FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 3, 2012 - FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1951, 23 (4), pp 2A–2A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60052a700. Publication Date: April 1951. Copyright ...
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The FISHER NEFLUORO-PHOTOMETER "Three Instruments In O n e " Colorimeter

Light of specific wave lengths is absorbed by the unknown in solution. The amount of absorption is measured and related to the concentration.

Light Beam



This versatile new instrument permits accurate quantitative determinations to be made by a n y of the three methods shown at left.

Photo-sensitive Device I

Light of one wave length causes some substances to fluoresce or emit light (of a different wave length) which is measured at right angles to the incident light and related to the concentration.

The same few simple controls a r e used for all three types of determinations a n d readings for all analyses a r e m a d e from the combination percentage transmission-logarithmic scale of the instrument.

light Beam



Photo-sensitive Device

Dispersed particles scatter the incident light by reflection and diffraction. This scattered light is measured at right angles and related to the concentration of the particles.



The Nefluoro-Photometer is quickly interchangeable for colorimetric, fluorometric or nephelometric analysis. Sets of filters, cells, light sources, etc., are available for determinations in the three fields. Write for free booklet describing the Fisher Nefluoro-Photometer.






Stocks at: 717 Forbes, P i t t s b u r g h (19), Penna. 2109 Locust, St. L o u i s (3), Mo.

635 Greenwich, N e w Y o r k (14), New York

7722 Woodbury, Silver S p r i n g , Md. In Canada: Fisher Scientific Co., ltd., 904 St. James, Montreal