FISCHER & PORTER COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 16, 2012 - FISCHER & PORTER COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (3), pp 45A–45A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60123a740. Publication Date: March 1957...
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NEW BOOKS Crystallographic Data for the Calcium Silicates. Sponsored by the Depart­ ment of Scientific and Industrial Research, Building Research Station. L. Heller and H. F. W. Taylor, vi + 79 pages. Her Majesty's Station­ ery Office. Can be purchased from York House, Kingsway, London, W. C. 2, England. 1956. 10s. 6d. ($1.89). In view of the considerable amount of recent research on the calcium silicates, the authors have compiled crystallo­ graphic data for these compounds in reference form for use in identification and other purposes. This booklet com­ prises the optical and x-ray data includ­ ing observations not previously pub­ lished on most of the known calcium sili­ cates, both artificial and naturallyoccurring. The compounds are dis­ cussed singly, with uniform headings under each describing composition, oc­ currence, synthesis, appearance, optical properties, density, and unit-cell.

Kwalitatieve Chemische Analyse. C. J.

Van Nieuwenburg and J. W. L. Van Ligten. 326 pages. D. B. Centen's Uitgeversmaatschappij N.V., 1 e Weteringplantsoen 9, Amsterdam-C, The Netherlands. 1956. Hfl 14.50. This book is actually a laboratory manual for the student of qualitative chemical analysis. Following an intro­ ductory chapter which covers a general background, definitions, apparatus, and theory, the book goes into the reactions of specific cations and anions. System­ atic analyses of these ions are de­ scribed, as well as other analytical procedures.

Bibliography of Polarographic Literature 1922-1955. Edited by Clark L. Schmitz and Edward F. Ewen. 192 pages. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., 4647 West Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 111., 1956. $5.00. Here is an up-to-date bibliography of written material in the field of polarography which should prove to be of value to analysts. The first 144 pages comprise an alphabetical listing of authors, together with complete titles of each author's work. Where abstracts of papers are available, references to them are cited. Each of the 6800 entries is numbered, and this number is used in the cross-indexing. A 48-page subject index with 14,000 references follows the author listing, referring again to the number designat­ ing each entry. Within this subject index, helpful breakdowns on apparatus, instrumentation, and specific types of polarography are included.

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1537 C o u n t y Line Road, H a t b o r o , P a . For further information, circle number 45 A on Readers' Service Card, page 75 A VOL. 29, NO. 3, MARCH 1957


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