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AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co. and subsidiaries for the six months ended December 31, 1936, show a net profit of $161,694 after depreciation, ...
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VOL. 15, NO. 3



We have discovered a decided decrease in mortality since mounting o n the side of our 22.4-liter box a 6-incn brass gong, secured from a local electrician's junk pue for 15 cents. To impress upon him who In asking for any of the bulletins described below, please designate them by number. Requests learns through ear rather than through should bo addressed to Advertising Manager, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 332 West 42nd eye the great truth that H» grams of hySt., New York, Ν. Υ. drogen mean, not one liter, but 22.4, requires at the most two gongings. urement and portable pH meters. ABOUT YOUR ROOF. One of the wellNot infrequently a conditioned reflex is known manufacturers of building ma­ No. A2-10. observed. The correct answer is at times terials has issued an interesting 26POWER PUMPS. This 12-page bulletin forthcoming if the inquisitor merely turns page booklet calling attention to some carries an interesting description of the toward the box. of the significant features of roof con­ characteristics and applications of a In a larger sense the results obtained struction. The bulletin suggests cer­ well-known line of duplex power pumps. with the begonged box refute some of the tain points on which roof construction Two complete lines are offered—one extreme claims of the proponents of visual should be carefully checked, as well for standard general service and one education. as giving a number of interesting de­ for heavy duty. Details of construction, tails on enduring roof construction. tables of dimensions, sizes, and capaciNo. A2-5. ties, as well as installation drawings, Nazi Professor Finds Even make this a valuable booklet on pumps. AUTOMATIC FILTERS FOR D U S T AND FUME Atom Is Germanic 1 No. A 2-2. RECOVERY. This 8-page bulletin de­ scribes a number of different types of in­ PUMPS. A special line of chemical pumps Berlin, Jan. 20 (UP) . — P r o f e s s o r stallation for the recovery of dust and Johannes Stark, president of the Reich is announced to handle unusually small Physical Institute, in a lecture at Berlin fume. The significant engineering volumes, varying from 10 to 100 gallast night denounced "Jewish" problems involved in the proper selec­ lons in 24 hours. These units are at- University phvsics. tion of equipment to meet different tractively shown in a 4-page leaflet. operating conditions are pointed out. Stark said he would soon publish an The pumps will operate against pressures The installations illustrated cover a atomic theory of his own, of a "Germanic" up to 500 pounds and are particularly wide variety of work ranging from fil­ adapted to handle a boiler-feed water atom, which would afford a simpler extering solids out of a producer gas plant planation of atomic phenomena than the treatment. The units described are to the installation of filters in connec­ "Jewish" theory. both rocker-arm type (power to be tion with a rotary dryer. No. A2-6. 1 reciprocating pump) and motor-driven Reprinted from the .Veto York Herald Tribune* type. No. A2-13. January 21, 1937. CELLO-METAL SHIELDS. An 8-page il­ lustrated folder describing Cello-Metal REPLACEMENT TYPE A I R FILTERS. A shields for protection of laboratory in­ recently issued 12-page bulletin destruments. Nο. Α2-9. : : : scribes the use of replacement type air filters using fibrous glass as the filtering FLEXIBLE JOINTS. The revised edition medium. The bulletin describes the of this manufacturer's bulletin de­ fundamental requirements of air filAMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL scribes the application of flexible ball ters and goes on to discuss the particuCo. and subsidiaries for the six months joints for the handling of oil, steam, air, lar usefulness of glass fiber as a filter ended December 31, 1936, show a net gasoline, tar, water, and other fluids. medium. There is a series of photoprofit of $161,694 after depreciation, deThe generous use of installation photo­ graphs showing different tvpes of air pletion, federal income taxes, etc., equal graphs shows many possibilities of using filter units. No. A2-8. to 76 cents a share on no-par capital stock. these joints. The bulletin also carries a This compares with a net loss of $97,716 table of general dimensions which would SIFTING. New standards in sifting with for the six months ended December 31, be helpful in selecting the units needed. faster production, easier operation, No. A2-8. 1935. The company's fiscal vear ends and greater economy are presented in June 30. a new bulletin. No.A2-12.

Manufacturer's Publications

; Ftean'€aa1l-: ^fe^s '


The 16-page bulletin describing this line of flowmeters carries an interesting pres­ entation of the basic facts about the in­ struments. The manufacturers point out that frict ion is negligible and rugged construction can be used. The way in which this operating principle has been carried out is described in detail. There are large-sized photographs of t he essential working parts of the meters, as well as a description of the special features. The bulletin also points out that these flowmeters may be supplied to make one or two additional simultaneous records of temperature and pressure on the same chart in addition to the flow record. This bulletin is well worth reading where there are problems of measuring flow. No. A2-4LIGHTNIN


In this new cata­

log the manufacturers of Lightnin mix­ ers have spared no pains to give the im­ portant details about the various models which are offered. Included for the first time are a one-thirtieth horse­ power laboratory model, portable ex­ plosion-resistant mixers, portable paintmixing units, and a new gear-drive unit for fixed*application on large tanks. Pho­ tographs and drawings have been used effectively in indicating the possible applications of the different types of mixers to process work. No. À2-1. MOTORS. Single-phase brush-lift ing motors are described in an 8-page illustrated leaflet. No. A2-11. PORTABLE P H METERS.



4 pages, gives information on pH meas-


A recently

issued bulletin describes this type of unit designed for service requiring air at 1-pound pressure, and in volumes from 325 to 3200 cubic feet per minute. The manufacturers point out that this type of motor blower is particularly suited to industries where oil- or gas-fired furnaces are used. This 4-page bulletin carries photographs, performance graphs, and a useful size and dimension table. No. A 2-7.

Emanations Major Bowes and t h e G r a m Molecular V o l u m e £ . A. Vuilleumicr, Dickinson College, Carlisle, P a .


F ALL his ingenious tools perhaps none is so indispensable to the student of chemistry as the concept of the gram molecular volume. With its aid he can measure molecular and atomic weights, and calculate the volume of any given weight of a gas. To aid the student of chemistry in visualizing the gram molecular volume and to make it impressive, most chemistry lecture tables display a cube 11 inches high. But only too infrequently does this silent sentinel serve the purpose desired. It is not unusual for 30 per cent of a class to come to grief when a question requires the use of the gram molecular volume.


registration statement with the S E C covering 247,625 shares of capital stock, rights to subscribe to the stock, and installment subscription receipts. This is part of a plan to offer present stockholders an issue of 151,625 shares of capital stock, no par, on the basis of 1 additional share for each 4 shares held, to defray part of the costs of an expansion program which involves expenditures in the neighborhood of $14,000,000. The company is considering construction of additional facilities at Cleveland to provide for an annual productive capacity of about 10,000,000 pounds of staple fiber from viscose b y the mechanized continuous process. It also intends to erect a new plant in Lake County, Ohio, for the manufacture of rayon yarn from viscose. For the 10 months ended October 31, 1936, the corporation reported a consolidated net profit of $1,051,978 after all charges, but before provision for federal surtax on undistributed income. OWENS-ILLINOIS


C O . reported

net earnings for the year ended December 31, 1936, after all charges, of S10,020,000. This establishes a record for any 12 months in the company's history and compares with $7,883,496 in 1935. The company has announced a $1.50 quarterly dividend, payable February 15 to stock of record January 30. THE





leased from the Stanohnd Oil and Gas Co., Tulsa, Okla., property known as the Hockley Dome, Harris County, Texas. The sechedule calls for the start of drilling operations in less than 60 days.