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October, 1966



N e w s about instruments, apparatus and reagent chemicals your work quicker, surer, safer and easier.



Fisher Accumet® 310 ρ Η meter takes specific ion activity measurements in stride. Direct, rapid measurement of specific ion activity in aqueous solutions re­ quires special electrodes and an expanded-scale pH meter. The Fisher Accumet 310 fits that last bill to a "T." Its expanded mode stretches 1.4 pH or 140 mv over 7 inches, giving readings accurate to ±0.005 pH or ±0.5 mv. The 1.4-pH ranges begin at any integral value, overlap so most readings can be made to ±0.002 pH or ±0.2 mv near midscale. It has a logarithmic scale as well as the usual 0 - 14-pH, 0 to ± 1400-mv scale. Paral­ lax is eliminated; response is fast; circuits are drift-free; there is inde­ pendent zeroing in all functions and a locking device on the "standardize" control; there is even a test circuit to spot errors when readings are ques­ tioned. Cost: $595. For the special electrodes, we suggest the Orion cal­ cium ion activity, divalent cation ac­ tivity and the new fluoride activity electrodes. We're ready to mail help­ ful literature on the Orion electrodes and on our Accumet 310. (a) D

New Fisher electrode brakes electrolyte leakage. In the realm of slow-flow electrodes, we honestly don't think there's a slower one than our new dual-glass junction, general-purpose reference electrode (catalog #13-639-57). Its flow rate is a snail's-pace 0.5 to 3 microliters per hour at 8.0-cm head. It's particularly suited for continuousprocess applications where you can't tolerate frequent refilling of the elec­ trode or permit diluting of the ionic concentration. Price: $20.00. It is made, tested and guaranteed by Fisher, like all of its kindred. Just say so, and we'll send you our family-al­ bum brochure. (b) Π

For the accurate measurements possible with advanced pH meters, these Fisher buffers let you standardize in the range near where you'll work. Per Pt So-B-96 So-B-98 So-B-104 So-B-108 So-B-112 So-B-116

Buffer, Buffer, Buffer, Buffer, Buffer, Buffer,

pH 2.00 pH 4.00 pH 6.00 pH 7.00 pH 8.00 pH 10.00

5 Gal Per Qt PolyPac™

$2.50 $4.50 2.75 4.50 2.50 4.50 2.75 4.50 2.50 4.50 2.75 4.50


20.00 20.00 20.00

In addition to these ready-to-use solutions, certified accurate to ±0.02 pH, we stock buffer concen­ trates, buffer saits and buffers for bringing a sample to a specific pH. Full details on all are in our brandnew brochure, "Fisher Certified Buf­ fers." Make it part of your techni­ cal library. (c) •



Mark the areas of your special interest, and send this page, with your name and address, to Fisher Scientific Company, 101 Fisher Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. F-576

FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Instruments, Apparatus, Furniture and Chemicals for Laboratories

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