Fifth symposium (international) on combustion: Combustion in engines

BUSTION KINETICS. The Standing Committee on. Combustion Symposia, The. Combustion Institute. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York,. 1955. xxvi + 802pp...
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VOLUME 33, NO. 8, AUGUST, 1956



The Standing Committee on Combustion Symposia, The Combustion Institute. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1955. xxvi + 802 pp. Figs. and tables. 18 X 26 om. $15. Tnrs work consists of the 101 papers presented at the subject symposium in Pittsburgh in 1954. Half of the 90 contributed papers deal with the chemied kinetics of combustion reactions. Other topics include the burning of fuel droplets, liquid propellants and solids, diffusion flames, flame spectra and dissociation energies, and special techniques. Six of the 11 invited nauers are concerned with unsolved urohlems of eneine combustion. The publishers state correctiy that this up-to-date information, indispensable to scientists and engineers in many


fields of research that touch on combustion problems. As evidence of the widespread interest in the meeting, nearly half of the papers are of foreign authorship. This is the third symposium of the series to be collected in s single volume. One may assume that other volumes will follow at regular intervals, since one of the main points of business at Pittsburgh was the organization of The Combustion Institute, which will promote future symposia and arrange for publications. Therefore the book has much of the character and importance of an early volume of a scientific periodical. In spite of such difficulties as the diversity of aubject matter and symbolism, the more than 700 illustrations, and the necessity of translating and editing foreign language articles, the hook seems to have been meticulously assembled and well printed. DAVID 8. BURGESS

U. 8 Bonm~uOP MINEB Pm~sennan,PENNBYLYANI*