Fisher Scientific now makes nearly 800 "Certified" Reagents. And you

You'll find specific data on all Fisher Scientific. "Certified" Reagents in the Fisher Chemical Index. For vour free copy, write Fisher Scientific Co...
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You'll find specific data on all Fisher Scientific "Certified" Reagents in the Fisher Chemical Index. For vour free copy, write Fisher Scientific Co., 1009 Fisher Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219

Fisher Scientific now makes nearly 800 "Certified" Reagents. And you can rely on the purity of each. That's because all "Certified" Reagents always meet—often exceed—the minimum purity levels established for their particular grade. Three examples: Fisher "Certified" Sodium Hydroxide pellets have an exceptionally low carbonate limit. Solutions made from this Sodium Hydroxide are always clear and accurate. Fisher "Certified" Cupric Sulfate is low in iron, low in other ammonium sulfide precipitated metals. Fisher "Certified" Magnesium Chloride keeps manganese and other metals low, purity high. Three reasons why if your first thought isn't Fisher "Certified" Reagents, think again. Fisher...first. F-675

CHEMICAL DIVISION FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. Circle Να. 34 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 4 0 , N O . 1 0 , AUGUST 1 9 6 8
