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Flame Velocity and Preflame Reaction in Heated Propane-Air Mixtures

viscosity, poise, gram/(cm.) (second). Subscripts. B. = blowoff condition calc = calculated. F. = flash-back condition. /. = calculated adiabatic flam...
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drnsit,y of mixture, yram/cc. viscosity, poisc, gr.ani/(cm.) (second)

(7) Grumer, J., and Harris, M . E., Division of Gas and Fuel Chem-

istry, Symposium 011 Properties and Reactions of Hydrocarbons, 124th IIeeting, AM. C k i m ~ .Soc., Chicago, 1953. ( 8 ) Grumer, J., EIarris, 31. E., and Schults, H., "Fourth S y i m posium (International) on Combustion." pp. 695-707, Bdtimore, W2lia:ns & Wilkins Co., 1953. (9) Lewis, B., and von Elbe, G., "Combustion, Flames, and Explosions of Gases." pp. 243-5, S e w York, Academic Press, 1951. (10) Ibid.,p. 256.

Subscripts B = blowoff condition calc = calculated F = flash-back condition I = calculated adiabatic flame condition i = ('ignition" condition a = initial condition LITER4TURE CITFJ>

Bollinger, L. AI., and Williams, D . T., n'atl. Advisory Co1111i1. Aeronaut., Rept. 913 (1948). Brorning, J. ii.,and Thorpe, 11. L., Project Squid (Princeton University), TI1 Dart-1, T3I Dart-2 (1952). Culshaw, G. W., and Garside E . , Insf. Gas F h g r s . (T,ondonj, Inst. Gas Research Fellows Kept. 1946-47 (Copyright Puh. 3251143). Review paper3 by Delbourg. Heiligenstaedt, and others. Duggel, G. L., h-atl. Advi9ory Comm. ..leronaut., l t e p t . 1061 (1952). Uugger, G. L., Katl. .Advisory Conim. Aeronaut., Tech. Note 2170 (1950). Friedman, R., and ,Johnston, W. C., M'estinghouse Keseaich Lah. East Pittjburgh, Research Rept R-94451-4-E(1949).




VOl. 41, No. 1


., "Heat Transmission," 2nd ed., pp. 117-9. New York, 3lcGram-Hill Book Co., 1942. (13) Simon, D. A I . , Belles, 3'. E.. and Spskowski. A . E., "Fourth Symposium (International) o n Combustion," pp. 126-38, Baltimore, Williams 6: Wilkins G o , , 1953. (14) Walker, P.L., Jr., and Wright, C . C . ,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 3769 (1952). (15) W ~ h lK., , "Fourth Symposiuni (hterriational) on Combustion." pp. 68-89, Baltimore, TVilliains & Wilkins CCJ., 1953. (16) Wohl, K., Kapp. N. M., and Gazley, C . , "Third Symposium on Combustion and Flame and Explo~ionPhenomena," pp. 3-21, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins C h , 19.19. R X G ~ I YfEo rDreviem May 14, 1954. .%CCEPTED October 2 , 1954. 'rakfn in part from a thesis submitted to Case Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements f o r :he degree of doctor of plii1os:ophy in chrniical engineering.


GORDOK L. DUGGERI, ROBERT C. FYEA!H", AND SHELDON HEIRIEL L e w i s F l i g h t Propulsion L a b o r a t o r y , IYationul A d v i s o r y Committee f o r A e r o n u u t i c a . Clecwland, Ohio

PREVIOGS investigation (3)showed that, flame velocit,ies of propanc-air mixtures increase with the initial mixture temperature a t a n increaairrg yate. For t h e ninximuni flame velocity (with respect to fuel concentration) over the temperature range 200' to 617' Ii,

hei?!iaut., Iieyt. 1061

(1962). (4) Dugger, G . L.. Ph. D. thesis, Case Inztitute of Technology. 1053. ( 5 ) Dugger, G . L.. and Graab, D. D.. "Fourth Symposium (Intcrnational) o n Combustion," pp. 302--10, Haltirnore. Willia~ns& Wilkins Co.. 1953.

(F) Jackson, J. L., Ixn. ENG.CHI (7) Jackson, J. L., and BrokaTv, R. S.,Satl. Advisory Coinin. .leronaut., Research Memo. E54B19 (1954). (8) Kapp, T.> I . , Snow, E . , and TTohl. K.. Research Dept., United Aircraft Corp., Pro,ject AIeteor, Itept. UAC-30 (1945). (9) Lewis, B., aiid 7-011 Clhe, G., "Conibustion. Flarnea and Explosions of Gases," pp. 212 -8, X e w York, Academic Press, 1951. (10) Linnett, J . TT.. arid Hoare, 31. F.,Trn17.3.Fnradau Soc., 47, 179 (1951). (11) Pease. R. 1.. J . Am. Chem. Sue.. 51, 1539 (1929). (12) Townend, D. T. .\., C ~ C T Rem., Z. 21, 269 (1937). RECEIVED for reviev M a y 14. 1954. :iCCEPTED Septembcr 7 , 1931. Taken i n pait f r o m a tlicsis subiiiitted by Goidon L. Dusger i o Care Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of t h e rcciuirements for t h c degiee of doctor of pliilosoghy in chemical engineering