2 2 , N O . 4,
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Efficient and Thorough
MERCURY CLEANING with the BETHLEHEM OXIFIER When your contaminated mercury contains dissolved base metals, this new, motor-driven Oxifier provides fast, effective and economical purification. Practically automatic, it cleans up to 25 lbs. in 2 to 4 hrs. with only intermittentattention. Price complete $ 1 6 0 . A L S O A V A I L A B L E : Type " F " Mercury Filter for removing dirt, oxide scums, oil, water and acid. For full information on thorough mercury cleaning write:
pH, CHLORINE & PHOSPHATE DETERMINATIONS TAYLOR COMPARATORS Illustrated is the Taylor Model T-O, pH Comparator, basic set of the Taylor Line. All pH and many other slides may be used on the one base. In making a determination, the prepared sample is placed in the center tube in the base. The slide is moved across until the colors match. EASY TO READ . . . ASSURED ACCURACY The entire determination with a Taylor Comparator should take no more than 2 minutes even for an inexperienced operator. Since the complete set of color standards necessary for any one determination is enclosed in the durable molded plastic slide, the difficulties of handling and keeping track of fragile, single standards is eliminated. Continuing accuracy is assured by an unlimited guarantee against fading on all Taylor Liquid Color Standards. Taylor sets are light, durable and low in cost.
8 9 0 F R O N T STREET
W. A.
7302 YORK
Theory and application of pH, Chlorine and Phosphate Control in 34 modern industries. Detailed inAND formation and illustrations TAYLOR CO. of Taylor sets. Write for your copy today—see your RD. · BALTIMORE-4, MD. dealer for Taylor equipment.
Valves & Fittings
A large variety of standard valves and fittings are available in three general pressure ranges — 25.000, 60,000. and 100.000 psi—in such types as straightway, angle, cross, check, relief, combined inlet and bleeder, etc. Special valves up to 3-in. pipe size can be built for pressures up to 10,000 psi. Fittings include couplings, elbows, tees, crosses, adapters, connectors (gage, gas-tank, and electrical), and bushings for connecting one size of tubing to another. Tubing of stainless steel and other alloys for pressures up to „rS o M P « E S « 0 R 5 -•· 100,000 psi.
As pioneers — and still leaders — in the superpressure field, Aminco has an unmatched fund of experience which is at your disposal for the solution of your specific high-pressure problems.
AMERICAN INSTRUMENT CO., Inc. .lull· II S I L VScientific Instruments E R S P R I N G , M A R Y L A N D
Write for Catalog 406-B