eliminate forever all problems from. “freezing”, “leakage”, or ... better yet, test the new. F&P Separatory Funnel in your own laboratory for ...
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REPORT FOR MANAGEMENT Primary Function of Analytical Division The Analytical Division has been assigned the primary function of determining that all products shipped from our plants fully comply with the established specifications. To accomplish its primary mission the Analytical Division performs many tasks:


Control of Product Quality during Process of Manufacture. In-process testing, whenever possible, is done in the plant by operational personnel. If the procedure used requires a trained analyst, samples are sent to the Analytical Division for the test work. The frequency of testing, the methods used, and who shall do the actual test­ ing are mutually settled between the Analytical Division and the Operating Division. We are very active in adapting the newer techniques of analysis to the manufacturing process. Examples of this are the use of the Quantometer at our Oak Point plant for rapid determination of metal con­ tent of the lube oil additives manu­ factured there, and the development and use of the x-ray spectrometer for control of blending of metallic naphthenate paint driers at the Chemical Division of the Richmond Refinery.

Ι Α Ι05Θ

F&P Ultramax Separatory Funnel F&P Ultramax Separatory F u n n e l s eliminate forever all problems from "freezing", "leakage", or " b l o w o u t s " during centrifuging. No lubrication is required, therefore product contamination is avoided. F&P Separatory F u n n e l s have completely interchangeable parts, all corrosion resistant. Available in funnel sizes from 30 ml to 2 liters in Globe, S q u i b b or Cylindrical types. Complete details are yours for the asking. Or better yet, test t h e new F&P Separatory F u n n e l in your own laboratory for 30 days with full r e t u r n privilege if not absolutely satisfied. Write today.


FISCHER & PORTER CO. 1526 County Line R o a d , Hatboro, P e n n a .

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Raw Material Analysis. To ensure that the finished products manufac­ tured in our plants will meet specifica­ tions, it is necessary that all raw materials used in their manufacture meet certain standards. The Analyti­ cal Division has the responsibility of developing the testing procedures and performing the testing to ensure that the established standards are met.

Sampling Procedures. While the Analytical Division does not, in all cases, draw the final shipping samples, it has the responsibility for prescribing sampling procedures that will ensure that these samples are representative of the product actually shipped. Method, Development and Stand­ ardization. The Analytical Division has the responsibility of writing standardized test procedures for use when a standard ASTM method or similarly recognized standard test procedure is not available. It is also charged with developing newT proce­ dures or adapting those reported in the literature to our use. Each time a new chemical is brought from the product development stage to com­ mercialization, many new test pro­ cedures that have been developed by the California Research Corp. (our research affiliate) during the research (Continued on page 14) ANALYTICAL