Fieser and Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Volume 17

Fieser and Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Volume 17 (Fieser, Mary). J. Chem. Educ. , 1995, 72 (4), p A94. DOI: 10.1021/ed072pA94.5. Publicat...
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reviews Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 87. Relaxation Phenomena in Condensed Matter Wiliiam Coffey, Editor. liya Prigogine and Stuart A. Rice, Series Editors. Wiley: New York, NY. 1994. xi + 766 pp. Figs. and tables. 16.4 x 23.8 cm. $150.00.

The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. Volume 53, Tellurium-Containing Heterocycles Michael R. Detty and Marie B. O'Regan. Edward C. Tayioc Series Editor. Wiley: New York, NY, 1994. ix+ 511 pp. Figs. and tables. 16.5 x 24.3 cm. $125.00.

AIP Series in Polymers and Complex Materials. Statistical Physics of Macromolecules Alemnoer Yu GrosbergandAlexe! R Khokhlov RonaldLarsonand Ph~llpAP ~ N s ,Sones EOtors. Translafm oy Yun A. Atanov Amencan nslt.leol Pnyscs 500 S-nnysloe Bvo Womo~ryhY 11797, 1994 xnrl + 350pp F*gs ano lanes 1 6 4 A 24 3cm 580.


Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series. Volume 11, Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions and Unnamed Reactions A. Hassner and C. Stumer J E Baldwln and P D. Magnus, Series Editors. Elsevier Science: Oxford, UK, 1994. viii + 452 pp.17.6x25.1 cm.$104.00HB/$39.50PB.

The purpose of this volume is to incorporate details of the older name reactions with those of same of the newer name reactions, or unnamed reactions that are often associated with a particular name. Over 400 reactions are listed, and key references and brief experimental details are provided for each reaction. The volume also contains a Name Index, a Reagents Index, a n Index of Reaction Qpes, and a n Index of Functional Group Transformations.

Fieser and Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Volume 17 Mary Fieser. Wiiey: New York, NY, 1994. 443 pp. 16.3 x 23.8 cm. $54.95.

Wiley Series in Ion Chemistry and Physics. Unimolecular and Bimolecular lon-Molecule Reaction Dynamics Cheuk-Yiu Ng, Tomas Baer, and Ivan Powis, Editors and Series Editors. Wiley: New York, NY. 1994. xvi + 503 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.9 x 23.7 cm. $125.00.

Organic Reactions, Volume 45 Leo A. Paqueite, Editor. Wiiey: New York, NY. 1994. vii + 671 pp. Tables. 16.2x23.6 cm. $95.00.

The Chemistry of Functional Groups. The Chemistry of Organic Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth Compounds


Saul Para! Eo lor Saul Para! and Zv Rappopon Ser es Ed tors W Icy Fvow Yorn, hY, 1994 xv 962 pp F gs ano taoles 16 5 23 7 cm $425 00

Chemical Analysis. Volume 129, Flame Chemiluminescence Analysis by Molecular Emission Cavity Detection David A. Stiles, Anthony Calokerinos, and Alan Townshend, Editors. J. D. Wineiom'nerand I.M. Kolihoff. Series Editors. Wiley: New York, NY, 1994. 205 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.9 x 23.7 cm. $90.00.

Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series. Volume 12, Enzymes in Synthetic Organic Chemistry Cllr-Huoy yVonq and George M Whllesrdes J E Baldwm ano P D Magnus Ser es Eo~lorsE sever Sc ence Oxloru L K


Journal of Chemical Education

1994. xvii + 370 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.3 x 24.9 cm. $88.00 HB1538.PB.

The purpose of this volume is to assist synthetic chemists to identify the mast suitable enzyme to accomplish a particular transformation. I t contains an introductory chapter dealing with the characteristics of enzymes as catalysts, fallowed by five chapters dealing with different types of chemical transformation. These chapters group together related information an the application of enzymatic methods to important reaction types.

In Focus. Protein Structure N. J. Darb and T E. Creighton. David Rickwoodand David Male, Series Editors. Oxford University Press: New York, NY, 1993. xiii + 99 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.8 x 22.9 pp. $14.95 PB.

This hook provides comprehensive coverage of this subject for students in biochemistry, hiophysies, molecular hiology, and related courses.