is the 5IEIth Pinnit-'ersar}-'ol' INDUSTRIAL am: Ettt:|tU~_'.E.:a1m: Cl-I|~_'.MI5'1'It*£, which has contributed so much to the dis- serninalion of in...
Fifty Years of Photography'. By C. E. K. Mees. EASTMAN. KODAK Co., ROCEIESTBR,. N. Y. Figure 1-Photographic Camp in 1876 Showing Photographer and ...
complishment which, in the words of Harry A. Curtis, "stands out as one of the most .... the result that about 1,000,000 tons of such material are now consumed.
semi-porcelain type ofglass pot was a war- time development in America, and it made possible the manufacture of glass types which could not be made in the.
The field in its modern incarnation thus is about 50 years old. In celebration of this half-centenary, we examine here the origins of water chemistry, how the field ...
THE FIRST vases of this century and the last years of the preceding one were lllt1l*ltei.'l. by subtle but sig-. niï¬cant changes in Ainerican power, productivity, and ...
of producing very interesting and beautiful effects. In an up-to-date dyehouse nothing is done just as it was fifty years ago; the improvement is almost entirely to ...
Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Agricultural Re- search Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Md. The organization in 1909 of the.
business policies that throw light on our inherited problems today. Not only was he in the thick of ... have value in showing how industries start small and grow;.
Fifty Years of Photography. C. E. K. Mees. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1926, 18 (9), pp 915â916. DOI: 10.1021/ie50201a011. Publication Date: September 1926.