make yourpH measurements and titrations superior pH system—Fisher Accumet® pH me- easier, and, besides, it's the best way we know ters, Fisher “f...
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July. 1966



News about instruments, apparatus and reagent your work quicker, surer, safer and easier.




FULL RANGE OF FISHER EQUIPMENT TAKES THE WORK, WORRY AND WHIM OUT OF pH MEASUREMENT From one dependable source, you can get a superior pH system—Fisher Accumet® pH me­ ters, Fisher "full range" electrodes, Fisher stand­ ardized, ready-to-use buffer solutions. They'll

The Fisher Accumet 310 can be used for generalpurpose and high-precision pH measurements, as well as millivolt readings and electrometric titrations.

Fisher pH electrodes Fisher "full range" glass electrodes— the ones you'll use for most of your work—are accurate over the full pH range from 0 to 14, and from —5° to 100°C. There are others for high temperature and rugged service, plus a full selection of reference and metal electrodes—30 in all. Every electrode is made, tested and guaranteed by Fisher and can be used with the Accumet pH meters or with any modern, direct-reading pH meter calibrated with zero potential at pH 7. All are color-coded for quick iden­ tification. To learn more, send for Bulletin FS-265. (a) D

make your pH measurements and titrations easier, and, besides, it's the best way we know to guarantee accurate performance.

Accumet 310 expanded scale pH meter

"Fisher Certified" buffer solutions

The Accumet 310 has three directreading scales on a 7-inch, mirrorbacked, parallax-eliminating meter. The normal range shows pH with ±0.05-pH accuracy, or 0 to ±1400 mv with ± 5-mv accuracy. The expanded scale shows any 1.4pH span with +0.005-pH accuracy, or a 140-mv span with ±0.5-mv accuracy (readable to ±0.002 pH unit or ±0.2 mv). You can set the 310 to cover any 1.4-pH range begin­ ning with an integral value, pH 0 to 13. The overlap means most readings are made in the most accurate part of the range. The third scale is logarithmic, use­ ful for measurements with specificion electrodes. Warm-up time for the 310 is only two minutes. Drift is less than 0.003 pH in 24 hours. There is a manual temperature compensator (0° to 100° C), and an automatic compensator as an accessory. Like the portable Accumet 210, if you question a reading, the unique test circuit of the 310 model will tell you at once if your electrodes, buffer or sample is at fault. The complete story is in our bulle­ tin. The complete price is $595. (b) Π

When you want to calibrate your pH meter, you'll save time and be sure of your accuracy if you simply reach for one of Fisher's standardized, readyto-use buffer solutions. The "Fisher Certified" label on every bottle of prepared buffer is your assurance of high, unvarying purity and guaranteed p H . Buffers are standard­ ized at 25°C by Fisher's own chemists, and the exact pH at other tem­ peratures is noted on each label. Call your Fisher branch for de­ tails or delivery. Per pt So-B-96. BUFFER, pH 2.00.. $2.50

Per 5 gal qt PolyPac1" $4.50

So-B-98. BUFFER, pH4.00..



So-B-104 BUFFER, pH 6.00. .



So-B-108 BUFFER, PH7.00..




So-B-112 BUFFER, pH 8.00




So-B-116 BUFFER, pH 10.00





Let us send you complete informa­ tion on Fisher pH equipment. Check your special interest and mail this page, with your name and address, to Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. F-559

FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Instruments, Apparatus, Furniture and Chemicals for Laboratories

Complete stocks in all these locations: Atlanta · Boston · Chicago · Cleveland · Houston · New York Philadelphia · Pittsburgh · St.Louis · Union,N.J. · Washington · Edmonton · Montreal · Toronto · Vancouver "See Laboratory Guide for all Products/Sales Offices" Circle Nos. 105, 106, 107 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 38, NO. 8, JULY 1966


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