Flexible Reconfiguration of Existing Urban Water Infrastructure Systems

Oct 14, 2015 - network. For real systems, classification of transmission mains based solely on pipe diameters12 may be inadequate because these pipes ...
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Flexible Reconfiguration of Existing Urban Water Infrastructure Systems Lina Sela Perelman,*,† Michael Allen,‡ Ami Preis,§ Mudasser Iqbal,§ and Andrew J. Whittle† †

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States ‡ Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 2JH, United Kingdom § Visenti Private Limited, Singapore 608576, Singapore S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a practical methodology for the flexible reconfiguration of existing water distribution infrastructure, which is adaptive to the water utility constraints and facilitates in operational management for pressure and water loss control. The network topology is reconfigured into a star-like topology, where the center node is a connected subset of transmission mains, that provides connection to water sources, and the nodes are the subsystems that are connected to the sources through the center node. In the proposed approach, the system is first decomposed into the main and subsystems based on graph theory methods and then the network reconfiguration problem is approximated as a single-objective linear programming problem, which is efficiently solved using a standard solver. The performance and resiliency of the original and reconfigured systems are evaluated through direct and surrogate measures. The methodology is demonstrated using two large-scale water distribution systems, showing the flexibility of the proposed approach. The results highlight the benefits and disadvantages of network decentralization.

INTRODUCTION Non-revenue water loss is the difference between the volume of water distributed through the system and the authorized/billed water consumption. Water losses include both real losses as a result of leaks in the pipes and apparent losses as a result of meter inaccuracy and unauthorized uses.1 Water losses in distribution systems constitute a major inefficiency in water supplies as a result of the wastage of treated water and energy resources, increases in operating costs, and reductions in revenue. District metered areas (DMAs) are a cost-effective technology that has proven highly successful for water loss control and leakage management.2,3 A DMA is a precisely defined sub-network, in which the interconnecting pipes are monitored and the quantities of water entering and leaving the district are metered (enabling a better detection of water losses through night flow diagnostics).4 In addition, pressure management is aided by installing pressure reducing valves (PRVs) at the inlet of each DMA.5−7 The control of pressures in each DMA leads to a reduction in leakage through pipe joints and connections. DMAs were first introduced in the U.K. water industry in the early 1980s and have been reported to achieve a 85% reduction in measured leakage.3,8 From a water security perspective, some studies have suggested that, in the event of a large-scale contamination incident, the DMA structure would limit the spread of contamination and minimize the extent of response actions required for the system to restore its normal pre-event conditions.9,10 The principal criteria of a DMA design © 2015 American Chemical Society

are (i) connectedness to the water source, (ii) size limits for each sub-network, (iii) minimum number of interconnections, (iv) independence of the sub-networks, (v) minimum investment for the installation of isolation valves, and (vi) conserving system performance. The design of DMAs results in a star-like topology of the water distribution network comprising independent subsystems that are connected to water sources either directly or through transmission mains. A number of methods for reconfiguration of water systems into DMAs have been previously suggested. These vary from manual trial and error approaches11 to automated tools integrating network analysis,12 graph theory,13−15 complex networks,16,17 and heuristic methods.17−19 The common workflow for DMA design is to identify water mains, partition the network into sub-networks, and isolate interconnecting lines using simulation-based heuristics to minimize the number of connections and dependencies between the sub-networks. Table 1 of the Supporting Information presents a nonexhaustive list of recent research related to DMA design and their key features. The main drawbacks of the prior methods for DMA design are that all of the studies link heuristic-based approaches with an external simulation tool (e.g., EPANET20 and WDNetXL21), which are typically time-consuming, Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 13378

January 12, 2015 October 13, 2015 October 14, 2015 October 14, 2015 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03331 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13378−13384


Environmental Science & Technology

flows, q, higher than the specified thresholds, Dc and qc, respectively. Given a network graph G, a set of nodes N consisting of source Ns and demand Nd nodes and a set of links E consisting of pipes Ep and valves Ev: (1) Find the subset of links, ED ⊂ E, with diameters above a given threshold: ED = {(u, v) ∈ E|D(u, v) ≥ Dc}. (2) Find the subset of links, EF ⊂ E, with flows higher than a given threshold: EF = {(u, v) ∈ E|q(e) ≥ qc}, where q can be computed by solving the full set on nonlinear flow equations26 or using a hydraulic simulator.20 (3) Combine both sets, EC = {ED ∪ EF}, and find the largest connected component, Gmain, in the subgraph G(NC, EC), where NC = {u| (u, v) ∈ EC}, which is accessible from the sources. A connected component is a subgraph that contains a path between every pair of distinct nodes and can be found using the breadth first search (BFS) algorithm27 and setting each source node as the root node. Consequently, the subgraph Gmain is composed of the transmission mains and is connected to the sources. (4) Extend the connected subgraph of transmission mains such that it has only valves in its edge cut. We define an edge cut as the set of all links that have one node that belongs to a given subset of nodes Ni and the other belongs to N\Ni. Let Nmain = {u ∈ N(Gmain)} be the set of all nodes in the main subgraph, Emain = {(u, v) ∈ E(Gmain)|u, v ∈ Nmain} be the set of all links in the main subgraph, and Ecut‑main = {(u, v) ∈ E\Emain|u ∈ Nmain, v ∈ N\Nmain} be the main edge cut. Then, the extended subgraph G̃ main has only valves on its boundary connections, and its edge cut contains only valves, with Ẽ cut‑main = {(u, v) ∈ Ev|u ∈ Ñ main, v ∈ N\Ñ main}, Ñ main = {u ∈ N(G̃ main)}, and Ẽ main = {(u, v) ∈ E(G̃ main)|u, v ∈ Ñ main}. This is achieved by traversing network links in a BFS manner starting from each boundary node of the initial transmission main, Gmain, and exploring all adjacent links until the closest existing valves are reached. The outcome of the first step is the subgraph G̃ main, which is the center node of the star-topology and will connect all subnetworks to the water sources. Graph Decomposition. The next step is to decompose the rest of the network, G[N\Ñ main], into subgraphs such that each subgraph is within a specified size range, has a connection to the source, and has a minimum number of interconnecting links, i.e., small edge-cut size, and all interconnecting links are existing valves to avoid any additional retrofit costs. We treat interconnecting valves as a hard constraint and the rest of the constraints as soft constraints, i.e., can be violated. We combine graph search and partitioning algorithms to decompose the water network, taking the following steps: (1) Identify all subgraphs Gi connected to the main subgraph using BFS starting from each boundary node of G̃ main. Set counter m = 2. (2) Compute the demand, d(Ni), of each subgraph identified previously, where Ni = N(Gi) is the set of nodes belonging to the subgraph, Gi. Given the minimum and maximum desired total demands, d̲ and d̅, respectively, check if: (i) d(Ni) < d̲ ⇒ merge small sub-networks with the main G̃ main = {G̃ main ∪ Gi}. (ii) d̲ < d(Ni) < d̅ ⇒ create new sub-network Gm = Gi, where m = m + 1. (iii) d(Ni) > d̅ ⇒ further partition Gi into k subgraphs, using a graph partitioning algorithm (METIS28,29) with k = ⌊d(Ni)/d̅⌋. The graph partitioning algorithm is adopted from distributed computing for allocating tasks to multiple processors and divides the given graph with |N| nodes into k clusters, such that the number of interconnections between different clusters is minimized and the clusters are roughly the same size. This graph partitioning approach has been previously successfully applied to water distribution systems.30 Finally, as

especially for large-scale water systems. Alvisi and Franchini22 recently extended their work to consider a linear flow model coupled with ranked-based optimization to speed up simulations, although they do not model existing isolating valves. None of the prior papers consider the location of existing valves but instead assume that any pipe in the system can be uniquely isolated. This is impractical for real applications. Our work contributes to previous works by (i) allowing only existing valves to be closed, thus avoiding capital costs for installation of additional valves, (ii) approximating the network flow and link isolation as a linear programming (LP) problem, which can be efficiently solved for large-scale systems using standard solvers (e.g., MOSEK23 and Gurobi24), and (iii) performing a rigorous analysis of network performance and resiliency using a suite of direct and surrogate measures. The methodology is applied and demonstrated using two large-scale water networks with similar total daily demand but contrasting topological properties.

METHODS In our approach for automated network reconfiguration into sub-networks, the control variables are the existing valves that can be closed and the input parameters are the diameter and flow thresholds for identifying the mains, the lower and upper bounds for identifying the sub-networks, and the minimum desired operating pressure at network nodes. The outcome of our approach is a precisely defined sub-network structure achieved by closing a selected subset of valves, such that each sub-network has a minimum number of interconnections and desired demand range and its nodal pressures are above a desired minimum. Our approach consists of two main steps: (i) topology decomposition, the system being initially decomposed into the main and sub-networks, and (ii) optimization problem, the network flow and reconfiguration problem being approximated as a single-objective LP optimization problem. Topology decomposition and linear approximation are supported by hydraulic simulations of the reduced network model using EPANET20 hydraulic solver. The feasibility of the resulting solution is validated by solving the full nonlinear flow model using EPANET,20 and the performance of the original and reconfigured networks is evaluated and compared using direct and indirect measures. Figure 1 of the Supporting Information schematically shows the main steps of our approach. Network Topology Decomposition. The topology of water distribution systems is composed of mixed branched and looped configurations. Transmission mains convey large flows from the water sources to distribution mains of the interior system and typically comprise larger diameter pipes. The system of smaller diameter pipes further distributes water to end consumers.25 Network decomposition consists of two main phases: (i) identifying transmission mains and (ii) defining subnetworks, as described next. Transmission Mains. The primary step toward DMA configuration is to identify the connected subset of transmission mains (pipes, valves, and pumps) that connect the water sources (reservoirs, tanks, and wells) to the interior of the network. For real systems, classification of transmission mains based solely on pipe diameters12 may be inadequate because these pipes may not be fully connected and smaller pipes may carry large volumes of flow as well. We identify transmission mains as the connected subset of links with diameters, D, and 13379

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03331 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13378−13384


Environmental Science & Technology

for two pipes of the network. It can be observed that, when the flow in the pipe is within the operating range (between the two red circles), the linear model for a single pipe (dotted black) slightly overestimates the nonlinear head loss (solid blue). Outside the operating range, the linear model underestimates the head loss when flows are larger and overestimates if the flows are smaller or change direction. We later show the feasibility of our final solution by solving the full set of nonlinear equations. Substituting eq 4 into eq 2, the approximate model of head loss takes the following form for all pipes and valves, except the valves that are in the final edge cut.

previously, each subgraph is refined to have only valves in its edge cut. The outcome of this step is a star configuration of the water network based solely on topological properties, where G̃ main and Gm, with m = 1, ..., K, are main and sub-networks of the full water system and all interconnections between the subnetworks are valves, Ecut‑m = {(u, v) ∈ Ev|u ∈ N(Gm), v ∈ N \N(Gm)}. Let Ecut‑M ⊂ Ev be the union of all valves in the edge cut of each sub-network. Note, although in this application we focused on sub-network size in terms of demand, any function can be applied, such as the number of nodes or number of connections. Optimization Problem Formulation. Next, we approximate the network reconfiguration as a LP problem, where the decision variables are the boundary valves in the edge cut, the system is subject to hydraulic and operational constraints, and the objective function minimizes the number of open boundary valves. Network Flow. For each node i ∈ N in the network, the conservation of water is written as

qk −

k ∈ Ei ,in

qk = di

a1k qk + a0k + Hj − Hi = 0


where qk is the flow in link k, Ei,in and Ei,out are the links coming in and out of the node i, respectively, and di is the nodal demand. Then, for each link k ∈ E, the conservation of potential energy is written as hk + Hj − Hi = 0


a1k qk + a0k + Hj − Hi + uk = 0

hk = R kqk

∀ k ∈ Ep


∀ k ∈ Ecut‐M


−Myk ≤ uk ≤ Myk

(6a) (6b)

∀ k ∈ Ecut − M

yk ∈ {0, 1}, uk ∈ R


where uk is a continuous variable representing head difference between disconnected nodes, yk is a binary variable representing the state of the valve (1, closed; 0, open), M is a large number, and Ecut‑M is the set of boundary valves. Equations 6a−6c are reduced to two cases: (i) yk = 1 ⇒ qk = 0, uk ∈ R, the valve is closed, the flow rate is zero, qk = 0, and the head difference between the two adjacent nodes is a realvalued number; (ii) yk = 0 ⇒ qk ∈ R, uk = 0, the valve is open, the dummy variable uk is zero, and eq 6a preserves its original form as in eq 5. LP Formulation. Given a star topology with interconnecting valves, the problem is to find the largest subset of valves that can be closed such that pressures are maintained above a desired minimum value. In combination of eqs 1−6, the following LP problem is formulated:


where Rk is the roughness coefficient of the pipe, α = 1.852, and Ep is the set of pipes. The head loss for valves follows the same power function (eq 3), where Rk represents the resistance modification coefficient related to valve opening.5,32 The given network flow problem results in a set on nonlinear equations. Embedding these equations into an optimization problem will result in a nonlinear non-convex optimization problem. Several modeling and solution approaches have been suggested in past years, exhibiting a clear trade-off between modeling complexity and efficiency of the solution approach.22 The main approaches rely on either some approximation of the flow model, such as linear relaxations,33,34 which can then be efficiently solved using modern solvers, or solving the nonlinear models using heuristic or evolutionary algorithms18,35 but without solution guarantees. Additionally, the evolutionary algorithms tend to suffer from computational burden as the size of the optimization problem increases. To achieve a practical and efficient solution method, we suggest a linear approximation of the nonlinear head loss function around an operating point taking the form hk̃ = a1k qk + a0k

∀ k ∈ Ecut‐M

(1 − yk ) q̲ ≤ qk ≤ qk̅ (1 − yk )


where Hi and Hj are the hydraulic head at the start and end nodes i, j ∈ N, respectively, and hk is the head loss or gain of the hydraulic element. For network pipes, the head loss is a monotonically increasing power function of the flow rate that can be estimated using the Hazen−Williams model31 as α


For each boundary valve in the edge cut k ∈ Ecut‑M that can be closed, we modify eq 5 to model zero flow. If the flow in the valves is zero, qj = 0, then according to eq 5, the head difference between the two previously adjacent nodes (before isolation) is strictly equal to a0k, which is obviously false. To model zero flow in isolated valves, for each valve, we introduce two additional variables yk and uk and two additional constraints (eqs 6b and 6c) representing the state of the valve (open or closed) and the head difference between disconnected nodes in the case of a closed valve. The set of new constraints is formulated as


k ∈ Ei ,out

∀ k ∈ E \Ecut‐M

minimize q, H, y, u

subject to

Nv −


k ∈ Ecut‐M

eqs 1, 5, and 6 H̲ i ≤ Hi ≤ H̅ i




where Nv = |Ecut‑M| is the number of boundary valves and H̲ i and H̅ i are the lower and upper pressure constraints, respectively. Note that we relax the integer constraint and allow y to vary between 1 and 0; this is to capture the inaccuracies resulting from the linearization of the head loss function.


where a1k and a0k are a function of selected operating point qop k , hop and characteristics of the Rk pipe. Figure 2 of the k Supporting Information shows the linearized head loss model 13380

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Environmental Science & Technology Table 1. Data for Water Systems






demand (×106, gallons/day)


fulla cut size

reducedb cut size


1546 11024

872 3295

1891 12523

37 28.2

42 36

130 206

47 49

Full network before closing valves. bReduced network after closing valves.

In the final solution, the valves corresponding to y = 1 are closed, while the rest are left open, and the feasibility of the solution is validated by solving the full set of nonlinear flow equations, e.g., using EPANET.20 For the ease of presentation and as a result of space constraints, the formulation of the full optimization problem is demonstrated using an illustrative example adopted from ref 36 and is reported in Text 1 of the Supporting Information. Performance Evaluation. Several measures have been previously suggested for analyzing the performance of water networks. These can be classified into direct measures of hydraulic reliability, e.g., minimum pressure and water age, surrogate physical metrics computed as a function of the energy dissipated in a system,37 and complex network indexes that analyze the structural robustness of water distribution networks.38 Next, we briefly review the measures that we use for analyzing network performance. Direct Measures. (1) Worst cut size (WCS) is the largest edge cut of an individual sub-network, |Ecut‑m|, where m = 1, ..., K. This measure indicates the maximum number of meters and control valves that are needed to control an individual subnetwork and the extent of response actions in the event that the sub-network needs to be isolated. (2) Total cut size (TCS) is the size of the edge cut of the network |Ecut‑M|, i.e., the total number of boundary valves. This number indicates the overall investment required for network retrofit (flow meters and pressure control valves) and needs to be minimized. (3) Pressure: the performance of the system can be naturally evaluated on the basis of the pressure distribution before and after reconfiguration. (4) Water age (WA) is an indicator for water quality and is also used to evaluate network performance. Physical Surrogate Measures. (1) Resilience index,39 IR, is a measure of excess system power based on the power loss in a system and can be computed as ∑i ∈ N Hidi − ∑i ∈ N Hidi Ploss s d max = 1 − ∑i ∈ N Hidi Ploss

IR = 1 −


factor penalizing changes in diameters. Higher values of the network resilience index IN indicate a more efficient distribution of flows in terms of power dissipation and network design. Complex Network Measures. (1) Meshedness coefficient,41 Rm, is defined as the fraction of the actual number of loops to the maximum possible number of loops in a planar graph: Rm = (m − n + 1)/(2n − 5), where m is the number of links and n is the number of nodes in the graph. This is a surrogate metric of path redundancy in a network. (2) Spectral gap,42 Δλ, is the difference between first and second eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix, A, of the graph. A small spectral gap could indicate the presence of articulation points, whose removal may split the network into isolated parts. (3) Algebraic connectivity,43 λ2, is the second smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian matrix of the network. A larger value of algebraic connectivity denotes the network robustness and tolerance against efforts to decouple the network. Network reconfiguration schemes and suggested performance analysis are demonstrated in Text 2 and Figure 2 of the Supporting Information.


Pmax loss

where Ploss is the actual power loss in the network and is the maximum feasible power loss in the network. Higher values of the resilience index IR indicate a more efficient distribution of flows in terms of power dissipation. (2) Network resilience index,40 IN, is a modified resilience index taking into account changes in pipe diameters IN = 1 −

adj ∑i ∈ N Hidi − ∑i ∈ N UH i idi Ploss s d max = 1 − ∑i ∈ N Hidi Ploss s


where Ui =

∑k ∼ (i , j) Dk |k|max{D1 , ..., Dk }


The suggested approach was applied to two large-scale water networks: EXNet44 and BWSNII.45 We randomly added valves to both networks to test our approach, because the original networks do not contain any valves; additionally, for the EXNet, we reduced the nodal demand by half because this network was developed to study retrofit design to supply future demands. The complete EPANET20 files are available in the Supporting Information. The system data and design parameters used in this work are as follows: Network Model. The required inputs include network topology, properties of network nodes, and links (i.e., length, diameters, roughness of pipes, nodal elevations, and daily demands). This information can also be read directly from the EPANET20 .inp network files. A summary of the data in the networks is given in Table 1 (first five columns). The EXNet is a smaller network in terms of the number of pipes and nodes but supplies a slightly higher daily demand than BWSNII, which is almost 7 times larger in size. Design Parameters. For both networks, the demonstrated results are for the parameters: (i) threshold diameter Dc = 16 in. and threshold flow qc equal to the top 1% of network flows, (ii) minimum and maximum sub-network sizes d̲ = 105 gallons/ day and d̅ = 107 gallons/day, and (iii) minimum nodal pressure P̲i = 10 psi, where the pressure head, Hi, is equal to the pressure plus the elevation of node i. The selection of the diameter and flow thresholds affects the number of sub-networks and the number of boundary valves in the reduced model. Setting high thresholds will generally result in coarse network decomposition with a few large sub-networks. Low thresholds will generally result in finer network decomposition with many small sub-networks. The final selection of the thresholds depends upon the water utility operators and their available resources.


Padj loss

where is the modified actual power loss in the network adjusted to pipe diameters, D is the pipe diameter, |k| is the number of pipes connected at node i, and Ui ≤ 1 is a scale 13381

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03331 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13378−13384


Environmental Science & Technology Network Decomposition. Figure 1 shows the topology of the EXNet network and its sources. Figure 1a shows (bold

Optimization Problem. We formulate the optimization problem based on eq 7. EXNet has a single loading condition; hence, for each pipe, we use two-point linear approximation with [Q1, Q2] = [0.5q, 1.5q], where q is the flow in each pipe. An example for the two-point linearization is given in Figure 2 of the Supporting Information. The LP model results in 4569 decision variables and 4829 constraints. The Gurobi solver24 is used to solve the optimization problem with a solution time around 0.6 s (Intel Core i7, 2.9 GHz, 16 GB of RAM). The solution is the list of valves that can be isolated, i.e., with corresponding dummy variables equal to 1, yk = 1. We refer to the full model as the network before closing valves and to the reduced model as the network after closing valves. For EXNet, 83 valves were identified for potential isolation in the network reconfiguration, with only 47 valves remaining open (last column in Table 1). As mentioned before, to validate the solution of the LP problem, we solve the full set of nonlinear flow equations using EPANET.20 All results demonstrated below are computed on the basis of the hydraulic simulations using EPANET. The .inp file of the reconfigured network can be found in the Supporting Information. A full list of the number of connections (cut size) for each of the sub-networks before and after optimization is given in Table 2 of the Supporting Information, and the detailed list of boundary valves at the solution is given in Table 3 of the Supporting Information. For BWSNII, we take the minimum and maximum flows during the extended period simulation for the linear approximation of the head loss function and formulate the optimization problem for the peak demand condition. The LP model results in 16 521 decision variables and 16 538 constraints, with the solution time of approximately of 5.5 s. For BWSNII, 157 valves were closed, with only 49 remaining open (last column in Table 1). The solution was again validated using EPANET20 simulations, and the new .inp file can be found in the Supporting Information. The detailed lists are given in Tables 4 and 5 of the Supporting Information. Performance Evaluation. Next, we analyze the performance of the full and reduced models based on the different measures. Figure 3a shows the cut size, and Figure 3b shows

Figure 1. EXNet topology.

blue) the identified transmission mains in the first step of the algorithm. Next, on the basis of the graph decomposition steps described previously, the network was partitioned into 42 subnetworks with 130 boundary valves connecting the different sub-networks, as shown in Figure 1b and listed in Table 1 in columns six and seven. Table 2 of the Supporting Information gives a detailed list of the demand, mean pressure, water age, and size cut of each sub-network. All sub-networks are within the desired demand range and all, excluding 32, 34, 38, and 40, which are located farther from the mains (shown in dashed lines), have a direct connection to the transmission mains. The BWSNII was partitioned into 36 sub-networks with 206 boundary valves. The layout of the BWSNII network, its transmission mains, and sub-networks are shown in Figure 2. As previously, all sub-networks are within the desired demand range and all have a direct connection to the transmission mains. Table 4 of the Supporting Information shows the demand, mean pressure, water age, and size cut for each subnetwork.

Figure 3. Performance of EXNet sub-networks: full model (black squares) and reduced model (blue circles).

the average pressures of each of the sub-networks for the full (black squares) and reduced (blue circles) models of EXNet based on the full hydraulic simulation. It can be observed that the cut size is significantly reduced after the optimization, followed by a reduction in the average pressures in the system, although still above the minimum required. The average water age for each sub-network is reported in Table 2 of the Supporting Information; however, no apparent changes were observed between the full and reduced models for this network.

Figure 2. BWNSII mains and sub-network topology. 13382

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Environmental Science & Technology

Figure 5 of the Supporting Information demonstrates the pressure distribution in the network before (black−white) and after (blue) reconfiguration. As expected, the distribution of pressures is shifted to lower values after closing additional valves, because the energy losses in the system increase. Figure 4 demonstrates similar analysis for BWSNII, although the number of boundary valves is greatly reduced after



S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03331. Auxiliary data providing the full network data, related work, linear approximation, illustrative example for performance metrics, and results (PDF) EPANET .inp files of the reconfigured network (ZIP)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the MIT−Technion Fellowship for supporting this research and Singapore Public Utility Board (PUB) for their collaboration.

Figure 4. Performance of BWSNII sub-networks: full model (black squares) and reduced model (blue circles).

optimization (Figure 4a) and there is only slight reduction in the average pressures for each sub-network (Figure 4b) and no apparent change in the water age. Figure 6 of the Supporting Information demonstrates the shift in the pressure distribution to lower values, similar to the previous application. Finally, Table 2 lists the different performance metrics explained previously. For both EDNet and BWSNII, we can Table 2. Performance Evaluation Measures EXNet








16 130 0.72 0.66 0.0004 0.2612 0.1391

4 47 0.64 0.59 0.0002 0.2560 0.1172

23 206 0.98 0.92 −1.00 0.0062 0.0715

4 49 0.96 0.90 −1.00 0.0062 0.0652


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observe the great reduction in the number of boundary connections, in terms of the total and worst cut size. This indicates the number of flow meters and pressure control valves that should be installed in the inlet of each sub-network for water loss and pressure control on the network. A slight reduction is observed in both physical and complex network performance measures comparing the reduced and full models. For BWSNII, the reduction in all measures is less significant than for the EXNet network, particularly the topological indicators, indicating that, for large physical networks, these measures are less informative. In this paper, we introduce a practical and efficient approach for flexible water network reconfiguration, facilitating water loss control and pressure management. In our approach, the network reconfiguration problem combines graph theory algorithms and is formulated as a LP problem, which is efficiently solved for large-scale networks. We examine the resiliency and robustness of different reconfiguration schemes based on common resiliency measures. Our results demonstrate the benefits and disadvantages from network decentralization. The proposed approach provides a decision support tool for water utilities to facilitate infrastructure management. 13383

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03331 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13378−13384


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03331 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13378−13384