Finds hydrogen tides on remote star - Journal of Chemical Education

Finds hydrogen tides on remote star. J. Chem. Educ. , 1925, 2 (10), p 911. DOI: 10.1021/ed002p911.2. Publication Date: October 1925. Cite this:J. Chem...
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(3) Bradfield, R. 1925. "The Chemical Nature of Colloidal Clay." J. A m . Sor. Agron.. 17,253-270. (4) Gile, P. I,. "Nature of the Colloidal Soil Material." Third National Sym. posium on Colloid Chemistry. ( 5 ) Gile, P. I,., Middleton, H. E , Robinson, W. O., Fry, W. H., and Anderson. M. S. 1924. "Estimation of Colloidal Material in Soils by Adsorption." U. S. Dept. Agr., Ball. 1193, p. 41. (6) Mattson, S. Forthcoming publication. (7) Robinson, W. 0 . and Holmes, R. S. 1924. "The Chemical Composition o i Soil Colloids." U. S. Dept. Agr., Bull. 1311, p. 41.

Many Can't Name Work They Like. That i t is very difficult for the average individual to select the kind of work in which he has most interest, is sliawn in a report by Douglas Fryer, professor of psychology in New York University, whichwill appear in a coming issue of the Jownal of Applied Psycholog>'. When a person is hunting a job it would seem that he should know what kind of work, in general a t least, he is most interested in doing. However, among more than 200 applicants in a vocational office in New York City scarcely one was really able to select the kind of work that held the most interest for him. I n attempting t o find the kind of work in which the applicantwaslikely t o hemost interested, work was divided into two general classes, humanics, or work with people, and mechanics, or work with things. Humanics was divided into concrcte humanics, or work directly with people, influencing, advising, directing people like the buyer, the salesman, the executive; and abstract humanics, or work indirectly with people, promoting and forming policies. ideals, and organizations for people to work or live by, li$e the publicity man, the advertising man, the advertising writer, the journalist. Mechanics was divided similarly, concrete mechanics or manipulating tools and machinery, dealing with the things themselves, like the work of mechanic, the construction worker, the farmer, and a great deal of the wark of the engineer; and abstract mechanics, or work with languages and figures, dealing with the symbols of things. like the work of the accountant or bookkeeper, the draftsman, and the bank teller.Science Senice Finds Hydrogen Tides on Remote Star. What is that distant sun, known t o astronomers as Kappa Draconis, doing with its hydrogen? Dr. Otto Struve, of Kerkes Observatory, brought this question hefore his colleagues recently, a t the meeting of the American Astronomical Society. He has not found the answer yet himself; all he has discovered is that a t times this inconspicuous member of the stellar universe seems t o have plenty of the lightest of the elements, and after the lapse of a number of years that the hydrogen is gone again. I n 1890 Dr. E. C. Pickering, then the director of the Harvard College Observatory. discovered bright lines in the hydrogen region of this star's spectrum. Making a study of the photographic records filed a t Yerkes Observatory, Dr. Struve has discovered that these lines grew faintcr and fainter, until they disappeared completely in 1904. They reappeared in 1911, became brighter until 1010, and have remained steady since that timc. Now Dr. Struve expects them to weaken and disappear once more. But he has no cxplanxtiou to hazard for such erratic hehavior on the part of a distant sun.S L ~ E T SEW~CC ICE
