Company. PITTSBURGH. 717 Forbes (19). NEW. YORK. 635 Greenwich (14). WASHINGTON. 7722 Woodbury. (Silver Spring, Md.) ST. LOUIS. 2109 Locust (3)...
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W H A T E V E R LABORATORY NEEDS Laboratories have at their command from Fisher Scientific Company all of t h e i r day-to-day r e q u i r e m e n t s and a large number of modern instruments, apparatus and chemical reagents not obtainable elsewhere.




Comprehensive Stocks


of Laboratory Supplies at

FURNITURE Headquarters for i - a i 3 0 r a f ° ' ^ S | | M | t f ^

FISHER P I T T S B U R G H 717 Forbes (19)


SCIENTIFIC N E W Y O R K 635 Greenwich (14)


W A S H I N G T O N 7722 Woodbury {Silver Spring, Md.)


COMPANY S T . L O U I S 2109 Locust (3)


M O N T R E A L 904 St. James