uniformity helpful in refining simulator design and operation. Table II demonstrates that good correlation existed between rainfall estimates provided by raingauges and a whole-plot plastic tarp. Note that tall, narrow-top rain gauges may not accurately measure rainfall, owing to the steep descent of simulated raindrops. During actual runoff events, pan-type rain gauges should be used to record actual rainfall amounts and uniformity.

Figure 1. Co-verification of simulated rainfall application rate using rain gauges (metal pans) and a whole-plot plastic tarp (foreground).

Table 2. Comparison of Two Methods Used to Verify Simulated Rainfall Application Rates (target amount was 38 mm/h). Simulation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Avg. ± std.

Average of Six Whole Plot Rain Gauges Tarpa (rainfall amount, mm) 33 ± 4 38 40 ± 8 41 39 ± 7 40 42 ± 4 45 44 ± 6 45 43 ± 7 37 40 ± 6 41± 3


These values represent rainfall estimated using plastic tarps that diverted entire plot runoff directly into runoff collection apparatus.

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


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Tracking Water Flow Using a Conservative Tracer The flow of water across the turf surface is one important determinant of the timing and extent of chemical runoff. Thus, tracking and quantifying the movement of water is important when generating runoff data for modeling purposes as this (a) aids in model calibration, and (b) helps in verifying that model predictions are reasonable. A number of inorganic anion and dye-type tracers are available for use, each having advantages and disadvantages (16). We found that KBr applied at 15 kg KBr/ha in 384 L H2O/ha thirty minutes before initiation of simulated rainfall (38-mm/hr) was well tolerated by Mississippi Pride bermudagrass and Myers zoysiagrass. At this application rate, the average peak Br- concentration in runoff was 70.7 ± 20.9 parts per million (N = 18 plots). These peak concentrations were observed within 5 min of runoff initiation. A key advantage of KBr is that Br- can be reliably and economically analyzed by ion-selective electrode using U. S. EPA Method 9211(limit of detection ~ 0.2 ppm).

Verification of Chemical Application Rates One must know the actual amount of pesticide(s) and tracer applied to turf, rather than assuming the nominal rate was applied. This is critical to (a) accurately calculate the percentage of pesticide(s) and tracer that occur in runoff and (b) ensure that the pesticide concentrations measured in runoff reflect those that would occur with labeled applications. In field experiments involving pesticide application, it is not uncommon for actual application rates to differ by ± 15% or more from nominal rates, even after careful calculation, calibration of spray equipment, and application by experienced personnel (17, 18). In an analysis of over 1,600 pesticide applications, improper boom height (60% of errors), miscalculation of application rate (26%), and variation in pass time (14%) were determined to be most responsible for inaccurate application rates (19). Three main approaches may be used to verify chemical application rates (20). Two indirect measures are the catch-back method and the pass-time method. The catch-back method involves measuring the spray solution volume before and after application to determine if the desired volume of test solution was applied to the test plots. The pass-time method involves measuring the time that it took the applicator to pass over a test plot of known length, and the comparison of this measured value to the nominal time used in the application target calculation. Experienced applicators are able to apply within ± 2% of the targeted spray volume or pass time; making several practice runs before each pesticide application may improve overall accuracy. An advantage of the passtime method is that it provides realtime feedback on whether or not the application was nominally on target. Field protocols written for regulatory purposes typically require that the application be within ± 5% of the target spray volume or pass time value; variances exceeding these criteria should be closely scrutinized and the cause of the misapplication determined before proceeding with additional applications.

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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118 Our preferred verification method was to directly measure deposited residues per area, using application verification (AV) monitors. These are paper discs, polyurethane foam plugs, Petri dishes, etc. placed in the test plot to collect actual spray deposition that occurs during application. The AV monitors were collected and chemically analyzed for the test chemical(s) being applied. Prelabeled monitors were positioned before application in an arrangement spanning the length and width of each test plot, to allow a representative sample of the spray pattern (Figure 2). We used ~ one AV monitor per 9.3-m2 of plot area. Immediately after application, the monitors were carefully collected and handled so as to not lose their contents, wrapped in aluminum foil, and immediately frozen until analyzed. Care must be taken not to walk on or otherwise disturb treated turf surfaces after application. A ‘catwalk’ or other device may be helpful in preventing plot disturbance when retrieving the AV monitors. If, after analysis ,the chemical amounts are found to vary by more than 20% within an application, the source(s) of the variability should be determined and reduced to ensure uniform pesticide and/or tracer applications in future studies (21).

Sample Handling & Storage The application verification monitors and runoff samples must be properly labeled, handled and stored in order to preserve their scientific integrity. Improper handling can result in unacceptable degradation losses, and compromise the integrity of the entire study. The collection of application monitors should begin immediately after application, and the samples stored frozen to stabilize residues and solidify liquid spray droplets. Provisions should be made to have ample staff to collect the application monitors, recognizing that labor requirements rise with plot size and number of monitors used. A ‘dry run’ in collecting the AV monitors helps in assessing the time needed to collect, wrap and store the monitors. Sealed AV samples should be placed on wet or blue ice during or immediately after collection, and transported on ice back to the laboratory. A robust, sensitive analytical method(s) should be in place before initiating the field-conduct phase of a runoff study, as this helps to ensure the timely analysis of samples. If all of the samples cannot be analyzed soon after collection, it may be best to analyze at least a subset of runoff samples that contain measurable residues of the targeted analytes. These samples would then be frozen along with the remaining unanalyzed samples and reanalyzed when the remainder of sample sets are analyzed. By comparing the initial and final analyses of these samples, the storage stability of residues in the later-analyzed samples can be demonstrated.

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 2. Co-verification of pesticide application rates using AV monitoring (Petri dishes, denoted by arrows) and pass-time methods (inset).

Summary Much effort and expense are associated with the conduct of a turfgrass runoff experiment. While all aspects of the study are important, several are of critical importance to overall outcome of the study. Careful pre-study planning culminating in a detailed study protocol can pay tremendous dividends on studies this complex. Provisions must be made to carefully collect soil-thatch and weather data needed for modeling purposes. Use of a conservative tracer allows for improved runoff model calibration and verification of model predictions. Protection of sample integrity through all phases of study conduct is critical to the scientific validity of study results. Ultimately, an approach that tries to (a) account for as much as possible of the applied rainwater and chemical(s), and (b) minimize within-plot experimental variability through careful plot construction and maintenance, chemical application and sample handling often leads to the best overall outcomes for the researcher.

In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.


Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance provided by the U.S. Golf Association, the Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. We also thank Dr. Scott Jackson, BASF, Research Triangle Park, NC, for his helpful comments.


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In Turf Grass: Pesticide Exposure Assessment and Predictive Modeling Tools; Nett, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.