and ribbon blenders. Circle No. 79 A-1 on Headers' Service Card, page 69 A. Solantine Blue Green ... rubbing, alkalies, dry cleaning, sea water, and w...
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NEW CHEMICALS Solantine Blue Green Dye

lab Director Proves Twin Shell Blender* Just Right for Job

Addition of Solantine Blue Green BFL to its line of nondusting, light-fast direct dyes is announced by National Aniline Division, Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. According to the company, this new product produces a bright bluish-green shade on cotton and rayon which may be discharged to an excellent white with neutral and alkaline dis­ charge pastes. Company also says it exhibits excellent fastness to light, rubbing, alkalies, dry cleaning, sea water, and water; very good fastness to washing and perspiration; and good fastness to acids, mercerizing, and hot pressing. 25

When Durkee, the big manufacturer of seasoning salts, bought a 30 cu. ft. capacity |»-k twin shell blender, Tech­ nical Director Stewart Woodruff knew in advance it was the "just right" blender for the job. He knew because he had blended their "difficult" ingredients perfectly in a 4-quart |»-U blender in their lab— and results in (>4t lab models can be scaled up exactly to large production runs. Shells on lab models come in trans­ parent Lucite or stainless steel, in capacities from one pint to 8 quarts. Production models then range up to 1000 cu. ft. capacity. Each retains the twin-shell's unique 5-way blending action. To find out how you, too, can "pre­ test" a p-k twin-shell blender in your plant, lab or mill, write today.


Rare Earths

Industrial quantities of all rare earths, including the heavier ones, are now avaOable from Research Laboratories of Colorado, Inc. Supplied as metallic forms, oxides, hydrides, and other special compounds as well as sintered shapes, purities are claimed to be 99.9 up to 99.99% on special order. 26

Oleic Acid A new single-distilled oleic acid, known as Emersol 213 low titer Elaine, has been added to Emery Industries' line of fatty acids and derivatives. The new grade is said to be identical with the standard Emersol 211 low titer Elaine except for a lighter color. 27

* Patented Yoke Model holds t w o 1 - q u a r t or 1 - p i n t s h e l l s , or one of e a c h , or one 2-quart shell w i t h e i t h e r , or adapts into a standard 4 or 8 quart blender. Han­ dles two jobs at once.

I n t e n s i f i e r Bar Model provides more intense mixing action for breaking up tumps, and thorough dis­ persion of difficult material.

PATTERSON-KELLEY |»-lc pilot plants · quick opening doors • cone and ribbon blenders Circle No. 79 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

V O L U M E 2 8, NO. 5, MAY

Announcement has been made by B. L. Lemke & Co. Inc. of the avail­ ability of a dense grade of Aminophyl­ line. The material is said to be free flowing and to have little or no tendency to cake. It meets all USP speci­ fications and is claimed to be highly purified. 28

Corrosion Reducers

Write for |»-lc catalog 13. The PattersonKelley Co., Inc., 2 3 5 0 L a c k a w a n n a A v e n u e , East Stroudsburg, P a . φ 25S6




R. S. Norris Associates announce a new series of corrosion reducing addi­ tives for fuel oils. According to the company the materials counteract the corrosive action of sulfur, vanadium, and sodium compounds present in heavy residual fuel oils. 29 For further information, see coupon on page 69 A

Already an accepted standard in the laboratory, a distinction richly de­ served. The valve will not leak or freeze—no lubricants are ever needed, precluding the possibility of contami­ nation. "In line" valve design makes the Ultramax Separatory Funnel the only really ideal centrifuge separator; the ultimate in safety and performance even at maximum speeds. Available in all shapes and sizes, the Ultramax Separatory Funnel is perfectly suited for routine control work or for the most exacting research. All parts are replaceable and interchangeable.

FISCHER a n d P O R T E R CO. 1556 C o u n t y Line Rd., Hatboro, Pa. Circle No. 79 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

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