FIVE CURRENT TITLES - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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FIVE C U R R E N T TITLES in the Advances in Chemistry Series N o . 14 NOMENCLATURE FOR TERPENE HYDROCARBONS A system of nomenclature for terpene hydrocarbons (^including sections on information to aid in the reading of terpene literature) which has been accepted by the American Chemical Society's Oivision of Organic Chemistry and approved by the ACS on recommendation of its general Nomenclature, Spelling and Pronunciation Committee. Accepted by the IUPAC. 109 pages—paper bound

S3.00 per copy

N o . 13 PESTICIDES IN TROPICAL AGRICULTURE 13 papers—102 pages—discussing the use of pesticides in tropical agriculture—on basic food crops, sugar cane, cotton, cacao, rubber, coffee, rice, bananas; in weed control; on stored products, paper bound—$2.50 per copy

N o . 12

USE OF SUGARS A N D OTHER CARBOHYDRATES I N THE F O O D INDUSTRY 17 papers—142 pages—devoted to a better understanding of the ways in which our largest single dietary constituent—the carbohydrates— contributes to the physical and chemical nature, as well as the nutritional quality and acceptability, of our foods. paper bound—S3.00 per copy

N o . 11 N A T U R A L PLANT HYDROCOLLOIDS Reviews materials usually used as protective colloids or "stabilizers'* such as Calcium Pectinates, Agar, Gum Arabic, Gum Karaya, Tragacanth, Locust Bean Gum, Alginates and Red Seaweed Extracts. 103 pages—paper bound—$2.50 per copy

N o . 10

LITERATURE RESOURCES FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS INDUSTRIES Discusses various information sources with 13 articles on market research, 7 on resins and plastics, 6 on textile chemistry, 10 on the food industry, 10 on petroleum, and 13 on general topics, plus 34 pages of index. 582 pages—paper bound—$6.50 per copy



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