Flavonoids of Cupressus sempervirens and Cupressus cashmeriana

May 22, 1985 - "Sklection du Reader's Digest, Secrets et vertus des plantes mkdicinales," Paris, Bmelles, M o n t f i ,. Zurich 1977, p. 91. H.L. De P...
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May-Jun 19871

Brief Reports


LITERATURE CITED 1. H.A. Diapoulis, "Helliniki-Chloris," Vol. B2, Athens 1948, p. 112. 2. D. Kawadas,"Lexicon-Botanikon," Vol. VI, Athens 1956, p. 1732. 3. C. Souleles and G. Shammas, in press. 4. P. Foumier, "Le livre des plantes maicinales et vknkneuses de France," Vol. I, Paris 1948, p. 274. 5. "Sklection du Reader's Digest, Secrets et vertus des plantes mkdicinales," Paris, Bmelles, M o n t f i , Zurich 1977, p. 91. 6. H.L. De Pooter et al., Pbytorbnistrry, 2 5 , 6 9 1 (1986). 7. F.W. Hefendehl, Pbytocbmristry, 9, 1985 (1970).

Receid 22 M a y 1985


Department of Chemistry, Aligarb Muslim Uniwrsity, Aligarb 202001, India The genus C~~pnssur (Cupressaceae), comprising 12 species, is distributed in the Mediterranean region, tropical Asia, and North America (1). A survey of the literature shows that three biflavonoidsamentoflavone, cupressuflavone, and 4"-mond)-methyl amentoflavone (podocarpusflavone-A&have been reported in Cnprersnsspnvimrcvar. semprvim and var. strirta Ait. (2,3), but no flavonoid glycosides are known in any C~pnssvrspecies. The present paper describes the isolation and characterization of a flavonol glycoside, quercetin-~-0a-~-rhamnopyranoside, along with quercetin, hinokiflavone, isocryp~mrperVirenr J var. horizontalis (Mill.) tomerin, and reported biflavonoids from the leaf extracts of C U ~ J U Gordon. The chemical analysis of the leafextfactsof C@r.~sus~ ~ ~ b m r i Royle a n a Carriere resulted in the isotolation of a flavonol diglycoside, quercetin-3-0-(6"-0-a-~-rhamnopyranosyl)ide gether with amentoflavone, cupressuflavone, hinokiflavone, 7-0-methyl amentoflavone (sequoiaflavone), and isocryptomerin. No flavone aglycones were detected. Sequoiaflavone was found to be present only in this species while others contained podwarpusflavone-A. The presence ofa flavonol diglycoside is, thus, reported in the Cupressaceae; this type of compound may serve as a useful taxonomic marker. EXPERIMENTAL