Floating Point Systems, Inc

FPS MAKES GREAT COMPUTERS BETTER hë FPS ÀP-120B Array Processor. _ great contribution to technology, the. )EC PDP-11*, but it can't give you the ·...
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F P S E x p a n d s the Scientific Universe of PDP-11 Applications *

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FPS MAKES GREAT COMPUTERS BETTER hë FPS ÀP-120B Array Processor _ great contribution to technology, the )EC PDP-11*, but it can't give you the · omputational power required for many cientific applications. That's why FPS .eveloped the AP-120B Array Processor. 'he AP-120B A r r a y P r o c e s s o r g i v e s economical minicomputer systems the extraordinary computational power of arge scientific computers. For example, m AP-120B h a s been used in a PDP-11/34 ;ystem to reconstruct a n d analyze Comdex digital images. Without the AP20B, the task would take more than two lours. With the AP-120B, it takes less h a n thirty s e c o n d s — t h a t ' s a 240X mprovement ! \ PDP-11/70 a n d AP-120B would offer

even greater data handling capabilities. The FPS architecture is no secret. Internally synchronous operation a n d seven parallel data paths provide unequalled cost/performance, reliability, and pro.grammability. Programmable I/O units also enable exceptional features, such as direct control of disc storage and real time data flow. Controlled by simple subroutine calls from a FORTRAN program in the PDP-11, or other host computer, FPS Array Processors can be programmed by selecting routines from the extensive FPS Math Library, by w r i t i n g n e w r o u t i n e s in the relatively simple AP Assembly Language, or through u s e of the AP FORTRAN Compiler.

Hundreds of FPS Array Processors are in use today by people who want to retain the hands-on control and af f ordability of a minicomputer system, but require the exceptional throughput of a large mainframe for their application. Find out how this "new power in computing (typically under S50K complete) can benefit your a p p l i c a t i o n . For more information and a n FPS Array Processor brochure, use the reader response number or coupon below. For immediate consultation, contact Floating Point Systems directly. 'DEC and PDP-11 are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.

' h e Age of Array P r o c e s s i n g Is H e r e . . . a n d FPS Is The Array P r o c e s s o r C o m p a n y . CALL TOLL FREE 800-547-9677 P.O. Box 23489. Portland, OR 97223 TLX: 360470 FLOATPOINT PTL In Europe & UK: F l o a t i n g Point S y s t e m s . SA Ltd. 7 Rue du Marche. 1204 G e n e v e , S w i t z e r l a n d 022-280453. TLX: 28870 FPSE CH

Floating Point Systems, Inc. 'PS Sales and Service Worldwide: Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, iouston, Hunstville, Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, Ottowa, Philadelphia, 'ortland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. International offices: Geneva. ondon, Munich, Paris, Tel Aviv {Eastronix, Ltd.), Tokyo (Hakuto Co. Ltd.)

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