FISHER SCIENTIFIC - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - FISHER SCIENTIFIC. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (8), pp 60A–60A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60116a765. Publication Date: August 1956. Copyright © 1956...
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instruments in and the outside buffer. An important feature of the entire arrangement, the company says, is that each sample is dialyzed against its own buffer. Three styles of interchangeable turntables provide holding facilities for a variety of sample jars ranging in size from one ml. to one liter. For continuous-flow dialysis a stainless steel container with an overflow control receives and vents liquid from a circulating cooler or water tap. 8 Device Prevents Vaporization and Splashing in Waring Blendor


The three-purpose Fisher NefluoroPhotometer combines in one easy-to-use instrument a colorimeter, nephelometer andfluorometerfor rapid and precise determination of a wide variety of organic, inorganic, synthetic and biological materials. It is designed for simplicity and flexibility to fill present needs and to grow with your laboratory!

A device designed to prevent vaporization and splashing of liquids under agitation in a Waring Blendor is announced by Central Scientific Co. Called the Cenco-Pinto Surface Cooler, it operates on the principle of stabilizing the agitated liquid at its surface, where cooling is most effective. Vigorous agitation of the liquid in the Blendor forces it up and down the outside of the cooler bulb, through which water is circulated, and surface contact cools the liquid, thus reducing or eliminating vaporization. According to the company the cooler maintains the contents of the container at 1-2° C. above the temperature of the circulating water. The unit consists of a hollow copper bulb three inches in diameter, with a

AS A COLORIMETER Light of specified wavelengths is absorbed by solution. Amount absorbed is measured and related to concentration.

AS A FLUOROMETER Light of one wavelength causes some substances to fluoresce. The fluorescent light is measured and related to the concentration.

AS A NEPHELOMETER Dispersed particles scatter Incident light, which is measured at right angles and related to particle concentration.

ovcrifabfe on request Illustrated how-to booklet s h o w i n g t h e versat i l i t y of t h e F i s h e r N e f l u o r o - P h o t o m e t e r . 103 FISHER BIDCL, PITTSBURGH 19. PA.

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America's Largest Manufacturer-Distributor of Laboratory Appliances and Reagent Chemicals B-I7a

Circle No. 60 A on Readers' Service Card, page 53 A


Simplified Two-Inch Molecular Still

Development of a simplified two-inch version of their Rota-Film molecular still is announced by the A. F. Smith Co. The new model is said to offer a relatively inexpensive method of molecular distillation and results obtained may be duplicated on a commercial scale in its full-size counterpart. The two-inch laboratory model, constructed completely of glass with the exception of Teflon wiper blades, stainless steel rotor, and a metal top plate, is capable of handling batches from 10 ml. to 20 liters. The vacuum range is from atmospheric to 1 micron Hg., and the temperature range is to 450° C. According to the company, tempéra-

ture, product flow, and rotor speed all may be easily regulated and several units may be coupled for fractionation. Materials are fed at their melting point, or slightly higher, distributed over the heated evaporative surface evenly and thinly and accelerated down the wall giving a total contact time at evaporation of less than 1 second. Degree of vacuum is controlled to effectively collect distillate at the condenser. In high vacuum or molecular operation lowest evaporation temperatures arc possible. Thus, with minimum time and temperature exposure molecular changes are minimized, and pure distillates are obtainable. Because of higher yields of purer products this method is often more economical than conventional distillation, the company says. 10

tubular neck. The top of the neck contains water inlet and outlet tubes soldered in a metal cap. The metal sphere, or bulb, is the immersion end of the cooler. The over-all height is 13 inches, and the unit, which may be clamped on a ring stand and lowered into the Blendor as required, will fit any standard Blendor container of about 1000 ml. capacity. Four channels in the side of the bulb enable it to fit into the container without touching the inside ridges, and there is sufficient clearance to prevent particles from being trapped during blending. 9

"Egghead" Neutron Survey Meter

A new, fast neutron survey meter for health hazard protection is announced by National Radiac, Inc. The "Egghead" measures radiation at any single moment and provides readings in millireps per hour. It also has a phono jack for audible detection. Readings are made in three ranges: 0 to 7.5 mrep./hr., 0 to 75 mrep./hr., and0 to 850 mrep./hr. Both line and portable models are available. 11 For further information, see coupon on page 53 A A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY