Final Program 211th American Chemical Society National Meeting

Feb 19, 1996 - Next month's ACS national meeting in New Orleans will include more than 5,700 papers organized into nearly 600 technical sessions that ...
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Final Program aaaaaaaaaaaaa

American Chemical Society National Meeting

aaaaa Orleansaa March 24-28,1996

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211th ACS National Meeting

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NewOrieaiw March 24-28,1996 ext month's ACS national meet­ ing in New Orleans will include more than 5,700 papers orga­ nized into nearly 600 technical sessions that are sponsored by 30 of the society's technical divisions, two secretariats, three committees, and one task force. Four themes have been identified for this meeting: biosciences and technolo­ gy, petrochemicals, methods for sepa­ ration and analysis, and environmental health and safety. In the technical pro­ gram, which starts on page 50, individ­ ual symposia that fall under these themes are identified by a symbol im­ mediately preceding the session title. A symbol key appears throughout the technical program. The meeting provides an opportuntity for ACS to address several professional issues of critical importance to chemists: employment, education, and federal funding for research. The National Em­ ployment Clearing House will premiere an on-site database of registered candi­ dates and employers to facilitate search­ ing for potential interviews. An exten­ sive program in chemical education cov­ ers a wide range of topics. And an open letter to President Clinton and congres­ sional leaders will be available for signa­ ture by members who wish to voice their support for federal investment in R&D—which is no longer a given, as the recent federal budget showdown has highlighted. An ACS presidential event will be held on Sunday afternoon, consisting of a session entitled "R&D Cooperation and Funding versus Global Leadership" and a forum on scientific freedom and human rights. On Sunday evening, ACS President Ronald Breslow will host a party at the Aquarium of the Americas. Another special event at this meeting




is the Tuesday evening recogni­ tion of the 1996 winners of awards administered by ACS. The popular Sci-Mix, a combi­ nation of mixer and poster ses­ sion, will be held Monday evening. As with several previous meet­ ings, program­ ming for this meeting begins on Sunday, March 24, and continues through Thurs­ day, March 28; no sessions or events are scheduled for Friday. Meeting registration includes free ad­ mission to the exposition, at which ap­ proximately 225 companies will have ex­ hibits. Several of the exhibitors also offer

Classification of registrant

MEMBER ACS member or national affiliate Member emeritus/ retired Student member or affiliate, less than postdoctoral status 50-year member Unemployed (NECH waiver) VISITOR Non-U.S. resident or nonchemical scientist or chemical technician Guest of registrant

Fee Advance On-site







No fee No fee No fee No fee





Photo on previous page by Ron Calamia

workshops, see page 134 for more infor­ mation on the programs and how to reg­ ister for them. During regularly scheduled exposition hours, ACS will provide free Internet access via 24 computer terminals located at the rear of the exhibit hall.

Classification of registrant

Fee Advance On-site

HOHMEUBER $300 Chemical scientist eligible for member­ ship in the society who is a U.S. resident Student, less than 15 postdoctoral status



ONE-DAY SESSION Adult Student Precollege teacher

105 5 5

120 5 5


na na


na = not available.


Changes and additions to scheduled activities 211th ACS National Meeting


The deadline for advance registration is Feb. 23. The advance registration form is on page 93 of the Jan. 22 issue of C&EN. To meet the deadline if you are submitting a registration form now, follow the instructions on the form for faxing it. Registration forms received after Feb. 23 will not be processed; you will need to register on-site. On-site registration facilities will be located in the Convention Center. The hours for registration will be Saturday, March 23, 3 to 6 PM; Sunday, March 24, 7:30 AM to 7 PM; Monday, March 25, 7:30 AM to 5 PM; Tuesday, March 26, 7:30 AM to 5 PM; Wednesday, March 27, 7:30 AM to 4 PM; and Thursday, March 28, 7:30 to 10:30 AM.

Housing update Housing information is available via fax by calling (800) 227-5558 within the U.S.; press 9 then 4 for meetings, then 1 for national meetings, then 1 for the fax-back service. If calling from outside the U.S. call (202) 7768101; the recording will prompt you to provide your fax number, telephone number, and a document number. Use document No. 202 to request housing information. This information will be faxed to the attention of your telephone number. Reservations may be made through the ACS Housing Bureau if received by Feb. 23. Requests received after this deadline will be returned. After Feb. 23, reservations must be made directly with the hotels. A list of hotels that will continue to honor ACS rates, on a space-available basis, will be available via fax by calling the telephone number listed above and again using document No. 202.

Day care services ACS is working with KiddieCorp, a nationally known provider of child care for associations, to provide child care during the meeting. The child care facilities will be located in the Embassy Suites, Diamond Room A/B. The hours of operation are Sunday, March 24,

SPECIAL EVENTS Sunday, March 2 4 Presidential Event: R&D Cooperation and Funding versus Global Leadership, cosponsored with the Committee on Science, 1 to 5 PM, Convention Center, Room 10. Scheduled speakers are G. E. Brown Jr., R. S. Walker, M. A. Fox, J. A. Miller Jr., and M. Wrighton. Presidential Event Forum on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights, cosponsored with the Committee on International Activities, 4 to 6 PM, Westin, Ballroom I. Scheduled speakers are J. C. Polanyi, F. Lizhi, V. Mirsayanov, V. Sendijarevic. SOCIAL EVENTS Sunday, March 2 4 Social Hour, 7 PM Division of Physical Chemistry, Poster Session, New Orleans Hilton, Exhibit Hall. COD Division of Inorganic Chemistry, Poster Session, Convention Center, Ballroom G. COD Monday, March 2 5 Reception, 4:30 PM Division of Professional Relations, New Orleans Hilton, Jasperwood Room. NT Social Hour, 5 PM Alumni and friends: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; Tulane University; University of New Orleans; Monteleone, Riverview Room. COD

211th ACS National Meeting

New (Means

Social Hours, 6:30 PM Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry, Plimsoll Club, New Orleans World Trade Center, 2 Canal St. COD Division of Chemical Technicians, Awards, Embassy Suites. COD Dinner, 7 PM 107 Division of Chemical Technicians, Awards, Embassy Suites. $29 Dinner, 7:15 PM 125 Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry, Plimsoll Club, New Orleans World Trade Center, 2 Canal St. $35 Tuesday, March 2 6 Reception/Dinner, 6:30 PM 122A Honoring 1996 ACS award recipients, Sheraton. (This ticket can be purchased instead of purchasing 117 and 122 as listed in preliminary program.) $72 Social Hour, 7 PM Division of Inorganic Chemistry, Poster Session, Convention Center, New Orleans Hilton, Exhibit Hall. COD WORKSHOPS Sunday, March 2 4 Career Transitioning and Effective Job Searching, 8 AM to noon, Convention Center, Room 88. Monday, March 2 5 Effective Job Searching, 8 AM to noon, Convention Center, Room 84.

When making a reservation, refer to the file numbers below: American

(800)433-1790 7 AM to midnight, EST seven days a week Star File No.: S-8248


(800) 241-6760 8 AM to 11 PM, EST File No.: N0800


(800) 334-8644 8 AM to 9 PM, EST Gold File No.: 38540152

TRAVEL American, Delta, and USAir are the official airline cocarriers for the 1996 ACS Meeting Travel Program. Attendees can get substantial savings on airfares from these carriers through special discounts. Further specifics regarding fares, including restrictions, will be communicated at the time of booking a reservation.

through Thursday, March 28, 7:30 AM to 5-30 PM. Extended hours on Sunday, March 24, are 6:30 to 1030 PM. Lunch will be provided if requested by the parents, at an additional cost The advance registration deadline for child care is March 5. Advance registration is recommended, because child care service is not guaranteed if you register

your child(ren) on-site. Late or on-site registration will be available on a space-available basis only. KiddieCorp accepts children ages six months through 12 years. For more information, or a registration form, call KiddieCorp at (800) 942-9947 or (619) 45S-1718. Cost is $7.50 per hour per child (does not include lunch).

FEBRUARY 19,1996 C&EN 49

Listing of Papers < ce

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MANAGEMENT J. M. Harless, R. W. Phifer, Program Chairmen

TUESDAY MORNING Convention Center Room 56, Second Level RCRA and Laboratories: The First Twenty Years and Beyond Cosponsored with Division of Chemical Health & Safety




R. Breslow, ACS President

SUNDAY AFTERNOON Convention Center Room 10, Second Level Presidential Event: R&D Cooperation and Funding versus Global Leadership Cosponsored with Committee on Science 1:00—Introductory Remarks. R. Breslow 1:15—J. A. Miller Jr. 1:45—M. A. Fox 2:15—M. S. Wrighton 2:45—Intermission. 3:00—G. E. Brown Jr. 4:00—R. S. Walker 4:30—Panel Discussion. Westin Ballroom I 4:00-6:00 Forum on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights Cosponsored with the Committee on International Activities Speakers: J. C. Polanyi, F. Lizhi, V. Mirzayanov, V. Sendijarevic Aquarium of the Americas Foot of Canal Street

J. M Harless, R. W. Phifer, Organizers



Convention Center Room 61, Second Level Chemistry and the National Agenda: Ethics and Professionalism

New Orleans Hilton Melrose Room, 3rd Floor Eminent Scientist Lecture for Undergraduates

Cosponsored with Council Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs, Younger Chemists Committee, Division of Professional Relations, and Board Committee on Corporation Associates

R. P. T. Tomkins, Organizer, Presiding

Ε. Μ. Pearce, Organizer, Presiding 8:45—Introductory Remarks. 9:00—1. Ethical issues in chemical research. R. Hoffmann 9:35—2. The big crunch: The end of expan­ sion in science. D. L. Goodstein 10:10—3. Serving two masters: Ethical con­ flicts between scientific process and public payroll. R. J. Marcus 10:45—4. Ethical questions raised by in­ dustrial-supported research in academic in­ stitutions. M. A. Fox 11:20—5. Technology ownership in the chem­ ical industry where individual skills security is replacing job security. W. O. Johnson

New Orleans Hilton Melrose Room, 3rd Floor Undergraduate Symposium II: Industrial Catalysis B. Lerner, Organizer R. P. T. Tomkins, Presiding

8:30—Introductory Remarks. 8:40—1. Debate: Has RCRA had a signifi­ cant impact on laboratories? J. M. Har­ less, R. Phifer 9:10—2. Innovative laboratory waste manage­ ment techniques in industry. A. Norberg 9:4fJ—3. Waste management challenges for academic laboratories. J. Balsamo 10:10—Intermission. 10:30—4. U.S. EPA regulatory perspective. L. Miller 11:00—5. Working for regulatory change: The American Chemical Society Task Force on Laboratory Waste Management. D. Thomas

New Orleans Hilton Grand Salon A3, First Floor Combinatorial Chemistry: What Is It? Where Is It Going?

10:00—Introductory Remarks. 10:05—5. Environmental catalysis. C. A. Clausen 10:45—6. Petroleum catalysis. B. Lerner 11:25—Concluding Remarks.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON Convention Center Room 56, Second Level RCRA and Laboratories: The First Twenty Years and Beyond Cosponsored with Division of Chemical Health & Safety R. W. Phifer, Presiding 1:30—Introductory Remarks. 1:40—6. Working for regulatory change: The Laboratory Safety Alliance. J. Hernandez 2:10—7. Working for regulatory change: CAL-EPA Laboratory Regulatory Reform Task Force. M. C. Hull 2:40—8. How RCRA regulations have chal­ lenged the Stanford University laboratory waste management program. L. Gibbs 3:10—Intermission. 3:30—Panel Discussion.

Ε. Μ. Pearce, Organizer P. A. Bartlett, Presiding 8:00—Introductory Remarks. 8:10—6. Combinatorial chemistry: What is it? Where is it going? P. A. Bartlett

Ε. Μ. Pearce, Program Chairman

E. R. Fisher, T. Barbarakis, B. Treco, Program Chairmen


SOCIAL EVENTS: Reception, Sun Luncheon, Sat

SOCIAL EVENT: Reception, Sun



Getting a First Job cosponsored with Young­ er Chemists Committee (see page 50)

Chemistry and the National Agenda: Ethics and Professionalism cosponsored with Committee on Science (see page 50)


T. Gund, Organizer, Presiding 10:00—Introductory Remarks. 10:05—1. Deceptively simple molecules. J. P. Snyder 10:30—2. An intelligent tutor for teaching or­ ganic reaction mechanisms. W. T. Wipke 10:55—3. Molecular modeling throughout the undergraduate curriculum. B. Botch, R. O. Day, P. Lahti, C. P. Lillya, J. L. Ragle, V. M. Rotello, P. Samal 11:20—Concluding Remarks.

OTHER SYMPOSIUM OF INTEREST: Ethics in Chemistry (see Younger Chemists Committee, Mon, page 51)



New Orleans Hilton Melrose Room, 3rd Floor Undergraduate Symposium I: Molecular Modeling







Poster Session: Undergraduate Research and Successful Student Affiliates Chapter Activities cosponsored with Division of Chemical Education Inc. (see page 68)

J. M. Harless, Presiding

5:30-7:30 Presidential Party at the Aquarium of the Americas

The Committee on Meetings & Expositions requests that there be no smoking in meeting rooms or committee meetings

12:00—Introductory Remarks. 12:05—4. Eminent scientist lecture for un­ dergraduates. R. P. T. Tomkins 1:10—Concluding Remarks.

Poster Session: Undergraduate Research cosponsored with Division of Chemical Education Inc. (see page 68)

SUNDAY AFTERNOON Convention Center Room 52, Second Level Getting a First Job Cosponsored with Society Committee on Education T. Barbarakis, Organizer, Presiding 1:30—Introductory Remarks. 1:35—1. Seven steps to an effective résumé. J. K. Borchardt 2:00—2. Importance of the campus career fair: A recruiter's perspective. Ε. Μ. West 2:25—3. Careers in pharmaceutical research: "We need you here" versus "I have a great career here." G. S. Sittampalam 2:50—Intermission. 3:00—4. Obtaining and preparing for an in­ dustrial job interview. M. E. Smith 3:25—5. Seeking an academic position. M. A. Tarr 3:50—6. Your ticket to a brighter future. T. Y. Fogg 4:15—Discussion.

Listing of Papers < MONDAY MORNING Convention Center Room 52, Second Level The Environment and the Young Chemist Cosponsored with Committee on Environmental Improvement and Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Inc.

R. Parkhurst, Organizer, Presiding 9:00—7. Introduction: The environment and the young chemist. A. M. Ford 9:10—8. ISO 14000 impact on R&D chemis­ try waste disposal. R. C. Davis 9:50—9. Practical pollution prevention (P3): Opportunities for creative chemistry and engineering. A. P. Gelbein 10:30—10. 3M R&D waste minimization and management program. A. M. Norberg 11:10—11. Design for the environment: The next generation of products. P. Anastas 11:50—Discussion.

MONDAY AFTERNOON Convention Center Room 52, Second Level Ethics in Chemistry: Where Do We Draw the Line? Cosponsored with Committee on Science, Division of Chemical Health & Safety, and Division of Chemistry and the Law

E. Fisher, C. Ribes, Organizers, Presiding 1:30—Panel Discussion. D. Burke, J. P. Jor­ dan, M. Nuwer, M. A. Solstad Chemistry—Central Science: The Road to Many Careers cosponsored with Division of Professional Relations (see page 127)

BTEC BIOTECHNOLOGY SECRETARIAT S. W. Shalaby, Program Chairman SUNDAY MORNING Convention Center Room 53, Second Level Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications—I Biotechnology for New Consumer and Professional Products S. W. Shalaby, Organizer J. W. Burns, D. J . G a n g e m i , Presiding 8:30—Introductory Remarks. 8:35—1. Hierarchical devices for tissue engi­ neering. L. G. Griffith-Cima, B. Chaignaud, B. Wu, J. P. Vacanti, M. J. Cima 9:00—2. Cultured autologous chondrocytes for cartilage repair. R. A. Tubo

9:30—3. Manipulating cell behavior via teth­ ering ligands for endocytosible receptors. L. G. Griffith-Cima, P. R. Kuhl 9:55—4. Bacteria-derived sodium hyaluronate-based products for postsurgical adhe­ sion prevention. J. W. Burns 10:20—I ntermission. 10:30—5. Gelatin hydrogel as a matrix to re­ lease protein drugs. Y. Ikada, Y. Tabata 10:55—6. Characterization of modified pec­ tins. R. Vatsavayi, J. E. Rollings 11:20—7. Succinylation of bovine insulin and effect on its iontophoretic delivery. J. T. Corbett, J. K. Zimmerman, B. B. Michniak, S. W. Shalaby Biocatalysis in Polymer Chemistry cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc. (see page 123)

SUNDAY AFTERNOON Convention Center Room 53, Second Level From Proteins to Small Molecules: Rational Design and Biopharmaceutics of Orally Active Small-Molecule Therapeutics Cosponsored with Division of Biochemical Technology

Z. Shahrokh, R. G. Strickley, Organizers Z. Shahrokh, Presiding 1:30—Introductory Remarks. 1:35—8. Progression from peptide hormones to nonpeptide drug candidates. M. G. Bock 2:15—9. Zankiren (A-72517): Design of a peptide-derived, orally active renin inhibi­ tor. S. H. Rosenberg, K. P. Spina, J. Polakowski, P. Kovar, H. Stein, J. Cohen, D. A. Egan, J. L. Barlow, V. Klinghofer, D. J. Hoffman, W. R. Baker, H. D. Kleinert 2:55—10. Opioid peptidomimetics as phar­ macological tools and potential drugs. P. W. Schiller 3:35—Intermission. 3:40—11. Identification and development of U-103017: A small-molecule nonpeptidic HIV-protease inhibitor. G. L. Zipp, L. Shiou, P. L. Possert, R. J. Dalga, M. J. Ruwart, B. D. Rush, K. F. Wilkinson, F. J. Schwende, W. Z. Zhong, M. G. Williams, G. E. Padbury, P. D. Johnson, H. I. Skulnick, P. A. Aristoff, S. Thaisrivongs 4:00—12. Along the development superhigh­ way: At the interface between discovery and development of small-molecule thera­ peutics. C. A. Bailey, A. Railkar, R. Tarantino 4:20—13. Structure-transport studies to iden­ tify an orally active nonpeptide endothelin receptor antagonist. P. L. Smith, C-P. Lee, J. D. Elliott, E. H. Ohlstein, K-L. Fong, E. P. Eddy, H. Ellens, P. Dougherty, A. Lago, P. Nambi 4:40—14. Physical chemical characterization of small molecules for drug substance se­ lection. W. H. Streng Biocatalysis in Polymer Chemistry cospon­ sored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Sci­ ence & Engineering Inc. (see page 124)

MONDAY MORNING Convention Center Room 53, Second Level Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications—II Cosponsored with Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc.


10:10—Intermission. 10:20—18. Compliant absorbable tissue adhesives. C. L. Linden Jr., F. J. Pearce, W. P. Wiesmann, S. W. Shalaby 10:50—19. Interface modification in glassfiber-reinforced polycarbonate composites for dental applications. S. V. Ranade, A. T. DiBenedetto, A. J. Goldberg 11:20—20. Synthesis and characterizations of l-lactide-a,(o-hydroxylpropyl-terminated PDMS in the presence of Sn(ll) 2-ethylhexanoate (stannous octoate, SnOct2). S. Zhang, Z. Hou, K. E. Gonsalves Biocatalysis in Polymer Chemistry cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc. (see page 124)

MONDAY AFTERNOON Convention Center Room 53, Second Level Stability, Formulation, and Delivery of Peptides and Peptidomimetics Cosponsored with Division of Biochemical Technology

Z. Shahrokh, V. Sluzky, Organizers, Presiding 1:30—Introductory Remarks. 1:45—21. Design of new peptide systems based on soluble drug carriers or implant­ able release devices. J. Kohn 2:25—22. Novel, enzyme-sensitive cyclic pro­ drugs of a model hexapeptide having en­ hanced membrane permeability and enzy­ matic stability. G. M. Pauletti, S. Gangwar, B. Wang, T. J. Siahaan, V. J. Stella, D. G. Vander Velde, R. T. Borchardt 2:45—23. Oral bioavailability improvement strategies for tripeptide renin inhibitors. M. Gumkowski, T. Appleton, N. Tierney, J. Lo, L. Evans, W. Smith, W. Curatolo, R. Wester, D. Hoover, R. Rosati, B. Lefker, M. Nocerini, K. Wilner 3:05—Intermission. 3:20—24. Immunogenicity of autologous re­ combinant proteins: Why do some pro­ teins make an antibody response and oth­ ers do not? M. F. Powell 4:00—25. Moisture-induced aggregation of lyophilized proteins. H. R. Costantino, R. Langer, A. M. Klibanov 4:20—26. Diastereoselectivity and neighbor­ ing group effects in the oxidation of methionine-containing peptides. C. Schôneich 4:40—27. Dipeptide stability in solids and solutions: Aspartame as an example. L. N. Bell

TUESDAY MORNING Convention Center Room 53, Second Level Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass—I Cosponsored with Division of Biochemical Technology

B. C. Saha, J. Woodward, Organizers, Presiding 8:00—Introductory Remarks. 8:05—28. Bacterial conversion of lignocellulose to ethanol. L. O. Ingram 8:30—29. Biomass conversion to mixed alcohols. M. T. Holtzapple, M. Loescher, M. Ross, R. Rapier, J. Ghandi, S. Burdick 8:55—30. pH-mediated addition of fresh substrate in continuous culture of Zymomonas mobilis. A. Ishizaki, H. D. Zakpaa, T. Sudarut, P. Vonklatoneesuk 9:20—31. Pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of corn fiber. K. Grohmann, R. J. Bothast

Y. Ikada, J. W. Burns, Organizers, Presiding 8:30—Introductory Remarks. 8:35—15. In vitro and in vivo degradation of chitin and its deacetylated films. K. Tomihata, Y. Ikada 9:10—16. Hydroxyapatite-polymer compos­ ites for orthopedic surgery. K. Kato, Y. Eika, Y. Ikada 9:40—17. Nonwoven fabric for keratoprosthesis. S. Matsuda, H. Iwata, Y. Ikada

9:45—Intermission. 10:00—32. Process development of fuel ethanol production from lignocellulosic sugars using genetically engineered yeasts. M. S. Krishnan, Y. Xia, N. W. Y. Ho, G. T. Tsao 10:25—33. Carbon dioxide effects on fuel alcohol fermentation. D. W. Karl, K. M. Roth, F. J. Schendel, V. D. Gooch, B. J. Jordan 10:50—34. Biodiesel: Use of vegetable oils and their derivatives as alternative diesel fuels. G. Knothe, M. O. Bagby



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Convention Center Room 53, Second Level Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass—II Cosponsored with Division of Biochemical Technology

B. C. Saha, J. Woodward, Presiding 1:30—Introductory Remarks. 1:35—35. Microbial conversion of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol. A-P. Zeng, H. Biebl, W-D. Deckwer 2:00—36. Metabolic engineering of 1,3propanediol production from glycerol and from sugars. F. A. Skraly, M. L. Hoffman, D. C. Cameron 2:25—37. Succinate production from cellulose by the ruminai anaerobic bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes. R. R. Gokarn, M. A. Eiteman, S. A. Martin 2:50—38. Perspective on hydrogen production by photosynthetic water-splitting. J. W. Lee, E. Greenbaum 3:15—Intermission. 3:30—39. Enzymatic production of hydrogen gas from glucose and cellulose. S. M. Mattingly, J. Woodward 3:55—40. Enzymes in biomass conversion. B. C. Saha, R. J. Bothast 4:20—Concluding Remarks.

WEDNESDAY MORNING Convention Center Room 53, Second Level •

Chromatographic Bioprocessing—I

Cosponsored with Division of Biochemical Technology

S. M. Cramer, S. Behrens, Organizers, Presiding 8:30—41. Quantitative characterization of protein ion-exchange retention, and implications for stationary-phase selection. P. D. dePhillips, C. M. Roth, A. M. Lenhoff 8:55—42. Effect of stabilization on breakthrough behavior in fluidized beds. K. D. Seibert, M. A. Burns 9:20—43. Processing leaps for large-scale protein purification: Engineering highproductivity anion-exchange matrices by coordinated transport and adsorption-site architecture. J. K. McCrary, Κ. Ε. Van Cott, G. Kumar, W. H. Velander 9:45—Intermission. 9:50—44. Productivity improvement in pre­ parative chromatography. H. M. Quinn, J. J. Takarewski, R. A. M. Hunt 10:15—45. Construction of a recombinant protein A affinity media for use in expand­ ed bed adsorption chromatography. R. M. Kennedy 10:40—46. Process issues in biomimetic inter­ action chromatography. J. Frenz, J. Cacia 11:05—47. Recovery of biotin-labeled oligo­ nucleotides using soft metal affinity inter­ actions. J. E. Ramirez-Vick, A. A. Garcia

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Convention Center Room 53, Second Level •

Chromatographic Bioprocessing—II

Cosponsored with Division of Biochemical Technology

S. M. Cramer, S. Behrens, Presiding Photographing of slides and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from individual presenters

1:30—48. Numerical and experimental stud­ ies of nonuniform flow in chromatography. T. T. Norton, M. L. Dickson, N. S. Mitchell, E. J. Fernandez

FEBRUARY 19,1996 C&EN 51

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Listing of s
M sigma bond­ ing. A. S. Goldman, K. Krogh-Jespersen 3:50—360. Nujol matrix photochemistry of molybdenum cyclopentadienyl allyl com­ plexes. J. T. Bays, T. E. Bitterwolf 4:10—361. π-Allyl to σ-allyl photochemical rearrangements as precursors to C-H acti­ vation. T. E. Bitterwolf, A. A. Saygh, J. T. Bays, J. E. Shade, A. L. Rheingold, L. M. Lable-Sands, G. Yap 4:30—362. Photolysis of organometallic com­ plexes in supercritical solvents. J. C. Linenan, S. L. Wallen, C. R. Yonker, J. T. Bays, T. E. Bitterwolf

4:50—363. Rate of ligand addition to Cp*MoCI(PMe3)2is affected by the spin state change. D. W. Keogh, R. Poli 5:10—364. Organometallic-substituted oligothiophenes: How does metal binding affect the oligothiophene π-system? D. D. Graf, K. R. Mann 5:30—365. Generation and reactivity of a highly coordinatively unsaturated transitionmetal complex. C. R. Kutal, I. J. Amster, W. J. Gwathney, L. Lin, B. J. Palmer, C. A. Turner

387. Synthesis and characterization of the multiply bonded complex W2(p-02CC6H5)2l2(p-dppm)2. K. M. Day, J. L. Eglin, E. J. Valente, J. D. Zubkowski 388. Oxygen-17 NMR, electronic, and vibra­ tional spectroscopy of transition-metal peroxo complexes: Correlation with reactivity. M. S. Reynolds, A. Butler 389. Extraction and recovery of Re0 4 " and Tc0 4 " using Fe(ll)/Fe(lll) complexes. S. H. Strauss, J. F. Clark, K. M. Rohal, D. L. Clark, F. M. Dixon, N. C. Schroeder 390. Synthesis of cobalt dicarbollide deriva­ tives for addition and condensation poly­ TUESDAY EVENING merization. G. J. Balaich, R. L. Miller, K. D. Abney New Orleans Hilton 391. Photochemical oxidation of benzene Exhibit Hall, 2nd Floor and its methylated derivatives by hydro­ Poster Session/Social Hour gen peroxide. Y. Mao, A. Bakac 392. Cobalt(lll) catalyzed hydration of nitrites. Materials—General Transition Metal A. W. Zanella, N. J. Curtis, R. J. Geue, A. T. E. Bitterwolf, Organizer, Presiding M. Sargeson 393. New alkali and alkaline earth halide 7:00-9:00 complexes. K. Fromm 280-291. See previous listings. 394. Crystal structure, EPR, electronic and 366. Theoretical investigation of the effects of vibrational spectra of the CuCI 6 4 " anionsymmetry on the emission of anionic solid[tris(2-aminoethyl)amineH 4 ] 2 [CuCI 6 ]CI 4 · state copper(l) halide complexes. B. S. H 2 0. M. Wei, R. D. Willett, K. W. Hipps Bashore, D. Hamilton, E. M. Holt 395. Characterization of the pseudo trigonal 367. Deposition of doped-lanthanum mangabipyramidal [CuCI 3 (H 2 0) 2 ]" anion. M. Wei, nite thin films by MOCVD. M. Carris, C. R. D. Willett Smith, Κ. Η. Dahmen 396. Structures and magnetic properties of a 368. Pillared smectite clay coatings for ce­ novel layer perovskite system: (Picolyniumramic matrix composites. Ε. Μ. McCarron ammonium)CuX4, X=CI, Br. G. S. Long, III, S. Jagota, M. A. Harmer, M. F. Lemon, M. Wei, R. D. Willett A. Jagota, C. C. Torardi 397. Family of tetradentate pyridyl ligands with 369. Solid-state emission: Copper(l) halide chiral cyclohexyldiamine backbone and complexes with phosphine ligands. Ε. Μ. their copper(l) and copper(ll) complexes. M. Holt, P. B. Durand, G. J. Mains A. Masood, T. D. P. Stack 370. Synthesis and characterization of zirconi­ 398. Synthesis and study of nitrido-bridged um phosphate/phosphonate layered com­ complexes of osmium. C. Newton, Ν. Μ. pounds containing iminodiacetophosphoDoherty nate. B. Zhang, D. Poojary, A. Clearfield 399. M ^ a ^ O ^ : A series of compounds con­ 371. Photoinduced electron-transfer reac­ taining Ta 6 0 1 2 clusters. C. R. Feger, R. P. tions inside a silica glass. C. Shen, Ν. Μ. Ziebarth Kostic 400. In situ spectroscopic and mechanistic 372. "Zeolite analogs": Rationally designed studies on a bimetallic hydroformylation and chemically rigid 3-D inorganic and or­ catalyst. R. D. Carter, D. K. Howell, G. G. ganometallic framework polymers. W. A. Stanley, W-J. Peng, S. G. Train, F. R. Reinerth, R. Toreki, B. Holliday, T. Mills Fronczek 373. Transition-metal nitride and carbide 401. Asymmetric bimetallic hydroformylation. nanoparticles via laser pyrolysis. C. Tong, K. D. Fitzgerald, G. G. Stanley, P. AlbuR. Toreki, R. Ochoa, P. Eklund rquerque, B. Juma 374. Characterization of Si nanoclusters pro­ 402. Separating the racemic and meso diduced via metathesis of zintl salts. S. M. astereomers of a binucleating tetraphosKauzlarich, R. A. Bley phine ligand stystem. P. Alburquerque, 375. Kinetic and mechanistic studies on in­ G. G. Stanley, B. Juma, F. R. Fronczek tercalation compounds using in situ ener­ 403. Cofacial binuclear metal complexes of gy dispersive X-ray diffraction. S. J. Price, bis(p-ketoenamine) and bis(P-diketone) li­ J. S. O. Evans, D. O'Hare gands. A. W. Maverick, M. D. R. Bénites, 376. Hydroxybenzoate salts for second har­ T. M. Holden, L. A. Brown, F. R. Fronczek monic generation. L. Dutta, P. A. Chalon404. Evidence of variable bonding modes of er, G. S. Bahra, W. Healy, P. B. Hitchcock multiimine ligands in dimolybdenum com377. Preparation of nanocomposites contain­ plexes. D. M. Baird, C. Hu ing nanoclusters of transition metals. S. B. 405. Interaction of carbon dioxide with hetMilne, C. M. Lukehart, J. E. Wittig, S. R. eropoly anions in nonpolar solvents: InStock, J. P. Carpenter, Z. U. Rek vestigation of the bonding modes by IR of 378. Low-temperature synthesis of metaisotopically labeled complexes. M. Kozik, stable mixed-metal oxides. B. L. Cushing, G. Ippolito, S. Szczepankiewicz, T. Van de A. L. Harris, J. B. Wiley Ven 379. Characterization of electrochemically 406. Molecular structure and reactivity of a generated fullerene films. D. A. Costa, K. Cu(l) tetramer: [(PhTt)Cu]4(PhTt = phenylWinkler, A. L. Batch, W. R. Fawcett tris(methylthiomethyl)borate). C. Ohrenberg, 380. Effect of alkyl chain length on the adM. Saleem, C. G. Riordan, G. P. A. Yap, A. L. sorptin of /V-alkylisocyanides (RNC) on Au Rheingold powder. A. C. Ontko, R. J. Angelici 407. Thermal decomposition studies of 381. Methodology and effect of substitution homo- and heterometallic molecular preof Gd into ceramic superconductors. M. S. cursors of group 4 and group 14 alkoxHussein, M. A. Al-Shafi ides. D. J. Teff, K. G. Caulton 382. Crystal structure determination of tetra408. Synthesis and characterization of pallaalkylammonium halides by X-ray powder dium(ll) complexes with a doubly bidendiffraction. M. Ralle, A. Habenschuss, B. tate ligand bridge. R. Kobetic, T. Schatz, Wunderlich P. Piotrowiak 383. Understanding the electronic structure 409. Lanthanide and actinide derivatives of of magnetic materials. M. T. Green, J. K. [M m+ )P5W 30 O 110 ] (15 " m) ": Acidity effects Burdett and evidence for crypto-hydration with 384. Stoichiometric model for synthesizing M=Eu3+ and U 4+ . G. J. Gama, M. T. Pope, metal nitride films by ion-beam deposition. M. H. Dickman, K-C. Kim L. Huang, K. W. Hipps, U. Mazur 410. Mechanistic studies of reaction of 385. Highly functionalized organoimido hexFe2(CN)104~ with thiourea in aqueous soamolybdates. T. R. Mohs, J. B. Strong, E. lution. D. Bennett, T. Dasgupta, G. StedA. Maatta, P. Gouzerh, R. Thouvenot, A. man L. Rheingold 386. Evaluation of singlet-triplet separations for W2(M-H)2(p-CI)CI4(dppm)2 and W2(p-H)2(M-02CC6H5)2CI2[P(C6H5)3]2: Based on 31P NMR and crystallographic data. T. E. Concolino, J. L. Eglin, K. M. Carlson-Day, E. J. Valente, J. D. Zubkowski, C. Lin, T. Ren

The Committee on Meetings & Expositions requests that there be no smoking in meeting rooms or committee meetings 98


411. Lanthanide alkyl and hydride complexes containing the tris(pyrazolyl)borate ligand and their catalytic activity with olefins. D. P. Long, P. A. Bianconi, G. Randazzo 412. Magnetic properties of copper(ll) complexes of potentially hexadentate ligands derived from salicylaldehyde and diaminodihydroxyalkanes. J. R. Tate, N. G. Haynes, M. M. Inae, M. Williams 413. Reactivity of ruthenium(V) oxo compounds probed by laser-flash spectroscopy. K. R. Hoke, J. R. Winkler, H. B. Gray 414. Ruthenium complexes of a hexadentate tris(bipyridine) ligand. R. Beeston, M. C. Fitzgerald, S. E. Stitzel, J. A. Smith, W. S. Aldridge 415. Solvothermal synthesis of oxo vanadium phosphates and phosphonates. J. R. Salta, J. A. Zubieta 416. Synthesis and characterization of a novel niobium dinitrogen compound. A. D. Calcaterra, T. M. Brown 417. Syntheses and studies of nickel(ll) complexes with pentadentate ligands. D. E. Barber, S. Thorin, R. A. Appleman, A. J. Moser 418. Pentacoordinate hydrotrispyrazolylborato complexes of nickel with sulfur donors. W. E. Cleland Jr., W. Chen, L. Zhou, S. Liao, J. Ziller 419. Preparation and photocatalytic studies on a novel Ti-substituted polyoxometalate. N. J. Crano, R. C. Chambers, M. A. Fox 420. Ferrate oxidation of hydrazines and hyd r o x y z i n e s . B. J. Hornsteln, M. D. Johnson 421. Synthesis and characterization of Eu 14 MnBin and Eu 14 MnAsn. S. M. Kauzlarich, J. Chan, M. E. Wang, J. T. Chang 422. Cuprous compounds supported by formamidinate ligands: Equilibrium, structural, and photophysical properties. C. Lin, T. Ren, P. D. Harvey, J. D. Protasiewicz, J. L. Eglin 423. Novel precursors for transition-metal molybdates. L. Reinhardt, A. W. Apblett 424. Reduction of Ru(ll) complexes by C 0 2 ~ radicals in aqueous solution. M. Z. Hoffman, F. Casalboni, Q. G. Mulazzani, C. D. Clark, D. P. Rillema 425. Protonation of the ground states of ruthenium(ll) photosensitizers. M. Z. Hoffman, A. Rugge, C. D. Clark, D. P. Rillema 426. Electroabsorption studies of chargetransfer bands of cyano-bridged mixedvalence complexes. L. Karki, J. T. Hupp, H. Lu 427. Synthesis toward a ligand for U0 2 2 + . M. Y. Redko, G. R. Choppin 428. Synthesis and comparison of metal ion binding properties of some polyhydroxamate chelators. W. C. Bissett, A. S. Gopalan, O. Zincircioglu, P. H. Smith 429. Analysis of MCD spectra of MAu 8 2+ (M = Pt, Pd, Au) cluster complexes. M. J. Adrowski, W. R. Mason 430. Ruthenium(lll)-/V-alkylphenothiazine complexes: Synthesis and characterization. Ν. Μ. Made Gowda, Y. K. Lu 431. Redox tuning at the ligand periphery: Dimolybdenum and dinickel compounds. T. Ren, C. Lin, E. T. Smith, J. D. Prota­ siewicz 432. Methane activation by mercury and mercurous complexes. A. Yoshikawa, T. R. Cundari 434. Copper(ll) levulinates, II. Structure of Cu(H20)-(02CCH2CH2COCH3)2(NC5H5)2 and Cu(O2CCH2CH2COCH3)2(N2C10H8). D. Washington, J. D. Zubkowski, E. J. Valente 435. Copper(ll) levulinates, I. Structure of [Cu2(02C(CH2)2COCH3)4]n and Cu4(02CCH2CH2COCH3)6(PPh3)4. J. D. Zubkowski, D. Washington, E. J. Valente, C. D. Parks, T. Cannon, D. L. Perry 436. Copper(ll) levulinates, III. Electrochemi­ cal and spectroscopic studies. N. Njoroge, J. D. Zubkowski, E. J. Valente 437. Synthesis and characterization of p-(pyrazine and bipyridine)-bispentaphenylisocyanomanganese(l/ll) compounds: Possi­ ble molecular switches for use in molecu­ lar wires. B. L. Paulsen, R. Nielson, A. C. Bayliss 438. Titanium and vanadium complexes of the tripropoxideamine derivative ligand, N(CH2C(CH3)20-)3. R. P. Planalp, M. T. Tran, C. B. Bauer, R. D. Rogers 439. Ligand exchange chemistry of centered zirconium-halide clusters. J. D. Harris, T. R. Hughbanks

Listing of Papers 440. Preparation, characterization, and de­ composition studies of novel lanthanidesiloxide complexes. F. T. Ladipo 441. Selective complexation of transitionmetal ions using thioethers. K. D. Loveday, G. J. Grant 442. Mn18014(02CPhOMe)26(4,4'-bpy)2: A dimer of Mng units linked by 4,4'-bipyridine. H. J. Eppley, S. Wang, S. M. Aubin, D. N. Hendrickson, G. Christou 443. Synthesis, characterization, and lumi­ nescence of europium(lll) Schiff-base com­ plexes. R. D. Archer, H. Chen 444. Au(l)-Au(l) interactions in diphosphine gold halide compounds. P. M. Van Calcar, A. L. Batch, M. M. Olmstead, B. C. Noll 445. Organic clay mimics. J. L. Atwood, L. J. Barbour, G. W. Orr 446. Novel phosphines with tetrathiafulvalene substituents. C. E. Uzelmeier, K. R. Dunbar, P. Batail, S. Bartley, M. Fourmigue, J. L. Meinershagen 447. Extensively conjugated, sulfur-rich bi­ metallic complexes for electrically con­ ducting materials. A. E. Pullen, J. R. Rey­ nolds, J. Piotraschke, R-M. Oik, R. Kirmse, E. Hoyer, K. A. Abboud 448. Silsesquioxane-liquid crystalline (LC) composites: Organic-inorganic hybrids as precursors to dental restoratives. C. Zhang, R. M. Laine, A. Sellinger 449. New open framework vanadium phos­ phates obtained by hydrothermal synthe­ sis in the presence of organic diamines. K. Hsu, W. T. A. Harrison, A. J. Jacobson 450. Oligosilane-siloxane nanocomposites. D. A. Loy, G. M. Jamison, K. A. Opperman, J. V. Beach, R. M. Waymouth 451. Comparison of bridged polysilsesquioxane xerogels prepared from methoxy-, ethoxy-, and propoxy-silyl monomers. B. M. Baugher, D. A. Loy, R. A. Assink, S. Prabakar, K. J. Shea 452. Photochemically driven charge transfer in sequentially adsorbed polyelectrolyte layers on high-surface-area silica. S. A. Johnson, T. E. Mallouk, S. W. Keller, E. H. Yonemoto, E. S. Brigham, G. B. Saupe 453. Layer-by-layer growth of metal disulfide and metal phosphorus trisulfide intercala­ tion compounds. P. J. Ottivier, T. E. Mal­ louk, T. Cassagneau 454. Synthesis, magnetic properties, and characterization of electrochemically pre­ pared transition-metal complexes of TCNQ. G. S. Long, R. D. Willett 455. Transparent clay-reinforced epoxy nano­ composites. Z. Wang, T. J. Pinnavaia, T. Lan 456. New layered inorganic-organic com­ pounds with structures related to hexago­ nal tungsten oxides. L. L. Dussack, W. T. A. Harrison, A. J. Jacobson 457. Grafting of Ti0 2 onto the pore surfaces of MCM-41 and mesoporous kanemite. B. J. Aronson, A. Stein 458. High-oxidation state salts of the organic donor bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene. B. H. Ward, D. R. Talham, L-K. Chou, K. A. Abboud 459. Synthesis of novel functionalized phosphonic acids and characterization of their Langmuir-Blodgett films. G. E. Fanucci, M. A. Petruska, D. R. Talham 460. Relative humidity and temperature ef­ fects in organic-inorganic nanocompos­ ites. D. K. Derzon, T. A. Ulibarri 461. Structural and magnetic properties of a series of divalent metal organophosphonate Langmuir-Blodgett films. C. T. Seip, D. R. Talham, H. Byrd 462. Mechanism of transition-metal-catal­ yzed oxygen transfer from amine- and selenium-oxides to carbon monoxide. A. S. Goldman, A. M. Kelly


Bioinorganic 271-279. See previous listings. 463. Metalloporphyrins with nitrosoarene ligands. L. Chen, G. B. Richter-Addo, L-S. Wang 464. Crystal and molecular structure of μ-imidazolatobis [bis(1-10 phenathrolinejcopper(ll)] nitrate. S. M. Morehouse 465. Nitrosamines as ligands in ruthenium nitrosyl and carbonyl porphyrin complexes. G-B. Yi, G. B. Richter-Addo 466. Metalloporphyrins with X[N 2 0 2 ]" ligands. J. B. Fox Jr., G. B. Richter-Addo, G-B. Yi 467. Production and biodistribution of inhaled [13N]nitric oxide. T. J. McCarthy, C. S. Dence, S. W. Holmberg, D. P. Schuster, M. J. Welch 468. Electrochemistry of ruthenium porphy­ rins containing a nitrosyl axial ligand. V. Adamian, K. M. Kadish, E. Van Caemelbecke 469. Derivitization of calf thymus DNA with cobalt(lll) ammine complexes. C. A. Villella, C. Karan Jr., M. Hicks, R. D. Sheardy, D. H. Huchital, W. R. Murphy 470. Modeling the active site of phenylala­ nine hydroxylase: Spectroscopic charac­ terization and reactivity studies of Fe3+(NMeEDTrA). J. P. Caradonna, B. Kasibhatla, K. E. Loeb, E. I. Solomon, T. E. Westre, K. O. Hodgson 471. Structures of zinc-finger domains from transcription factor Sp1: Insights into se­ quence specific protein-DNA interactions. J. P. Caradonna, V. A. Narayan, R. Kriwacki 472. Genetic organization of nitrous oxide re­ ductase from the denitrifer achromobacter cycloclastes. M. A. McGuirl, M. L. Al­ varez, J. Bollinger, D. M. Dooley 473. Oxidation of L-ascorbic acid by the trian­ gular iron(lll) complex ion, [FeIM30(CH3COO) 6 (H 2 0) 3 ] + , in aqueous acetate solu­ tions. S. E. Thomas, P. T. Maragh 474. Iron in a Lewis acidic environment: A li­ poxygenase model? R. T. Jonas, T. D. P. Stack 475. Group 8 metalloporphyrin-mediated cyclopropanation. C. G. Hamaker, L. K. Woo, J-P. Djukic 476. DNA binding and HeLa cell toxicity of antitumor ruthenium complexes. M. J. Clarke, D. Frasca, J. Ciompa, J. Emerson 477. Potential antitumor anionic tribromo 2-styrylbenzazole platinum(ll) complexes: Synthesis, characterization and structureactivity relationships. C. M. Lozano, O. Cox, F. A. Gonzalez, M. M. Muir, M. Cordero, J. L. Rodriguez-Caban, R. Casillas 478. Reactions of sulfur in nickel- and palladium-bound thiolates with (1Δ) 0 2 : Production of metallosulfoxides and metallosulfones. C. A. Grapperhaus, M. Y. Darensbourg, T. Tuntulani, M. J. Maguire 479. Influence of sulfur metallation on the ac­ cessibility of the Ni ll/l couple in [Λ/,/V-bis(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,5-diazacyclooctanato] nickel(ll). G. Musie, M. Y. Darensbourg, P. J. Farmer, T. Tuntulani, J. H. Reibenspies 480. Synthesis and characterization of Pt(IV)tetraphenylporphyrins. R. E. Falvo, L. M. Mink, L. M. Bellomy, M. L. Neitzel 481. Temperature dependence of electron transfer between zinc cytochrome c and plastocyanin. M. M. Ivkovic-Jensen, N. M. Kostic 482. Kinetic study of the electron-transfer re­ action between cytochrome c and cyto­ chrome C v R. Sadoski, H. Qin, D. Knaff, B. Durham, F. Millett 483. Design and synthesis of a novel carboxylate-containing ligand. A. R. Lajmi, J. W. Canary 484. Vanadium complexes with 2'- and 5'-deoxyadenosine. C. M. Mikulski, W. Walsh, I. Yakobson 485. Dynamic aspects of the electron-trans­ fer reaction between zinc cytochrome c and mutants of plastocyanin. M. M. Crnogorac, S. Young, Ν. Μ. Kostic 486. Organo-cobalt bond dissociation enthal­ pies and thermodynamic properties of or­ ganic radicals from reactions of cobalt(ll) porphyrin complexes with radicals and ole­ fins. D. C. Woska, A. A. Gridnev, B. B. Wayland 487. Synthesis and characterization of solu­ ble tricarbonyl polypyhdyl rhenium(l) com­ plexes used for Lucina pectinata hemoglo­ bin I modification. R. Alarcon, J. L. Colon

488. Synthesis and characterization of 10-CIcyanocobalamin. S. Cheng, K. L. Brown, H. M. Marques, E. J. Valente, J. D. Zubkowski 489. Vitamin B 12 analog with an intramolecularly liganded thiol function. X. Zou, K. L. Brown 490. Synthesis and applications of chiral selone adducts. R. Wu, L. A. Silks III, J. D. Odom, R. B. Dunlap 491. Synthesis and properties of functional analogs of tyrosinase. M. R. Malachowski, N. Elia, M. Adams 492. DNA binding study of a luminescent platinum(ll) complex. H-Q. Liu, C. M. Che 493. Electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry of iron and ruthenium electrondeficient porphyrins. K. T. Moore, J. G. Goll, M. J. Therien 494. Low molecular weight chromium-bind­ ing protein from bovine liver activates phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity in adipocyte membranes. K. H. Sumrall, J. B. Vincent, C. M. Davis 495. Co(ll) and Eu(lll) complexation with gly­ cine and alanine. H. B. Silber, Y. Nguyen, C. Richter, R. Campbell 496. Photoinduced electron transfer in noncovalent sapphyrin-pyromellitimide as­ semblies based on anion chelation. S. L. Springs, A. Andrievsky, C. T. Brown, V. Krai, J. L. Sessler 497. Texaphyhn-carborane conjugates: Po­ tential agents for boron neutron capture therapy. W. E. Allen, J. L. Sessler, V. Krai 498. Molecular recognition of anionic species by texaphyrin- and sapphyrin-bound silica gel. J. W. Genge, J. L. Sessler, V. Krai, R. E. Thomas, B. L. Iverson 499. Synthesis and characterization of DTPA-bis(glucosamide). K. M. Schaab, G. R. Choppin 500. Binding of Schiff base Co(lll) complexes to apomyoglobin and metmyoglobin. O. Blum, H. B. Gray, A. Haick, D. Cwikel, T. J. Meade, Z. Don 501. Does enzyme inhibition by Schiff base Co(lll) complexes involve a redox process? O. Blum, H. B. Gray, T. Pascher, T. J. Meade, J. R. Winkler 502. Modeling CcO reactivity: [Cu"- 1 8 0FeMI(porphyrin)] bridge exchange studies in H 2 0. K. A. Gillogly, L. J. Wilson 503. XAS study of the structure of the Ni site in NiK-A. M. J. Maroney, C. B. Allan, L-F. Wu, Z. Gu, S. B. Choudhury, M-A. Mandrand-Berthelot 504. Use of vanadyl complexes to determine the effects of geometric distortion on the vanadium hyperfine coupling constant. K. M. Geiser-Bush, C. R. Cornman, E. P. Zovinka 505. Interaction of vanadium with a protein tyrosine phosphatase. T. C. Stauffer, Y. D. Boyajian, C. R. Cornman 506. Combined ab initio and electrostatic cal­ culations of tryptophan-191 oxidation in compound ES of cytochrome c peroxidase. S. W. Bunte, G. M. Jensen, A. Warshel, D. B. Goodin 507. Unsymmetrical dinuclear polyimidazole Fe complexes. J. Wang, R. M. Buchanan, M. S. Mashuta, J. F. Richardson, D. N. Henderickson 508. Platinum(ll) catalysis of platinum(IV) complexes in reactions with nucleobases. R. M. Roat 509. DNA interactions of a platinum-tropolone complex. J. B. Helms, R. Price, S. Paulson, L. V. Lee, H. H. Thorp, B. A. Sul­ livan, B. P. Sullivan

WEDNESDAY MORNING Section A Convention Center Room 102, Third Level S/N/P Symposium—IV

C. H. Winter, Presiding 8:30—510. Homogeneous transiton-metal catalysis of Claus chemistry. A. Shaver, H. L. Boily, M. El-khateeb 9:00—511. Metal S0 2 and sulfide chemistry: Syntheses of dinuclear Pd(0) and Pt(0) p-S0 2 clusters, cationic Pt(ll)-halocarbon complexes, and a dianionic Cp2Ti2S4 clus­ ter. G. J. Kubas, M. D. Butts, P. J. Lundmark

9:30—512. Reactions of complexes that con­ tain triamido amine ligands. R. R. Schrock 10:00—513. Organoimido derivatives of polyoxometalate clusters. E. A. Maatta 10:30—514. Ν and Ρ atom transfer. C. C. Cummins, C. E. Laplaza, M. J. A. John­ son, A. L. Odom, W. M. Davis 11:00—515. Reactions of nitrogen donor li­ gands in group 6 monomers. J. L. Templeton, T. B. Gunnoe, L. W. Francisco 11:30—516. Dynamic properties of misdi­ rected ligands. Μ. Τ. Ashby

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ce α -J

formaldehyde oxime tautomerism. J. A. Long, N. J. Harris, K. Lammertsma

390. Transition-metal-complexed phosphinidenes and phosphiranes. D. Schmidt, B. Wang, S. Krill, K. Lammertsma 391. Strained phosphiranes: A theoretical and experimental study. C. J. Horan, P. Robin­ son, B. Wang, S. Krill, K. Lammertsma 392. Epimerization of cyclic vinylphosphirane complexes. B. Wang, C. H. Lake, K. Lam­ mertsma 393. Molecules with wings: How do they fly? K. Lammertsma, T. Ohwada 394. Contribution of ionization enthalpies to the apparent activation energy of the reac­ tion of peroxynitrite with thiols. H. Zhang, G. L. Squadrito, W. A. Pryor 395. Oxidation of DL-selenomethionine by peroxynitrite. S. Padmaja, G. L. Squadrito, W. A. Pryor 396. CO2 catalysis of peroxynitrite-mediated oxidations. R. M. Uppu, W. A. Pryor 397. Catalysis by C 0 2 of the nitration of phe­ nol by peroxynitrite. J-N. LeMercier, R. Cueto, G. L. Squadrito, W. A. Pryor 398. Bronsted acidity of the keto forms of simple aldehyde and ketone radical cat­ ions. H. C. M. Byrd, H. I. Kenttamaa 399. Synthesis of substituted charged phenyl radicals in the gas phase. K. K. Thoen, H. I. Kenttamaa 400. Deblocking of dithioacetals and oxathioacetals using periodic acid under mild nonaqueous conditions. X-X. Shi, S. P. Khanapure, J. Rokach 401. Conformation control of stereoselectivezwitterion formation in pyran-4-one photo­ chemistry. M. Fleming, R. T. Torman, F. G. West 402. Approaches to asymmetric induction in 2-pyrone [4+4]-photocycloaddition process­ es. J. A. Bender, F. G. West 403. Novel and efficient syntheses of bis^ 5 tetrahydroindenyl)metal dichlorides: Where metal is titanium, zirconium, and hafnium. Q. Yang, M. Jensen 404. Transition-metal-catalyzed, alkylative dimerization of vinylarenes with trialkylborane in the presence of oxygen. R. C. Schmeltzer, M. Jensen 405. Novel alkylhydroxylation of vinylarenes using trialkylaluminum in the presence of an oxygen atmosphere. J. M. Babineau, R. C. Schmeltzer, E. Kuester, M. Jensen 406. Decomposition studies of alkylbis(halo) tin hydrides. J. W. Hershberger, T. Scherr 407. Integration of the ordinary differential equations of kinetics. R. R. Pavlis 408. Oxidation of methyl aromatics catalyzed by methylrhenium trioxide. J. Jacob, J. H. Espenson 409. Organic transformations catalyzed by methylrhenium trioxide. Z. Zhu, J. H. Es­ penson 410. Gas-phase reactions of the cyclic ethylenehalonium ions (CH2)2X+ (X = CI, Br) with glycine. R. A. J. O'Hair, M. A. Freitas, T. D. Williams 411. Effects of chelation on competitive sol­ vation and mixed aggregation of LiHMDS. B. L. Lucht, D. B. Collum 412. s-cis And s-trans π complexes of β-bromocatecholborane and (E>2-butenal. R. M. Pagni, G. W. Kabalka, C. Anderson, M. McGinnis, K. Vagle, N. Engle, R. Sick 413. Synthesis, electrochemical, and spec­ troscopic investigation of novel thiophenesubstituted acetylene-containing mono­ mers and polymers. H. Zimmer, A. Galal, H. B. Mark Jr., K. Sudsuansri 414. Investigations of solid-state, acidcracking reactions for lignin model com­ pounds. A. C. Buchanan III, P. F. Britt, J. A. Struss 415. Singlet-triplet splitting of trimethylenemethane. P. G. Wenthold, J. Hu, R. R. Squires, W. C. Lineberger 416. Anion recognition using boronate-ureas. M. P. Hughes, B. D. Smith 417. Chemical synthesis of polymerizable bis-substituted phosphoethanolamines. W. Srisiri, Y-S. Lee, D. F. O'Brien 418. Determination of absolute configuration using ab initio-density functional theory vi­ brational circular dichroism spectroscopy. P. J. Stephens, F. J. Devlin, C. S. Ashvar, J. W. Finley, J. R. Cheeseman, M. J. Frisch

Photographing of slides and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from individual presenters


419. Unexpected nonchemiluminescent ther­ molysis of tert-butyl 9-fluorenyl peroxide. L. Zhang, G. D. Mendenhall 420. Cation radical polymerization. N. L. Bauld, J. T. Aplin, W. Yueh, H. Sarker 421. Determination of the pKa of ethyl ace­ tate: Bronsted correlation for deprotonation of a simple oxygen ester. T. L. Amyes, J. P. Richard 422. Selective nucleophilic attack of trisulfides: An ab initio study. S. M. Bachrach, D. C. Mulhearn 423. Preliminary studies of the hydrolysis ki­ netics of the ester derivatives of /V-hydroxy2-amino-5-phenylpyridine and /V-hydroxy-2amino-3-methyl-5-phenylpyridine. L. Xu, M. Novak 424. Kinetic studies of aromatic iodination re­ actions. L. C. Brazdil, J. L. Fitch, C. J. Cutler 425. Gas-phase methylation of the 2-hydroxypyridine/2-pyridone system by the dimethylchlorinium ion. R. A. J. O'Hair, M. A. Freitas, J. A. R. Schmidt, M. E. Hatley, T. D. Williams 426. Highly sensitive colorimetric detection and facile isolation of diamagnetic freeradical adducts of chromotropic nitrone spin-trapping agents readily derived from guaiazulene. D. A. Becker 427. Cleavage of carbon-sulfur bonds in coal and substituted dibenzyl sulfides. T. K. Green, L. Wang, J. Estill, B. Bixler 428. Ionic strength dependence of DNA dinucleotide photoproduct quantum yields. J. S. Aguilar, W. R. Midden THURSDAY MORNING Section A Convention Center Room 99, Third Level Environmentally Benign Organic Syntheses and Processes C-J. Li,


8:30—429. Organic reactions in water: Ruthenium-complex catalyzed reshuffling of functionalities. D. Wang, D-L Chen, J. X. Haberman, C-J. Li 8:50—430. Some solid-state nucleophilic re­ ductions with tellurium. Y. Wang, D. C. Dittmer 9:10—431. Organic reactions in water: A pem-allyl dianion synthon. D-L. Chen, C-J. Li 9:30—432. Triisopropylsilanol: A new type of phase-transfer catalyst. J. A. Soderquist, J. Vaquer, M. J. Diaz, F. G. Bordwell, S. Zhang 9:50—433. Organic reactions in water: [3+2] Annulation via a trimethylenemethane zwitterion equivalent. Y-Q. Lu, C-J. Li 10:10—434. Atom-economical, enantioselective synthesis of (-)-frans-kumausyne. J. Boukouvalas, G. Fortier, l-l. Radu 10:30—435. Organic reactions in water: Tinor indium-mediated carbonyl allylation of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds. Y-Q. Lu, C-J. Li 10:50—436. New approach to organic syn­ thesis using focused microwaves. J. L. Lenoir, F. Texier-Boullet, J. P. Bazureau, P. Jacquault, J. Hamelin 11:10—437. Microwave-assisted stereocontrolled synthesis of oc-amino-p-lactams. A. K. Bose, M. Jayaraman, S. S. Bari, A. Okawa, M. S. Manhas 11:30—438. Organic reactions in water: Re­ cent advances with organometallics. C-J. Li

Section Β Convention Center Room 91, Third Level Macrocycle and Polyether Syntheses

M. L. McLaughlin, Presiding 8:30—439. Efficient hydroxyl inversion in polypropionates via cesium carboxylates. L. Castro-Rosario, D. O. Arbelo, J. A. Prieto 8:50—440. Synthesis of tristetrahydrofuranyl alcohols via tandem dichloroacetylperrhenate-induced syn-oxidative cyclizations. T. B. Towne, F. E. McDonald 9:10—441. Synthetic studies on the quatromicins: Stereochemical assignment of the individual spirotetronate subunits. D. A. Barda, W. R. Roush 9:30—442. Total synthesis of rhizoxin D. D. R. Williams, K. M. Werner, B. Feng



cû-olefins as (co)monomers for the synthesis of functional polyolefins. L. Duvignac, H. Cramail, A. Deffieux 11:30—359. Isotactic polymerization of (meth)acrylates with ansa-zirconocene. H. Deng, K. Soga

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Section A Convention Center Room 60, Second Level lonomer Complexes and Blends: Blends and Molecular Composites Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc.

M. Hara, Presiding 1:30—360. lonomer blends of rod and coil macromolecules: Perspectives for molecularly reinforced polymers. C. D. Eisenbach, K. Fischer, J. Hofmann, W. J. MacKnight 1:55—361. Theory of rod-coil mixtures with acid-base interactions. J. Noolandi, A. C. Shi 2:20—362. Ionic PPTAs and their molecular composites with amorphous polar polymers. W. Chen, M. Hara 2:45—363. Molecular composites via iondipole interaction: PPTA anion/PEO system. L. Tsou, M. Hara 3:10—364. Development of conductive surfaces by a diffusion-limited in situ polymerization of pyrrole in sulfonated polystyrene ionomers. C. M. de Jesus, R. A. Weiss 3:35—365. Electromechanical studies of a novel polymer gel. Y. Ye, J. N. Rider, A. Sekhar, G. Wong, K. Trout, K. Graczyk, W. Brown, J. Gross, M. Stewart, M. Kamler, G. E. Wnek 4:00—366. Effect of water on solution properties of telechelic ionomers in toluene. S. Bhargava, S. L. Cooper 4:25—367. Compatibilizers made from block copolymers that have strong specific interactions. B. J. Bauer, D-W. Liu

Listing of Papers Section Β Convention Center Room 63, Second Level • Polymer Characterization by Mass Spectrometry: Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-lonization Mass Spectrometry Cosponsored with Division of Analytical Chemistry

G. Glish, Presiding 2:00—368. Applications of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry coupled to gel-perme­ ation chromatography. P. O. Danis, D. A. Saucy, F. J. Huby 2:20—369. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in the characterization of novel perfluorinated polyelectrolytes. D. D. DesMarteau, M. Bolinger 2:40—370. Fundamentals of characterizing polymers by MALDI mass spectrometry. C. N. McEwen, B. Larsen, C. Jackson 3:00—371. Polymer characterization by laser desorption with multiphoton ionization of end-group chromophores. M. S. de Vries, H. E. Hunziker 3:20—372. Matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization analysis of industrial polymers. K. J. Wu, R. W. Odom 3:40—373. Cysteine status in proteins by MALDI-TOF-MS. J. T. Watson, J. Wu 4:00—374. Functionality analysis of poly­ mers by MALDI-MS. H. Pasch 4:20—375. Comparison of mass spectrometric techniques for generating molecular weight information on small polymers. D. M. Parées, S. D. Hanton, D. A. Willcox, P. A. Clark

Section C Convention Center Room 62, Second Level Cationic Polymerization and Related Ionic Processes

O. W. Webster, R. F. Storey, Presiding 2:00—376. Kinetic and thermodynamic control in cationic copolymerization of bicyclic ethers providing promezogenic units. S. Penczek, R. Szymanski, J. Pretula, K. Kaluzynski, J. Libiszowski 2:30—377. Competition between ring-opening polymerization of cyclosiloxanes D3 and D4 and polycondensation of siloxanediols, initiated by trifluoromethanesulfonic acid. R. Bischoff, P. Sigwalt 3:00—378. Synthesis and cationic polymerization of cyclic ketene acetals. J. V. Crivello, Y-L. Lai, R. Malik 3:30—379. Kinetics of carbocationic polymerizations: Initiation, propagation, and transfer steps. H. Mayr, G. Lang, M. Roth, M. Patz 4:00—380. Instrument for the simultaneous monitoring of permittivity and conductivity in ionic polymerizations. J. E. Puskas, S. Smith-Kehl, B. Cass 4:30—381. Absolute rate constants of crossover reaction of p-dicumylchloride/BCI3/ isobutylene system. S. Kéki, L. Bogâcs, C. Bogâcs, M. Zsuga

THURSDAY MORNING Section A Convention Center Room 60, Second Level lonomer Complexes and Blends: Complexes and Micelles Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc.

B. P. Grady, Presiding 8:15—382. Polyurethanes with pendant pyridine groups: Interactions with alkyl halides. S. Velankar, C. Z. Yang, S. L. Cooper 8:40—383. Synergistic mechanical response in c/s-polybutadiene and SBS triblock copolymers via transition-metal coordination. L. A. Belfiore, P. Das, R. Bossé

9:05—384. Stoichiometric complexes of synthetic polypeptides and oppositely charged surfactants: Properties in organic solvents and in the solid state. E. A. Ponomarenko, D. A. Tirrell, W. J. MacKnight 9:30—385. Micelles formed by a model ionic graft copolymer. C. L. Gettinger, C. L. Jackson, C. C. Han, M. Pitsikalis, J. Mays 9:55—386. Micelles of polysoaps. A. Halperin, O. V. Borisov 10:20—387. Gold nanoparticles in micellar poly(styrene)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) films: Size and interparticle distance control in monoparticulate films. J. P. Spatz, A. Roescher, M. Môller 10:45—388. Fluorescence quenching kinetics of polyelectrolyte-bound chromophores: Effects of ionic strength and counterion selectivity. M. E. Morrison, R. C. Dorfman, Y. Morishima, S. E. Webber 11:10—389. Interpenetrating networks of conjugated ionic polyacetylenes. P. Zhou, A. Blumstein 11:35—390. Analysis of SAXS data from semicrystalline ionomeric systems. R. K. Verma, B. S. Hsiao, A. Biswas

Section Β Convention Center Room 63, Second Level Special Topics—II: Multiphase Systems

R. L. Lescanec, Presiding 8:30—391. Synthesis and properties of polyp-benzamide-poly(propylene oxide) block copolymers. B. L. Rivas, B. Barria, G. S. Canessa, F. M. Rabagliati, J. Preston, A. Ciferri 8:50—392. Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers containing pure metal and bimetallic nanoclusters. R. T. Clay, R. E. Cohen 9:10—393. Design of intelligent, mesoscale periodic array structures utilizing smart hydrogel. H. B. Sunkara, J. M. Weissman, B. G. Penn, D. O. Frazier, S. A. Asher 9:30—394. Interpenetrating polymer net­ works: Rigid-rod and random-coil poly­ mers. L. L. Iverson, W. G. Miller 9:50—Intermission. 10:10—395. Gas permeability of polyelectrolyte multilayers self-assembled onto poly(4-methyl-1-pentene). J-M. Levâsalmi, T. J. McCarthy 10:30—396. Transition-metal nanoparticles protected by amphiphilic block copolymers. A. B. R. Mayer, J. E. Mark 10:50—397. Starch-polyvinyl alcohol cast film: Performance and biodégradation. L. Chen, S. H. Imam, T. M. Stein, S. H. Gordon, C. T. Hou, R. V. Greene 11:10—398. Modeling of the thermal characteristics of high-performance piezoelectric composites. A. O. Abatan, J. F. Malluck, Z. Tang, E. A. Mintz 11:30—399. Compatibilization of polymer blends by hydrogen bonding. U. Seidel, T. Geiger, M. Tabatabai, R. Stadler, G. G. Fuller

Section C Convention Center Room 62, Second Level Cationic Polymerization and Related Ionic Processes

R. Faust, J. D. Burrington, Presiding 9:00—400. Heterogeneous cationic polymerization of aromatic monomers catalyzed by aluminum triflate. A. Gandini, Y. Yang 9:30—401. Isobutene polymerization in nonpolar solvent induced by the FeCI3-H20 system: Toward a permanent solid-state initiative. H. Cheradame, G. Rissoan 10:00—402. Recyclable and reusable solid Lewis acid catalyst based on crystalline polyolefins: Oligomerization of isobutylene. T. C. Chung, A. Kumar, R. Ding 10:30—403. Cationic polymerizations in supercritical and liquid carbon dioxide. M. R. Clark, J. M. DeSimone 11:00—404. Cationic polymerization in the gas phase and in clusters: Implications for bulk polymerization. M. S. El-Shall 11:30—405. Carbocationic coupling reactions of living polyisobutylene using coupling agents. Y. C. Bae, S. Coca, P. L. Canale, R. Faust

Section C

THURSDAY AFTERNOON Section A Convention Center Room 60, Second Level lonomer Complexes and Blends—New lonomers: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Inc.

C. C. White, Presiding 1:00—406. EXAFS investigations of transition-metal ionomers. B. P. Grady, J. Floyd, W. B. Genetti, R. B. Moore 1:25—407. Main-chain poly(arylene ether) phosphonium ionomers. H. Ghassemi, M. Curtis, E. Bonaplata, J. E. McGrath 1:50—408. Morphology of samarium-neutralized ethylene ionomers. A. Biswas, P. Rajagopalan, W. M. Risen Jr. 2:15—409. Preparation and thermal/mechanical behavior of acrylic ionomers. D. J. Britton, P. A. Lovell 2:40—410. Synthesis of tin-containing ionomers containing organic and inorganic tin. C. E. Carraher, F. He, D. Sterling 3:05—411. Applications of a sulfonated triblock copolymer for chemically modified electrodes. C. Karuppaiah, J. N. Rider, G. E. Wnek 3:30—412. Matrix polymerization of an ionic acetylene. P. Zhou, A. Blumstein

Convention Center Room 62, Second Level Special Topics IV: Polymer Synthesis

J. A. Pojman, Presiding 1:30—422. Nitroxide-mediated "living" freeradical polymerization: Substituent effects on the free-radical polymerization of sty­ rène. P. M. Kazmaier, K. Daimon, M. K. Georges, G. K. Hamer 1:50—423. Semicrystalline polyimides based on ether diamines. M. J. Graham, S. Srinivas, G. L. Wilkes, J. E. McGrath 2:10—424. Synthesis and characterization of novel flame-resistant poly(arylene ether)s. D. J. Riley, S. A. Srinivasan, A. Gungor, C. Tchatchoua, M. Sankarapandian, J. E. McGrath 2:30—Intermission. 2:50—425. Synthesis and characterization of poly(silyl ester)s as a new family of degradable polymers with attunable degradation rates. S. P. Gitto, K. L. Wooley 3:10—426. Investigation of a transsilylation reaction for the preparation of poly(silyl esters. J. M. Weinberg, K. L. Wooley 3:30—427. Synthesis of poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-tetramethylene oxide). Q. Ji, R. A. Pethrick 3:50—428. Synthesis and characterization of poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-tetramethylene oxide)-based polyurethanes. Q. Ji, R. A. Pethrick

Section Β Convention Center Room 63, Second Level Special Topics—III: Polymer Characterization


R. Y. Loch head, Presiding 1:30—413. Cure monitoring of bulk MDIbased polyurea-polyurethane by in situ emission fluorescence. S-K. Wang, C. S. P. Sung 1:50—414. Molecular simulation of the crys­ tal structure of syndiotactic polypropylene. D. J. Lacks 2:10—415. Polyacid microstructural effects in complexation with poly(vinylpyrrolidone). P. C. Shannon, R. Y. Lochhead 2:30—416. Polydecene-based systems for use in fiber-optic cable floods: Distinct enhanced-stability regimes for low and high molecular weight base fluids. T. S. Coolbaugh, H. R. Miller, J. J. Sheu, C. R. Taylor 2:50—Intermission. 3:10—417. Glucose-responsive complex­ ation hydrogels. C. M. Dorski, F. J. Doyle III, N. A. Peppas 3:30—418. Cure monitoring of styrene-containing polymers using UV-reflection and fluorescence spectroscopies. B. L. Grunden, Y. S. Kim, C. S. P. Sung 3:50—419. Recent results on the spectro­ scopic investigation of PMDA/ODA-based polyimide model compounds. T. Schulze, A. K. Saini, H. H. Patterson 4:10—420. Investigation of nonsteric exclu­ sion effects in size exclusion chromatogra­ phy. J. E. McGrath, L. Dong, M. W. Muggli, A. R. Shultz, T. C. Ward 4:30—421. Photoluminescence study of annealed-oxygen cross-linked polysilane. T. Hiraoka, Y. Majima, S. Murai, Y. Nakano, S. Hayase

DIVISION OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS: SCIENCE & ENGINEERING INC. F. N. Jones, Program Chairman P. M. Edelman, Program Chairman

OTHER SYMPOSIA OF INTEREST: Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications (see Biotechnology Secretariat, Sun, Mon, page 51) Single-Site Polyolefins: New SingleSite Catalysts (see Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc., Tue, Wed, page 121) Polymer-Based Electronic Packaging and Interconnects (see Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc., Sun, Mon, Tue, page 118) SOCIAL EVENTS: Receptions, Mon, Tue Luncheon, Tue Social Hour, Tue

SUNDAY MORNING Section A Convention Center Room 59, Second Level Biocatalysis in Polymer Chemistry Cosponsored with Biotechnology Secretariat

G. Swift, D. L. Kaplan, R. A. Gross, Organizers G. Swift, Presiding


8:45—Introductory Remarks. 9:00—1. Enzyme-derived polymers: New materials for the 21st century. J. S. Dordick 10:00—2. Enzymatic synthesis of polycarboxylates containing ester linkages in the backbone. S. Matsumura, H. Beppu, K. Toshima 10:30—3. Chemoenzymatic synthesis and modification of monomers and polymers. H. Ritter

FEBRUARY 19,1996 C&EN 123