NEW PRODUCTS package, ready for connection to the power source. I t is a sliding plate type b u t is manually fed by pushing green items through without the use of support plates. 3
Chromatography Apparatus Podbielniak, Inc., has announced a new addition to its line of analytical instruments under the t r a d e name of Chromacon. I t is available separately or in combination with either the Podbielniak Thermooon automatic record-
ing low-temperature a p p a r a t u s or the Hyper-Cal automatic recording hightemperature analytical distillation apparatus. T h e Chromacon is a simple and rapid analytical method for gases and liquids used for primary analysis where its accuracy, ranging from 1 t o 4 % of component, is adequate. I t is a supplement to distillation methods in resolving fractions not separable b y distillation alone. Used with the Thermoeon, the Chromacon provides a versatile method for the analysis of all low-boiling hydrocarbon mixtures, making possible the
simultaneous complete analysis of a sample b y one analyst, including cracked C-4 and other fractions previously requiring transfer to a spectroscopic laboratory. T h e Chromacon also aids in prompt on-the-spot processing of distillate fractions obtained with the Podbielniak Hyper-Cal fractional distillation analvsis. 4 Double Buret Clamp A pair of burets can be held parallel for making titrations with the use of a double buret clamp designed by Central Scientific Co. Distinctive feature of the clamp is its double action grips which hold each buret a t both top and bottom, thereby eliminating sideslip or wobble. E a c h pair of spring action clamps can be sprung either together or singly.
flexible plastic
T h e clamp is made of solid cast aluminum with black rubber-coated clamping sections. Pressure is provided by a phosphor-bronze spring. T h e support rod holes have a V-notch to give point support for firmly gripping a rod of Va-in. diameter. T h e clamp is fastened to the rod bv a hand set screw. 5
Radiation Survey Meter
Chemically Inert Clear Non-Toxic Sferilizable Easily Cleaned Non-Aging Easily Connected
The u
A Product of · s · Stoneware Co., A k r o n , O .
For further information, circle number 44 A on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A
44 A
A new model of the wartime gunt y p e radiation survey meter has been developed b y the Nuclear I n s t r u m e n t and Chemical Corp. T h e unit is used for determining the a m o u n t of radiation which laboratory and other workers are receiving from experimental work with radioisotopes, t o monitor shipping containers for excess radiation, and for remote monitoring, civil defense, industrial radiography, and decontamination purposes. I t is designed for application where activities on the order of millicurie a m o u n t s of radioactivity are present. A 500-cc. cylindrical ionization chamber which in normal use is connected to the body of the unit m a y be remotely positioned (up to a distance of 100 ft.) to protect the user from excess radiation. A rubber hydrochloride window covers one end of the ionization chamber For further information, see coupon on page 39 A ANALYTICAL