Fisher Scientific Company

software forcomputerizedmethodsdevelopment that's quick and easy, not only compared to AA, but to othersequential instruments as well. How then can we...
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THERE ARE MANY COMPELLING REASONS TO CHOOSE SEQUENTIAL PLASMA OVER AA. LOW PRICE IS NOW AMONG THEM. INTRODUCING THE ATOMSCAN 2 5 0 0 FROM JARRELL-ASH. Tor very little more than you would expect to pay for a modestly capable atomic absorption instrument, you can now own one of the newest and most advanced sequential plasma instruments available anywhere the new AtomScan 2500 from Jarrell-Ash. Which means that for a very small step in price, you can take a huge leap in elemental analysis capability. Because, price aside, the best reason to choose the new AtomScan 2500 is its remarkable performance. For example, Jarrell-Ash's ICAP* technology gives the 2500 a much wider linear dynamic range than AA. Plus freedom from chemical interferences, as well as superior precision and excellent detection limits, even with elements AA can barely detect-including refractories, boron and phosphorus. In addition, the AtomScan 2500 is equipped with powerful analytical software for computerized methods development that's quick and easy, not only compared to AA, but to other sequential instruments as well. How then can we offer such impressive capabilities at such a low price? The answer lies within the 2500 itself. Specifically, with a revolutionary new self-regulating plasma generator. A feature so advanced it eliminates

dozens of adjustments from the instrument's operation, hundreds of cubic inches from its size, and thousands of dollars from the price. Inside, the AtomScan 2500 employs the same kind of advanced features you've come to expect from Jarrell-Ash. Such as the unique direct-drive scanning system with a microprocessor-based controller. So the AtomScan 2500 can move between any two wavelength positions in less than one second. Or the innovative use of three different photomultiplier tubes, ensuring the right degree of sensitivity in each portion of the spectrum. And best of all, the new AtomScan 2500 is backed by Jarrell-Ash, with thirty-four years of experience in manufacturing, servicing and developing applications for the finest laboratory spectrometers. So if your requirements for multi-element analysis demand the superior performance of plasmabut your budget still says AA-then the AtomScan 2500 could well be the instrument you've been waiting for. And if you can wait for the Pittsburgh Conference, you can see the AtomScan 2500 in operation. And meet with our applications specialists who will be happy to discuss your plasma requirements. See us at Booth #401-409. Or call us today at (617) 890-4300 to arrange for a private demonstration.


Jarrell-Ash Division Fisher Scientific Company 590 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA 02254

*Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma,a trademark oi Jarrell-Ash. © 1983, Fisher Scientific Company