Flavor Volatiles as Measured by Rapid Instrumental Techniques

The sample was weighed directly into the liner. Another plug of glass wool was placed in the liner on top of the sample. The septum nut, septum, and r...
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3 Flavor Volatiles as Measured by Rapid Instrumental Techniques M. G. LEGENDRE Southern Regional Research Center, Science and Education Administration, Agricultural Research, U.S. Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, LA 70179

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H. P. DUPUY V-Labs, Inc., 423 N. Theard St., Covington,LA70433 Food flavor is governed by many factors, including lipid oxidation and protein degradation. Enzyme-catalyzed oxidation (1) and autoxidation (2) can substantially alter the flavor quality of foods. In "addition, protein degradation, whether caused by enzymes, heat, or interactions with other compounds, can also affect flavor characteristics of certain foods (3, 4). Considerable effort has been made to examine the volatiles and trace components that contribute to food flavors. Some early techniques for measuring the volatile components in food products by gas chromatography consisted of analyzing headspace vapors to detect vegetable and fruit aromas (5) and volatiles associated with other food materials (6). Also, sample enrichment has been used in the analysis of some food products. However, these techniques require steam distillation or extraction and concentration, or both, before the volatile mixture can be introduced into a gas chromatograph (7, 8, 9, 10). Besides being complex and timeconsuming, these procedures often produce artifacts that can interfere with the analysis. Dupuy and coworkers have reported a direct gas chromatographic procedure for the examination of volatiles in vegetable oils (11), raw peanuts and peanut butters (12, 13), and rice and corn products (14). When the procedure was appTTed to the analysis of flavor-scored samples, the instrumental data correlated well with sensory data (15, 16, 17), showing that food flavor can be measured by instrumental means. Our present report provides additional evidence that the direct gas chromatographic method, when coupled with mass spectrometry for the identification of the compounds, can supply valid information about the flavor quality of certain food products. Such information can then be used to understand the mechanisms that affect flavor quality. Experimental Procedures Materials. Tenax GC, 60-80 mesh (2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide) and Poly MPE (poly-m-phenoxylene) were obtained from This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright. Published 1981 American Chemical Society

Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.



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Applied Science Laboratories, State College, Pa. Teflon O-rings were purchased from Alltek Associates, Arlington Heights, 111., sandwich-type silicone septums from Hamilton Company, Reno, Nev., and Pyrex glass wool from Corning Glass Works, Coming, N.Y. (The O-rings, septums, and glass wool were conditioned at 200 C for 16 hr before use.) Tnlet liners, 10 X 84 mm, were cut from borosilicate glass tubing. The experimental food blend samples were obtained from the Northern Regional Research Center, Peoria, 111. The rice samples came from the USDA rice experiment station in Beaumont, Tex., and the peanuts from the USDA Coastal Plain Experiment Station in Tifton, Ga. Gas Chromatography (GC). A Tracer MT-220 gas chromatograph with dual incfepenoent nydrogen-flame ionization detectors was used in conjunction with a Westronics MT22 recorder and a HewlettPackard 3354 laboratory automation system. The columns were stainless-steel U-tubes, 1/8 i n . OD, 10 ft long, packed with Tenax GC that had been coated with 8% Poly MPE. Operating conditions were: helium carrier gas, 35 ml/min in each column; hydrogen, 60 ml/min to each flame; a i r 470 ml/min (fuel and scavanger gas for both flames). Inlet temperature was 160°C; detector was at 250°C. Column oven was maintained at approximately 30°C (room temperature) during'the stripping period. After removal of the inlet l i n e r , the column was heated to 80°C within 2 min, then programmed 4° C/min for 35 min. The final hold was at 220°C for about 30 min until the column was clear. The Teflon 0-ring was positioned at the bottom of the GC inlet to provide a leak-proof seal. Electrometer attenuation was 10 X 4. Mass Spectrometry (MS). A Hewlett-Packard 5930A mass spectrometer was interfaced with a Tracor 222 GC. The ionization potent i a l was 70 eV and the scanning limits were 33 to 450 amu. Scanning and data processing were accomplished with a FINNIGAN/INCOS 2300 mass spectrometer data system. A novel injection system (18) was used in place of the standard injection port in conjunction with the GC/MS system. Sample Preparation and Analysis for GC. A 3-3/8 i n . length of 3/8 i n . ob borosilicate glass tubing was packed with a plug of volatile-free glass wool at the bottom, but 1/4 i n . above the bottom. The sample was weighed directly into the l i n e r . Another plug of glass wool was placed in the liner on top of the sample. The septum nut, septum, and retainer nut of the GC were removed, and the liner containing the sample was inserted into the inlet of the GC on top of the Teflon 0-ring. When the retainer nut was tightened above the upper rim of the l i n e r , a seal was formed between the base of the inlet and the lower rim. After the inlet was closed with the septum and septum nut, the carrier gas was forced to flow through the sample. This assembly has been previously described (15).

Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.






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Volatiles were rapidly eluted from the heated sample and transferred to the upper portion of the GC column, which was cooled to room temperature during the 20-min volatile-stripping period. The liner with the spent sample was removed, the inlet system was again closed, and the temperature of the oven was raised to 80°C. Temperature programming was then begun. When complete, the temperature was maintained on final hold until a l l volatiles were eluted. The oven was then cooled to room temperature for the next sample. Sample Preparation and Analysis for MS. In a typical analys i s , conditions were the same as described for GC, except that the external injection system (18) was used to strip the volatiles from the sample. Briefly, tKe external injection system consists of three sections: the inlet assembly, the condenser assembly, and the six-port rotary valve. The sample is secured in the inlet l i n e r , the sample liner is introduced into the inlet assembly, the six-port valve is switched to the "Inject" position, and the heater to the inlet i s turned on to the desired temperature. As the sample is heated, the flow of carrier gas strips the volatiles from the sample. The volatiles then pass through the condenser assembly (which is cooled with compressed air to room temperature) through the valve and onto the cool GC column. After the s t r i p ping period, the six-port valve is put into the "Pun/Purge" position (this isolates the sample from the column), and the column is temperature-programmed to resolve the v o l a t i l e s . While this resolution is taking place, the sample liner is removed and the condenser is heated, venting the sample moisture to the atmosphere. This venting is done to render the sodium sulfate in the condenser to the anhydrous state. At the end of the run, both the GC oven and the condenser are cooled to room temperature for the next run. Results and Discussion The importance of direct gas chromatography and combined direct GC/MS to the food industry i s demonstrated by the analysis of volatile flavor components and contaminants in experimental samples of r i c e , food blends, and raw and roasted peanuts. By examining these samples, we are able to investigate flavor systems that are probably associated with l i p i d oxidation, thermal degradation of protein, or protein interactions with other compounds. For example, recently, while being processed, a new variety of rice produced an off-flavor, which was i n i t i a l l y suspected to be germplasm related. However, when the volatiles in the control and experimental samples of the raw rice were examined by direct GC/MS, we found that the raw experimental rice contained s i g n i ficant amounts of methylbromide and dimethylsulfide, as shown in chromatogram B of Figure 1. Analysis of the processed experimental rice sample yielded a significant level of dimethylsulfide

Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.

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Figure 2.


of volatiles for control and experimental methylbromide; (2) dimethylsulfide.

Plot of area vs. inlet temperature for dimethylsulfide from experimental raw rice samples

raw rice samples:




Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.

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but no methylbromide. Neither compound was detected i n the controls. Methylbromide, which has been used in the food industry as a fumigant, has been postulated to react with methionine in peanuts and yield dimethylsulfide upon heating (19). These observations are also consistent with the findings of B i l l s et a l . (21). These data were used to conclude that the suspected sampTe of experimental rice had been exposed to methylbromide, which caused the off-flavor. Thus, we have shown that the direct GC method can be used effectively to solve a practical problem. To further support this conclusion, a series of raw samples of the experimental rice was subjected to varying temperatures between 25°C and 190°C in the external inlet of the gas chromatograph. As shown in Figure 2, the concentration of dimethylsulfide and methylbromide increased as the temperature of the inlet increased. The mass spectrometer was used to monitor the concentrations of methylbromide and dimethylsulfide. Masses 62 and 94 (the base peaks--largest ions in the mass spectra- of dimethylsulfide and methylbromide, respectively) were used to measure the concentrations of each compound. These findings are consistent with the results obtained by B i l l s et a l . (21). The direct gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method was also used to study the volatiles in com-soy food blends without prior treatment or enrichment of the sample. As shown in chromatogram B of Figure 3, the inferior sample has a much greater concentration of volatile components than does the good (control) sample shown in chromatogram A. The inferior sample has large amounts of pentanal, 1-pentanol, hexanal, 1-hexanol, 2-heptanone, 2-pentylfuran, and the 2,4-decadienals compared to the good sample. These compounds are associated with l i p i d oxidation products. These results are analogous to those of Rayner et a l . (22J, who found that hexanal in soy protein products correlated well with taste panel flavor scores, and to those of Legendre et a l . (14) with rice and corn products. The""c irect GC/MS technique can be used to screen raw and processed materials. As shown in Figure 4, the volatiles in peanuts can be detected and identified both before and after roasting. When peanuts are exposed to roasting temperatures, many chemical processes take place. Among these processes is protein degradation, which is important in the development of good roasted peanut flavor and aroma. The formation of aldehydes, ketones, pyrroles, and pyrazines during roasting is shown in the lower chromatogram of Figure 4. The most intense peaks are the aldehydes and pyrazines. These compounds are produced by Strecker degradation of amino acids (20) and Browning reactions (23), respectively. As mentioned above, this unique method can be used to detect and identify volatile contaminants in food materials. As shown in chromatogram A in Figure 5, raw peanuts that had been in a cardboard box in the laboratory yielded relatively large f

Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.


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TIME. MINUTES Figure 3. Profiles of volatiles for good and inferior food blend samples: (1) acetaldehyde; (2) ethanol; (3) acetone; (4) methylene chloride; (5) chloroform; (6) pentanal; (7) 1-pentanol; (8) hexanal; (9) 1-hexanol; (10) 2-heptanone; (11) 2-pentylfuran; (12) trans-2,cis-4-decadienal; (13) trans-2,tr3Lns-4-decadienal.



Figure 4. Profiles of volatiles for high-quality peanuts, raw and roasted: (1) ethanol; (2) pentane; (3) 2-propanol; (4) acetone; (5) methylene chloride; (6) methyl acetate; (7) 2-methylpropanal; (8) diacetyl; (9) 3-methylbutanal; (10) 2-methylbutanal; (11) 2,3-pentanedione; (12) N-methylpyrrole; (13) toluene; (14) hexanal; (15) 2-methylpyrazine; (16) xylene; (17) 2-heptanone; (18) 2,5-dimethylpyrazine; (19) 2-pentylfuran; (20) 2-ethyl-5-methylpyrazine; (21) 2-ethyl-3,6-dimethylpyrazine; (22) phenylacetaldehyde.

Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.





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Figure 5. Profiles of volatiles for low-quality peanuts with contaminants, raw and roasted: (1) ethanol; (2) pentane; (3) 2-propanol; (4) acetone; (5) methylene chloride; (6) methyl acetate; (7) 2-methylpropanal; (8) chloroform; (9) diacetyl; (10) benzene; (11) 3-methylbutanal; (12) 2-methylbutanal; (13) 2,3-pentanedione; (14) N-methylpyrrole; (15) pyridine; (16) toluene; (17) hexanal; (18) 2-methylpyrazine; (19) 2methylpyrrole; (20) 2-heptanone; (21) styrene; (22) 2,5-dimethylpyrazine; (23) 2ethyl-5-methylpyrazine; (24) 2-ethyl-3,6-dimethylpyrazine; (25) phenylacetaldehyde.

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protein functionality in foods

amounts of methylene chloride, chloroform, benzene, pyridine, and styrene. As shown in chromatogram A of Figure 4, comparable samples of raw peanuts stored in a nonsolvent area did not yield these solvent materials. The concentration of these compounds decreased upon roasting, as shown in chromatogram B of Figure 5.

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Conclusions Rapid instrumental techniques were used to elucidate offflavor problems in raw and processed rice products, raw and roasted peanuts, and com-soy food blends. Less than a gram of the solid material was secured in a standard or special injection port liner of the gas chromatograph. Then, the volatiles from the sample were steam distilled in situ and identified by combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. This unconventional approach provides a practical means of eluting, resolving, and identifying volatiles that might impart off-flavors (e.g., volatile components contributed by protein interactions, and external contaminants) in edible protein ingredients. It also provides information to resolve complex flavor problems for processors and plant breeders. Acknowledgments Names of companies or commercial products are given solely for the purpose of providing specific information; their mention does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over others not mentioned. Literature Cited 1. St. Angelo, A. J.; Legendre, M. G.; Dupuy, H. P. Lipids, 1980, 15, 45. 2. Chang, S. S. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 1979, 56, 908A. 3. Minamiura, N.; Matsumura, Y.; Yamamoto, T. J. Biochem., 1972, 72, 841. 4. Mason, M. E.; Johnson, B. R.; Hamming, M. C. J. Agric. Food Chem., 1967, 15, 66. 5. Buttery, R. G.; Teranishi, R. Anal. Chem., 1961, 33, 1439. 6. Charalambous, G . , Ed. in "Analysis of Foods and Beverages, Headspace Techniques"; Academic Press, Inc.: New York, 1978; p. xi. 7. Newar, W. W.; Fagerson, F. S. Food Technol., November, 1962, p. 107. 8. Chang, S. S. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 1961, 38, 669. 9. Lee, C. H . ; Swoboda, P. A. T. J. Sci. Food A g r i c . , 1962, 13, 148. 10. Selke, E . ; Moser, H. A.; Rohwedder, W. K. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 1970, 47, 393.

Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.

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3. legendre and dupuy

Flavor Volatiles


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Cherry; Protein Functionality in Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1981.