Reader's Service Card. The Atomsorb. Atomic Absorption/Flame. Emission Spectrophotometer. A versatile, moderately priced instrument capable of handlin...
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Jarrell-Ash will display all of these important analytical instruments at Booth #13 at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, New York City, November 13 through 15. Model 750 Atomcounter—Offered at a fraction of the price of conventional direct reading spectrometers. Jarrell-Ash offers this revolutionary new instrument at a fraction of the price of conventional units. The 750, a complete operating system including spectrometer, sample stand, source unit and readout system, can determine up to 30 elements in a single analysis with exceptional sensitivity and precision. Unaffected by temperature changes ( ± 10°C/hour) or altitude. Re­ sists vibration or shock. Circle No. 157 on Reader's Service Card.

Adaptors are available for 9 χ 24 cm and 2" χ 10" plates and for 35 mm film strips. Scanning models are also available either as recording or non-recording units. Circle No. 162 on Reader's Service Card. Hytest—Low cost, fast, accurate analysis of hydrogen in metals. An automatic hy­ drogen analyzer for fast, precise deter­ mination of hydrogen in steel or other metals, in concentration ranges as low as 0.1 ppm. Rugged enough to be set up right on the mill floor, it helps you to de­ cide quickly whether or not to divert the heat for use where hydrogen content is less critical. Circle No. 163 on Reader's Service Card.

The Atomsorb Atomic Absorption/Flame Emission Spectrophotometer. A versatile, moderately priced instrument capable of handling both routine and research anal­ yses with equal ease. This unit features direct concentration readout, built-in scale expansion (up to 20x), and a unique sample-saving time constant. Under nor­ mal operating conditions, analysis of over 200 samples per hour is possible. Circle No. 158 on Reader's Service Card.

Half-Meter Monochromator—Outstanding performance at low cost. A versatile, scanning monochromator which covers a wide spectral range from the ultraviolet to the infrared. It features high resolution (.1 A first order) and an effective aperture ratio of f/8.7. A wide range of easily inter­ changeable gratings permits use of the instrument up to 22 microns. Photo­ graphic capabilities are provided by use of an optional side-mounted camera ac­ cessory. Circle No. 164 on Reader's Serv­ ice Card.

Maximum Versatility Atomic Absorption/ Flame Emission Spectrophotometer. The 82-500 MVAA handles difficult trace metal analysis problems easily; combines atomic absorption and flame emission with max­ imum efficiency. For research and ex­ perimental applications, the 82-500 offers unique facilities for altering system com­ ponents and adding new developments. Analyzes up to 200 samples an hour. Offers six-lamp capacity hollow cathode tube turret and special options. Circle No. 159 on Reader's Service Card.

Double Monochromator—Features higher resolution and lower scattered light than any other comparable unit. Ideal for use in Raman Spectrometry, this unique new instrument stacks twoCzerny-Turner Spectrometer/Spectrographs vertically in a single housing to reduce scattered light to less than 1 part in 10"10 Both gratings are mounted on a common pivot, insuring perfect tracking over the entire spectral range of the instrument. The upper instru­ ment can be used separately with an exit slit, camera or polychromator accessory. Circle No. 165 on Reader's Service Card.

19-300/311 . . . The Spectroscopists' Arc/Spark Stand. For use with most con­ ventional spectrographic instruments. A complete range of easily interchangeable accessories permits a wide variety of samples to be excited. Provisions are made for water-cooling the electrode jaws. A gas control system is included for controlled atmosphere work. Circle No. 160 on Reader's Service Card.

Calculating Board—Speeds up plotting of spectrographic curves. The Seidel Calcu­ lating Board, Model 30-100, provides a plotting area and several moving scales to speed up and increase accuracy when plotting spectrographic calibration and working curves. It eliminates the need to plot separate working and plate calibra­ tion curves for each analysis. It reduces clerical error, provides for plotting transmittance readings, allows computation of background corrections. Circle No. 166 on Reader's Service Card.

Photoprocessor— For all spectrographic films and plates. Uniform, precise photoprocessing of spectrographic film and plates in just 3y2 minutes. It provides ac­ curate time and temperature control, and rapid, uniform drying to assure reproduci­ bility. The unit can process completely a 30" film strip or any two of the following size plates at one time: 2" χ 10", 4 " χ 10", or 9 χ 24 cm. Circle No. 161 on Reader's Service Card. Comparator Microphotometer—For pre­ cise evaluation of photographic film and plates. Quickly compares photographic plates with a standard plate. The instru­ ment accurately measures the percent transmission of various spectral lines. The standard unit accepts two 4 " χ 10" plates.


Look to Jarrell-Ash for your spectrometric supplies. Jarrell-Ash stocks a complete line of spectrometric supplies for fast de­ livery. The complete line is listed in two separate catalogs—one lists pure mate­ rials, the other all the spectrometric sup­ plies you need, from film to electrodes and standards for various materials. Forcopies of both catalogs Circle No. 167 on Reader's Service Card.