Such application support as described above is found to be of basic economic necessity for the operation of a successful instrument company. Applicati...
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of the manufacturer in determining the variables of a process system from a sample handling position; instrument mounting position; in­ strument housing condition; and useful instrument information out­ put. All these factors have to be evaluated in terms of their eco­ nomic justification to support the use of process instrumentation in an industrial manufacturing stream. Application laboratory support in

neering and customer applications support is necessary to train and in­ form technical people who use their standard laboratory equipment. They feel that this support is neces­ sary to maintain existing customer relationships and to support their growing marketing position in the laboratory field. Applications support in the proc­ ess control field requires a great deal more involvement on the part

the latter category of process con­ trol has proved to be much more of a requirement than previous sup­ port required for standard labora­ tory equipment. The sample handling problems associated with the above de­ scribed materials have been found to be much more pronounced in "onstream" analysis than in static laboratory analysis because human participation is being relieved from the loop. Therefore, it requires a joint participation on the part of the user and the instrument manu­ facturer to work out mutually satis­ factory automatic sample handling methods that will meet the instru­ mental requirements of the sensing device. Such application support as described above is found to be of basic economic necessity for the operation of a successful instrument company.

Application Engineering at Applied Research Laboratories

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Applied Research Laboratories, Inc., manufactures both optical emission and x-ray fluorescence in­ strumentation primarily for indus­ trial research and production con­ trol. A recent development is the electron microprobe x-ray analyzer which is used for basic research on extremely small areas. Since only a small percentage of equipment made by Applied Re­ search Laboratories may be cate­ gorized as mass production items, the majority of ARL's products are the result of application engi­ neering. ARL's highly specialized instru­ ments are made to order for each customer's particular analytical ap­ plication. ARL's principal instruments and their applications appear below : In the optical emission field are: production control Quantometers for direct-reading elemental analysis of metals, nonmetals, oils, ores, slags, and all uses where spectrochemical methods are applicable ; the Quantovac which is designed especially for production con­ trol in the iron and steel industry; and the Quantograph, a versatile unit, either spectrographs or direct-reading, which is finding increased applications in space age technology. In the x-ray fluorescence area are: the vacuum x-ray Quantometer and