Five Devices - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Periodic graphics: How different light bulbs work. Chemical educator and Compound Interest blogger Andy Brunning illuminates the materia...
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The Gardner Bubble Viscosimeter— A set of standardized bubble tubes sealed by fusion, and two carefully calibrated sample tubes in a handy carrying case. Determinations by inverting filled sample tube and matching ascent time of its entrapped bubble with that of one of the standards. Values in absolute poises quickly obtained from a table. There are no wearing parts or orifices; therefore accuracy is maintained indefinitely. Light Bodied Standards—5 tubes, 0.00505 to 0.321 poises, $2 5.00 Varnish Series— 20 tubes, 0.50 to 5.50 poises, $35.00 Heavy Bodied Series—12 tubes, 6.27 to 148.0 poises, $35.00 Lithographic Series—10 tubes, 1.8 to 12 50 poises, $35.00

Sward Hardness Rocker—This device measures the hardness of films, their drying times, degree of tackiness, the tautness of aviation fabrics, etc. Determination made by setting the Rocker in motion on the test surface. The harder the surface or film, the longer the device will rock. Readings either in elapsed time or number of oscillations referred to polished plate glass standard. Easily adjustable for standardizing against any reference surface. Price, postpaid $17.50

Parks Film-O-Graph—This chromeplated bronze cylinder, with milled channel in end, will apply thin films of enamel, paint, printer's ink, varnish, etc., to flat surfaces in a predetermined exact thickness. With this device, drying time and opacity tests may be simplified. Price, for 0.001 and 0.003 inch films, postpaid $10.00

Parks Dry-O-Graph—A practical drying time instrument consisting of track to hold drying films and Telechron-motordriven roller to press cotton flannel on the film. Simply constructed, light, easy to move and operate. Lint adherence gives positive measure of drying time. Price, single track, complete $75.00 (Captions for picture) (A) Single track machine (B) Measuring lint adherence (C) Running triple test.


1 The Gardner Mobilo\ meter—While developed primarily for use in the Paint and Lacquer Industries, the Mobilometer measures the body, consistency or mobility of various industrial products having a plastic or viscous nature such as— PAINTS PASTES EMULSIONS DISPERSIONS COSMETICS OINTMENTS MAYONNAISE KETCHUP LUBRICANT GREASES

Price, complete, F.o.b. Washington, D. C $45.00





these instruments you can determine by routine procedures many properties previously without standard methods of evaluation.

Results are accurate and rapidly attained. Simplicity of design and accuracy of w o r k m a n -

ship m a k e for ease of operation and duplication of tests. These instruments will materially increase the range of your laboratory operations, a t a very l o w cost. Write for our catalog containing complete descriptions of t h e entire line.


H E N R Y A. G A R D N E R L A B O R A T O R Y , I N C . 2201 New Y o r k Ave., N . W.

Washington, D. C.