First-Year Teaching Assistant Stipend Survey for 1970-71

For those departments which offer only 12-month contracts, the gross stipend ... which reported only s monthly stipend, the monthly figure was multipl...
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First-Year Teaching Assistant Stipend Survey for 1970-71 Questionnaires concerning first-year teaching assistant stipends for the 1970-71 academic year were sent to the 176 PhD granting US. Chemistry Departments listed in the 1969 ACS Directory of Graduate Research (pp. vii-viii). Of the 158 replies received, 155 (88%) were usable. The raw data were transferred from questionnaires received to punched cards and processed on an IBM 7040 using a Fortran program written by oumelves. From the figures given for "most typical stipend" for first year TA's, the figures given for one year's tuition and other charges were subtracted. For those departments which offer only 12-month contracts, the gross stipend was multiplied by 9/12 before subtracting tuition and other chssges. For those departments which reported only s monthly stipend, the monthly figure was multiplied by 9 before subtracting. Result: Mean net stipend = $2,705, standard deviation = $371. The percentile ranks of net mean stipends (adjusted for 9 months support) are as follows

A more complete summary of this survey may be obtained by writing one of the authors (S.L.K.). The complete survey contains information on stipend as a function of quality as assayed by Carter [CARTTER, ALANM., "An Assessment of Quality in Graduate Education," American Council on Education, Washington, DC, 1966, p. 621, on stipend distribution, on the application fee charged, etc. However, information on teaching loads for TA's and summer support was not collected.

Volume 47, Number 1 2 , December 1 9 7 0
