FISCHER & PORTER COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - FISCHER & PORTER COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (8), pp 108A–108A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60214a806. Publication Date: July 1964...
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Now! Chromatography without sample remixing . . . without contamination. Four different minimum-volume fittings, three exclusive construction features, 49 standard column sizes make Lab-Crest your most logical source for chromatography columns and fittings.

Exclusive eluent regulator clamps directly on special column extender. Provides precise control of input, eliminates need for make-shift reservoirs. All parts Teflon or glass: no contamination.

Exclusive, highly needle valve never contaminates the scale aids resetting. struction for easy

precise all-Teflon needs grease, never sample. Reference Clamp-together conassembly, cleaning.

Exclusive Teflon-sheathed O-ring seal ends corrosion, leaks, contamination. The O-ring provides a live, strong seal; the Teflon sheathing presents an inert surface to the eluent.

Choice of Jour fittings (Nobody else gives you such a choice.) All have heavy walls to minimize sample volume, strengthen fittings, aid in sealing. Small volume prevents re-mixing through sample "hang-up". (A) Threaded needle valve with glass tip. (B) Threaded needle valve with Teflon tip. (C) Lab-Crest stop-cock for on-off control. (D) Plain glass tip.

There's more. 49 different column sizes. (Seven sizes, 5 to 50 mm I.D., in seven lengths from 150 to 1200 mm.) Plus extenders in lengths to suit. Water-jacketed columns and special columns built to your specifications are readily and quickly available. For details, including prices, ask for Catalog 80A270.




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108 A