Fire and Polymers V - American Chemical Society

This chapter deals with the homopolymers and copolymers of fluorinated ..... which includes coated copper wires, jacketed fiber optic cables, and plas...
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Chapter 17

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Flammability of Fluoropolymers Shiow-Ching Lin and Bradley Kent Solvay Solexis Inc., 10 Leonard Lane, West Deptford, NJ 08086

Fluoropolymers are an important class of polymeric materials useftil in many industrial applications, such as wire and cable, semiconductor tools and high performance industrial coatings. The common properties of fluoropolymers include low dielectric constant, good chemical resistance, low surface tension, good mechanical properties and low flammability. Flame resistance of fluoropolymers has been a unique advantage leading to their usefulness in various industrial applications. This article intends to discuss the flammability of commercially available linear fluoropolymers. The modified fluoropolymer resins, such as fluorine containing aromatic polymers, are outside the scope of this discussion.

Major Thermal Degradation Mechanisms of Fluoropolymers This chapter deals with the homopolymers and copolymers of fluorinated ethylene monomers due to their long industrial application history. They are linear thermoplastics widely used in cookware, chemical process industry (CPI) and semiconductor manufacturing. They are basically divided into two groups, perfluorinated and partially fluorinated polymers. Perfluorinated linear polymers include polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), homo- (PTFE) and co-polymers of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), such as FEP, PFA and MF A which are copolymers of TFE with hexafluoropropylene, perfluoropropyl vinyl ether and perfluoromethyl vinyl ether, respectively. Partially fluorinated polymers are polyvinyl fluoride (PVF), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), alternating copolymer of ethylene and TFE (ETFE), and alternating copolymer of ethylene and chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE). 288

© 2009 American Chemical Society

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on September 22, 2015 | Publication Date: April 27, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1013.ch017

289 Figure 1 shows the thermal degradation behavior of fluoropolymers in air characterized by dynamic thermogravimetry (TGA). PTFE has the highest decomposition temperature and degrades quickly to zero char residue. E T F E has a lower decomposition temperature and also produces no char. E C T F E thermally degrades at the earliest stage and, however, produces the most significant intermediate char residue among these fluoropolymers. Similarly, P V D F yields about the same amount of intermediate char as E C T F E . In air, the formed char undergoes slow ablative oxidation at high temperatures. Table I summarizes the experimental results comparing to the theoretically calculated char residue based on the assumption that dehydrohalogenation is the sole degradation mechanism.

Figure 1. Dynamic TGA results of fluoropolymers in Air

It is known that the C-F bond (105.4 kcal/mole) has a much higher bond dissociation energy than the C - C l bond (78.5 kcal/mole) (/) to resist thermal and thermo-oxidative degradations. E C T F E is expected to initially undergo dehydrochlorination catalyzed by oxygen in air attributed to the low bond dissociation energy of C - C l . The thus formed carbon-carbon unsaturation sequentially accelerates dehydrofluorination and forms conjugated fluorinated polyene or char. Since the dissociation energy of the C-F bond is much higher than the C - C bond (83.1 kcal/mole), the thermal degradation temperature of a perfluorinated polyolefin such as PTFE is high and the degradation mode is therefore in favor of random C-C chain scissions along the polymer backbone. The data in Table I suggests that E C T F E undergoes almost completely thermal dehydrohalogenation. For PTFE, it has been concluded that the depoly-

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

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290 merization to TFE monomer is the main thermal decomposition reaction (2). Other perfluorinated polymers such as PCTFE, FEP, PFA and M F A have also been found to undergo random scission degradation thermally and thermo-oxidatively (5). Similarly ETFE has been confirmed to thermally undergo random chain scission (4). As suggested by char yield data, P V D F is also thermally dehydrofluorinated to fluorinated polyene with a small fraction of random chain scission. P V F dehydrofluorinates at a low degradation temperature, followed with backbone cleavage by chain scission around 450 °C (3).

Table I. T G A parameters of fluoropolymers

Char residue after - H X Theoretical, % Actual, % Decomposition T, °C In air Onset Extrapolation In N2 Onset Extrapolation





33 32-34

41 -32

41 -0

100 0

355 415

415 480

410 450

500 535

425 450

450 495

440 495

500 550

Onset decomposition temperature is taken by extrapolating weight loss curve to zero % of weight loss.

Combustion of Fluoropolymers Polymer combustion is the extreme thermal oxidation of the thermally degraded combustible volatiles and involves vigorous flaming degradation. Three basic elements, heat, fuel and oxygen, are involved in the combustion process. Figure 2 represents the simplified scheme of polymer combustion (5). The material is heated initially in air from an external source and, eventually, thermally and thermo-oxidatively degraded to give volatile flammable and non­ flammable pyrolytic gases and char. The flammable pyrolytic gas mixes with oxygen in air, and undergoes cracking and vigorous free radical chain reactions. The heat flux generated from this flaming process feeds back to solid polymer to provide a continuous burning cycle. When the flame heat flux is lower than the critical heat flux, the material becomes self-extinguishable. Burning is the result of the extreme oxidation of combustible pyrolytic volatiles after mixing with oxygen. Char yield at high temperature has been commonly used to interpret the flame resistance of a polymer. However, the

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on September 22, 2015 | Publication Date: April 27, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1013.ch017

291 amount and the speed of combustible gas release at pyrolytic conditions are actually more meaningful indicators. The release of non-combustible pyrolytic gases during degradation reactions may actually inhibit the flaming process due to the quenching effect of the free radical chain reaction. Hydrogen halides have been concluded to serve as free radical scavengers (5). The elimination of hydrogen halides from E C T F E and P V D F is quite helpful to reduce the flammability of a polymer in the gas phase in addition to the formation of polyene char. The eliminated HC1 from thermal degradation of E C T F E provides a higher radical quenching effect than H F .

Figure 2. Burning cycle of a polymer

Flammability Characteristics Perfluorinated polymers undergo almost only chain scission to generate volatile combustible gases. Due to the high content of fluorine atoms, the combustion gases give a low heat release rate, which may be too low to continue the burning cycle. Therefore, these polymers normally have greater than 95% for the limiting oxygen index (LOI) and are flame resistant. Partially fluorinated polymers, as discussed earlier, may undergo chain scission and/or dehydrohalogenation depending on segment structure, and halogen species and their contents. Table II exhibits LOI of partially fluorinated polymers.

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

292 P V F undergoes thermal dehydrofluorination at high temperature. Because of high hydrocarbon content, it also produces combustible hydrocarbon pyrolytic gases to give a high heat release rate to yield a low LOI. ETFE, P V D F and E C T F E contain identical mole fractions of - C H - groups and have significant LOI differences. As shown in Figure 1, E T F E undergoes thermal random chain scission without char formation different from the dehydrohalogenation possessed by E C T F E . P V D F thermally pyrolyzes by a small fraction of random chain scission and a major dehydrofluorination as discussed earlier.

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Table II. LOI of partially fluorinated polymers (3) Polymer Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) Copolymer of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) Polyvinyl idene fluoride (PVDF) Copolymer of ethylene and chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE)

LOI 22.6 30 44 52 minimum

To clarify how the degradation mechanism affects the burning behavior of partially fluorinated polymers having similar empirical formulas, cone calorimetry was used to characterize E C T F E and ETFE, including ignition, heat release rate and critical heat flux. Ignition time is the time between the application of a heat source to a material and the onset of self-sustained combustion, with flame observed over the specimen surface for at least 4 seconds. In order for a polymer to be ignitable under a given external heat flux, the polymer has to degrade at a rate to produce enough flammable gas. A higher production rate of flammable gas reflects a lower ignition time. Therefore the ignitability of a polymer depends on the thermo-oxidative degradation mechanism and degradation rate of a polymer at a given heat flux. Figure 3 shows typical heat release diagrams of E C T F E and E T F E plaques at a constant irradiation heat flux of 50 kW/m . E T F E shows an ignition time around 70 seconds and a high flame heat release in a short period at this particular heat flux. In slightly more than 400 seconds, E T F E is totally consumed by fire. E C T F E has a completely different response to this external heat flux. It shows no heat release up to 220 seconds and exhibits no ignition at the end of 900 seconds. Heat release rate increases slightly after 220 seconds possibly attributed to surface oxidative ablation of the produced carbon char. The higher heat release rate of E T F E can be used to interpret its lower L O I in comparison to E C T F E . Because of similar empirical formula, E T F E , P V D F and E C T F E are expected to have quite similar heat of combustion. Due to their difference in thermal degradation mechanisms, their heat release rates are drastically different to provide different heat flux feedbacks to support burning 2

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on September 22, 2015 | Publication Date: April 27, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1013.ch017

293 process. E T F E quickly degrades to combustible gases to give a fast rate of heat release. E C T F E only undergoes slow ablative oxidation of char after dehydrohalogenation. A small amount of P V D F thermally degrades to combustible gases which contribute to a moderate LOI. Table III provides additional ignition parameters of fluoropolymers as additional reference. Pilot- or auto-ignition temperature is the temperature at which a material ignites in a normal atmosphere with or without an external source of ignition, respectively. Both parameters are also used to indicate the ignitability of a combustible material. Based on the results, E C T F E exhibits its high ignition resistance similar to the conclusion from cone calorimetric results.

Figure 3. Typical cone calorimetric diagram of ECTFE and ETFE plaques at an irradiation heatfluxof 50 kW/m . 2

Table III. Ignition temperatures of fluoropolymers Polymer PTFE

Pilot-Ignition T., °C

Auto-Ignition T, °C 580 565 620-675 555 550 630 655 6













In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on September 22, 2015 | Publication Date: April 27, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1013.ch017

294 Even though E C T F E undergoes dehydrohalogenation as the preferred degradation mechanism to contribute ignition resistance and a low L O I , the selectivity of degradation mechanism may be changed or the pyrolytic char may catch fire when the external heat flux is intensified to exceed a certain extent. To further analyze the ignition resistance of fluoropolymers, the critical heat fluxes of E C T F E and E T F E have been characterized. The critical heat flux is the minimum external heat flux to cause a material to be ignited by a pilot. Table IV shows the critical heat fluxes of E T F E and E C T F E along with the results of P V D F and PTFE obtained from literature (10). Due to high char formation and early decomposition, a high critical heat flux of E C T F E is expected to lead to its high ignition resistance.

Table IV. Critical heat fluxes of fluoropolymers Powder Coating ECTFE ETFE PVDF PTFE

Critical Heat Flux, kW/m 74 14.5-16.5 35 43


Coating Applications Other than the intrinsic fire retardancy of fluoropolymers, excellent chemical resistance is an additional advantage over other polymeric products. Perfluorinated polymers have long been used as non-stick coatings for cookware as a result of their release properties. Taking advantages of chemical resistance, corrosion protection, easy fabrication and fire resistance, E C T F E , E T F E and P V D F have been the most suitable fluoropolymers for coating applications. One particular coating usage with high application volume is exhaust duct coating for semiconductor fabs. The duct is made of stainless steel to provide mechanical strength. Its inner surface is protected from corrosive exhaust gas such as HF by an organic coating such as E C T F E and ETFE. Both coatings can be easily applied by electrostatic powder spray process. It is understandable that corrosion resistance of a coating can be further enhanced by building up its thickness to prevent chemicals from penetration. However, it is also very important to have the coating material resist fire and its propagation, when coating thickness is increased. Factory Mutual has established a testing standard (//) known as F M 4922 as a guideline. Judged from the thermal pyrolytic mechanism, E C T F E coating forms char early from dehydrohalogenation and is anticipated to resist fire propagation even i f the

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

295 coating thickness is increased. E T F E undergoes random chain scission to produce volatile flammable fragments. The concern of fire resistance and propagation of E T F E coating may increase with coating thickness. Figure 4 shows the Cone Calorimetric testing results of E C T F E and E T F E coatings with varied coating thickness. The testing was carried out at three different heat fluxes, 30, 50 and 70 K W / m . As anticipated, the peak heat release rate of E C T F E at a given external heat flux is much less than that of ETFE, when the coating thickness is kept the same. As well, the fire resistance of E C T F E coating is much independent of coating thickness when the same external heat flux is applied. The results imply that E C T F E coating thickness can be increased to further enhance corrosion protection to metal substrate without the concern of fire protection reduction. Practically, this has been demonstrated through F M 4922 tests.

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600 M

I 500 H I 400 H I


• ECTFE, 30 • ECTFE, 50 A ECTFE, 70 ο ETFE, 30 • ETFE, 50 Δ ETFE, 70

300 ^

g> •£ 200 -| φ


ioo Η

û. 1—



80 100

—ι— 120


Coating thickness, mil Figure 4. Coating thickness effect on fire behavior of ECTFE and ETFE coatings.

Melt Processed Applications Fluoropolymers also find use in melt processed applications, based on extrusion or molding processes. The largest use is in the wire and cable industry, which includes coated copper wires, jacketed fiber optic cables, and plastic conduits and pipes for use in the plenum space of buildings. Building codes in

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on September 22, 2015 | Publication Date: April 27, 2009 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1013.ch017

296 the United States have called for materials with low smoke generation and flame propagation characteristics for many years and similar approaches are being adoped in other countries. Fluoropolymers are particularly used for the desirable combination of excellent electrical properties, as measured by the dielectric constant and dissipation factor, and excellent flame and smoke characteristics. Test protocols have been established, such as the N F P A 262 tunnel test in which coated cables are burned to determine peak and average smoke release along with flame propagation distance (12). Cables constructed with fluoropolymer insulation on the primary conductors and/or the outer jackets are more likely to pass this test than other non-fluorinated polymers. For certain cable constructions, especially those containing fillers, spacers, and other internal elements, additives may be used to reduce smoke generation. For example, in fiber optic cable constructions, natural P V D F is often not able to provide sufficiently low smoke generation, so additives such as molybdates (13) or tungstates (14) can be used to increase the effective LOI from about 44% up to a range of 65 to 100%. Besides copper and fiber optic communication cable insulation and coatings, fluoropolymers are also used for plenum rated conduits and piping to provide either additional protection for cables in the plenum space or a fluid transportation system for cooling fluids or waste streams. Due to mechanical property requirements, P V D F formulated for low smoke generation is often used for these applications. Plenum rated conduits must pass the flammability and other test requirements specified in U L 2024 (15). Fluoropolymers used in other building components must pass the flame and smoke tests specified in U L 723 (16), which have been passed by P V D F formulated for low smoke generation. Melt-processed fluoropolymers are useful in semiconductor manufacturing because of their high purity of certain types (low extractibles into the fluids used for semiconductor processes). Flammability properties are also important in applications such as plastic wet benches used in semiconductor fabs owing to large financial losses from fires sustained in certain facilities. Factory Mutual developed a test protocol known as F M 4910 (17) to validate materials for wet bench construction. This test comprises a vertical burn of a large sheet of plastic in which smoke generation and flame propagation distance are measured. Both P V D F and E C T F E have passed this test and various equipment fabricators use these polymers to produce wet benches, sinks, and other system components to meet the strict flammability requirements of the industry. Because of the high purity requirement for low extractibles, only natural P V D F and E C T F E can be used, while natural E T F E cannot pass the F M 4910 test due to its flammability characteristics described earlier.

In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.

297 Acknowledgement The authors thank Solvay Solexis to support the effort to complete all tasks to arrive at meaningful conclusions.

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In Fire and Polymers V; Wilkie, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2009.