
Β = Ball Constant. Sb = Sp. gr. of ball. Sf = Sp. 9r. of fluid. FALLING. BALL. The Hoeppler Viscosimeter pro vides a fast and accurate method of ... ...
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V O L U M E 2 5 , NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 3


2 5, N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 3

For Materials with Ultra-Complex Spectra FASTER, MORE ACCURATE ANALYSIS With JAco 3.4 meter Automatic Grating Spectrograph Match this precise JAco Spectrograph against your toughest analytical prob­ lems. High reciprocal linear dispersion and maximum resolution mean easier and more accurate analyses of ferrous alloys, minerals, high temperature alloys and other materials with highly complex spectra. All-electric automatic operation assures foolproof control while saving time and steps. N o finer spectrograph available for your re­ search or industrial control applications.


High reciprocal persion



( 5 . 0 A m m . Order I; 2 . 4 A m m . Order I I ; 1.6 A m m , Order I I I )




Automatic electric operation






ST., B O S T O N

1 6 , MASS.


Shown with JAco V a n s o u r c e , a precise and versatile excitation unit for spectrochemical analysis



VISCOSITY DIRECTLY IN CENTIPOSES (fromO°Cto100°C) EQUALS Β χ (Sb-Sf) χ Time Β = Ball Constant Sb = Sp. gr. of ball Sf = Sp. 9r. of fluid The Hoeppler Viscosimeter pro­ vides a fast and accurate method of determining the viscosity of gases, liquids, oils, plastics, syrups, vis­ cous tars and dark colored liquids. Direct reading in centipoises (or centistokes).From 0.01 to 1,000,000 centipoises. Accuracy 0 . 1 % to 0.5%. Small sample (30cc) re­ quired. Results consistent and reproducible. Order direct or from leading laboratory supply dealers. Write today for Bulletin HV-303.




This improved LaMotte Unit greatly facilitates simple, ac­ curate, Hydrogen Ion Control. It is especially recommended for the use of individual oper­ ators on any step of a process where a definite p H value must be maintained. Even with highly colored or turbid solutions determinations can easily be made with accuracy. The new plastic block comparator is non-corrodible, mois­ ture-resistant, and has more sharply defined color fields. Complete with any one set of L a M o t t e Permanent Color Standards, together with a supply of the corresponding in­ dicator solution, measuring pipette and marked test tubes.

LaMOTTE WATER SOLUBLE pH INDICATORS (Sulfon-phthalein series) pH 0.2-9.6

< I I

Manufactured by F I S H - S C H U R M A N C O R P . 72 Portman Road, N e w Rochelle, N . y .


s Fish-Schurman

These products were originally developed in the LaMotte laboratories and are of t h e same superior quality as the acid form indicators hitherto available for p H work. They have the distinct advantage of being instantly solu­ ble in distilled water, hence are easy to convert to solution form. Use of alkali, as required in t h e older technic, is eliminated, and no heating is necessary. The clean quick way to prepare indicator solutions for accurate pH work.

LaMotte Chemical Products Company Dept. " A C "

Towson 4, M d .