Fiftieth Meeting of American Chemical Society, New Orleans, March

Fiftieth Meeting of American Chemical Society, New Orleans, March 31 to April 3, 1915. Charles Parsons. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1915, 7 (3), pp 260–261...
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ble in regard to the crude, together with full information regarding all the possible products t o be made from it. 6. SAxPLEs-There will be an exhibit of all types of the crude petroleum produced in the United States and some from abroad, There will be a display of samples of practically all refined products from the 2 j O odd refineries in the United States, and the crude oils from which these samples have been made will also be shown. The commercial composition, chemical composition and the physical characteristics of these products will be indicated. The companies are sending 5-gallon samples of each of their products. These will be shown in attractive glass bottles properly illuminated and labeled with data of interest. The excess of samples will be used for critical scientific examinations, which will develop valuable information as to the comparative quality of the oils produced from various districts and of various origins. This will be of great commercial, economic and scientific importance. 7. HOUSINGAND SasITaTIos-Studies of the sanitation of isolated camps. Model cottages mill be shown, built with practicable conveniences, with gardens, yards and all necessary outbuildings. 8. LECTVRES-IllUstrated by v i e w and moving pictures by eminent men interested in the petroleurn industry. 9. FIRE HAZARDSand methods of preventing and fighting fires; in cooperation with the Insurance and Petroleum Con-. gresses mentioned belo\y and with the Fire Departments of the Exposition and the City of San Francisco. CONGRESSES

Three congresses of especial interest t o the petroleum men will be held during the Exposition: TO 24TH---ipril 24th will be ISSURANCEWEEK, APRIL I ~ T H “Fire Prevention Day.” INTERSATIONAL FIRE LvASTE CONGRESS, OCT. 7TH TO gTH-Specia1 studies and displays for preventing fire wastes will be made. During these Congresses special displays of equipment for fighting oil fires will be demonstrated. This will show the best practice in using high pressure and low pressure water and steam sand and chemical extinguishers, together with the special equipment used. The precautions to be taken will be demonstrated, using burning tanks of oil on iYorth Beach. THEWORLD’SPETROLELX CONGRESS,OCT. 2 5 TO~ 3 ~0 ~ ~ This meek has been reserved by the officials of the Panama-Pacific Exposition as a period for discussions and conferences on matters of interest to the men of the petroleum industry. The program has been divided as follows: Literature, Exploration, Development and Production, Transportation, Storage and Distribution, Properties and Characteristics, Refining, Utilization, Legal Rules and Regulations, Statistics. SpEc1.4~EXCURSIOKS t o the great petroleum fields of California and Oklahoma are being arranged. A DEMONSTRATION UINEhas been installed in Block KO. 6 of the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy by the ITnited States Bureau of Mines, in cooperation with various mining companies and manufacturers of machinery, powder and mine safety appliances. This, under the floor of the building, is to illustrate various methods of mining practiced by the principal metal and coal mines of the country; it gives an excellent idea of the conditions t o be found in the mines of the United States. First aid and rescue work will be a prominent feature of this exhibit.

FIFTIETH MEETING OF AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, NEW ORLEANS, MARCH 3 1 TO APRIL 3, 1915 The Fiftieth meeting of the American Chemical Society mill be held in New Orleans from Wednesday, March 31, t o Saturday, April 3 , inclusive. The Grunewald Hotel, one-half block from Canal Street, with entrances on University Place and

on Baronne Streez, has been chosen as headquarters. The opening meeting and the Symposium of the Industrial Division ivill be held a t the Tulane University of Louisiana, located o n St. Charles Avenue, and reached by the St. Charles Belt cars lrom Canal or Baronne Streets. The meetings of Divisions will be held in the Grunewald Hotel, The chairmen of the committees appointed by the local section to make arrangements for the meeting are as follows: W. L.Howell, Executive Committee, C . S. Williamson, Jr., Fiiiance Commirlee. R. P.Caldvvell, P r o ~ v a ma d Eniertain?neiii. J . L,Porter, Tra?isportaiion and Ezcwsions, P. Asher, Press and Publiciiy, G. B. Taylor, Receglion and Reqisiralion. I, A. Becnel, B a n p e : . S. J. Tremoulet, S i n o k e r . Rlrs. E. J. Northrup, Eizieltuinmeiii of T-isiiiwg Ladies.

The following provisional program has been issued : WEDNESDAY,Mar. 3 I , M o m i 7 z g a d Af t e m o o ? z , Excursions about the city. .1ftevnoon, Excursion on hlississippi River; Smoker on thc Steamer. Ladies especially invited. THURSDAY, April ‘r ). Mouning and Ajleyternoon, industrial Sym-. posium. Luncheon a t the Tulane refectory, tendered by the University. Inspection of the Vniversity. Aftevizoon, Personally conducted walk through the X-ieus Carre for visiting ladies. Eaening,Public address by Bernhard C . Hcsse on the “Chemists’ Contribution to the Industrial Development of the United States-A Record of Achievement.” Reception a t the Round Table Club, tendered by the Club. FRIDAY, April 2 , Morning and Afternoon, hieetings of Divisions. Afternoon, Motor ride for visiting ladies. Visit to the S c u Orleans Water Purification plant by the ITater, Sewage and Sanitation Section. Euening, Subscription dinner, Grunewald Hotel. SATURDAY, April 3 , Excursion to the Salt Nines at Avery’s Island. (Minimum number, seventy-five persons.) feature of the meeting will be a symposium by the Industrial Division, which was originally planned for the Llontreal meetiug. A large number of papers have been promised, giving a resume of the progress of American chemistry during the his- tory of the American Chemical Society. The symposium is t o be opened by an address by A . D. Little, presenting broadly and adequately some of the vast opportunities open to the South in the Chemical Industry. It is to be closed by a public address to the people of New Orleans by Dr. Bernhard C. Hcsse on Thursday evening. Papers by such prominent men as J . 5 . F. Herreshoff, James Lewis Rice, E. T. Bedford, W.P. hlason, R. ,C.Schuepphaus, H. Walker IVallace, Franklin \V. Hohbs, R . L. Bentley, F. R . Hazard, David Wesson, G. S. Brown, IV, D. Horne, G. D. Thevenot, I\-.H . Teas, are assured. Special attention should be directed to the proposed excursion to the Salt Mines a t Avery’s Island, scheduled for Saturday, April 3. This excursion can be given only i€ seventy-five people signify their intention t o be present and procure tickets during the early part of the meeting. The excursion will take a full day, but members will return to S e w Orleans in time t o catch the evening trains for the north. The mines themselves are well worthy of a visit, being of peculiar geological formation and interesting historically. The immense chambers hollowed out in the salt some 500 feet under ground and the unusually pure quality of the salt itself have rem dered these mines famous. The trip to Avery’s Island, which is approximately 130 miles from New Orleans, carries one into the Teche country, made famous in the story of Evangeline, and through now fertile lands only recently reclaimed from the marsh by means of scientific irrigation. The mines are being worked 500 feet below the surface and the supply of salt is practically inexhaustible.

Mar., 19x5


All titles for papers should be in the Secretary’s hands on or before March 16th, or in the hands of the secretaries of divisions by March 14th,in order to be placedonthefinal program. By vote of the Council, no papers can be presented a t the meeting, the titles of which are not printed on the final program. ADDRESSES O F DIVISIONAL AND SECTIONAL SECRETARIES

Agricultural and Food Chemistry, G. F. Mason, H. J. Heinz Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Biological Chemistry, I. K . Phelps, Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D. C. Fertilizer Chemistry, F. B. Carpenter, Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, Richmond, Va. Industrial Chemists and Chemical Engineers, S. H. Salisbury, Jr., Lehigh University, So;th Bethlehem, Pa. Organic Chemistry, C. G. Derick, 619 Indiana Ave., Urbana, Ill. Phavmaceutical Chemistry, A. P. Sy, University of Buffalo, 24 High Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, R . C. Wells, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Water, Sewage and Sanitation, Harry P. Corson, State Water Survey, Urbana, Ill.

The Water, Sewage and Sanitation Section will be organized Facilities as a division a t this meeting if the Council permits. have been offered by the Sewage and Water Board of New Orleans for inspecting its works. The system treats effectually ~o,ooo,ooogallons of Mississippi River water per day by the lime and iron process of mechanical filtration to effect both purification and partial softening. The main drainage system has an eventual capacity of 7,000,000,000 gallons per day, all of which is pumped. A matter of importance will be the report of the *Committee on Standard Methods of Water Analysis. Pu’o special rates have been granted to the meeting. South of Washington interchangeable mileage books can be purchased


to advantage. Winter excursion rates approximately the same as mileage rates can be obtained from the north. Special cars will be provided from any points where a sufficient number of members can warrant same. A special car from Washington accommodating members in the Atlantic States has already been arranged for. Write the Secretary early for space, taking regular trains to Washington. Car will leave Washington 10.45 P . M . . March 29th. Special car from Cincinnati will probably be available for members from Ohio, West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania, and Western New York. A special car from Chicago or St. Louis is also under consideration. The final program will be sent to all members of the Louisiana Section, to members of the Council, and to all members who make special request therefor by postal card to this office. Other members will find it printed in the Society’s journals. CHARLESI,. PARSONS, Box 505, WASHINGTON, D. C. February 19, 1915


THE USE OF HYDROMETALLURGICAL APPARATUS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-A CORRECTION I n my article under the above title, THISJOURNAL, 7 (rg~g), I 19, the Following corrections should be made: I n Table 11, page 1 2 2 , and on page 125,all dimensions marked “inches” should read “feet.” On page 127 the “$0.76 per ton of ore” near top of Column 2 should read “$0.076 per ton of ore.” I n the table a t the top of page 129, in the last per cent column, “0.9q” should read “0.90.” JOHN V. N. DORR 30 CHURCH ST.,N E W YORK

PERSONAL NOTES The new building which will form the permanent home of the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research and School of Specific Industries of the University of Pittsburg, was formally dedicated on February 26th. This building, which was erected a t a cost of &,go,ooo, is the gift of M e s r s . A. W. and R. B. Mellon, of Pittsburg. A full account of the dedicatory exercises and a detailed description of the building will appear in the April number of THISJOURNAL. Dr. William D. Crumbie died a t his home in East Orange, N. J., on January 16th, aged 60 years. He was born a t Milburn, N . J., and w-as a graduate of the Columbia School of Mines. He devoted himself to metallurgical chemistry and had been for thirty-two years in the New York Custom House, where his services as metallurgist and expert examiner were highly valued. Mr. F . Lee Mickle presented a paper on “Modern Purification of Swimming Pools,” before the Connecticut Valley Secon February 13th. tion of the A. C. S., The suit of the Chadeloid Chemical Company against the Wilson Remover Company aad John MacNaull Wilson for alleged infringement of the Ellis paint remover patent of December, 1902, was determined in January in favor of the complainant by Judge Hand in the United States District Court a t New York. The claims for royalties are placed by the complainant’s counsel at about $IZO,OOO. The Third Midwinter Convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers was held in New York City on February 17th, 18th and 19th. The program was as follows: “The Characteristics of Electric Motors Involved in their Operation,” by R . B. Rushmore. “Effect of Moisture in the Earth on Temperature of Underground Cables,” by I,. E . Imlay; “Oil Circuit Breakers,” by K. C. Randall. “Comparison of Calculated and Measured Corona Loss Curves,” by F. W. Peek,

Jr. “ A Ioo,ooo-volt Portable Substation,” by Charles I. Burkholder and Nicholas Stahl. The subject of “ T h e Status of the Engineer” was considered, the opening address being presented by Mr. Lewis B. Stillwell. “,Distortion of AlternatingCurrent Wave Form Caused by Cyclic Variation in Resistance,” by Frederick Bedell and E. C. Mayer; “Dimmers for Tungsten Lamps,” by Alfred E. Waller; “Searchlights,” by C. S. McDowell. One session was devoted to the subject of “Electrical Precipitation,” the opening address being given by Dr. F. C. Cottrell. E. E. F. Creighton presented a paper on “Electrical Porcelain.” The afternoon of the 18th was devoted to a trip to the new power station of the United Electric Light and Power C o , 201st Street and Harlem River. Prof. Robert Hallowell Richards, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will be presented, on March 18th, with the annual gold medal of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America, in recognition of his services in the advancement of the art of ore-dressing. The sum of $40,000 has been given by Mr. Andrew Carnegie to Allegheny College for a chemical laboratory to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. Mr. George Skelton Yuill, of London and Australia, has given a sum of $zo,ooo to the University of Aberdeen to found a scholarship in chemistry in the memory of the arts class of 1864-68, of which he was a member. The scholarship will be held by a student of the university for the purpose of research within it, or for the study of the practical applications of chemistry elsewhere. On April 3, 1915, an examination will be held in the State of Illinois a t Anna, Carbondale, Chicago, Dunning, East St. Louis, Elgin, Jacksonville, Kankakee, Lincoln, Macomb, M t . Vernon, Peoria, Pontiac, Springfield, Urbana and Watertown to provide an eligible list for the position of Food Bacteriologist in the