FISHER SCIENTIFIC - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 18, 2012 - FISHER SCIENTIFIC. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (8), pp 114A–114A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60214a812. Publication Date: July 1964. ACS Legacy ...
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NEW PRODUCTS Infrared Analyzers Three new infrared analyzers are available for rapid and continuous de­ terminations of minor or trace compo­ nents in a gas stream or environmental atmosphere. The Model I R 215 is a single compact unit for laboratory or pilot plant use. The other two instru­ ments, Models IR 315 and IR 415, con­ sist of two units, an analyzer unit for mounting at the sampling point, and an amplifier-control unit to be mounted remotely. These instruments are easily adaptable to the detection of any single one of a number of different compo­ nents. Scientific and Process Instru­ ments Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 417



Thin layer electrophoresis offers many advantages over paper electrophoresis and over thin layer chromatography. Shown above is the Desaga migration chamber. The push-button power supply (not shown) can be used in the following ranges: at 100 volt d.c. up to 40 ma. load; at 200 volt d.c. up to 50 ma. load; and at 400 volt d.c. up to 75 ma. load. The technique can be used two dimensionally in combination with thin layer chromatography, if desired. Brinkmann Instruments, Cantiague Rd., Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590. 418

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Columns tailored for any standard or "homemade" chromatographic in­ strument. Cost includes packing: one $ solid absorbent or any combination per foot for of inert support and substrate. Your stainless steel tubing choice of outside diameters: Vs in., K -^ ψ16 in.,% in. Prompt delivery. At these low prices, can you even afford to make your own? And look into Fisher's economical custom packings. Get full details in free Cus­ tom Chromatographic Columns bulletin. Write Fisher Scientific Company, 100 Fisher Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219. per foot for aluminum or copper tubing;



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Nude ion source of this quadrupole mass spectrometer may be located in­ side a space chamber, permitting maximum sensitivity for gases being measured. With a mass range of 1-100, this instrument has a sensi­ tivity of less than 10" 13 torr and a scanning speed of 10 mass spectra per second. Applied Physics Corp., 2724 South Peck Road, Monrovia, Calif. 419