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nmœd> α practical review of GLYCERINE applications in Drugs and Cosmetics—
W HHERE? . . .
How? . . . Why? . . . If you're looking for the answers to these questions on glycerine usage in the drug and cosmetic industries— here's the most up-to-date informa tion available! "Why Glycerine for Drugs and Cos metics? " has been reviewed by prom inent medical authorities, technical consultants, and the Research Lab oratories of the Glycerine Producers' Association. Contains detailed infor mation by charts and tables of the physical and chemical properties of glycerine—the origin and develop ment of this amazingly useful alco hol—grades and their applications. 16 pages of practical, useful data ! Whether you now use glycerine or just wonder about its possibilities . . . whether you're in management, pro duction, or research . . . an expert on glycerine, or thoroughly unfamiliar with the subject—you'll want this in formative booklet. Write for your free copy —today! Address: Dept. CEN, Glycerine Producers9 Associa tions 295 Madison Avenue, New Yorkl7,N.Y. VOLUME
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295 Madison Avenue, New York 17, Ν. Y.