Fisher Scientific Company

your lab: instrument selection... service back-up... operator training—only from Fisher. Jarrell-Ash Model 810 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotomet...
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AID* for your lab: instrument selection... service back-up... operator training—only from Fisher

Jarrell-Ash Model 810 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Twin-channel, double-beam design 1. Unlimited analytical capa­ bilities . . . both channels can be used for atomic absorption, or one for AA and the other for flame emission . . . only with the Model 810. p l u s . . . the long experience and

2. Lowest cost per analysis . . . the Model 810 saves analysis time by permitting the deter­ mination of two metals simul­ taneously in the same sample.

3. More analytical precision . . . every known state of the art practice in optical background correction can be done with the Model 810; two-channel design permits internal standardization. recognized expertise of the foremost name in optics . . . Jarrell-Ash.

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NEW Fisher 4800 Series Gas Chromatograph Three ways new . . . three ways better 3. All-new, glass and metal 2. Fully-automatic, digital 1. Unique Varactor bridge temperature programmer: column systems: electrometer: • Direct-connecting . . . no • Program rates0 from 0 to • Total computer 607min. in V2 increments transfer lines. compatability. for more precise programming • On-column injection . . . min­ • Push-button selection to duplicate any work . . . imizes sample degradation. of detectors. regardless of instrument. • Extended range to five • Fully-automatic recycling decades of response . . . with­ capabilities for unattended out changing course range. operation. plus...all the versatility of a four-column, multi-detector chromatograph engineered into Fisher's earlier 4400 Series. *AID is our Analytical Instrument Division, ready to aid you. For more information on either of these fine instruments, or AID'S personalized service, call or write Mr. Pat Byrnes, Product Manager, Fisher Scientific Company, 711 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. Phone: (412) 562-8300.

Fisher Scientific Company Analytical Instrument Division (AID) CIRCLE 63 ON READER SERVICE CARD 1160 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 14, DECEMBER