Fisher Scientific - ACS Publications

Metal Ions Based on Fluorescence and Ion Pair Extraction. Z. Zhujun,. J. L. Mullm, W. R. Seitz. 10:20 Recent Developments in Pho- toelectroanalytical ...
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News 9:40 IR Spectroscopic Study of the Action of Catalytic Promoters on Single-Crystal Surfaces. J. T. Yates, Jr. 10:00 Optical Sensors for Alkali Metal Ions Based on Fluorescence and Ion Pair Extraction. Z. Zhujun, J. L. Mullin, W. R. Seitz 10:20 Recent Developments in Photoelectroanalytical Chemistry. W. F. Berry, J. M. Elbicki, S. G. Weber 10:40 XPS Analysis of the Water Adsorption-Desorption Character­ istics of Gold-Kovar Microelectron­ ic Package Materials. W. E. Swartz, Jr. 11:00 Introduction of Awardee. L. B. Rogers 11:15 Award Address. Analytical Chemistry of Surfaces: Some Re­ flections and Some Challenges. D. W. Hercules

9:20 Critical Comparison of Circular Dichroism as a Detector with and without Chromatography. S. M. Han, N. Purdie, K. Swallows 9:40 SIMS and HREELS Studies of Langmuir-Blodgett Prepared Mul­ tilayers and Mixed Monolayers. J. H. Wandass, J. A. Gardella, Jr. 10:20 SIMS and HREELS Study of Polymerizable Langmuir-Blodgett Films. R. L. Schmitt, J. A. Gardel­ la, Jr. 10:40 Quantitative Infrared External Reflection Spectroscopy (IR-ERS). Characterization of LangmuirBlodgett Multilayer Assemblies at Glassy Carbon. M. D. Porter, T. B. Bright, D. L. Allara, M. S. Al­ varez, S. Garoff 11:00 Achiral and Chiral Lanthanide Shift Reagents for Ή NMR Spec­ tral Simplification of Ethosuximide and Drug Analogs. R. Rothchild, J. Avolio, S. T. Eberhart, P. Simons

P. R. Brown, G. Guiochon, Presiding 9:05 Introductory Remarks 9:15 Award Address. Separation in Thin Channels—Field Flow Frac­ tionation and Beyond. J. C. Giddings 10:00 Instrumental Development of Field Flow Fractionation. M. N. Myers 10:45 Biochemical Applications of Field Flow Fractionation. K. D. Caldwell 11:15 Application of Field Flow Fractionation Techniques to the Characterization of Complex Envi­ ronmental Samples. R. Beckett 11:45 Capillary Column Chromatog­ raphy: Advances and Future Trends. F. J. Yang, S. P. Cram

Tuesday Afternoon SECTION A




C. J. Wurrey, Presiding 9:00 A New Method for Dioxin Anal­ ysis. C. J. Wurrey, S. Bourne

Symposium on ACS Separations Science and Technology Award Cosponsored with the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

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Symposium on ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry

D. E. Leyden, Presiding 2:00 Spectroscopic Investigations of Immobilized Agents and Reagents.

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