Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill - Environmental Science

May 30, 2012 - Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1982, 16 (1), pp 60A–60A. DOI: 10.1021/es00095a738. Publication Date:...
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Fill a Staff Position on Capitol Hill Two ACS Congressional Fellowships Available To Begin Fall 1982 The objectives of the fellowship program are: • To provide an opportunity for scientists to gain firsthand knowledge of the op­ erations of the legislative branch of the federal government, • To make available to the government an increasing amount of scientific and technical expertise, and • To broaden the perspective of both the scientific and governmental com­ munities regarding the value of such scientific-governmental interaction.

Applications should be submit­ ted by January 29, 1982 to: Dr. Annette T. Rosenblum Department of Public Affairs American Chemical Society 1155—16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Applications consist of a letter of intent, resume, and two letters of reference. The letter of intent should include a description of the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects in which scientific or technical knowledge was used as a basis for interaction and a statement that tells why they have applied for the Fellowship and what they hope to accomplish as an ACS Congressional Fellow. The resume should describe the candidate's educa­ tion and professional experience and in­ clude other pertinent personal informa­ tion. Letters of reference should be so­ licited from people who can discuss not only the candidate's competence but also the applicant's experience in publicoriented projects. Arrangements should be made to send the letters of reference directly to ACS. For further information call (202) 872-4384.


Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 1, 1982


Salinity in the range from 0-26.5% can be read directly from a scale on this portable instrument. It requires only a drop or two of the test sample and has a hermetically sealed, water-proof prism housing. Kernco Instruments 124 Fume adsorber An enclosed work station designed to adsorb odors and fumes may be placed on the work surface. Λ carbon filter pack with 6 lb of activated carbon ad­ sorbs up to V3 its weight and a blower has an average face velocity of 25 ft/min. No venting or ducting is re­ quired. Labconco 125

Concentrator/evaporator Minimizes the problems associated with vacuum concentration and dis­ tillation of heat-sensitive, viscous, or low thermal conductive materials. Slotted wiper blades spread the distilland evenly in a thin film over the en­ tire evaporative surface and rapidly propel it downward to limit heating time. The slots also prevent the char­ acteristic "curl" of the distilland in front of the wiper blades. Pope Scien­ tific 130 Dissolved oxygen monitor This is designed for long-term moni­ toring of dissolved oxygen in natural waters, effluents, and aeration basins. It has a drift of less than 0.5% per month and has a sensor membrane that can be scrubbed free of debris without affecting calibration. Ionic impurities and suspended solids do not change the accuracy and the system is portable and will float if dropped in water. Orbisphere Laboratories 131

Filter for HPLC pumps Low pressure inlet filter has a com­ pression fitting that requires no wrenches to assemble. The filter has a standard 10-μιτι porosity. The cylin­ drical filter element is made of a cor­ rosion-resistant alloy. Scientific Sys­ tems 126 Post column reaction system Specifically designed for H P L C post column derivatization methods re­ quiring two reagents, all system ele­ ments—the reagent delivery systems, mixing chamber, and reaction coil— are contained in a compact cabinet with front panel flow controls. Kratos/Schoeffel Instruments 127 Explosion-proof refrigerator Designed to refrigerate volatile or hazardous materials, this refrigerator provides spark protection from sur­ rounding environments. These units are usually permanently installed with direct wiring and have a freezer com­ partment capacity of 1.89 ft3. Marvel Division/Dayton-Walther 128 Particle and fume generator

A laboratory device, which produces ultra-fine particles and fumes of met­ als and their oxides, can produce par­ ticles ranging from 200 Â to 80 μιτι. Wire metal feedstocks are melted by an electric arc and are atomized by compressed gas at rates from 3-200 lb/h. TAFA 129

H2S gas analyzer Continuously monitors H 2 S in various gases from as low as 100 ppb up to 30%. This small system is designed to be used in the laboratory or in the field and gives H2S concentrations in less than 3 min with an accuracy better than 2%. Houston Atlas 132 N i t r o g e n detection system

Uses chemiluminescence to analyze for volatile compounds containing nitro­ gen. When operating at subnanogram levels, it responds to nitrogen on a molar basis with minimal solvent re­ sponse. It is equipped with a micro­ processor-controlled gas chromatograph. Thermo Electron 133 Computer The CompuDAS-2 model is a data acquisition and control system that allows multiple independent programs or tests to run simultaneously and al­ lows users to create and implement many tasks within their programs. The computer supports over 300 000 bytes of access memory and up to 80 000 bytes of user available ROM or E P R O M space. Ithaco 134