First-Principles Study on Structural Properties and 4f → 5d Transitions

Aug 10, 2012 - Departamento De Químca, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain ... From the present calculations, we conclude that the 5...
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First-Principles Study on Structural Properties and 4f → 5d Transitions of Locally Charge-Compensated Ce3+ in CaF2 Lixin Ning,*,† Changbao Wu,† Lanlan Li,† Lihua Lin,† Changkui Duan,‡ Yongfan Zhang,§ and Luis Seijo∥,⊥ †

Department of Physics, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241000, China Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China § Department of Chemistry, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China ∥ Departamento De Químca, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain ⊥ Instituto Universitario de Ciencia de Materiales Nicolás Cabrera, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The structural properties and 4f → 5d transitions of Ce3+ in CaF2, with local charge compensation by an interstitial fluoride (Fi′) or an oxygen substitution for fluoride (OF′), have been studied using the density functional theory (DFT) within the supercell model and the wave function-based embedded cluster calculations, respectively. The DFT results indicate that the incorporation of locally charge-compensated Ce3+ in CaF2 induces an anisotropic distortion of the structure around the dopant site. On the basis of the DFToptimized structures, the Ce-centered embedded clusters are constructed, on which the wave function-based CASSCF/CASPT2/ RASSI−SO calculations at the spin−orbit level are performed to obtain the Ce3+ 4f1 and 5d1 level energies. The calculated 4f−5d transition energies and relative intensities are in good agreement with available experimental results. From the present calculations, we conclude that the 5d1 level missing in the low-temperature absorption spectrum of the tetragonal Ce center with Fi′ compensation is the second-lowest one, and the absorption at this level is overshadowed by an adjacent cluster band usually assigned to Ce clusters and thus was not observed in experiments. We also assign the two closely spaced absorption lines around 3118.5 Å observed in experiments to the lowest two quasi-degenerated 4f → 5d transitions of the monoclinic center with Fi′ compensation rather than those of the trigonal center as proposed earlier. Finally, we analyze the structural and electronic reasons for the large reduction (∼2000 cm−1) of the lowest 4f → 5d transition energy from a Fi′ to a nearest-neighbor OF′ compensation, in terms of the changes in the centroid energy difference and crystalfield splitting.

1. INTRODUCTION Cerium-doped inorganic compounds have received considerable interest because of their wide applications in scintillators,1 phosphors,2 and solid state lasers,3 mainly owing to the fast 5d → 4f emission of Ce3+ in the blue and UV spectral regions with a characteristic decay time on the order of 10−8 s. The relative energies of the excited 5d1 levels with respect to the ground 4f1 state depend strongly on the local crystalline environment of the dopant Ce3+, due to the large crystal-field interaction experienced by the 5d electron. Dorenbos has made an extensive collection for the positions of 5d1 levels in Ce-doped compounds4 and established empirical relationships to rationalize the variation of the first 4f → 5d transition energy with local structural properties, from two independent aspects of centroid energy and crystal-field splitting of the 5d 1 configuration.5 The interpretation of experimentally observed 4f → 5d transitions in cerium-doped materials is often complicated in © 2012 American Chemical Society

the cases where local charge compensation occurs. A typical example is CaF2:Ce3+, where the excess positive charge with the substitution of a Ce3+ for a Ca2+ can be compensated by an interstitial fluoride (Fi′, in Kröger−Vink notation),6 an oxygen substitution for a fluoride (OF′),7 or a sodium substitution for a calcium (NaCa′),8 depending on the condition during the crystal growth process. The optical properties of CaF2:Ce3+ have been the subject of numerous studies, but the complexity of this system is such that there are still some problems that remain to be answered. Using an absorption spectral technique at liquid nitrogen temperature, Manthey7 identified four 5d levels for the tetragonal cerium center, C4v Fi′(100). Here, and in the following, the coordinates of the charge-compensating interstitial F− ion are expressed in the (hkl) notation in units of Received: June 7, 2012 Revised: July 24, 2012 Published: August 10, 2012 18419 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18419−18426

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Figure 1. DFT-optimized local structures of Ce3+ in CaF2 with a local charge compensation by interstitial F− ions and OF substituents. The point group symmetries and the values of selected distances are indicated.

half the unit cell dimension. Since the 5d1 shell should split into five levels by the C4v crystal-field and spin−orbit interactions, one level is missing in the absorption spectra. This missing level

has been suggested by the author to be the second-lowest 5d1 level on the basis of crystal-field analysis,7 but the reason for the missing level is not yet clear. At liquid-helium temperature, an 18420 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18419−18426

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additional pair of closely spaced lines around 3118.5 Å (32057 cm−1) was observed in the absorption spectra, which was assigned to the trigonal center, C3v Fi′(111), based on the information of their intensities, positions, and the very small separation.7 This assignment is not consistent with the theoretical results reported by Heist and Fong9 in terms of a Maxwell−Boltzmann distribution of the interaction energies between trivalent lanthanides (Ln3+) and interstitial fluorides in CaF2, which show that the monoclinic center, Cs Fi′(210), is more stable than the C3v Fi′(111) center at all temperatures. If the crystal was treated in the presence of oxygen, the first 4f → 5d zero-phonon absorption line was measured at 3383.5 Å, red shifted by ∼2400 cm−1 from 3131.7 Å in the C4v Fi′(100) center. This absorption line was ascribed to a trigonal Ce center, C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) (i.e., with a coordinating fluoride replaced by an oxide ion as a charge compensator). Not much is known about the mechanism that governs this wavelength shift, but the larger covalency of Ce−O than that of Ce−F has been suggested as a possible factor, which enhances the red shift of the 5d centroid energy with respect to the free ion.5 In these circumstances, a high-level first-principles study can be expected to be useful for elucidation since it can provide information on the local structure around the dopant Ce3+, the energy levels involved in 4f → 5d transitions, and thus their mutual dependence, which has been applied successfully to analogous problems in a number of recent works.10−13 In the present study, we have first performed DFT−PBE calculations on the detailed structural properties of CaF2:Ce3+ with a local charge compensation using the periodic supercell model. The charge-compensated cerium centers considered in this work are C4v Fi′(100), C3v Fi′(111), and Cs Fi′(210), with an interstitial fluoride as a charge compensator, and C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) and Cs OF′((3/2)(1/2)(1/2)), having an oxygen substituent for charge compensation (see Figure 1). With the optimized supercell structures, we then constructed Ce-centered embedded clusters with their environments represented by ab inito model potentials (AIMP), for which the wave function-based CASSF/CASPT2/RASSI−SO calculations were performed to obtain the 4f1 and 5d1 levels at the spin−orbit level. From the DFT results of the Ce-doped supercells and the comparison between calculated and experimental 4f−5d transition energies and intensities, the problems described above have been discussed. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The computational methodology is described in Methodology. The results for local structural properties and 4f−5d transitions of Ce3+ are presented and discussed in Results and Discussion, with the final conclusions collected in Conclusion.

The geometry optimizations were performed using the conjugate gradient technique, until the total energies were converged to 10−6 eV and the Hellmann−Feynman forces on the atoms were less than 0.01 eV Å−1. One k-point, Γ, was used to sample the Brillouin zone, with a cutoff energy of 550 eV for the plane wave basis. On the basis of the PBE-optimized geometries of the supercells containing the charge-compensated cerium centers, the Ce-centered embedded clusters were constructed on which the wave function-based ab initio calculations were performed to obtain the 4f → 5d transition energies. The embedded clusters comprise the central Ce3+ ions and their coordinating anions, with 520−540 surrounding ions within a sphere of a 10.0 Å radius modeled using the AIMP embedding potentials21 to account for the short-range electrostatic, exchange, and Pauli interactions of the clusters with their environments. The AIMP embedding potentials for Ca2+ and F− were taken from those produced in CaF2,22 and for O2−, the potential for CaO was used.23 The remaining crystalline environments were simulated by 68800−70200 point charges situated at lattice sites, generated using the method by Lepetit,24 which is an extension of Evjen’s method,25 and produces the same electrostatic potentials as Ewald’s method.26 For these embedded clusters, the state-average CASSCF (SA−CASSCF) 27−30 plus CASPT231−33 calculations were performed with the scalar relativistic many-electron Hamiltonian, which takes into account the bonding, static, and dynamic correlation effects. With the CASSCF wave functions and the CASPT2 energies, the AMFI approximation of the DKH spin−orbit coupling operator34−36 was added to the Hamiltonian, and a restricted active space state-interaction spin−orbit (RASSI−SO) method37 was used to include the spin−orbit coupling effect. These wave function-based calculations were performed using MOLCAS.38 In the SA−CASSCF calculations, a [4f, 5d, 6s] complete active space was adopted. The CASSCF wave functions come from interactions of all configurations in which the single unpaired electron occupies one of the 13 molecular orbitals of main characters Ce3+ 4f, 5d, and 6s. The molecular orbitals were optimized by minimizing the average energy of the 13 states. No symmetry (C1 point group) was used in the calculations, and the 4f1 and 5d1 levels are labeled by 4f1−7 and 5d1−5, respectively, in order of increasing energy. With the CASSCF wave functions and the occupied and virtual orbitals, CASPT2 calculations were carried out, where dynamic correlation effects of the Ce3+ 5s, 5p, 4f, and 5d electrons and the F− or O2− 2s and 2p electrons were considered. Further inclusion of spin−orbit coupling mixes all of these states, leading to 13 Kramer’s doublets that belong to the Γ2 irreducible representation of the C1* double group. In these calculations, a relativistic effective core potential ([Kr] core) with a (14s10p10d8f3g)/[6s5p6d4f1g] Gaussian valence basis set from ref 39 was used for Ce, and an effective core potential ([He] core) with a (5s6p1d)/[2s4p1d] valence basis set from ref 40 was used for F and O. These basis sets were further augmented by the respective auxiliary spin−orbit basis sets for a proper description of the inner core region in the spin−orbit calculations.

2. METHODOLOGY The CaF2:Ce3+ crystal was modeled by means of a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell containing 96 atoms, in which one of the 32 Ca2+ ions was substituted by a Ce3+ (3.125% doping concentration). For each supercell, the lattice constants and atomic coordinates were fully relaxed without constraints on symmetry and overall spin, using the periodic DFT calculations14,15 with the PBE functional16,17 in the general gradient approximation (GGA) and the plane wave basis sets as implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP).18,19 The 3p64s2 electrons on Ca, the 2s22p5 electrons on F, the 2s22p4 electrons on O, and the 5s25p64f15d16s2 electrons on Ce were treated as valence electrons, and their interactions with the respective cores were described by the projected augmented wave (PAW) method.20

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Local Structural Distortions. The CaF2 lattice (Fm3m̅ symmetry) can be envisaged as a cubic array of F− ions with Ca2+ ions at every alternate body center position and 18421 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18419−18426

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Table 1. Calculated Lattice Constants and Volumes for the CaF2 (2 × 2 × 2) Supercells Doped with Locally ChargeCompensated Ce centersa CaF2:Ce3+ 2a (Å) 2b (Å) 2c (Å) α (deg) β (deg) γ (deg) volume (Å3) a


C4v Fi′(100)

C3v Fi′(111)

Cs Fi′(210)

C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2))

Cs OF′((3/2)(1/2)(1/2))

11.006 11.006 11.006 90.000 90.000 90.000 1333.349

11.049 11.038 11.049 90.000 90.000 90.000 1347.456 (+1.06%)

11.053 11.053 11.053 89.914 90.087 90.087 1350.191 (+1.26%)

11.048 11.052 11.056 90.000 90.000 90.000 1349.920 (+1.24%)

11.034 11.034 11.034 89.961 90.039 89.961 1343.221 (+0.74%)

11.041 11.041 11.041 89.982 90.008 90.008 1345.812 (+0.93%)

The percent changes in parentheses were calculated with respect to the volume of the undoped CaF2 supercell.

each coordinated by eight F− ions. The geometry of pure CaF2 was first optimized using the DFT−PBE method. The calculated value of the lattice constant is 5.503 Å, slightly larger than the experimental value of 5.447 Å measured at 77 K,41 which can be traced to inherent shortcomings of the GGA. The calculated Ca−F bond length is 2.383 Å compared to the experimental value of 2.359 Å. For the Ce-doped CaF2 supercells with the various types of charge compensation considered in this study, the optimized lattice constants are listed in Table 1, along with those of the undoped CaF2 supercell for comparison. It can be seen that the incorporation of the charge-compensated Ce3+ into CaF2 produces very small increases (by 0.74−1.26%) of the supercell volume and slightly distorts the cubic phase of the undoped CaF2 into phases of lower symmetries with the deviations of the angles being no larger than ±0.09°. Since the ionic radii of Ce3+ and Ca2+ in 8fold coordination are very similar (1.14 and 1.12 Å, respectively),42 the expansion of the volumes is most likely caused by the introduction of the charge-compensating Fi or OF defect in the supercells. The presence of local charge compensators distorts the local structures of Ce3+ into lower site symmetries. In Figure 1 (panels a−e), we show the optimized local structures of Ce3+ with the values of selected distances and site symmetries indicated. Figure 1a indicates that for the C4v Fi′(100) center, there is a slight displacement of Ce3+ toward the interstitial Fi′ due to the electrostatic attraction between them. The four nearest-neighbor (NN) F− ions between Ce3+ and Fi′ move outward while the other four NN F− ions, on the opposite side, move inward. Such a distortion pattern is in good agreement with the structural pictures of the charge-compensated tetragonal Ce3+ and Pr3+ centers in CaF2, obtained using electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR)43,44 and RFoptical double resonance measurements,45 respectively. The bond lengths from Ce3+ to the four NN F− ions near the Fi′ are smaller by 0.057 Å than those to the other four NN F− ions. The average Ce−F bond length is increased by 0.061 Å compared to that of the undoped system (2.383 Å). For the C3v Fi′(111) center with the C3 axis directed in the [1̅1̅1] orientation (Figure 1b), the distance from Ce3+ to the coordinating F− ion nearest to the interstitial Fi′ is shortened by 0.060 Å compared to the value in the undoped CaF2, while for the other Ce−F distances, the elongations are no larger than 0.015 Å. For the Cs Fi′(210) center (Figure 1c), the distances to the four NN F− ions on the right side of the distorted cube are larger than to the four NN F− ions on the left side by 0.036 Å. Compared with the undoped system, the largest and the average deviations in bond lengths are 0.030 and 0.012 Å,

respectively, and thus the local structure of the Cs Fi′(210) center mostly approximates a cubic polyhedron when compared to the C4v Fi′(100) and C3v Fi′(111) centers. In the case of a OF′ substituent in the first coordination sphere (i.e., the C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) center) (Figure 1d), it is notable that the optimized Ce−O bond length is 2.154 Å, shortened by 0.229 Å from the Ca−F bond length (2.383 Å) in pure CaF2, which could be a result of the additional electrostatic attraction by the excessive negative charge on O2−. The other Ca−F bond lengths increase to various extents, with the Ca−F bond on the opposite side of Ca−O lengthened by 0.185 Å compared to the value in pure CaF2, indicating a movement of Ce3+ toward O2−. For the Cs OF′((3/2)(1/2)(1/2)) center (Figure 1e), the distortion of the coordination polyhedron is small with respect to the undoped system, with deviations in the Ce−F bond lengths being no larger than 0.028 Å. To summarize, the substitutional doping of Ce3+ in CaF2 with local charge compensation causes an anisotropic distortion of the local structure around the dopant site. The anisotropy is significant when the charge compensation occurs in the first coordination shell and is difficult to predict based merely on the unrelaxed atomic arrangements. A quantitative picture of the relaxed structure is a prerequisite for reliable predictions of Ce3+ 4f1 and 5d1 levels using a wave function-based embedded cluster method. In Table S1 of the Supporting Information, we give the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms within the first coordination shell of Ce3+ in these local structures, which might be useful for other types of analyses, such as with the superposition model.46 The calculated total energies of the supercells for the five cerium centers are listed in Table 2. The results show that the interstitial F− compensator strongly prefers to be located at the (100) site, in agreement with the conclusions based on electron Table 2. Calculated Total Energies of the Ce-Doped CaF2 Supercells with the DFT−PBE Methoda Ce centers

total energy (eV)

relative total energy (meV)

C4v Fi′(100) C3v Fi′(111) Cs Fi′(210) C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) Cs OF′((3/2)(1/2)(1/2))

−572.308942 −571.941214 −572.018526 −568.907143 −568.183712

0 368 290 0 723


The relative total energies were calculated by subtracting the lowest total energy within each of the two groups of centers with a Fi′ and a OF′ as a charge compensator, respectively. 18422 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18419−18426

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former being smaller than the latter by an average of 939 cm−1. The calculated energy levels for the 4f1 configuration (column 3) also agree well with the experimental data obtained from the fluorescence emission spectra7 (column 4) and infrared absorption measurements54 (column 5), with average deviations of 111 and 117 cm−1, respectively. The transitions between 4f1 and 5d1 states are electric dipole allowed, and the electric dipole matrix elements can be calculated using the formulas described in ref 55. In the present calculation, we made the approximation that the unpolarized absorption (emission) intensity is proportional to the vertical transition line strength, multiplied by the transition energy (the transition energy cubed) and a thermal population factor for the initial level. For the 4f1 → 5di absorptions and 5d1 → 4fi emissions, the intensities may be expressed as

paramagnetic resonance (EPR)47 and ENDOR measurements.48 This site preference is also consistent with the reported results for CaF2:Ln3+, obtained experimentally by the method of laser site selective excitation spectroscopy49,50 and theoretically by atomistic simulation techniques.51,52 Interestingly, the configuration with Fi′ at the (210) site is predicted to be more stable (by 78 meV) than at the (111) site, supporting the conclusions made by Heist and Fong based on calculated Maxwell−Boltzmann distributions of Ln3+−Fi′ interstitial pairs in the CaF2 lattice.9 For the charge-compensating OF′ defect, occupation of the first coordination sphere [i.e., ((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) site] is strongly preferred (by 723 meV) over the ((3/2)(1/2)(1/2)) site in the second coordination shell, verifying the assignment of the spectra that emerge in the presence of oxygen to the trigonal (C3v) oxide-compensated center. 3.2. 4f−5d Transitions of Ce3+ with a Fi Charge Compensator. Using the relaxed supercell structures from DFT−PBE calculations, we constructed Ce-centered embedded clusters, with their surroundings represented by AIMPs and point charges at lattice sites. The wave function-based CASSCF/CASPT2/RASSI−SO calculations were then carried out to obtain the energy levels of 4f1 and 5d1 configurations. In Table 3, we list the calculated 4f1 and 5d1 levels and the relative

I4f1→ 5di ∝ e−E4f1/ kT ΔE ∑ |⟨4f1|Dq1|5d i⟩|2 q

and I5d1→ 4fi ∝ e−E5d1/ kT ΔE3 ∑ |⟨5d1|Dq1|4fi⟩|2 q

respectively, where the summation is over the polarization q (q = 0, ±1). The calculated relative 4f1 → 5di absorption intensities, using the RASSI−SO wave functions and the energies at the spin−orbit level, are listed in column 6 of Table 3 and schematically depicted in Figure 2, which shows a good

Table 3. Calculated 4f1 and 5d1 Energy Levels and 4f−5d Relative Transition Intensities for the Tetragonal C4v Fi′(100) Center in CaF2:Ce3+ without and with the Effect of Spin−Orbit Coupling (SOC)a relative transition intensities

energy levels

4f1 4f2 4f3 4f4 4f5 4f6 4f7 5d1 5d2 5d3 5d4 5d5

4f1 → 5di

without SOC

with SOC





0 270 271 375 476 670 1614 29683 39370 48043 48673 51569

0 281 559 2276 2380 2635 3325 30714 40285 48992 49961 52946

0 110d 579 2192 2307 2440 3562 32350


49490 51160 53370


2191 2305 2824 3562

5d1 → 4fi calcd


1.00 0.07 0.29 0.63 0.29 0.01 0.03

1.00 0.05 0.27 1.04 0.37 0.02 0.04

1.00 0.10 0.19 0.42 0.56

Figure 2. Schematic representation for the calculated energies and relative intensities of the 4f → 5d transitions for the tetragonal cerium center, C4v Fi(100), in CaF2. The calculated energies have been uniformly shifted by 939 cm−1 for a better comparison with the experimental absorption spectrum from ref 7 (top).


Reported experimental results are included for comparison. bFrom ref 7. cFrom ref 54. dEstimated value.

intensities of 4f−5d transition lines for the tetragonal C4v Fi(100) center at both the spin−orbit-free and spin−orbit levels, along with the experimental results from ref 7 for comparison. We can see that, besides its expected important effects on the 4f1 levels, the inclusion of spin−orbit coupling raises the 5d1 levels uniformly by ∼1100 cm−1. Similar observations have been made before in the cases of Ce-doped Y3Al5O1253 and Lu2SiO5.13 It is apparent that the three lowest and four higher 4f1 levels are linked to the 2F5/2 and 2F7/2 terms of Ce3+, respectively, with a separation of ∼2370 cm−1 by the spin−obit interaction. Upon comparison of the calculated 4f1 → 5di transition energies at the spin−orbit level (column 3) with those available from experimental absorption band maxima (column 4),7 the agreement is quite satisfactory, with the

agreement between the calculated and experimental intensity patterns. The calculated relative intensities of the 5d1 → 4fi emissions match very well the results obtained from empirical crystal-field calculations (which closely reproduce the experimental data),7 as shown by a comparison of the data in the last two columns of Table 3. The above comparison between the calculated and experimental 4f1 → 5di transition energies clearly indicates that the 5d level missing in the experimental absorption spectra of the C4v Fi′(100) center is the second-lowest (5d2) level, supporting the suggestion given by Manthey.7 Furthermore, the energy of this missing level is predicted to be 40285 cm−1, close to the energy (41530 cm−1) of an observed cluster band 18423 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18419−18426

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Table 4. Calculated Energy Levels of the 4f1 and 5d1 Configurations for the C3v Fi′(111), Cs Fi′(210), C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)), and Cs OF′((3/2)(1/2)(1/2)) Centers in CaF2:Ce3+ with the Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling, Along with the Experimental ZeroPhonon Levels from ref 7 for Comparison with Fi′ compensation 4f1 4f2 4f3 4f4 4f5 4f6 4f7 5d1 5d2 5d3 5d4 5d5

C3v Fi′(111)

Cs Fi′(210)

0 72 666 2215 2355 2399 4047 31748 31799 52170 52859 54941

0 96 587 2238 2395 2426 3712 31332 31359 52526 53349 54794

with OF′ compensation exptl

C3v OF′(( /2)( /2)( /2))

Cs OF′((3/2)(1/2)(1/2))

0 15 475 2176 2298 2345 3229 29268 29662 45351 45905 54879

0 94 699 2206 2376 2469 4090 32386 32479 52805 53349 54940


32057 32058




29545 29551

lines can be readily identified as the 4f1 → 5d1,2 transitions of the C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) center, with an average deviation of 197 cm−1, which is consistent with the experimental assignment and also the DFT supercell total-energy calculations as described in Local Structural Distortions. For the Cs OF′ ((3/2)(1/2)(1/2)) center, the experimental data are not known, and no comparison can be made with experiments. Comparing the first-principles data listed in Tables 3 and 4, one sees that the change of the local charge compensator from an F− interstitial to a nearest ((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) OF′ substituent leads to a red shift of 1500−2500 cm−1 of the first Ce3+ 4f1 → 5d1 transition energy, which essentially reproduces the red shift of around 2400 cm−1 observed experimentally.7 It is interesting to analyze the structural and/or electronic reasons behind this energy shift. Considering the fact that changes to the centroid energy and the crystal-field splitting of 4f 1 and 5d 1 configurations may both contribute to the shift, we decompose the transition energy into two components according to the analysis in ref 10(i.e., the centroid energy difference (ced) and the crystal-field stabilization (cfs) energies)

(cluster band C in Figure 2) which was supposed to arise from clusters of two or more Ce3+ ions. Besides, the computed results of relative transition intensities indicate that the intensity of the absorption to this 5d2 level is very small, only 0.10× that of the lowest 5d1 level (see column 6 of Table 3). We thus propose that the missing 5d2 level lies close to the cluster band at 41530 cm−1, so that the weak transition to this level is masked by the considerably stronger adjacent cluster band C, as shown in Figure 2. Table 4 gives the calculated energy levels of 4f1 and 5d1 configurations for the trigonal C3v Fi′(111) and monoclinic Cs Fi′(210) centers. We observe that for both the C3v and Cs centers, the calculated 5d1 levels fall into two groups: the lower group containing two levels (i.e., 5d1 and 5d2 levels) separated by only 51 and 27 cm−1, respectively, and the upper group including three levels spanning energy ranges of 2771 and 2262 cm−1, respectively. Such a grouping of 5d1 levels is consistent with the splitting scheme (i.e., a low-lying 2Eg doublet and a high-lying 2T2g triplet) induced by the cubic crystal fields, as would occur for Ce3+ in the undistorted CaF2 lattice. Moreover, the ratios of the absorption oscillator strengths from the 4f1 to the two quasi-degenerated 5d1 and 5d2 levels are predicted to be 1.00:0.58 and 0.31:1.00 for the C3v and Cs centers, respectively. Experimentally,7 a closely spaced pair of zerophonon lines at 32507 and 32508 cm−1 was observed to be superimposed on the absorption of the C4v center, with the former line strength smaller than the latter (see Figure 12 of ref 7), which were tentatively assigned to the C3v center. Our calculations suggest that these two lines originate from the monoclinic Cs center, based on the observations that the DFT supercell total-energy calculations predict a more stable Cs center, and the theoretical intensity pattern of the two lines agrees with the experimental one only in the Cs center. 3.3. 4f−5d Transitions of Ce3+ with an OF Charge Compensator. In Table 4, we also give the calculated energies of the 4f1 and 5d1 levels for the trigonal C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2) (1/2)) and monoclinic Cs OF′((3/2)(1/2)(1/2)) centers, both with a substitutional OF′ defect for charge compensation. Experimentally, two spectral lines with a very small separation (by 6.1 cm−1) were observed at 29545 cm−1 in the absorption spectrum of CaF2:Ce3+ in the presence of oxygen, around 2400 cm−1 red shifted with respect to the absorption of the C4v Fi(100) center.7 Compared to the theoretical data obtained at the spin−orbit level (columns 5 and 6 in Table 4), these two

ΔE(4f1 → 5d1) = [ΔEce(5d1) − ΔEcfs(5d1)] − [ΔEce(4f 1) − ΔEcfs(5d1)] =ΔEced(4f 1 → 5d1) + ΔEcfs(4f1) − ΔEcfs(5d1)


where ΔEced(4f1 → 5d1) = ΔEce(5d1) − ΔEcfs(5d1) is the centroid energy difference between 5d1 and 4f1 configurations and ΔEcfs(4f1) and ΔEcfs(5d1) are the energy differences (i.e., crystal-field stabilization energies) of the 4f1 and 5d1 levels relative to their respective 4f1 and 5d1 centroid energies. To analyze the reasons behind the red shift of the lowest 4f1 → 5d1 transition induced by the ((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) OF′ substitution, we chose the Cs Fi′(210) center as a reference for comparison, since its coordination structure approximates mostly a cubic polyhedron when compared with the other two centers with the same type of compensation. We then performed an additional energy-level calculation on a C1 Fi′(210) center, for which the atomic coordinates of the embedded cluster and its surroundings are identical to those of the C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2) (1/2)) center, except that an F− interstitial was added at the (210) position for charge compensation. As a result, the direct effects of structural distortion as caused by the ((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) 18424 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18419−18426

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Table 5. Analysis of the Lowest 4f1 → 5d1 Transition-Energy Shift from the Cs Fi′(210) Center (A) to the C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2) (1/2)) Center (C) in CaF2:Ce3+ in Terms of the Changes in the Centroid Energy Difference (ced) and the Crystal-Field Stabilization (cfs) Energya Cs Fi′(210) ΔEce(4f1) ΔEce(5d1) ΔEced(4f1 → 5d1) ΔEcfs(4f1) ΔEcfs(5d1) ΔEcfs(4f1 → 5d1) ΔE(4f1 → 5d1) a

C1 Fi′(210)

C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2))







1636 44672 43036 1636 13340 −11704 31332

2073 43696 41623 2073 12124 −10051 31572

1505 41013 39508 1505 11745 −10240 29268

437 −976 −1413 437 −1216 1653 240

−568 −2683 −2115 −568 −379 −189 −2304

−131 −3659 −3528 −131 −1595 1464 −2064

All numbers are in units of cm−1.

OF′ substitution can be evaluated by comparing the results of the Cs Fi′(210) and C1 Fi′(210) centers, and the electronic effects induced by the substitution can be obtained by a comparison of the results between the C1 Fi′(210) and C3v OF′ ((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) centers. These effects are analyzed in terms of the values of quantities in eq 1, which are shown in Table 5 for the three centers. In the last column (A → C) of Table 5, we can see that the decrease in the 4f1 → 5d1 transition energy (−2064 cm−1) induced by the OF′ substitution in the coordination polyhedron is a combined consequence of the decrease in the centroid energy difference (−3528 cm−1) and the increase in the crystalfield stabilization energy (1464 cm−1). The large decrease of the centroid energy difference is produced in comparable amounts by the structural distortion (A → B, −1413 cm−1) and the electronic effects as a result of the OF′ substitution (B → C, −2115 cm−1). While the latter electronic contribution can be explained by the much larger polarizability of O2− than F− according to the Judd−Morrison model,56,57 the former decrease in the centroid energy difference due to the structural distortion is surprising. According to the Judd−Morrison model, this quantity should increase slightly from calculation A to B with an increase in the average Ce−F bond length from 2.395 Å in A to 2.432 Å in B. In this model, the distance between the 4f/5d electron and the nucleus of Ce3+ has been assumed to be negligible due to a lack of repulsive contributions, which, however, are essential to understanding 4f → 5d transitions, especially in fluoride compounds as pointed out by Barandiarán et al.58 While this model has been successfully used to rationalize 4f → 5d transition energies of Ce3+ in a large number of hosts,5 the above analyses indicate that care must be taken if it is used to predict the centroid energy shifts when small Ce−F distances are present, as is the case for the coordination polyhedron of the C1 Fi′(210) center with a Ce−F distance of only 2.154 Å. Similar insufficiencies of this model have been observed in ref 10. For the crystal-field stabilization energy, the increase from calculation A to C is predominantly an effect of structural distortion (A → B, 1653 cm−1), which is dominated by the reduction in the crystal-field stabilization energy of the 5d1 level (−1216 cm−1). This reduction could be related to the topological arrangements of the ligands around Ce3+ in the two centers, which has been shown to be important for the 5d1 crystal-field splitting.5

understand the spectroscopic properties of CaF2:Ce3+. The DFT−PBE calculations with the supercell model reveal that the Ce incorporation with local charge compensation in CaF2 causes an anisotropic distortion of the geometry around the dopant site, which is especially pronounced for the charge compensation by an OF′ substitution in the first coordination shell. Using the optimized supercell structures, we constructed Ce-centered clusters embedded in the CaF 2 host and performed the wave function-based CASSCF/CASPT2/ RASSI−SO calculations at the spin−orbit level to obtain the Ce3+ 4f1 and 5d1 energy levels. The calculated 4f−5d transition energies and intensity patterns for the tetragonal C4v Fi′(100) center are in good agreement with available experimental data. We have concluded that the 5d1 level previously unobserved in the low-temperature absorption spectrum of this center is the second-lowest (5d2) level, and the associated 4f1 → 5d2 absorption is so weak that it is masked by a much stronger adjacent cluster band. We have also assigned the two closely spaced absorption lines around 3118.5 Å to the 4f1 → 5d1,2 transitions of the monoclinic Cs Fi′(210) center rather than those of the trigonal C3v Fi′(111) center as proposed earlier, based on the results of DFT supercell total-energy calculations and the comparison between the calculated and experimental transition energies and relative intensities. Finally, the structural and electronic reasons for the large reduction (∼2000 cm−1) of the 4f1 → 5d1 transition energy from the Cs Fi′(210) center to the C3v OF′((1/2)(1/2)(1/2)) center have been analyzed in terms of the centroid energy difference and the crystal-field splitting. The present work demonstrates the importance of elaborate ab initio calculations in elucidating the spectroscopic properties of Ce-doped inorganic compounds, which have extensive applications in the field of optical materials.

4. CONCLUSIONS We have presented a first-principles investigation for the 4f → 5d transitions of Ce3+ in CaF2, with local charge compensation by interstitial Fi′ ions or OF′ substituents, in order to better

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S Supporting Information *

Calculated Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of the central Ce3+ ion and the F− or O2− ligands in the first coordination sphere for the Ce-centered clusters studied in this work. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


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The authors declare no competing financial interest. 18425 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 18419−18426

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the NSFC (Grants 11174005, 11074315, 90922022, and 10804001) and the Program for Innovative Research Teams in Anhui Normal University of China. L.S. acknowledges support from MEC-Spain (Grant MAT2011-24586).


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