Find Out What's New in Clinical Analytical Chemistry... - American

over 200 illustrations used by thespeakers. Total playing time is 5 hours. Package price is only $89.00. Or, choose any single presentation for $13.50...
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Find Out What's New in Clinical Analytical Chemistry... . . . listen to the symposium on Innovative Approaches to Clinical Analytical Chemistry. You'll hear about a new assay method for haptens and proteins, new approaches to fluorescence measurements, and new developments in liquid chromotrography and microscopy. You'll also hear about trends in clinical chemistry plus the Garvan Medal Award Address. These presentations come alive as you listen to each speaker describe his work on tape and in pictures. The symposium package contains 7 cassette tapes and over 200 illustrations used by the speakers. Total playing time is 5 hours. Package price is only $89.00. Or, choose any single presentation for $13.50. (Released 1980) To order, fill out the form below or call toll free 800-424-6747. Here are the details about the Innovative Approaches to Clinical Analytical Chemistry s y m p o s i u m tape collection: assays important to the study of aromatic metabolism in animals and plants. Recent developments, including the use of LCEC for enzyme acitivity assays and the detection of unsaturated fatty acids, as well as unique Contributions of clinical analytical chemistry Rapid scanning multichannel detectors m a y b e advantages of post-column reactions and to t h e improvement of world health a r e u s e d for fluorescence analysis of c o m p l e x column switching techniques, are discussed. described. mixtures, a n d for fingerprinting of fluorescing 24 Illustrations. 37 Illustrations. molecules in high performance liquid c h r o m a t o g r a p h y a n d thin layer I I Localized Elemental Analysis by Coupled Π Contributions of Clinical Analytical c h r o m a t o g r a p h y experiments. Instrumentation Back Scatter Electron Microscopy and X Chemistry to the Quality of Life (GARVAN s u c h a s t h e video fluoreometer consisting of a Irradiation Analysis MEDAL AWARD ADDRESS) polychromatic optical system c o m p u t e r Martin Rubin, Department of Biochemistry, Hellen M. Free, Ames Company Division, interfaced to a u.v.-enhanced silicon intensified Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20007 Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, IH 46514 target vidicon detector, is discussed. The distribution and movement of inorganic Illustrations. Urinalysis, kidney dialysis, a n d neo-natal inborn 5 0 species in the complex compartmentalization error testing to prevent mental retardation are within the cell can be distorted by analytical a m o n g t h e analytical techniques discussed. • Measurements of Drugs and Metabolites methods which depend on cellular disruption, Future areas for clinical analytical chemistry in Body Fluids and Tissue Homongenates fractionation, and organelle isolation. The use of m a y include S u d d e n infant D e a t h S y n d r o m e , Using Liquid Chromatography with Robinson back scatter electron microscopy with geriatrics a n d evaluation of a p e n d i n g disease Electrochemical Detection simultaneously emitted X-rays collected in a before it o c c u r s . Peter T. Kissinger, Department of Chemistry, wavelength dipersive spectrometer is explored 37 Illustrations. Purdue University, West Lafayette, //V 47907 for the examination of pathologic tissues, tissues. Liquid c h r o m a t o g r a p h y with electrochemical • Trends in Clinical Chemistry in 44 Illustrations. detection (LCEC) is suitable for a n u m b e r of Relation to Medicine 1 I Contributions and Challenges of Global Analytical Chemistry Alfred H. Free, Ames Company Division, Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, 1M 46514

F. William Sunderman, Institute for Clinical Science, Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, 230 north Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102 A brief historical survey of medicine a n d chemistry is followed by a look at t h e future of clinical research. No Illustrations. I I Colorimetric I m m u n o a s s a y s with Flavin A d e n i n e D i n u c l e o t i d e a s t h e Label Robert J. Carrico, Ames Company Division, Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, IN 46514 A new h o m o g e n e o u s competitive binding assay m e t h o d employing flavin adenine dinucleotide as t h e label h a s b e e n developed for h a p t e n s a n d proteins. Method h a s b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d with m e a s u r e m e n t s of theophylline a n d immunoglobulin G in h u m a n s e r u m s . 26 Illustrations.

I I New Approaches to Fluorescence Measurements Gary D. Christian, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195

To order entire Clinical Analytical symposium including cassette album and illustrations for $89.00, check the box below. Or, check the individual tapes of your choice @ $13.50. Send payment along with this ad to: American Chemical Society, Department 902,1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C, 20036. VISA and Mastercharge are accepted. California residents add 6% state use tax. Prices include postage and handling. Π Entire Symposium

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