Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill - Environmental Science

May 30, 2012 - Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1982, 16 (2), pp 131A–131A. DOI: 10.1021/es00096a735. Publication Dat...
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Water Quality Measurement. Harry B. Mark, Jr., James S. Mattson, Eds. vii + 485 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1981. $57.75, hard cover. This book examines modern analytical techniques. Its aim is to furnish chemists with methods needed to clean up water; regulate water quality; determine trace constituents' health hazards; and correlate ecological changes caused by trace substances. Latest developments in analytical instrumentation and chemistry for carrying out these tasks are set forth. The Possible Share of Soft/Decentralized Renewable* in Meeting the Future Energy Demands of Developing Regions. A. M. Khan. 40 pages. IIASA, A-2361 Laxehburg, Schloss Laxenburg, Austria. 1981. $5, paper. This report assesses the maximum size of the share of soft/decentralized technologies based on renewable energy sources, that could meet demands of developing world regions, perhaps 20-50 years from now. Solar World Forum: Solar Technology in the Eighties. D. O. Hall, Ed. 3 volumes, about 3000 pages. Pergamon Press, Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523. 1981. $450/ set. These volumes contain the proceedings of the International Solar Energy Congress held at Brighton, England, in August. Topics covered include passive heating/cooling, solar resources, biomass, active heating/ cooling, implementation, photochemistry, industrial applications, and many related subjects. Environment: Latin America, Facing the Realities of Rapid Growth. Dick Riley with Chris Kerrebrock. 72 pages. World Environment Center, 300 East 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1981. $25 (add $5 for overseas postage). In Latin America, the authors describe developments that have changed the ecological face of the region, often adversely. Efforts to reverse these trends are also described. Deforestation, water resources, fish and wildlife conservation, alternative energy sources, and many other related matters are discussed. OECD Guidelines for Testing Chemicals. About 700 pages. OECD Publications & Information Center, 1750 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. 1981. $80, looseleaf format.

These guidelines explain testing in physical chemistry, ecotoxicology, and health effects. The latest methods in testing are described. A common basis for international test data acceptance is suggested. This work will be updated periodically. Mankind in Amnesia. Immanuel Velikovsky. Doubleday & Co., Inc., 245 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1982. $14.95, hardcover. This book has been published posthumously. The author asks the questions: Why are we racing toward a self-destructive nuclear confrontation? Can we be saved from our appetite for apocalypse? He also says that only if humanity accepts painful truths about the past, can it hope to avert horrifying cataclysm. The truth may be that any approaching nuclear confrontation and poisoning of the earth is no more than a human response to primal anxieties. Aquaculture Economics: Basic Concepts and Methods of Analysis. Yung C. Shang. 176 pages. Westview Press, 5500 Central Ave. Boulder, Colo. 80301. 1981. $20. The author is at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He discusses benefits of aquaculture, economic factors, farm-scale culture, recordkeeping needs, investment planning, and strategies for promoting aquaculture development, along with many other related topics. Applying for a Permit to Destroy PCB Waste Oil: Volumes 1 and 2. S. G. Zelenski, et al. Vol. 1 is Order No. PB 81-173 346; Vol. 2 is Order No. 81-234 874. National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, Va. 22161. 1981. Vol. 1, $9.50; Vol. 2, $17. Volume 1 is a summary, while Volume 2 covers documentation. They explain the permit process required and tried out before PCBs can be run through a burn. The Occupational Medicine Sourcebook. Report # D R 2 0 1 . Techne Research, 21 Wyman Terrace, Arlington, Mass. 02174. 1982. $220 (prepaid orders get a 10% discount). This sourcebook lists 180 producers and 300 service providers. Also, 1800 medical directors are listed, as well as government agencies; research grants or contracts; medical, industrial, and union organizations; and reference sources.

Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill Two ACS Congressional Fellowships Available To Begin Fall 1982 The objectives of the fellowship program are: • To provide an opportunity for scientists to gain firsthand knowledge of the operations of the legislative branch of the federal government, • To make available to the government an increasing amount of scientific and technical expertise, and • To broaden the perspective of both the scientific and governmental communities regarding the value of such scientific-governmental interaction.

Applications should be submitted by January 29, 1982 to: Dr. Annette T. Rosenblum Department of Public Affairs American Chemical Society 1155—16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Applications consist of a letter of intent, resume, and two letters of reference. The letter of intent should include a description of the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects in which scientific or technical knowledge was used as a basis for interaction and a statement that tells why they have applied for the Fellowship and what they hope to accomplish as an ACS Congressional Fellow. The resume should describe the candidate's education and professional experience and include other pertinent personal information. Letters of reference should be solicited from people who can discuss not only the candidate's competence but also the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects. Arrangements should be made to send the letters of reference directly to ACS. For further information call (202) 872-4384.

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 2, 1982
