FISHER SCIENTIFIC - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - FISHER SCIENTIFIC. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (9), pp 46A–46A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60105a757. Publication Date: September 1955. Copyright ...
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A W A R R E N S P E C T R A C O R O on your spectrophotometer puts a n extra chemist in your laboratory. I t records in a few minutes finer detail than a n analyst can plot manually i n hours . . . and a technician can operate it. A Spectracord gives you more and better information, with less expenditure of professional time. The Spectracord is now a standard instrument in many industrial, university and government laboratories. I t is setting t h e pace in modern spectroscopy because of its unique combination of features: • I t is twice a s fast as a n y other recording spectrophotometer, and 20 t o 30 times faster than manual operation, without sacrificing accuracy. • I t is the only instrument with continuously variable scanning speed. A curve can be traced faster or slower, t h e drum stopped and returned t o any point—all without losing the wavelength calibration. • I t is the only instrument of its kind with a "service b y substitution" system of interchangeable plug-in electronic u n i t s , which eliminate delays in servicing. • I t is t h e only instrument with a repetitive scanning accessory, and the only one in its price rangé with a time drive. Other accessories

give recordings linear in absorbance and extend the recording range to 2750 m/x in the infrared. • I t is the only instrument in its price range with built-in compensation of the 100% line . . . the only one whose signal-to-noise ratio improves at low transmittances. • I t has fewer controls than any other recorder, grouped where the operator can use them from a seated position. The sample compartment is accessible from front and top, is larger than in any comparable instrument. • I t uses preprinted, interchangeable c h a r t s which are quickly and reproducibly aligned with the wavelength scale. For other exclusive features of the fastest, most versatile and convenient recorder yet developed for DU type spectrophotometers, write to 717 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. for Bulletin FS-245-12, "The Warren Spectracord."

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For further information, circle number 46 A on Readers' Service Card, page 53 A
